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H1EeHaHI92 3cr o PAGE NO.


What did Mobher Eas advice d2?)

TETo5: TJd: aa legend based on a

hymn om Rigveda which eveals the histes
fhe Hrsk asmes-king 9dand his inuHation tf
aicultural lAmk and taamnq pracie
No mptont-(Kina Tar was wmied when he
hat his 3ubjech are thin, weak, who lived ike
animals and ale low-2uality fond. Thenthe priest
old-he king that all khi ulealth was in the
ensths_bellhyand he should_shnive to acguin it)
Soobtain dhe aleah_f2em he eafh kjng
T set the bow But at that instante
he easth appeased befire him in he fom a taduy
and ghe Lermnded about his -fathea ho wa
Commupt kin nd pm01Sed him being ha king_alha
A kean iN tho uelfame nhis Kulbtecla- Mothe
then aduised kina gdea% cultivate the land andL
doaaming_activihes uih ha help of the subec
wsing aaicuulural Edols like spades, kickle
pleILds n dhuA Me Lpth hou)
ued him tuith her åaveur in his he alko-
Thu, Modihes kaath adised_ Jna 2
take up Aamng sodhat he
the pmhlemsun hk_kingdom. cak_oercme
www.jcevandeep. t

(What did Z do kerping Ahe advice of the

eash in he mind?)

3TE]OUb do2 i a legend bacd ona

hymn rom Rigveda which veveall the. histomy of
Eheist fasmes- king 9Ldo2_and hie ini iaton
ongicultural wak and Aaaming macbiLes
Kinadwho wa keen in he welfare
o his subecta, listened to the advite qiven ky
Mothen asth indizakin to do agMcutue in des
a t allhg esDu1zes an herbell4Acrdinglu
ing acted_with the Lo-opexatron o his
eubechand he did all dhe thin4s mecesan o
bonsk agaiculkure.The king_phsthucted the aivey's
ath andmade dhat Iuatty nyailable r imgation-
He did_wlates management bs_Aainwales hatvesbg
He stived th makk he land most fertile after
which he gntpeole th kouw dhe séeds e qaina
Hhat h callecked eeds a Vaious tre
claiied dhe &eeds ana eed(proceked) Hho
&eedi with etentA. dter khe mins dhe Spouta
LAereaeminabed and the Suhjectá became happu_
th aain of Orains
hus, olowing dhe adyice ofMho Mothe
Eth, king_1do2 wos oble. ö reaf_pod cms
and all h subjeck were happ

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