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Studying Abroad brings with it excellent opportunities and advantages for students from
India. While the experience in itself is an added advantage in this highly globalized economy,
the academic infrastructure and research facilities add to the many virtues of a degree for a
many companies preferring students from local universities, being a student in the county
would surely add. Also, studying abroad makes you highly eligible for a whole lot of companies
all over the globe.

With that said, it is hardly a wonder that every herself. These essays are used to distinguish
year thousands of students from India reach out one candidate from another. With most of the
to Universities abroad. However, getting admitted countries following English taught courses, these
to a university, especially a top university abroad essays are also an excellent way to judge the
is not easy and in no way a small investment. To student’s actual ability with the language. A user
begin with, the top universities abroad are based research conducted by also
seeking talented students who not only shine found that this written document, ranging from
academically but also bring in the right attitude. 300 to 1200 words is also perhaps the most
Not similar to the traditional merit based system difficult aspect for students applying to
in the country, all students are open to apply to universities abroad and perhaps with good reason.
universities abroad. The subject choices are So here is a guide to de-mystify the essays or the
wider, the abilities judged on more than one scale Statement of Purpose and help you with the
of achievements. Many students apply but only “Writing” bit for your study abroad applications.
few are shortlisted and fewer still selected. This
is in part due to the academic performance and
also to perhaps the most alien aspect of the
entire Study Abroad Applications. And that is
Essay Writing.
As many students would know, applying to
universities abroad often require a whole lot
of documents which often includes a series
of essays – written by the candidate him/

write up required by universities abroad as part of your application. This could be a question
based paragraph or a standard essay asked of you. Also, these would vary from university to
university and also course to course. The actual lengths may vary but the essays are often
ranging anywhere from 300 words to about 1200 words. For ease of understanding, we are
classifying the different write ups on the basis of their word limit.

The different types of Essays based on their word limit are


• LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS/ ESSAYS (More than 500 words but less than 800 words)
• FULL LENGTH ESSAYS (More than 800 words)

On a general level, the Full Length Essays are also referred to as Statement of Purpose or SOP
and is a standard document required by majority of universities across various courses. The
other alternative varieties are usually asked by universities for their more selective programs/
courses like the Full Time MBA, etc. This is not a rule, however, and universities might ask
either or all of the essays in one way or another.


Let us start with the shortest write ups that can be asked. These essays can form either a part
attached with the main application. Either ways, what distinguishes these essays is the severe
word limit. In simple words, these are typically a line or a paragraph and not an essay (by
to give you guidelines for writing them.

Here are some of the questions that might be of view in a limited word space. The key to nailing
asked under these types: these answers is:
Describe yourself in 30 words or less to
You have to introduce yourself to your as plain as possible. Obviously if you are
peers in 50 words or less, what is the one asked to write a Tweet, you need to be
word you would like to associate yourself creative. Other than the obvious ones, keep
to and why? the answer to the point.
this university. These are not the best places to explain
yourself. State the obvious, with as little
The more aspirational universities might ask emotion as possible. The key to these type
you to explain your joy of getting selected of questions, especially if they are a part of
in the program by means of a tweet. Others the standard application form is to get to
might simply ask you to mention your career WPFGTUVCPF[QWTRTQƒNG$'ENGCTEQPEKUGCPF
management or leadership or perhaps talk about
your accomplishments. Don’t use extremely complex sentences or
long sentences. When word limit is a big
The basic point is, the universities could ask you constraint, using punctuations and short
anything under the sun and limit your response to sentences are often more helpful.
less than 100 or say about 200 words. What the
universities are essentially seeking out of you for Brevity is the soul of wit…be witty and you
these are how you are able to present your point should be able to nail these essays.


