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Overcoming Obstacles

to Agricultural Microfinance:
Looking at Broader Issues

Gilberto M. Llanto
Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Philippines


This paper presents a general picture of the difficulties in developing a sustainable lending service
geared toward smallholder agriculture. Drawing on the experiences of the Philippines and other
countries, it traces the rethinking of the agricultural credit policy following the collapse of subsidized
agricultural credit programs, and the subsequent rise of microfinance, as pioneered by nongovernmental
organizations. Acknowledging that the main challenge is not about the straightforward application of
microfinance technologies to agriculture, the paper discusses how crafting an approach to sustainable
agriculture microfinance is influenced by myriad of issues.
The paper concludes that overcoming the barriers to agricultural microfinance goes beyond the
simple provision of credit, extends outside agriculture, and shuns a “one size fits all” approach. To be
able to deal with the complexity and risks in agriculture, rural lenders would have to innovate on their
product design, lending technologies and risk management strategies; improve their information base;
and strive to have access to market-based risk management products. Moreover, policymakers have
to recognize and understand the peculiarities of the rural and agriculture sector, namely: information
asymmetry, geographic dispersion, heterogeneity of the population, covariant risks, insecure property
rights, and the absence of insurance markets and risk-reducing institutions.

INTRODUCTION populated urban areas in East Asia and Southeast

Asia. Similar early experimentations with providing
This paper provides an overview of some of micro-loans to Latin American micro-enterprises,
the main obstacles to agricultural microfinance as pioneered by international non-government
and draws attention to certain issues that have to organizations, have metamorphosed into formal
be considered in crafting a strategy to overcome lending by local non-government organizations
perceived obstacles. At the onset, it is good to (NGOs) and banks to thousands upon thousands
delimit the discussion into the financing problem of urban micro-entrepreneurs.
faced by smallholder agriculture, more particularly Among such banks, as listed by Christen
rural farming households. This is because there is and Pearce (2005), are: specialized banks such
relatively very limited formal lending to smallholder as Mibanco in Peru and K-REP Bank in Kenya,
agriculture while commercial agriculture is able to many of them with NGO origins and strong
tap commercial loans from both private commercial social mission; the mainstream banks for which
banks and government banks. microfinance is one of several lines of business,
The rise of microfinance in the last 20 years such as Banco Caja Social in Colombia and Banco
has unlocked the puzzle of how to profitably lend de Pichincha in Ecuador; and the state-owned
to the poor and the micro-enterprises in densely development banks for which microfinance is
24 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2

a public mandate, like Bank Rakyat Indonesia PAST FINANCING ATTEMPTS

and Banco do Nordeste Brazil. The Asian region THROUGH SUBSIDIZED
has some of the more successful micro-lenders AGRICULTURAL CREDIT
such as the Association for Social Advancement
(ASA) and the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh; the In a study of rural financial markets conducted
Thaneakea Phum in Cambodia; the PT Ukabima for the Asian Development Bank, Meyer and
in Indonesia; the Center for Agriculture and Rural Nagarajan (2003) pointed out the major contrast
Development (CARD) Bank, CARD NGO, Alalay between, on the one hand, the rapid transformation
sa Kaunlaran, Inc. (ASKI), Taytay sa Kauswagan of the rural economy, made possible by exceptional
(TSKI), and National Women for Tomorrow technological change and an economic revolution
Foundation (NWTF) in the Philippines; and many that raised agricultural productivity and, on the
others which have implemented successful urban- other, the stagnation in rural financial markets.
based microfinance. Government investments in irrigation, roads
The challenge, however, is how to harness and power have helped to create markets for the
microfinance lending technologies to finance expanding farm production.
smallholder agriculture. The rise in agricultural productivity has raised
Put another way, what lessons in microfinance farm and non-farm income and allowed the region
can be utilized to develop a sustainable lending to largely escape the problem of widespread
service catering to smallholder agriculture? 1 What hunger. Summarizing the findings of Rosegrant
policy, regulatory or institutional issues could inform and Hazell (1999) and other researchers, Meyer and
attempts to develop agricultural microfinance as a Nagarajan (2003) pointed out the significant rural
strategy for providing sustainable finance services transformation in Asia in the past three decades,
to smallholder agriculture? Is our understanding identifying technological change, improved rural
of the risks and the particular conditions inherent infrastructure, and policies that did not discriminate
in agriculture adequate to inform an intelligent against agriculture as the factors that paved the way
discourse on microfinance as (possibly) applied to for a productivity revolution, thereby significantly
agriculture? Can microfinance, therefore, address increasing agricultural output and efficiency.
the lack of accessibility of agriculture-based On the other hand, the economies that promoted
households to credit and other financial products? massive state intervention, had weak infrastructure,
The difficult task of answering these questions and pursued more inward- than outward-looking
will take the concerted effort of policymakers, policies, were least successful in achieving an
microfinance practitioners, and regulators. agricultural revolution to stimulate a broader
These issues have been tackled by various economic transformation.
works, among them, a seminal paper by Christen The rapid structural transformation has
and Pearce (2005) on managing risks and designing been marked by the decline in the relative size
products for agricultural microfinance, various of agriculture in Asian countries. The share of
papers presented at a 2003 conference on rural agriculture value added in total gross domestic
finance in Washington, D.C., a recent review of product in the Republic of Korea fell from 34
rural finance in the Philippines by Llanto (2005), percent in 1966 to about 6.5 percent in 1995
and the reports in the MicroBanking Bulletin. This (Rosegrant and Hazell 1999).
paper does not pretend to present solutions, much In the same period, agriculture’s share fell
less an in-depth analysis of those issues and lessons. dramatically from 51 to 17 percent in Indonesia,
It has the more modest objective of presenting an from 33 to 11 percent in Thailand, and from 28 to 13
overview of those issues, pointing out potential percent in Malaysia. In slower-growing countries,
pathways for crafting a strategy or an approach to the declines were from 45 to 28 percent in India, 37
sustainable agricultural microfinance, and hopefully to 26 percent in Pakistan, and 26 to 22 percent in
sparking a vigorous discussion that would propel the Philippines. There has also been a significant
the progress of agricultural microfinance. decline in agricultural labor relative to the total labor

