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Qualitative Research

This research is aimed at exploring wearable activity device usage among people in India.
Wearables fitness devices (WFDs) are any type of electronic devices, such as smartwatches,
bracelets, that are worn to track physical activity and fitness-related metrics such as calories
burnt, heart rate, etc. For example, Smartwatches like Apple, fitness devices like Fitbit, GOQii,
Xiaomi, Garmin, Fastrack, etc. The health data obtained from the wearable activity device (for
example, steps, calorie burn, sleep quality, etc.) is useful for various purposes.
1. Used by consumers for self-tracking and thereby reaching their health goals. However,
little is known on the attributes and reasons for consumers to continue using or stop using
these devices.
2. Some insurance companies have got into a tie-up with wearable tracking device
manufacturers to use data obtained for analyzing the level of consumer health. Such data
can help improve their ability to make claims cost predictions. Some insurance
companies have come out with policy premiums linked to the usage of wearable activity
devices by consumers (Health-profile based premium pricing). Under such policies, the
insurance company ties up with a wearable activity device maker and offers its customers
the device. Based on customer approval for data from such a device, the insurance
company will receive the customer usage data from the device manufacturer. Such data
obtained from the usage of the fitness tracker by the consumer (for example, customers’
vitals like step count, quality of sleep, etc.) allows the insurance company to assign
consumers a fitness score and thereby offer discounts on premiums to consumers. Some
of the fitness tracking device makers also offer health coaching services with the
purchase of the fitness tracker by the consumer. Thus, such an insurance policy allows
wearable makers to get to sell more products and result in lower claim payouts by
insurance companies because consumers are healthier. Some of these policies being
offered in India are by insurance firms like Max Bupa, Bajaj Allianz, Kotak Mahindra,
Apollo Munich, Aditya Birla insurance, etc. The researcher needs to explore the factors
that act as motivators or barriers to the consumer. acceptance of such insurance policies.
In doing so, the researcher can explore the details of insurance policy features available
in the Indian market and get into exploring consumer attitudes towards various policy
features. The report submitted by the researcher should include details of policies and
policy features considered for the research.
In summary, the objectives of this study are to
(1) explore reasons for /against usage of WFDs. (Attributes-Consequences-Values)
(2) reasons for/against the adoption of insurance policies linked to the usage of WFDs.
Sampling: The target consumer base for this research include the people who own a WFD. They
should aim to conduct such research with people having different usage levels.
Each group needs to conduct 8 semi-structured interviews using an optimum socio-demographic
mix reflecting the Indian population as detailed below
Number of Age group (years) Prior Usage Gender
2 18-35 0-2 times a week Male-1; Female: 1
2 18-35 >= 3 times a week Male-1; Female: 1
2 >=36- 50 0- 2 times a week Male-1; Female: 1
2 >=36- 50 >= 3 times a week Male-1; Female: 1
0-2 times a week- means that the participant has stopped using or uses irregularly
The steps for doing the interview involve the Laddering technique.
1. Design interview questions
a. Think about what kind of information you want to obtain from interviews
b. Think about why you want to pursue in-depth information around your research
c. Develop an interview guide (Sample given. You can add/modify questions)
2. Introduce yourself and explain the aim of the interview
a. Devise your questions so interviewees can help answer your research question
b. Have a sequence to your questions/topics by grouping them in themes
c. Make sure you can easily move back and forth between questions/topics
d. Make sure your questions are clear and easy to understand
e. Do not ask leading questions
3. Plan and manage logistics
a. You can do an audio/video recording of the interview
b. Make a transcript of the interview
c. Capture Socio-demographic details
d. Capture details on the device used- brand etc.
e. Find a setting for interviewing the people. The setting should have the least
f. Each interview can take 25-40 minutes.
g. Please address the terms of confidentiality. The recording will only be used for
academic purpose
4. Conduct interview using Laddering technique. Laddering technique is based on “Means-
end theory.” The researcher aims at understanding which attributes are important to
consumer followed by consequences of those attributes and then relates this to the
personal values of the consumer. Thus, it looks at the attribute-consequences-values
chain. For every attribute that the interviewee reflects as important, the interviewer has to
ask “why is it important” (Consequence). Then again explore why the specific
consequence is important (Values). They ask:
a. Feature do you like most?
b. What is the functional benefit of the feature?
c. What is the emotional benefit of the feature?
An example of the same can be seen using the enclosed YouTube video.

