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7-Step Secret Selling System

1. Call out your audience

Address your audience at start of your ads, at the top of your landing page or sales letter

2. Demand their attention

Use a big promise headline, eg. "How to Get Clients on Autopilot without spending a dollar on

3. Back up your big promise

After your big promise headline, back it up with a straightforward explanation in the subheadline.

4. Create Irresistible Intrigue

Dail up the intrigue with some bullet points. Each bullet should call out the different pains, fears,
hopes, and dreams of your target market and add an element of intrigue eg."The Top Secret to
.....that.....Don't Want You to Know'
5. Shine a floodlight on the problem
Identify the audience(who they are, how they feel) or tell a story about a problem,struggle or
challenge. Explain vividly how it feels to experience the specific problem your target market has.
They should be able to say "Yeah,that's exactly how I feel.'
6. Provide the solution
Reveal a solution to their problem with your products or services and then prove this solution is
the best viable option that exists. Demonstrate clearly how it's different from all the other
solutions they have tried which failed.

7. Show your credentials

Prove to them you can be trusted,establish your credibility and demonstrate your expertise. At
this stage, your reader's scepticism is high and must be quietened. Your reader must feel "you've
been there and done that" with great success and that they can expect same.


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