From hereon, the terms “agriculture” and “smallholder agriculture” are used interchangeably.
Gilberto M. Llanto 25

force. The agricultural labor share in the Republic The motivation for such intervention was the desire
of Korea fell from 54 percent in 1966 to 14 percent of governments and donors for farmers to adopt
in 1995, and that in Malaysia from 58 to 23 percent Green Revolution technologies, among others.
in the same period. In 1995, the agricultural labor The common belief then was that unless small
share in Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, and farmers had access to funds at “more reasonable
Sri Lanka was relatively high at approximately 40 interest rates than available from informal sources”,
to 50 percent. It was 60 to 70 percent in Bangladesh, the opportunities for productivity brought about
People’s Republic of China, India, and Thailand, by Green Revolution technologies would remain
and over 70 percent in Myanmar and Nepal (Meyer untapped. These views provided the justification
and Nagarajan 2003). to develop targeted and subsidized agricultural
A significant phenomenon of the transformation credit programs along with other interventions
of the rural economy is the rise in non-farm affecting input and output markets. Thus, countries
activities. Rosegrant and Hazell (1999) observed created subsidized credit programs to induce
that rural non-farm activities in Asia accounted for the rapid adoption of the new technology (e.g.,
40 to 60 percent of total national employment and seeds, fertilizer and chemicals for production) and
20 to 50 percent of total rural employment. Survey generally to address the lack of access to formal
data indicate the large contribution of non-farm credit by small borrowers.
activities, e.g., food processing, and weaving, to The Bimas project in Indonesia and the
rural household income. Masagana 99 in the Philippines were examples of
Rural landless or near-landless households earn this strategy. Through these projects, the Indonesian
wage income from non-farm activities during off- and Philippine governments, respectively, provided
peak farm seasons. Rural structural transformation highly subsidized loans to farmers who agreed to
has led to the commercialization of agriculture as adopt the new technologies designed to increase
economies, which took advantage of the Green farm productivity. In Latin America throughout the
Revolution technologies and provided the enabling decade of the 1980s and until they liberalized their
environment for markets to function, including financial sectors in the 1990s, Guatemala, Peru and
adopting policies that did not discriminate against Bolivia implemented subsidized credit programs,
agriculture, realized marketable surplus directed to targeting specific sectors of their respective
both the rural and urban economy. A key insight economies in an attempt to provide these sectors
is that the commercialization of agriculture and access to credit. They used government banks like
the transformation of the economy as a whole agriculture development banks to provide credit
happened in market economies with varying at highly subsidized lending rates, often using
degrees of efficiency. Some economies, however, government resources as the source of loan funds
are experiencing difficulties in creating markets (Llanto 1999).
and supportive institutions, thus constraining A great number of subsidized agricultural credit
agriculture’s contribution to economic growth programs have collapsed in both Asia and Latin
(Meyer and Nagarajan 2003). America. In the case of the three Latin American
On the other hand, the same study of Meyer countries mentioned above, the government banks
and Nagarajan characterized Asian financial that were used to channel subsidized credit to target
markets as “struggling”. These authors said that clientele were unable to sustain financial losses
the “undeniable conclusion of this study” is that brought about by the non-repayment of loans and
the rural financial markets in Asia are “ill-prepared had to close down. The infusion of artificially cheap
for the twenty-first century”. The authors blamed credit weakened banking systems, imposed huge
heavy government intervention in the rural financial fiscal burdens on governments, and eroded the
markets through subsidized credit programs and financial discipline of rural borrowers. Soon, the
the use of specialized government development sheer weight of unpaid loans and the fiscal costs of
finance institutions to finance the policy goals of subsidized loans made governments rethink their
governments, e.g., the support to Green Revolution, rural credit policies and strategies. Subsidized
as factors that weakened rural financial systems. credit programs went bust when funds stopped
26 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2

flowing as governments felt the enormous strain US$1.6 billion between 1986 and 1990 to no lending
of financing those unsustainable credit programs. at all in the period 1991-1995. Notably, multilateral
Thus, a serious rethinking of agricultural credit funding shifted from agricultural credit projects
policy followed in many countries. that addressed narrow agricultural development
In the wake of governments’ costly adventure objectives to projects involving microfinance,
in the wonderland of directed (targeted) and more integrated community development, and
subsidized credit programs is a landscape littered infrastructure or rural development, thereby
with the remnants of a weakened rural financial reflecting the grave concern of governments and
system and small rural borrowers who continue donors alike about the persistence of the problem of
to depend on informal credit for the liquidity to global poverty. Thus, when donors and governments
finance consumption and investment requirements. started to consider a more comprehensive strategy
Governments expecting to wean small borrowers of nudging forward rural development, agricultural
away from moneylenders found that their basic credit projects had to give way to community-wide
instrument, that is, credit subsidy, was not only development projects that were seen as providing a
a costly intervention but also an ineffectual tool. more suitable platform for poverty reduction. The
Meyer and Nagarajan observed that the existence achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
of subsidized credit institutions discouraged the became a key component of the poverty reduction
emergence of market-based institutions in rural strategy, and donor funding followed suit.
areas and contributed to the disparity between It seems that the stagnation of rural financial
households and firms that gained access to formal markets may partly be because of distortions brought
finance and those that were denied access. about by government intervention in the credit
At the height of Masagana 99 in the Philippines, markets. It is equally noted that notwithstanding
there were more than 1,000 rural banks, many of the heavy government intervention in rural
which participated in the subsidized credit programs financial markets, many rural borrowers continue
but this peak number eventually tapered to only to rely on informal lenders such as traders, input
about 600. A large number had to be closed down suppliers, professional moneylenders and even self-
or rehabilitated while those that survived had to be finance. Understandably, traditional banks have
rehabilitated or strengthened through an infusion shied away from agriculture because the risks in
of new money, a restructuring of their debt with agriculture—arising from climatic conditions, pest
the government, and painstaking capacity-building infestation, plant diseases, calamities like flooding
efforts. and drought brought on by both natural and man-
Multilateral donors, which used to be the made causes—have not been properly understood
biggest source of agricultural finance, have and managed. Thus, informal lenders with a better
reduced their support for agricultural credit understanding and information about the rural and
financing. Christen and Pearce (2005) reported agricultural environment continued to hold sway
that agricultural loans accounted for 31% of over small borrowers. Market and price risks that
World Bank lending in 1979-81, but by 2000- are exacerbated by information asymmetry and
01 those loans had fallen to less than 10%. This poor information infrastructure have also deterred
drop was partly due to a disappointment with the formal lending. Subsidized agricultural credit
unsatisfactory performance of large agricultural programs were thought to be the solution but their
finance projects and partly to the fact that World loan repayment performance turned out to be
Bank rural finance had been increasingly extended dismal. Moreover, they were costly to maintain and
to other areas through microfinance projects or as proved to be unsustainable, forcing governments,
part of community development, infrastructure, which also had to address the requirements of other
or rural development projects. Lending by other sectors of the economy, to rethink their rural credit
multilateral development banks and bilateral aid policy and programs. While government economic
agencies mirrored this trend. policies may be biased against agriculture and may
At the Inter-American Development Bank, cause significant harm to agricultural producers,
total lending to agricultural credit projects under international market conditions are also a source
the category “global agricultural credit” fell from of risks for those producers. Christen and Pearce
Gilberto M. Llanto 27