5. Prepare a Ladder map for each interview. The transcript should be a typed document.
a. Prepare word document for each interview with details of the interviewee and
name of the interviewer
b. Draw the map depicting the ladders. Ladder will have three layers:
i. Bottom layer- Attribute
ii. Middle layer- consequence
iii. Upper layer- values
c. Finally collate all results into two ladder maps- One for reasons of use and one for
reasons against use
d. For example: Reasons for use Ladder map
Ladder map for reason against use:

6. Reporting:
a. Section 1: Sampling details
b. Section 2:
 Verbatim transcript for each interview
 Ladder maps for each interview
c. Section 3: RESULTS section. In this section, only describe the Final Ladder maps
based on all interviews:
i. Ladder map for Reasons for use
ii. Ladder map for Reasons against use
 Theme 1: <…> Add selected quotes from the interviews to explain
d. In the DISCUSSION section, write your interpretations and discuss your results
and how they will help the marketers of both the wearable devices and the
insurance companies.
The following questions are provided as a basic guide for the interviews. This is illustrative
only and can be modified. However, the researcher should aim to keep most questions open-
ended. The list below each question is only for the researcher to check against or to use as a hint
in case the consumer is unable to answer. Further, the questions can be adapted and sequenced as
relevant to the interviewee. The interviewer can add/ modify the interview guide based on the
relevance, context, and knowledge that they gain during the process of the interview.
1. Type of device they use.
a. Smartwatch
b. Fitness tracker- which brand?
2. How frequently do they wear the device?
a. 0-2 times a day
b. 3 or more times a day
3. How long have they been using it?
a. 1- 6 months
b. > 6 months-1 year
c. >=1 year
4. Perceptions about the respondent’s current state of health?
a. Feels fine
b. Some aspect needs improvement
c. Doctor suggests some improvements
d. Others
5. Do you use the internet for health-queries? Use this as an open-ended question. The
below list is for you to check on your own or as a hint.
a. Search for information on health or illness
b. Schedule an appointment with their health care provider
c. Read on a health-related forum or social media website
d. Read a health care review
e. Use a health-related mobile phone app
f. Ask a question of their health care provider
g. Monitor disease symptoms
h. Share personal medical information with others
i. Log on to their electronic medical record
j. Post a health care review
k. Take a Web-based self-management course
l. Post a message on a peer support forum or social media website
6. Which attributes of the WFD are most important for you. It needs to be an open-ended
question. Hints:
a. Price
b. Connectivity
c. Type of Fitness variables captured
i. Steps
ii. Sports and/or exercise Distance
iii. Speed
iv. Flights of stairs climbed
d. Other measures:
i. Sleep pattern measurement
ii. Heart rate
iii. Nutrition
e. Accuracy
f. Privacy
g. Competing with others
h. Social connectivity
i. Pose and posture
j. Location indicator
k. Ability to read/send messages
l. Reminders
m. Apps linked to it
n. Free services provided
o. Brand
7. Reasons why they find those attributes are important?
a. Has helped in…..
 Improving the general level of fitness
 Heart rate
 Blood pressure
 Cholesterol
 Blood glucose levels
 Mental well-being
 Other – please specify
 Data was used by doctor…
b. Is a problem as led to issues like?
i. Does not measure a key activity
a. Explain the features of chosen policies
b. What is your opinion on insurance policies linked to the usage of fitness devices
offered by the insurance provider?
c. Key attributes important to them?
i. Choice of data to be transferred
ii. Voluntary
iii. Data storage/transfer terms and conditions
iv. Premium rebate
v. Insurance company brand
vi. Tie up with health coaches
vii. Privacy
viii. Non-digital
ix. Offered by an existing insurance company
x. Easy apps related
xi. Teach how to use it
xii. Targets set by the company
xiii. Price of WFD
xiv. Others, please specify

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