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​Name: Luis Arauz Content Area: History Grade Level: Second

Subject/Lesson Topic: Social Studies

I. Lesson Overview: ​Brief description of the lesson and what you are planning on doing and
why. Specifically, name the teaching method(s) and strategies used in the lesson.

Introduce social studies to second graders over one week to identify documents relating to
events, apply historical information sources, and identify historical figures in the local
community. They are using over a total of 7 different websites, a word processor, and an
ice-cream cone graphic organizer for some of the websites so that second graders can interact
with technology and learn their subject during each part of the lesson.

II. Big Ideas and Essential Questions: ​Core Concepts, principles, theories, and the processes
that are the focal point of instruction and assessment.

Concepts and Competencies

The learner will:

● Identify the source of information relating to an event or occurrence.

● Identify if the source was a primary or secondary document.
● Research documents relating to an event
● Participate in a discussion on the documents
● Use primary and secondary documents/ informational text and oral history to convey the
event(s) or happenings.
● Research a famous American
● Create an ice-cream graphic organizer about a topic that interests them
● Research and share a historical figure from the community.
● Identify and discuss the contribution.

III. Instructional Objectives/Learning Targets:​ The objective(s) need to be aligned with the
standard(s). Write as a behavioral objective.
A.​ ​Concepts and Competencies for all students:

During this lesson that will span over a week’s course, second graders will analyze various types
of websites alongside their teacher to search for specific information and find some key
vocabulary words and that they find interesting and at the end of the lesson, share their graphic
organizer’s and notes that they wrote down on the word pad.

IV. Grade Level Common Core and/or PA State Standards: ​Use the numerical code and the
description of the standard. Use bullet points if you need to be more specific.

Standard - 8.1.2.B
Identify documents relating to an event.

Standard - 8.1.2.C
Apply sources of historical information.

Standard - 8.2.2.A
Identify historical figures in the local community.

V. Vocabulary:

A.​ ​Key Vocabulary for all students

- Digital Exhibition
- James Buchanan
- Theater Row
- Harriet Lane
- Penn’s Treaty
- Valley Forge
- Sport’s Museum
- Evolution
- Maridon
- Railroad Museum

VI. Materials/Resources: ​List all of the materials needed for the lesson.

- Laptops or tablets for every student or, if limited, grouping students is possible.
- Access to the Internet
- Papsheet of paper and pencils (visual learners)
- Whiteboard, board maker, and erasers for side notes (visual learners)
- Ice-cream graphic organizer (visual learners)

VII. Classroom arrangement:​ Describe the setting.

Uncluttered, organized space that allows students to partner up and find an area to work in.

VIII. Instructional Process: ​Break down into each section. All sections can be bullet-pointed
with complete sentences that give detailed steps for teaching the lesson so that someone else
could pick it up and teach it just as well.

Cue Set​ (Before): (Monday)

at least two paragraphs (according to the lesson plan handout provided as a guide and lesson plan
elements). Include at least ​two websites here​ and tell them how you will give them a reason for
doing this lesson.

Cue Set​ (Before): (Monday)

at least two paragraphs (according to the lesson plan handout provided as a guide and lesson plan
elements). Include at least ​two websites here​ and tell them how you will give them a reason for
doing this lesson.

During the beginning of the lesson plan, the educator will welcome this social studies
lesson to second graders to push history that they are familiar with and extend it with the
information they may not know about yet.
After the teacher sets some ground rules about technology use that they will engage in
during their lesson, students and teachers will look at two example websites (ex: websites,
as a class and show the class what they will be looking for and doing throughout the week.
Teachers should present the ice-cream graphic organizer (link to graphic organizer: that they will get to later and
show how to work the word processor that they will use throughout the lesson.

Best Shot​ (During): (Tuesday)

At least three paragraphs (according to the lesson plan handout provided as a guide and lesson
plan elements). Include at least ​two websites here. This is the body of the lesson.
Now that students have been instructed and shown examples of what they will be doing
with the educator. It's time to present some key vocabulary words to keep an eye out to place in
their word processor sheet or in their graphic organizer (the teacher will help with this step for
further assistance).
Teachers will also have these ten vocabulary words on the whiteboard to help second
graders recognize them as they view websites. The teacher will also give students a chance to ask
any questions if they feel overwhelmed or confused about something (auditory learners).
The teacher will make sure that all students have an accessible way to enter digitally to
all of the websites that they choose. For practice, the teacher will initiate a conversation on what
history means for them. ex:) What do you know about Pennsylvania's History? Have you been to
a museum that you remember where you thought that is from Pennsylvania? (auditory learners)
Once the teacher discusses it, the teacher will introduce two more websites as a class and go over
details that they will be looking at in pairs or independently on Wednesday.
Those two websites are,
Side Note:​ Since every website is related but different in format and appearance, students will
see how each website is unique and interactive.