(2005) cited the recent entry of Vietnam into the loan. They would rather get individual loans and be
coffee industry as an example of the impact of wholly responsible for repaying those loans (Table
changing international market conditions on a 1).
country’s credit markets. The success of its coffee The traditional formal banking system and
producers came at the expense of higher cost coffee costly directed and subsidized credit programs have
producers and banks in Latin America. Commercial both failed to provide small-scale borrowers with
banks that specialized in lending to small coffee access to loans and other finance services. This has
producers throughout Central America carried the motivated credit-granting NGOs to take the lead in
burden of millions of dollars of bad debt in their developing and evolving various micro-financing
portfolios. Whoever said that agricultural finance techniques that could effectively reach the poor on
was easy? a sustained basis. Microfinance institutions (MFIs)
such as credit-granting NGOs provide micro or
THE RISE OF MICROFINANCE small loans without collateral at market rates of
interest to small-scale clientele, mostly non-farm
While governments were devising new enterprises and micro-enterprises. Typically, the
strategies to provide financing to smallholder MFIs’ familiarity with the borrowers and the local
agriculture and address the perennial problem of lack economy enables it to extend loans based on the
of accessibility of formal credit, non- governmental borrowers’ cash flow and to tailor-fit the loan
organizations (NGOs) were busy providing micro- repayment in accordance with that cash flow. They
loans to poor women and micro-enterprises that require the simplest procedures for documentation,
have been ignored by the banking system. NGOs lending, loan collection, and monitoring. They
in Bangladesh and Latin America provided micro- liberally use a variety of instruments to create
loans to small borrowers and recovered the loans, incentives to repay the loan, such as peer pressure,
with profits to show. In Latin America, NGOs and joint liability groups to ensure borrower discipline,
banks using their own micro-lending techniques rewards to motivate the good behavior of clients
led the way in providing micro-loans to thousands and loan officers, and threat of cancellation of
upon thousands of small borrowers. Some of future loans for defaulting borrowers, among others
these were MIBANCO in Peru, Banco Solidario in (Llanto 1999).
Bolivia and GENESIS Empresarial in Guatemala. The good news is that the dynamic microfinance
In Asia, the Grameen bank approach of providing markets are coming up with a wide range of
micro-loans to groups of poor women without financial products and services that are demand-
collateral and heavy documentation soon became responsive (Table 2).
a mainstream micro-lending technique used by In recent years, MFIs have changed their focus
hundreds of NGOs and even small banks to reach from providing a simple credit product to offering a
small borrowers, typically, micro-entrepreneurs full array of financial services, and from targeting
and poor rural households. The successful Grameen micro-enterprises to reaching the broader market
bank experience is well-documented and it will of low-income households with varying business
not be necessary to expound on it in this paper. and family needs. The increased remittance from
The Association for Social Advancement (ASA) overseas workers has triggered the demand for
improved the Grameen micro-lending technique efficient money transfer mechanisms. Thus, the
and showed that with a much simpler and cost- range of MFI products and services may include
effective approach, credit services could be savings, credit, insurance, and payment products
provided to much more small borrowers than could such as money transfers (Rhyne and Otero 2006).
be reached by using the older Grameen approach. CARD Mutual Benefit Association (MBA) became
The ASA micro-lending technique is simpler a provider of micro-insurance products, e.g., life and
to administer and exploits the small borrowers’ accident insurance for poor households, in response
preference for individual loans over group loans. to the demand for those products by those ignored
ASA realized that group members eventually by mainstream commercial insurance providers.
renege on their individual loans because of the Life cycle products in the taxonomy provided
cross-guarantee requirement of a typical group by Rhyne and Otero are in demand: education
28 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2

Table 1. Grameen Bank Approach vs. Association for Social Advancement Method.

Grameen Bank ASA Method

Origin In 1976 Bangladeshi Professor ASA Bangladesh was organized in 1978 as an

Muhammad Yunus launched the NGO. It decided to specialize in credit delivery
“Grameen Bank Project,” which was for the poor in 1991.
authorized as a bank in 1983.
Special features Unlike the conventional banks, the Operation costs are minimal because of
Grameen provides collateral-free loans standardized accounting and bookkeeping
to poor women, delivers service to the procedures, and a simple branch structure,
people, pays attention to the welfare of with a manager and four loan officers. The
the borrowers’ families, and enforces no model is simple and easily replicable.
legal instrument to recover the loan.
First introduced GBA replication started in 1990 through ASA methodology was first introduced to the
in the Philippines the “Grameen Bank Replication Program” Philippines in 1999 through the UNDP-funded
(1990-1997) of the Agricultural Credit “Microfinance Support Project” (1999-2002).
Policy Council.
Target clientele Women from low-income households The poor, landless laborers and marginal
or the “poorest of the poor” farmers, especially poor rural women.
Types of service Financing several income-generating Simple loan and savings products. (“Single
activities, including education, housing, product service”)
seasonal and sanitation activities.
Place of services Direct delivery to the community. Direct delivery to the community.
Lending style 1. Organize groups of 5 persons and Micro-loans
federate 5-8 such groups into a center. 1. Organize groups of 10-30
(The sizes of groups and centers like-minded women.
are variable.) 2. Members give contribution called capital
2. Stagger loan releases to group buildup (CBU) for 4 consecutive weeks prior
members in a 2-2-1 or 3-2 manner. to release of first loan.
3. Give credit in small or variable sizes. 3. Within 5-6 months all group members receive
4. Loans are for 6-12 months. loans, with a possible increase depending on
5. Give progressively bigger amounts the needs and demonstrated competence.
for repeat loans. 4. The loan amount may increase per year
6. Require weekly meetings of group depending on the client’s need and
centers attended by the MFI’s competence.
field staff: Center leaders and members Small business loans
perform loan appraisal and the staff Available for men and women with a
verify information and make periodic demonstrated competence in business.
visits to client businesses.
Training Training for group members to ensure For the first 1-2 months: training in group
credit discipline. management, leadership and other themes.
Repayment Group guarantee (Use group solidarity No group liability. Past due loans are considered
responsibility and peer pressure to ensure repayment). an individual’s obligations. Group members
For matured centers with high portfolio are required to come to a designated collection
quality, meetings are held monthly center weekly at a specific time to make their
instead of weekly. repayments and deposit their savings.
Repayment In weekly installments for a term of 1 year In weekly installments. Delinquency controlled
method or less. by sit-down or doorstep technique by loan
officers. (“Zero-tolerance”)
Compulsory Compulsory weekly savings or a Mandatory weekly Capital Buildup (CBU) for all
Savings percentage of the loan that is types of loan products; and voluntary savings.
deducted at the time of disbursement/ Allow members to withdraw savings, provided
repayment to set up center and/or 10% of the loan disbursed remains in the
individual fund for emergency. account.
Other features Relaxed savings withdrawal policy Introduced life insurance in 1993 for borrowers
in late 1990s to let the members of of up to 55 years of age. Opened up savings
10 years or more transfer savings facilities for non-loanees in the late 1990s.
from group fund to a separate
individual account.
Gilberto M. Llanto 29

