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Noise pollution can be defined as unrvanred or olGnsive soLrnds rhat unreasonably

, intrude into our daily activilies. Ilhas man) sources- 1llost 01 \\l1ich are associated with
r' : - urban development: road. air and rail transpon: industdal Doise: neighbolhooC and
-. recrcational noisc. A number of l'actors contribute to problemj oi high n..ise lerels.

. increasing population, pafticularl) q'here it leads Lo increasing urbanizarion and

urban consolidation; activities associatcd u,ith urban liviig generalll leid l.r
increased noise levels
. increasing volumes ofroad, rail and air tralllc. ,,

Comnrunity awarencss of cnvironnental noise has increased and there is a higher'

expectation for common\!ealth, state and local govcn'mtent to reduce noise levey-

Lflects of noise

The WHO suggosts that noise can all'ect human hcalth ald weli-being in a number of
rvays. including anro,v,mce reaction, sleep disturbance. interference \rith conmunication,
perlormance elfects, effects on sociol behc\ior and heanng loss. Noise can cause
annotance and liustration as a rcsult of iiterlerence. interruption and distraction. Activit)
disturbance is regarded as an important indicator of the communitv impact of noise
(Austmlian Environment Corucil 1988). The r\EC national noisc suNcy assessed two
major disturbances, for cxample, to listening activities and slccpt ,11% of respondents
reporled experiencing disturbancc to listening activities and J2olo to sleep.
Rcsearch ilto the ell'ects of noise on human health indicdtes a variet) of health effccts.
People experiencing high noise levels (cspccially atoutd airyorls or along roadlrail
corridors) ditler'from those \\lth less noisa erpo strr iD tenns L,L: increased number of
headachcs, grealer susceptibilil] to minor accidc[ts. i[creirsed Ie]iance on \edth\.,\ drlJ
sieeping pills. increased mental hospital acinr:ssion rates (Job 1996).
Exposure to noise is also associ.a.ted .,n'ith a ralge oi possibie phlsical eiiects inciudir,g:
co1ds. changes in blood pressure, other car-diovascular changes, increased geieml medical
practice attendance. problems $irlath( rlig<sti\e slstern arrd eeneral latigue (Job 1996).
There is fairly consistent cvidence thal prolonged exposure to noisc lcvcls at or above 80
dB(A) can cause deafness. lha amount ofdeal'ness depends upon the degree ofexposure.

Sound intensit] is defined as the sound power per unit area/ The usual context is
the measurement of sound intensity in the air at a listener's location. The basic
units are watts/m2 or watis/cm2 . Many sound intenslty measurements are made
relative to a standard threshold of hearing intensity lo :

1o - 10-t?warr.r I tx2 - t0't6 watts I cmz

Lnu Soitu-ho^, Q t1r'1.-1

tt..J-r q
The most common approach to sound intensity measurement is to use the
decibel scale:

lQlB1- 10'l.C,r11l lnl6nsity in decibels

Decibets measure the ratio of a given intensity I to the threshold of hearing

intensity, so that this threshold takes the value 0 decibels (0 dB) To assess
sound loudness, as distinct from an obiective intensity measurement, the
sensitivity of the ear must be factored in.

Sound pressure is the pressure deviation lrom the local ambient pressure caused by a
sound wave. Sound presstuc can be measured using a microphone in air aod a
hydrophone in water. The SI unit for sound pressure is the pascal (symbol: Pa)' The
instantaneous sound pressure is the deviation from the local ambient pressurepo
by a sound wave at a given locatioD and given instant in time The effective sound
pressure is the root mian square ofthe instantaneous sound prcssue over a given inierval
of time.

Sound prcssure level (SPL) or sound level t, is a logarithmic measure ol the rms
pressure (force/area) ofa particular noisc relative to a reference noisc soLllce lt is usually
measured in decibels (dB (SPL), dBSPL, or dBslt.).
/"1 \ /r\
Io- (' ,): zo .ogr, ( ^.a ) dB
' 1o logli \Po-,/ \Pol
wheiepo is ihe reference sound pressurc andP is the rool-mean-square sound
Pres\ure bei'rg measured.
The commoniy used reference sound pressure in air is p6: 20 pLPa (root-mean-square)'

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