If you were on an elevator with your Please describe your short term (3 year)
dream company CEO or angel investor, career goals (200 words).
what would you tell him/ her about your
professional ambitions and goals? (150 Within a span of 3 years, I perceive I would
words maximum). have gained the necessary experience
along with the right competitive edge to
In an elevator with an Angel Investor for foray boldly towards my family business
a precious 2 minutes, I would simply talk and take on the responsibilities of the same.
about how I envision to revolutionize the *QYGXGTDGHQTG+FQVJCV+YQWNFNKMGVQ
Solar Power Sector in the country. I truly work in a company of my choice. Since my
believe that a self-sustainable ecology family is into retail since long, I wish to work
is crucial to a developing economy. As with a top retail chain immediately after I
such, when my country is on the precipice complete my graduation. At present, I am
of growth and development, this is the aspiring to be part of Amazon and learn all
time when people should get bullish about the e-commerce giant.
about the opportunities in the renewable
sector. A stable government and excellent I believe three years would be ideal for
opportunities for green technologies is me to effectively implement my learnings
something every investor is excited about. of management school. By day to day
My own experience in green technology practice and problem management, I am
and my latest research in capitalizing sure to be able to improve on my skills and
solar power should be an interesting train my mind and personality to take on
conversation. Not to forget, I would surely the challenges. Moreover, I aspire to gain
tell him how I aspire to be the front runner insight into the economics of competitive
of Green Technology in the country and how markets especially in the e-tail segment and
my project makes commercializing solar hone to perfection the skills required for the
power exceedingly feasible. same. Also, the 3 years would be crucial
for me for furthering the network ties that
would further my long term goals. As such,
these three years would be as stepping
stones to my long term goals.


Falling into the second category or type of essays are the short answer questions. Usually
limited to a word limit of just under 500, these give the candidates a bit more space to express
Admission Essays, these are perhaps the trickiest set of questions/ essay writing and involve
a bit more technique and creativity.

To begin with, the universities have limited the for two aspects of a person’s writing abilities…
answer to about 500 words or about a page one his/her ability to narrate an incident and the
long write up (double spaced with a minimum second is the way the candidate can reason and
12 font size). Here are a few standard present his/her point of view.
questions that are asked under this category
Narrate an important leadership incident. For instance, in a class ‘failure’ question, the
:KDWDUH\RXUWZRPRVWVLJQLͤFDQW university is looking not merely at what you saw
accomplishments? as a failure in your life but also how well you can
If you could change two things about VCNMCDQWVKV*GTGCTGCHGYFQUCPFFQPVU
yourself, what would it be?
State an incident when you failed in life Avoid using anecdotes and quotes, they
and what you learnt out of it. only take up precious space and do not
give you any special brownie points. Often
Essentially, the above questions try to gage into students believe that using a proverb or a
the person’s character and abilities as a team quote is essential but that is a myth. Unless
player and a leader. What is important to note and until you are seeking admissions to a
is that while a 500 word essay for narrating creative writing or journalism course, these
only one incident would give the candidate the are mere words.
necessary word limit, usually questions are
based on two parts. It would be then divided into Keep it conversational and under
narrating that incident and reasoning about it acceptable casual manner. Trying to make
(read example 3 and 4 above). it all formal would also eat away your words

Stick to the question. Often students talk
about everything to get to their leadership SAMPLE
experience and keep explaining about their
job, etc. The university can get an idea of *LYHDVSHFL̨FH[DPSOHRIZKHQ\RXKDYH
your job by your resume as well. They need had to test your leadership and team
to know the incident…talk about that. working skills. (300 words)

Keep it short and within word limit. In my previous organization I was part of
Needless to say, this applies to all the a cross functional team responsible for
questions. Remember, the entire idea of preparing proposal bid for a new product. A
the exercise is to understand/ assess technical person, the task of our team was
your ability to express yourself in a limited primarily creating the backend interface
manner and space. Exceeding the word to support the product delivery. We were
limit is absolutely forbidden. running for a deadline that was barely 2
weeks apart when to mu great surprise I
6JKUKURGTJCRUVJGOQUVFKHƒEWNVUGVQH found myself left alone. An unfortunate
GUUC[UŲPQVVQQNQPIŲPQVVQQUJQTV$CNCPEG accident called my manager off to his
is the key to writing these type of answers. hometown. While I was the technical person
6JGUGSWGUVKQPUCTGUKIPKƒECPVN[NQQMKPIHQT team, my manager – the product manager
QPGJKUJGTCDKNKV[VQPCTTCVGCPKPEKFGPVCPF coordination between the three teams he
VJGUGEQPFKUVJGYC[VJGECPFKFCVGECP was managing, the delivery of the product
reason and present his/her point of view. sample in time was a big ask. I crossed my
soon all my fears came true. What a lack of
leader can do to an extremely streamlined
project can do became clear to us. Soon
the communications started to lag and
there was a delay. Deciding to take the
responsibility, I stepped up to the role.