Table 2. MFI product range.

Financial product/services Examples of MFIs offering product/service

Home improvement Micasa loan product of Mibanco in Peru is

highly successful and growing.
New home purchase BancoSol (Bolivia) and Banco Solidario (Ecuador) offer
mortgages to the upper tier of their clientele.
Education Uganda Microfinance Ltd. provides school
fee loans; Equity Bank in Kenya extends loans to
Consumer Banco Azteca, Mexico provides loans to consumers
buying appliances from Elektra stores.
Working capital All MFIs provide this.
Credit life, whole life insurance CARD Mutual Benefit Association (Philippines) and
MUSSCO (Malawi) have pioneered in micro-insurance.
Health insurance SEWA Bank (India) and AssEF (Benin) are strong
providers of health insurance.

Source: MicroBanking Bulletin (2006).

savings accounts, loans for home improvement, requirements of agriculture-based households,

and pensions. To be counted also are products and which are chiefly engaged in the typical seasonal
services such as leasing, crop insurance, and money farm-based activities, with risks far different
management products such as bills payment and from those faced by urban households. Some
remittances. credit cooperatives/unions in Latin America and
The bad news is that despite the growing village banks, e.g., in Cambodia, have maintained
commercialization of microfinance and the successful agricultural lending programs. However,
emergence of new finance products, with banks and they are limited in scale.
various types of financial intermediaries joining the A potential point of entry for microfinance is
bandwagon, the asset side of the balance sheet of the reality that many Asian rural households are
those microfinance institutions (MFIs) is composed engaged in both farm and non-farm activities. But
mostly of micro-credits, that is, short-term loans as noted by Gonzalez-Vega (2003), agricultural
for micro-enterprises, designed for urban-based microfinance will require an understanding of the
borrowers with predictable cash flows, e.g., petty information, incentives and contract enforcement
traders, vendors, food processors and others. Ryhne in a different type of setting. It will have to contend
and Otero (2006) note the difficulty of delivering with not only a wide geographical dispersion of a
the ideal product array described above, which heterogeneous population, but also the attendant
would require MFIs to change, for instance, the covariant risks and many other concerns, which
financial strategy and business model that have should motivate efforts to innovate in response to
been used to provide simple micro-loans. Thus, those challenges (Buchenau 2003).
micro-loans have remained as the staple product
of many microfinance institutions. SOME KEY ISSUES
Microfinance was initiated in densely populated IN AGRICULTURAL MICROFINANCE
urban settings in response to the demand for micro-
loans with short maturities, which were needed The issue at hand is not about the
for the liquidity requirements or relatively rapid straightforward application of microfinance
turnover of micro-businesses such as food vending; technologies to agriculture in order to provide
borrowers here have usually diversified income small farmers and other agriculture-based economic
sources. The question that arises is whether it is agents with access to sustainable finance services.
possible to apply the effective lending techniques The case at hand is much more complex and
of urban-bred microfinance to the financing challenging than can be imagined. Christen and
30 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2

Pearce (2005) have documented the problems of the Philippines; (b) the setting of a ceiling on the
faced by lending institutions in the agriculture ownership of agricultural lands at five hectares;
sector. In Uganda a bumper maize harvest in late (c) the designation of government as the sole
2001 and early 2002 caused maize prices (and buyer of awarded lands; and (d) the prohibition
farmer incomes) to fall, significantly affecting against share-tenancy arrangements, have eroded
loan repayment in four branches of the Centenary the collateral value of land. This has hampered
Rural Development Bank. In Mali, Kafo Jiginew, the small farmer’s access to credit in the formal
a federation of credit unions suffered a deteriorated financial markets.
portfolio at risk (over 90 days) from 3% of the total The World Bank’s Land Administration and
in 1998 to 12% in 1999 due to a slump in cotton Management Project (LAMP) in Thailand and
prices. Cotton loans had a very a large share of the the Philippines underscores the severity of land
credit union’s loan portfolio. titling and administration problems in the two
It is, thus, necessary to have a keen understanding countries, particularly in the rural areas of the latter
of (a) agricultural conditions, (b) the configuration country. Llanto and Magno (2002) note that the
of risks in the rural areas, the availability of risk- inefficient land administration system has resulted
mitigation instruments and how to use those in high transaction costs in securing, registering
instruments, and (c) the incentives that will affect and transferring property rights. There is no
the design of the finance (loan) product, including efficient mechanism to resolve land disputes, and
mechanisms for recovery—in the case of a loan the land administration system does not generate
product, the loan recovery methods. These issues the reliable information needed by the courts to
can be largely understood in terms of three hear land cases. Also, the high cost of registering
significant characteristics of rural credit markets land discourages registration and consequently
identified by Besley (1994), which shape the nature investments on land. Poor land administration can
of appropriate credit policy and program responses, erode public confidence and trust in the titling and
namely: 1) the scarcity of collateral, 2) the absence land registration system, and this puts especially
of complementary institutions to reduce risks, and the poor at a great disadvantage.
3) covariant risks and market segmentation.2 Secure property rights, which are a fundamental
requirement for a collateral-oriented banking
Scarcity of Collateral system, may be poorly developed or even absent.
Of course, MFIs have long ago shown that micro-
Traditional collateral may be scarce because enterprise loans, including loans to poor individuals
borrowers may be too poor to have significant assets (mostly women), do not necessarily require the
that can be pledged as collateral. The scarcity of traditional land collateral as security. MFIs have
collateral may also be attributed to the relatively lent to asset-less individuals and have successfully
small sizes of farm lands and the lack of secure recovered the loans. However, one may argue that
titles to those small pieces of land. In the case of the the context of urban micro-lending is quite different
Philippines, the fragmentation of farm lands and the from that of rural and agri-based lending, where
demise of land markets because of agrarian reform borrowers may demand bigger and longer-term
have imposed an additional constraint (Estanislao loans. The size of the loan may be larger and the
and Llanto 1995; David et al. 2003; and Llanto loan maturities are typically longer than the usual
and Ballesteros 2002). Certain provisions of the micro-loans that have to be repaid within a 90-day
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law such as: period in view of the rural borrower’s different
(a) the prohibition against mortgaging/selling of consumption and investment requirements. Both
the land within 10 years of its award and upon full rural borrowers and lenders face the challenge
payment by farmer- beneficiaries to the Land Bank of discovering alternative mechanisms such as

