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Name: Muhammad Affan Azeem
Registration No: DPT02181074
Semester: 5 B
Topic → Modern Social Institutions importance
Submitted to Ma’am Saba
Social Institution
The organized way a society develops to meet its basic needs. Social institutions include the
group of people who have come together for a common purpose.
A society should develop following basic social institutions:
1. Family
2. Economic institutions
3. Political Institutions
4. Educational Institutions
5. Religious Institutions
6. Government and legal institutions
Institution for Child → Family
Family is the most important institute for a child.
 The primary function of the family is to ensure the continuation of society, both
biologically through procreation, and socially through socialization.
 Family provides protection for the next generation.
 Family plays a major role in educating a child. Family teaches him basic rules,
regulations, norms and values.
 Cultural transmission is the most important role played by the family.
 Child's learning and socialization are most influenced by their family since the family is
the child's primary social group.

Institution for teenagers → Educational institutions

 After home teenager’s basic knowledge or learnings depends our educational institutions.
 Educational institutions bring awareness to teenagers or people.
 Educational institutions pass culture from one generation to next generation.
 Teenagers get to know about everything which will come in their lives. They are able to
communicate with others properly. These institutions make them confident, strong and
socially active.

Institutions for people related to work places → Economical institutions

 Economical institutions help societies to meet their physical needs like houses, food etc.
 These institutions range from basic/local forums to larger organizations including
businesses, multinational corporations, banks which provide equal resources to different
 Like farms or agricultural resources move towards all over the country via these

Institutions for retired people → Religious Institutions

 Religious institutions are important for those who do not know what to do in their lives
after retirement.
 These places include mosques, churches and other worship temples, might improve life
satisfaction and feelings of completeness and joy.
 Religious institutions help them to understand the basic purpose of their lives and help
them to build their faith.
 They provide knowledge about spiritual side of the society.
 They help people to develop their relation with Allah Almighty more powerful and

Institutions for Disabled people → Health care and Religious Institutions

 To support people with disability and their families to meet basic needs and enhance their
quality of life, different health care centers are performing their duties like CBR.
 These include sanatoriums, hospitals, clinics, etc.
 These institutions have strategies for rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities, poverty
reduction, and social inclusion of people with disabilities.
 Moreover, some disabled old people connect with religious institutes and make
themselves more comfortable there.
Institutions for unemployed → Economic Institutions
 Economic institutions provide basic physical subsistence for society and meet needs for
food shelter and other necessities of life.
 Functions of economic institutions include social stratification, power, authority,
employment, division of labor and provision of funds.
 These institutions help the unemployed by providing them work and jobs to avail the
needs of their lives.

Social Institutes determine the person you will become. Modern social institutions are just like
Bricks and Mortar which help build up a society. For an institution to work effectively, it must
insist certain roles from its members.

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