Guided Practice​ : (Wednesday)

at least two paragraphs (according to the lesson plan handout provided as a guide and lesson plan
elements). Include at least two websites here and tell how you will give them guided practice.
Guided practice means that the teacher is still actively teaching and supporting individual
students or small groups of students. Include at least ​two websites here.
Now that the teacher and students have been practicing together, working through the
lesson, interacting with one another, and having discussions on websites, word processors, and
graphic organizers, it's time for the educator to assist students in the Engagement with
After making sure there are enough tablets or laptops available for second graders, the
teacher will allow students to choose whom they would like to work with free or choose to work
independently, that is perfectly fine. The teacher will strategically use scaffolding to reassure
students to stay on task and follow instructions given verbally and placed on the board.
The teacher will give each group or independent student a whiteboard, colored pencils,
papers, a tablet or laptop, and a graphic organizer to complete their assignment. Before students
enter their tablets or laptops, all seven websites will be listed in their bookmarks beforehand; that
would be the teacher's job (to ensure a smooth experience/ transition).
For this part, students will be the other four remaining links but will only stick to 5
website links to navigate for now until the following day. The other two links are,

Conclusion/Closure: Thursday & Friday

at least two paragraphs (according to the lesson plan handout provided as a guide and for lesson
plan elements). Include at ​least two websites here​ and tell how you will bring closure to this
lesson and get them ready for the next lesson.
For the conclusion of these lessons and after spending several days working with second
graders, trying different types of learning approaches, incorporating technology into their social
studies subject, and making an effort to allow students to freely express themselves and choose
what website they would like to complete their word processor sheet (Microsoft doc) and a
graphic organizer with or without a partner.
At to start of Thursday, students will be instructed to get back to their pairs and work on
their graphic organizers and be assisted by the educator, as he/she will be going group to group
asking higher-order questions on what they are researching.
On the board, the teacher will have all seven websites that they were viewing to ensure
students are going to the proper links planned for this lesson. The last two websites will be added
on their as well, totaling seven different websites.
On Friday will be the day that closure approaches, and teachers will be able to start their
assessment by seeing which group go through the assignment, completed their graphic
organizers, share to the class what their findings were and what they wrote down on their word
processors, notes, drawings, or images that they came up with. This lesson plan was designed for
instructors to instruct and not limit the student to using only websites, but have a structured way
of approaching technology and social studies as a unit. Coming to a total of 9 different
technology pieces during the entire lesson from beginning to end.

IX. Management Plan: ​How will you modify this lesson if necessary?
A.​ ​Universal Design for Learning: ​Multiple means for representation of the material, teacher
expression, and student engagement.

The UDL design for learning on this lesson plan focuses on the WHY, WHAT, and HOW of
learning. Considering the Engagement of students and educators, Using material and classroom
design as the representation portion and the teacher's action and expression to make this lesson
plan work effectively engage all second graders and incorporate their thinking to complete this
social studies task.

B.​ ​Two Classroom Management Issues Present:​ List two possible classroom management
issues. For each issue, suggest two proactive solutions before the issue occurs and one reactive
solution if the issue happens to escalate.

Classroom Issue:​ One possible issue that we can face as a classroom is that second graders lack
technical knowledge and are stuck on navigating through the website.

Classroom Solution:​ The educator will not rush the beginning portion of the cue set. The best
shot portion of this lesson plan dives into instructing students on the how-to's and working one
on one with students on how to navigate websites as a class.

Classroom Issue: ​Second graders are disruptive and not putting enough effort into this lesson
Classroom Solution: ​The educator will take affirmative actions to ensure that all students follow
directions, respecting other students, supplies, and educator at all times before, during, and after
the lesson is completed.

X. Formative/Summative Assessment:​ How will you know that you met the objectives and that
students understand the lesson?
A.​ ​Formative: ​Given throughout the lesson to determine how students are progressing through a
certain learning goal/objective.
a. Using your formative assessment to assess students' learning, how would you group
students by shared interest, topic, or the ability for assignments, and adjust future assignments.
B.​ ​Summative:​ Given at the end of the unit to determine a student's mastery of a topic after
instruction. (If not applicable for this lesson – what you "plan" to do at the end of the unit)

The educator's assessment portion of this lesson plan falls under the conclusion/closure portion
of this lesson plan. By assessing second graders by group or individually completing graphic
organizers and words, processors document adding some work on their half and if they are
willing to share what they learned and found to the rest of the class.
The teacher will use scaffolding mid-way to ensure that students meet this lesson plan’s goals
and objectives. Based on their findings and how well this lesson plan wraps up will provide
insight to the educator if his/her students enjoyed this lesson, worked well, had troubles, and
were frustrated with a significant portion of this assignment. Providing educators to determine a
student's mastery of a topic the class after instruction was given.

C.​ ​Potential barriers to access instruction and learning: ​What stands in the way of a student
being able to learn effectively?

Some potential barriers that stand in the way a student can learn effectively could be language
barriers, inability to comprehend verbal instructions, and following the educator's rules. Another
obvious barrier could be a lack of internet connection that deterred a significant part of this
lesson plan and effect the foundational base that this lesson plan was intended for. Another
barrier could be a lack of tablets or laptops.

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