See Besley (1994). To these three characteristics may be added the following: information asymmetry, uncertainty and
seasonality of agricultural activities, greater heterogeneity and dispersion of clientele, greater exposure to systemic risks,
the small size of transactions, and the absence of standardized and documented information, which have effectively deterred
commercial-bank lending.
Gilberto M. Llanto 31

contractual arrangements, contract farming and as livestock, as risk-coping strategies, and not
others, viewing rural households as integrated risk management strategies.
business and family units with multiple sources of Successful agricultural microfinance as
income, and adjusting loan repayment schedules indicated by the experience of Banco del Estado
to the households’ cash flow and to the agriculture de Chile is about pooling and managing risk.
cycle. But how well can rural lenders cope with the
Thus, rural lenders have to adopt a “business correlated risks in agriculture? Traditional
unusual” approach and innovate because the agriculture loans portfolios, especially those
constraint imposed on rural credit markets by the of government banks or development finance
“scarcity of collateral” seems to be a myth. Christen institutions, show a concentration of production
and Pearce (2003) gave the example of Banco del loans to certain crops, e.g., rice, maize, cocoa,
Estado de Chile, which spent two years improving and livestock. The concentration of production
its micro-enterprise lending techniques before loans creates concentrated risks for the rural
expanding into farming activities. It also improved lending institution. There seems to be no major
agricultural finance techniques, for example, by problem if the risks involved are individual
integrating crop-based analysis into its wider client and are not correlated. However, the reality
analysis and by having flexible loan repayment is that risks in agriculture are correlated.
schedules based on seasonal income cycles. The When agricultural commodity prices decline,
Economic Credit Institution, a microfinance everyone faces a lower price for their crops.
institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina, uses Natural disasters such as widespread flooding
spreadsheets for key agricultural products compiled that destroy crops, livestock, shelter and rural
by an agronomist as an aid to cash-flow analysis. infrastructure, severely impact rural households
in many contiguous areas.3 Price and yield
Risks, Risks and More Risks risks are spatially correlated and this poses a
major challenge to agricultural microfinance.
Skees (2003), Ibarra (2003), Bryla (2003), On their own, small rural lenders, e.g., rural
and Christen and Pearce (2005) provide a neat banks, cooperatives or credit-granting NGOs,
summary explanation of the risk issues faced by are simply not capable of pooling and managing
rural borrowers such as small farmers and their correlated risks. Worse, they may have no
rational behavior toward risks. Bryla cites a 1999 experience whatsoever in dealing with these
World Bank study showing how price volatility different types of risks. Because of this, many
significantly impacts on the incomes of farmers rural lenders, which may have experienced the
and the macroeconomic health of their countries. adverse effects of correlated risks in agriculture
From 1983 to 1998, the prices of many commodities on their loan portfolios or which may be aware
fluctuated from below 50 percent to above 150 of the negative experience of other lenders in
percent of their average prices. Facing a spectrum this regard, would tend to avoid agricultural
of risks, the most frequently cited of which are
price, weather and health risks, farmers respond
by adopting low-risk and low-yield crop and Referring to the problems faced by agricultural microfinance

production patterns to ensure a minimum income in Bangladesh, Md. Shafiqual Haque Choudhury, President
of the Association for Social Advancement (Bangladesh),
at the expense of rural growth and accumulation of has identified flooding as a critical problem because of
capital. Alternatively, in the absence of insurance the extensive damage wrought on the crops. He cited the
markets, farmers try to cope with price and other vulnerability of farmers to this disaster, especially when
it hits just before harvest season, laying their already
risks by: (a) asset accumulation, savings, and mature crops to waste and plunging them into a severe
access to credit; (b) income diversification; and crisis. Mr. Choudhury further observed that: “Sometimes
(c) informal insurance arrangements. Ibarra (2003) it is found that the floodwater remains stagnant for a long
period. Although it makes the land fertile with alluvial soil, it
views the increased labor market participation causes loss to the peasants by delaying cultivation”.(These
by small farmers, the reduction of consumption, remarks were made during the International Workshop on
the resort to interest-free loans or donations from “Overcoming Obstacles to Agricultural Microfinance”, held
at Heritage Hotel, Pasay City, March 1-2, 2007).
relatives and friends, and the sale of assets such
32 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2

lending or drastically limit their loan exposure Observing local rural economies, Vogel and
to smallholder agriculture. Llanto (2005) pointed out that there seems to be
Anecdotal evidence from the author’s a parallel diversification of risks among rural
interviews with rural bankers in Mindanao, households—mirroring a risk management strategy
Philippines shows that the wary rural lenders as opposed to an ex post coping strategy such as
have nonetheless practiced rational decision- liquidation of households assets in response to, say,
making through loan diversification to minimize a catastrophe like flooding that wipes out standing
credit risks. This is evident, for instance, in their crops. Rural households have tried to diversify their
moves to cap their agricultural lending, shift their risks through family members engaging in non-farm
target clientele to teachers and other government activities. Rural income still largely comes from
employees who they provided with salary loans, and farm production, although income from non-farm
focus on urban micro-lending. In Latin America, activities is becoming significant in Asian countries,
diversification is one of the primary risk-mitigation as pointed out earlier. Philippine data show that in
strategies of rural lenders. The MFIs tend to limit 1987, on-farm income contributed 56 percent to
agricultural lending to less than one third of their total rural income, while off-farm income’s share
portfolios, e.g., about 25% of the portfolio for was 7 percent. This means that 63 percent of the
Confianza (a rural finance institution in Peru), rural income came from both on-farm production
but only 6% for Bolivia’s Caja Los Andes, with a and off- farm activities, e.g., livelihood projects.
similar level for Uganda’s Centenary Bank. Some By 1990, farm incomes (on-farm and off-farm
Latin American MFIs, e.g., PRODEM of Bolivia incomes) had declined to 57 percent while income
and Calpia of El Salvador do not lend to rural from non-farm and other sources has increased to 43
households without non-farm income or those percent (Agricultural Credit Policy Council, 1992).
dependent only on one or two crops, as a strategy to Incomes from non-farm activities and other sources
contain risks in agricultural microfinance (Christen such as remittances have become a significant
and Pearce 2005). Box 1 is an illustration of the source of rural incomes.
experience of a Latin American financial institution Remittances from overseas Filipino workers
with concentration and diversification in the loan (OFWs) and relatives based abroad have also
portfolio. become an increasingly important source of income