I started by calling a quick meeting of all After completing my engineering I joined
the teams concerned and sharing how the XYZ Corporation, Bangalore as a Software
manager was not available. Opening up Engineer and from there on the journey has
the dialogue, I quickly addressed the bigger been a ride of a life time. Quickly moving
issues and promised a quicker response from an executive to a manager, I managed
from my team. My willingness to repeatedly multiple roles and learnt all through the way.
change technical designs to accommodate Most importantly, I was able to innovate
the other team’s concerns inspired myself and effectively adapt. My two year
others innovate to optimize their designs. off site experience in France was a further
Reaching out to the team members, I boost to my career. Not only was the
was able to dispel the fears and put the experience an excellent learning curve, it
teams back in sync. Finally we were able to also opened up the myriad opportunities
salvage the situation and deliver the sample the world has to offer. More importantly,
in time for the bid. the new perspective gained by working in a
culturally vibrant team helped me evolve on
Please describe your short-term and many levels. All this has effectively helped
long-term career objectives, and how you OGICKPWPRCTCNNGNGFUWEEGUUKPO[ƒGNFCV
expect our program to contribute to them. a relatively young age.
(Not to exceed 500 words)
Moving ahead, however, I feel that my
The world is forever changing and that work has limited my scope of growth.
change is driven by technology. New and While it is challenging, it does not help me
improved techniques, gadgets and software understand how to further market myself.
are changing the way we live; and I want Also, as the teams burgeon and move
to be part of this change. In the short term beyond the national boundaries, I strongly
I aspire to take up leadership positions believe that I need to further reinvent
where I can provide robust business plans myself and improve my own understanding
which can cater to the new ever connected of the industry I am in. As such a formal
world which is borderless, while maintaining education is the answer that would help
environmental sustainability as its core me in understanding the core concepts of
value. product visioning, branding. Correct product
delivery and marketing knowledge would

UKIPKƒECPVN[KORCEVO[ECTGGTITQYVJCPF approach in which I would be very closely
also help me better utilize my skills. I hence working with a team would be the best way
believe that an MBA at this juncture would VQFGXGNQRCPFTGƒPGO[CDKNKVKGUKPVGCO
be the right way ahead. building and management that would come
in handy for achieving my long term goal.
Deciding on doing an MBA, ABC University
is an excellent choice, more so given my I truly believe that the MBA program at
unique requirements and expectations from ABC is quintessentially the best available
an MBA. The celebrated faculty, small class program for me where in I would be able
sizes and the multi-cultural group makes to develop and perfect the necessary
it extremely attractive to me. My lack of attributes which would help me achieve my
formal understanding of the management goals, both short and long term, and provide
discipline would be better addressed by the me with an enviable network and resources.
small class size. ABC’s team based MBA

3. LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS/ ESSAYS (More than 500 words but
less than 800 words)

These along with full essays or Statement of Purpose are usually long answer type questions,
and can be anywhere upwards of 500 words to about 800 words. We distinguish these from
the Statement of Purpose or Full Length Essays because these are usually themed questions.
would hence would be dealt in a different manner. A common practice for many Management
Schools, these are usually one of two in number and are often a tad more creative than a
statement of purpose or a full length essay.

Here are a few question types for these kind of to talk about your career progression or your
essays strengths and weakness.
If you could be anyone other than who you
are, who would you be and why? What is important to remember is that these
You met your country’s Prime Minister in are questions that seek creativity from you. For
an elevator. Share what you would like to straight questions the pointers remain similar to
Do you believe moral ethics and business ones that seek a bit more information into the
ethics are different? Share your point of kind of person you are or your thought process,
view in not more than 750 words. here are a few pointers on how to answer them.
Share your two qualities that would add
value to the institutes. Also share one Keep it honest. More often than not
weakness that you wish to address while students try to think of the best possible
you are here. answers that would show them in a brilliant
positive light. What they tend to forget
Simply put, these are more often than not is that variety is what the universities
conditional essays or essays that seek you to are looking for. Be honest about yourself
express your point of view. They could also be because that would help you express
case study based or asking about moral ethics yourself in the best manner possible.
versus business ethics or something as simple
as asking you to share your favourite leader’s Avoid using negative terms and stick to the
name and explain why. In other words, these are narrative as much as possible.
plain and simple essays. Universities ask you

In questions which ask you of why you
would decide or why you decided, etc., try
to limit your narrative to about 40 percent
and use 60 percent of word limit to explain
your ideas/ viewpoints. For instance, in a
question about ethical dilemma, is it is for
500 words, use about 200 words to explain
the incident and 300 words to share your
decision and why you took it.