Box 1. Peru, Caja Rural San Martin: Diversifying its loan portfolio

Between 1994 and 2000, more than half of Caja Rural San Martin’s portfolio was mostly agriculture loans
to small- and medium-size rice farmers. But in 1998-99, Peru’s rice crop was severely damaged by the
El Niño phenomenon. Heavy losses in crop yields caused a steep rise in prices that attracted many new
producers, resulting in overproduction and sending rice prices to an all-time low. Then in 2000-01, a
plague destroyed the rice crop for many of the bank’s clients. At the same time, Alberto Fujimori’s regime
introduced populist policies promoting debt forgiveness and restricting banks from imposing further loan
recovery measures on delinquent farmers. All these events caused a severe decline in the quality of Caja
Rural San Martin’s loan portfolio.

The events of 1998-2001 forced the bank to become more risk-averse and diversify its loan portfolio.
After nearly halving new agricultural loans in 2001, the bank later discontinued lending for rice production
altogether. Since 2002 it has provided loans only to farmers who have well-established farm enterprises,
own irrigated land and can provide land and chattel guarantees. The bank now has a diversified loan
portfolio, with micro-enterprise, housing and consumer loans, in addition to agriculture loans.

Portfolio quality has improved as a result, and Caja Rural San Martin is now less vulnerable to production
and price risks. By November 2002, its outstanding loan portfolio was US$ 16.3 million, with more than
13,000 borrowers and a portfolio at risk at 8% (with payments more than 30 days overdue).

Source: Rubio (2002a) as cited in Christen and Pearce (2003)

Gilberto M. Llanto 33

for many rural households. They contributed 32 economies. In fact, the typically undiversified
percent of the total income generated within the nature of rural areas presents a major challenge
period 1991-2000 and helped keep the economy to most rural residents – even shopkeepers in a
afloat. With the decline in incomes from agriculture rural town will be adversely affected if the major
and agriculture-related activities, remittances product (e.g., rice) suffers a decline in price or loss
have become an alternative and significant source of output due to adverse weather or insect pests.
of income for rural families. Although a large Thus, a rural lender does not escape this lack of
number of OFWs are from urbanized areas, diversification by lending to shopkeepers rather
such as the National Capital Region (NCR) and than to farmers. In finance, risks are dealt with
Southern Tagalog, many of them also come from by portfolio diversification, but for a local lender
mainly agricultural regions with high poverty the opportunities for loan portfolio diversification
levels. Some families depend entirely on these are sharply limited, so the lender is likely to be
remittances as their main source of income while left with the alternative of holding relatively large
others have used a portion of these funds to pursue amounts of liquid assets and thereby curtailing
informal lending activities that provide external local lending. Realizing the absence of effective
financing to farmers and entrepreneurs. Thus, these demand, one type of lender would decide to park
remittances either directly or indirectly provide the excess liquidity in commercial papers, bills and
the rural areas with the necessary liquidity that securities, e.g., government bonds and securities.
formal institutions cannot supply. The significant On the other hand, there is the lender who has
increase of overseas remittances has contributed lending opportunities but is pressed with temporary
to the growth of business and economic activities lack of liquidity and has to abandon the likelihood
in the rural areas. of lending.
In sum, it is important for formal rural lenders In the Philippines, there is no institution
to be equipped with accurate information on the dedicated to providing a much-needed liquidity
agricultural crop cycle; the pattern of risks; how service, i.e., providing short-term loans to rural
rural households earn, spend, save and borrow lenders that are temporarily short of liquidity
money; what risk management and risk-coping but fully solvent in the longer run if the liquidity
strategies and instruments are used by those problem can be overcome. Rural banks can
households; the variety of farm and non-farm potentially access liquidity from the Bangko Sentral
activities; and attempts to diversify local economies, ng Pilipinas (BSP), but conditions surrounding
among others. In short, rural lenders must have a access are appropriately rather draconian, based on
thorough understanding of their potential clients the usually correct assumption that lack of liquidity
and the milieu or context of their daily lives and indicates potential insolvency. Government
economic and business activities. financial institutions such as the Land Bank of
the Philippines or the Development Bank of the
The challenge of Liquidity Management4 Philippines or a federation of credit cooperatives
could perhaps fulfill the function of providing
The main unrecognized challenge in rural liquidity to local lenders with temporary liquidity
finance is the problem of overcoming the systemic problems, but in general, government entities
risks arising from the undiversified nature of local and cooperative federations do not exhibit the
economies. Notwithstanding the diversification appropriate degree of toughness in separating
efforts of small-scale farmers and most other temporary liquidity shortages from pending
rural residents, especially low-income ones, rural insolvency.5 An obvious solution to this problem of
areas themselves remain largely undiversified systemic risks in local areas could be to rely more

This section draws from Vogel and Llanto (2005).
Officials at the government-owned Quedan Rural Credit and Guarantee Corporation (Quedancor) stated that their institution
had developed a service of buying problem loans from rural banks, which could potentially be targeted toward providing this
needed liquidity service. However, this is not the kind of liquidity service contemplated by this paper. The issue of temporary
liquidity of the kind discussed in the paper is different from the illiquidity problem of insolvent rural banks. Some rural banks
may be illiquid simply because they can not recover their loans; in this case, the “service” being developed by Quedancor
may create the wrong incentives.
34 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2

heavily on nationwide financial institutions (e.g., farmers with rice and corn insurance amounting to
large banks) to provide most rural loans. However, over 3 billion pesos and covering more than half a
recent experience in the Philippines shows that even million hectares of land. Crop insurance coverage
slightly adverse financial conditions could trigger has since declined. Crop insurance coverage
a reduction in rural lending by commercial and for the period 1995-2004 exhibited a declining
universal banks. Clearly, these banks view rural trend although it showed improvement toward the
lending as a relatively risky undertaking – not unlike later years. Insurance coverage decreased by 18
most banks worldwide that have failed to develop percent during the period 1997-1998. It improved
effective mechanisms to delegate lending decisions only slightly in 1999 by 1.6 percent, but this was
adequately to small branches while maintaining negated by a decrease of 1.3 percent in 2000. The
appropriate systems of internal audit and financial largest decrease happened in 2001 when insurance
controls.6 coverage dropped by 31.5 percent from P1,274
million in 2000 to P874 million. The government’s
Absence of Risk-reducing Institution crop insurance scheme was simply no match to
covariant risks. There is insufficient diversity in
As pointed out earlier, risks are correlated the “risk pool” to deal with covariant risks. Brazil,
in agriculture, and this can potentially ruin a India and Morocco also have crop insurance
rural lender who does not have an effective risk schemes but the overall verdict, it seems, is that
management strategy and who may not have crop insurance schemes failed because of moral
access to risk-reducing instruments or institutions. hazard and adverse selection problems and high
Insurance markets are important institutions for transaction costs.
overcoming systemic risks but complementary Systemic risks brought about by insufficient
institutions, such as insurance markets and credit diversification in local rural economies, changing
information bureaus, that may help to reduce weather patterns, seasonality of supply, and
those risks may be lacking or underdeveloped in fluctuations in global markets have discouraged not
developing countries in Asia. only private investments but also the participation
The absence of such risk-reducing mechanisms of private banks in agriculture finance. Both crop
to manage correlated risk and insulate lenders insurance and credit guarantee schemes have failed
from its adverse impact constrains agricultural to expand private bank lending to agriculture. A
microfinance (Skees 2003; Ibarra 2003; Bryla better package of risk-reducing instruments could
2003). consist of the following: efficient infrastructure,
In this regard, a comment on the performance access to technology and information, credible
of the Philippine crop insurance is in order. Where regulatory regimes, and recently developed market-
crop insurance has been implemented, the costs based instruments designed to address price- and
have typically been extremely high, in part because weather-related risks.
of the difficulties of administering large numbers The problem of correlated risks is not insolvable.
of small contracts spread over wide areas, but more Innovations in global financial markets, which can
often because of problems of adverse selection deal with correlated risk and reduce the rural lenders’
and moral hazard (Vogel and Llanto 2005). The exposure to local risks, e.g., drought, have been
experience of the Philippine Crop Insurance developed.7 These are the futures exchange markets
Corporation (PCIC) can be seen in this light. to shift price risk; and weather-based, index-based
The number of farmers covered by crop insurance products to shift natural disaster risk.
insurance exhibited a declining trend from 108,512 Price risk management instruments tacked in loan
in 1995 down to 54,093 in 2004. At the peak of its agreements can lower default risks arising from
operation in 1991, the PCIC provided some 336,000 falling commodity prices. An example of such

Some exceptions are the Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Desa system, and most notably, the recently rehabilitated and privatized
Agricultural Bank in Mongolia which has been able to expand simultaneously its branch network and its profitability while
reducing both administrative costs and overdue loans.
See Bryla (2003); Skees (2003).
Gilberto M. Llanto 35

price risk management instrument is a put option, production as well as processing, 2) a systems
a hedging instrument for price risk. A simple put or food supply chain approach to production and
option may be purchased at international exchanges. distribution, 3) negotiated coordination replacing
Combined with physical sales, it will guarantee market coordination of the system, 4) a more
a minimum price level based on an international important role for information, knowledge and
price for a given commodity over a number of other soft assets (in contrast to hard assets of
months. When price rises during the option contract machinery, equipment, facilities) in reducing cost
period, the producer receives no payout from the and increasing responsiveness, and 5) increasing
contract but can still sell his physical product at consolidation at all levels raising issues of market
the prevailing market price. In this situation, the power and control.
producer benefits from rising prices. When price As the raw produce goes through each link of
falls during the option contract period, the producer the chain, it undergoes varying degrees of value
receives a payout equal to the difference between adding, such as processing and packaging, before
the price the producer chose to insure with the put it is distributed to consumers, thus ultimately
option contract and the international market price on increasing the original value of the good. The
the last date of the option coverage. The problem supply chain can also be loosely referred to as a
faced by the small producer may not necessarily value chain. The added valuation to a raw product is
be the market-based premium paid for such price a result of the increasing stratification in consumer
risk management instrument but access to the tastes and the need to be more efficient, which is
international exchanges. an offshoot of competition in global markets. The
On the other hand, weather risks are covariant agriculture supply chain offers scope for small
and typically shock entire regions and entire farming farmers to participate but they have to deal with
communities at one and the same time. Weather- the problem of aggregation of the produce from a
based index insurance has been developed as a large number of small farmers and the associated
risk management instrument. Under this scheme, distribution and marketing of the accumulated bulk
a farmer can insulate himself from production risk product.
by purchasing an index insurance that pays in case According to Kaplinsky (2000), the importance
rainfall falls below a certain threshold. Farmers of the value chain lies in the concept that the chain
can elect coverage for a given period, taking into is a repository for economic rents, i.e., each link in
consideration the crop cycle. Farmers who have the chain carries a premium from which profits can
bought such an index insurance receive a payment if be made. Increasingly, primary economic rents in
the rainfall index level falls below an agreed rainfall the chain of production are to be found in the areas
threshold. The farmer receives more protection the outside of production.
higher is the rainfall threshold but this is bought at Globalization has highlighted the need for
a higher premium. A farmer wishing to minimize an effectively functioning supply chain to meet
the cost to him of this index insurance may go for diverse consumer needs. As world markets
a lower rainfall threshold but at the price of lower converge, inefficient local agricultural producers
protection. He, thus, has to evaluate the trade-off are pitted against competitive producers in the
and make a decision. global arena. Due to insufficient capital, inadequate
infrastructure, and weak institutions, small farmers
Missing Opportunities and other rural producers in developing countries
in the Agriculture Supply Chain may find it quite a challenge to cope with the
demands of global markets for competitively priced
Understanding the agriculture supply chain goods and commodities (Van Roekel, Willems, and
may create profitable opportunities in agricultural Boselie 2002). Local producers sometimes find it
microfinance for rural-based economic agents. hard to match the significantly lower production
Research (Boehlje, Hofing and Schroeder, 1999a; costs and lower transport and handling expenses of
199b) on value chain in agriculture indicates that other countries. Consequently, the cost of domestic
21st century agriculture is likely to be characterized goods, which is already higher relative to those
by: 1) adoption of manufacturing processes in from other countries due to higher input costs, is
36 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2