Do your research. Often, students come to

pick up the more famous names like Gandhi
and Abraham Lincoln or Steve Jobs, etc.
when asked to write about the leader than
inspired you. Our advice, do a bit of reading
and research. Often, writing about the rather
less obvious names would make your essay
more interesting to read. This does not
mean that you cannot write about Gandhi
or Abraham Lincoln. If you have been truly
inspired, then follow point number one – be

When asked to list out your strengths or

weaknesses, try to give incidents that
validate the same. Simply saying I am an
honest person is not enough. Share an
incident that would make it more evident.

It is healthy to share your failures…remember,

keep moving ahead!

quote every now and then.


Assume you are evaluating your life and was able to deliver effectively. I
application from the perspective of was chosen as the head of the student
a student member of the Kellogg council of my college, was the campus
Admissions Committee. Why would you brand ambassador for a national daily and
and your peers select you for admission, even went on to contribute effectively to the
and what impact would you make as a placement cell of my campus.
member of the Kellogg community? (600
word limit). Finally, what stands out about the
candidacy is the inventive zest and the
There are three distinct points that truly determination to make a difference. My
stand out in this particular application. And decision to go back my village with a
while at a general overview it is a rather handful of my college friends and assist
unassuming application, we would like to in remodelling of the village showcases
stress out on these three things. my belief that we are our own destiny. The
combined efforts helped bring better water
To begin with, the excellent academic facilities to my village and also helped the
record calls out. What is exceptional about farmers. The small education program
that, though, is the humble beginning and continues to enrich the lives of many
the ability to rise to occasions, even when families and bring economic independence.
not everything was provided on a latter.
Growing up in a small village where the All these attributes highlight my candidacy
family had to scrape through to provide a and brings about a person who is
decent meal and education to 5 siblings determined, focussed and uniquely
is one thing. It was all hard work and innovative. The implementation of
dedication that propelled the applicant (me e-chaupal in our village and the setting up
in this case) from an incognito life to the life of a placement centre for the seasonal
in the fast lane. farmers has truly assisted in improving the
living conditions in the village. This also
The second, obviously is the ability to talks about the high sense of giving back to
quickly adapt and stand out. From a village the society. All these characteristics sync
to a metropolitan, I quickly adapted to the well with Kellogg’s ideology.

To sum it all up, my achievements, the work every day brings forth a new experience
experiences and the unique life I have led that not only tries you but forces you to
has enabled me to effectively improve my think not as a person but as a team. This
personality. The zeal and zest to be my has been extremely evident in a lot of my
own worst competitor has helped me set experiences. More so when I was serving
milestones one after another. But while I with the Peacekeeping Force in the jungles
managed to do all that, I have always been of Congo. Being an India, belonging to the
a most curious student and let life be my southern and tropical part of the country
best teacher. As such, these teachings bring you would think would prepare me for the
a unique mix of determination, risk taking dense and humid jungles of Congo. But
ability, innovation and an effective leader that was a far cry. Furthermore, the troops
in myself. I will bring my perspective and from around the world presented a unique
skills to the cohort and seek to learn and cultural mix. While everyone was working
utilize the perspectives and skills of others, VQYCTFUVJGEQOOQPIQCNŲQHƒIJVKPIVJG
while applying this learning in a work based rebel forces, the fact remains that everyone
scenario. I believe that Kellogg is the ideal was tasked into overcoming the usual
place for me where in I can hone my skills, cultural hurdles. Language being one of
interact with people from across the globe, them. It was during that particularly trying
be guided by excellent faculty members and time that the best of me came forth.
alumni and also in return give my own small
contributions that would make my stay at Just before the start of a particular mission,
the university memorable for me as well as I was asked to induct a faction of the
my peers. Congolese army into the unit. Not only were
they all fresh recruits, none of them were
Please share one or two examples particularly fluent in the language of choice
from your past experience that best – English. As the COO, it was my duty to
illustrate(s) how you will contribute to this facilitate the proper training of this faction.
highly engaging and hands-on learning Apart from that, it was crucial that we were
environment. (600 words) able to effectively utilize their common
knowledge and overcome the cultural
The best aspect of being in the army is that divide.

The training kicked off and though we were worry about their family was the core
patient and I tried every single means of reason of their state of mind. Once I
the rule book to train them, I felt a certain WPFGTUVQQFVJCV+EQWNFƒIWTGQWVCDGVVGT
desolation in the army. Not only did they plan of action.
lack enthusiasm, they were downright
morose and sad. I presumed it was We focused demonstratively on the de-
because of the state their country was in induction plans and could convince them
but failed to motivate them. Neither words, through the possibilities also. Such was the
nor actions could excite them. It was then situation in which I effectively tapped into
that I realized that before implementing my past experiences of interacting with the
a solution I had not truly understood the locals and my interpersonal skills, focussed
RTQDNGO9CPVKPIVQƒIWTGQWVVJGRTQDNGO approach with empathy and a deep
I tapped in the local sentiments, trying to understanding and came out victorious.
understand their reverie and a rather unique The operation went smoothly with no
problem surfaced. casualties on either side.

Every country has its own unique social I would bring such a unique combination
set up and so was the case with Congo. A QHUVTCVGI[FGƒPKVKQPUGGMKPIGHHGEVKXG
rather large country with almost no means solutions and building teams out of
of communication and large widespread diverse group of individuals to the XXX
jungles, the societies had found their own MBA. I am certain that I would be able to
unique communication system. They effectively lead the team to understand
simply tagged everyone along. In order the problems faced by such countries,
to avoid lack of information, the family how relief is such a matter of concern and
members had come up with a unique how by being humble and becoming a part
way to be informed. They simply moved QHCEQOOWPKV[YGECPƒPFVJGGCUKGUV
with their entire group, wife and kids solutions to the most confusing situations.
along, even into the battle areas. And the More importantly, I believe my ability to
Congolese army was rather desolate after effectively lead a multi-cultural team would
understanding that in the conventional also assist in not only adapting but helping
army, this was not possible. The constant my peers adapt to such groups.

4. FULL LENGTH ESSAYS (800 words and more)

These are, as the name suggests, full length essays and are of 800 words or more. The most
common form of full length essays are Statement of Purpose. These are essentially essays
that are asked by the widest number of universities across a wide list of courses. They are also
famously referred to as the Admission Essays.

These could be question based essays or a it, it is not necessary to always begin with
student could simply be asked to present his/ it…sometimes, proverbs or famous quotes
her statement of purpose. Again, the questions make for a very interesting ending to an
vague. While the straight questions are the
elaborative form of previously mentioned Divide your life into small and equal
essays, a Statement of Purpose is completely paragraphs. This is a simple enough
different and must be handled in a certain technique and helps you space out your
OCPPGT*GTGCTGUQOGMG[RQKPVGTUHQTYTKVKPI statement of purpose. Ideally, a Statement
an effective Statement of Purpose: of Purpose should have about 5 paragraphs
of about 200 to 250 words each. There is a
Don’t wait too long to share what your template for your reference.
purpose is. Often students start by
narrating their entire life history before BE very careful about grammar and
getting to the basic answer – what do you punctuation. Also, using big words is
YCPVVQFQKPNKHGCPFYJ[#PUYGTVJGƒTUV not a judge of your essays’ worth. But,
part or rather ‘state’ your life’s purpose or you can be technical if you want. For
IQCNKPVJGƒTUVRCTCITCRJKVUGNH instance, a computer software engineer
applying for a masters in the subject may
You can quote a leader or a famous use programming language names, etc.
personality but this is not mandatory. Again, 5KOKNCTN[CDQVCPKUVECPWUGUEKGPVKƒE
using quotes and proverbs often add more names. When you do use them, though, do
vigour and life to the essay and gives it an italicize them to ensure proper punctuation.
artistic touch. You, however, don’t have to
mandatorily use it. And also, if you do use Decide a chronology and let it flow. Do not

keep jumping from your school to your EQJGUKXGCPFGCU[VQTGCF.QPI2CTCITCRJU
college and back to your school. Try to UJQWNFDGCXQKFGFCUOWEJCURQUUKDNG
keep the flow in a systematic manner, this
ensures a better read and understanding. 5VCVGOGPVQH2WTRQUGKUCFQEWOGPVVJCV
Try to talk about incidents in your life that journey so far and what he/she aspires to
have been turning points for you, these CEJKGXGKPJKUJGTNKHG
could be failures as well. Students believe
that they should not talk about their failures *GTGKUCVGORNCVGHQTCPGHHGEVKXG5VCVGOGPVQH
but that is not true. Talking about those Purpose.
small incidents also help the reader connect
with you on a personal level.