further driven up by high processing, marketing, interlinked contracts, timely access to financing,
and distribution costs. and storage and transport facilities that traders have
One of the most important links in the value effectively provided to rural-based clients for many,
chain is the provision of transport and storage many years.
facilities. It links primary producers to processors
and packagers and finally to marketing and Regulation and Supervision Issues9
distribution units for the consumption of end-users.
Costales and Macapanpan (2004) stressed the need Microfinance has developed and expanded
for transportation and storage systems as important generally because of the permissive (within bounds)
factors of productivity and competitiveness in attitude of the regulators, who are aware of the vital
agro-industry. There is therefore a very great need task of finding an appropriate regulatory framework
for an efficient transport infrastructure, which for microfinance. The pioneering efforts of the
includes road, ship and air transport, and adequate Philippine central bank to develop such framework
storage capacity. Rural linkage with domestic and can be cited. The Philippine Congress recently
global markets depends to a great extent on the revised the General Banking Act, which recognized
availability, quality, and location of transport and the peculiar nature of microfinance and tasked the
storage systems, which will help dispersed rural central bank to develop an appropriate regulatory
communities to overcome their isolation. framework.
Understanding the great potential of supply Regulators in many developing countries seem
chains will enable rural producers/clients to position to recognize that microfinance promises to be a
themselves strategically in the different subsystems sustainable mechanism for providing financial
of these chains. Subsystems in the agriculture services to poor households and micro-enterprises.
supply chain have their respective value-added However, there should be prudence in the way a
activities and banks could provide financial services regulatory framework is crafted and in the manner
for those value-adding activities.8 of supervising banks engaged in microfinance.
In crafting appropriate responses, policymakers As stressed by Valenzuela and Young (1999),
should learn lessons from the prominent role regulation that comes too early can hamper
played by traders in the supply chain and rural innovation in financial service and institutional
financing systems. Traders act as moneylenders forms. On the other hand, an overly strict approach
at the start of the cropping season and as buyers would suffocate innovative microfinance practices.
during the harvest season. They are available to In general, regulatory authorities are still developing
rural borrowers at the time and place where their an understanding of the microfinance phenomenon,
help is needed. Their access to rural information making sincere attempts to flesh out an appropriate
brought about by close association to rural clients regulatory framework, and building the required
and their keen understanding of rural networks and capacity for effective supervision (Llanto 2006)10.
economies have served them well in plying their The same observations may be said of agricultural
loan products (based on simple, timely, accessible, microfinance. Regulators should bear in mind
and flexible loan terms) and in creating interlinked that the timing of the introduction of regulation
contracts. Traders may act as independent buyers is important (Christen and Rosenberg 2000) and
of local produce or as middlemen between major that microfinance cannot be simply placed in the
integrators, wholesalers or processors and farm category of conventional credit categories, that is,
producers. In any of these major roles, they add consumer loan, commercial loan or mortgage credit
value and provide timely financing that otherwise (Jansson 2001).
would not be provided by formal financial The key challenge is finding the appropriate
institutions. Government-directed credit programs regulatory framework for agricultural microfinance
have found it very difficult to compete with the which would recognize the different risks faced

Discussions with Pablito Villegas, former Vice-President, Land Bank of the Philippines.
This section draws on Llanto (2006b).
Llanto (2006b) discusses these issues in detail.
Gilberto M. Llanto 37

by rural lenders (that is, the regulated lenders such the concerns of traditional bank supervision. The
as banks) and which would ensure the soundness innovative approach taken by the Philippine central
of those rural lending institutions, including the bank in supervising microfinance banks is shown
protection of deposits. Recent literature shows that in Box 2.
poor rural households and micro-enterprises demand In sum, the “jury is still out,” so to speak, on
different types of financial services and products, the search for an appropriate regulatory framework
including savings deposits with (regulated) banks. or approach for microfinance. There is no one-
Successful methods for delivering financial size-fits-all approach to regulation and supervision
products and services to poor households and but on balance, the rationale and arguments for
micro-enterprises have grown and matured outside risk-based supervision seem to outweigh those
conventional banking and conventional regulatory favoring more traditional approaches. Designing
frameworks. The Holy Grail of regulation and regulatory mechanisms and building effective
supervision is developing an appropriate regulatory institutional frameworks are never easy tasks, but
framework that ensures the soundness of financial these may be facilitated by a constant dialogue and
institutions and protects depositors without interaction between regulators and microfinance
dampening innovative impulses. institutions and other types of (regulated) financial
Fine-tuning existing regulatory frameworks institutions.
may not be sufficient. On the contrary, it may
create a false sense of complacency on the part of CONCLUDING REMARKS:
tradition-minded regulators that all is well with the INNOVATING FOR THE FUTURE
approach when in reality the innovative financial
impulses that are so important in microfinance and The strategies and solutions to overcome the
in this case, the more challenging phenomenon of barriers to agricultural microfinance go beyond
agriculture microfinance, are either constrained or the simple provision of credit, and extend outside
dampened. agriculture. There is no “one size fits all” approach
Van Greuning et al. (1998) point out that to agriculture microfinance. To be able to deal
the approaches to regulation and supervision with the complexity and risks in agriculture, rural
of microfinance can range from “non-existent” lenders would have to innovate on their product
to “full regulation,” either through the existing design, lending technologies and risk management
prudential regulatory framework or by modifying
the existing regulatory requirements to fit the
organizational and operating characteristics of Box 2: Risk-based supervision of
microfinance institutions. Such retrofitting of microfinance banks, Philippines
traditional regulatory frameworks should be taken
with great caution. Under the traditional supervision of banks,
In contrast to this approach is risk-based the bank examiners look at the individual
books of accounts and try to trace the
supervision, a relatively new approach to supervising transactions since the last examination up to
regulated financial institutions, which is preferable the current examination date. Under risk-based
to traditional bank supervision (Vogel et al. 2000). supervision, before the examiner leaves the
Under risk-based supervision, most financial central bank, he pre-evaluates credit risks of
products and services share a common set of risk the bank, and market, liquidity, operational and
factors but can have very different risk profiles. compliance risks. The pre-evaluation enables
the examiner to pinpoint which of those risks
The difference lies in the risk profiles and not in are very high. This is the area of focus during
the set of risk factors (Vogel et al. 2000). Thus, the field examination. This approach and the
risk-based supervision concentrates on the lending awareness of the bank’s portfolio at risk have
institution’s ability to manage risks and not on the reduced the number of examination days from
collateral required to secure the loan, nor on the 30 (under the traditional approach) to 15 days
number of unsecured loans, nor compliance with or less (under risk-based supervision).
tedious documentation, and other factors that are Source: Bank examiner of the Bangko Sentral ng
38 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2

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40 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2

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