Dividing your long essays into smaller

paragraphs of 200 – 250 words make it more

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE (Standard Template)


This is the most important part of your
Use this space to talk about your goal in life. Statement of Purpose for this is the place
You can be creative here and use analogy’s where you provide the reason as to why
or quotes to make it more interesting. But, you wish to do what you wish to do. You
don’t waste a lot of space in introducing can make it more interesting by narrating
your goal. The sooner you lay it out, the an incident that lead you to the decision
better it is. Remember, it is an essay about or a turning point in your life. The more
your goals in life…so starting with it is emphatic and passionate you are in this
always a good idea. paragraph, the better your essay.


This is the para which you usually use to
talk about yourself. You can start with a ;QWCTGƒPCNN[GPFKPI[QWTGUUC[5QHCT
brief history about yourself and career you have talked about what you want to do,
progression starting from your school to what lead you to that decision and why you
your college. This is the paragraph which are moving towards this course. Now, lay
is usually dedicated to your academic down how you plan to achieve your goals.
pursuits. If you have work experience, you If you wish to get into research, write it. If
can limit your school life and talk more you plan to work for a certain organization,
about your college in para 2 and move to write it. This goes on to show how well you
work experience in para 3. If not and you have thought your life over. Also, give it
are applying directly after your graduation time periods…for instance, I intend to work
or school, then you can divide para 2 for in the industry for 2 years before I start my
academic and para 3 for co-curricular. research program.


Ever since I can remember, I have been inclined OQTGGHƒEKGPVCRRNKECVKQPU

towards learning programming languages. My
ƒTUVTGPFG\XQWUYKVJEQORWVGTYCUCVVJGCIG In my academic years I accomplished many
of 11 when I started learning Lotus 123 and DOS RTQLGEVUKPYJKEJVJGƒTUVQPGYCUŧ%COGTC
that was very popular at the time. Intrigued by Security using Video Streaming in ASP .NET,
the power of these basic languages and very C#’ in August 2012. This project provided
keen to learn how to assemble a computer, GHƒEKGPVUGEWTKV[YKVJVJGWUGQHYGDECOGTCU
I upgraded the hardware of my computer at and sending it using video streaming. With the
the age of 13; all on my own. My decision to JGNRQHVJKURTQLGEVRNCEGUNKMGJQWUGQHƒEGCPF
study computer science as a major in my many other personal places gets secured. The
undergraduate course was thus a consequence web cam starts recording and streams the video
of these interests. to the owner whenever intruder occurs and the
place is fully secured.
My Bachelor’s curriculum exposed me to a
wide range of computer science courses, laying One another project I did in November 2011
CUVTQPIHQWPFCVKQPKPVJGUCOGƒGNF+IQVC was ‘Online Student Portal System’. The main
chance to delve deeper into the concepts of objective of this project was to develop a
Computer Organization, Compiler Design, Data comprehensive implementation strategy for
Structures and Algorithms, Object Oriented the delivery of web-based student services.
Programming Concepts and Database It provided an interactive web based system
Management Systems. Always being good at wherein students, teachers along with parents
mathematics, I was quick to learn programming can interact online and enhance communication
languages such as C, C++ and VB. In the third between them. Another project was done when
semester, I was introduced to Data Structures, I was in Florida during my program in 2014.
YJKEJVCWIJVOGJQYFCVCECPDGGHƒEKGPVN[ ‘Development of Mobile Application’, the aim
stored and retrieved through it, and it caught my for this project is to create an application for a
interest. The concept of compilers made more smart phone which lets users create a mobile
sense to me now and I realized how powerful CFJQEPGVYQTMVQUJCTGVJGKTƒNGUCPFRGTHQTO
they are and how programming languages work effective audio/ video streaming using bit
at the backend. Understanding algorithms and torrent approach. This project I did under the
data structures also helped me in developing course mobile networking and this can be used

in short areas like campus such as parking +ƒPFVJG<GTQ6QWEJVGEJPQNQI[YJKEJKUCP
areas or dense deep areas where there is no optical multi-touch interaction and is an idea
internet connection so can us this own created behind the Interface Ecology laboratory very
network. impressive because students are encouraged
here to express their individual creativity and
Within my undergraduate course, I initiated an expression. I believe it will give me a great
internship from CISCO Academy, Chandigarh degree of expertise and exposure that will add
in June- August 2012. The ICND1 covers greatly to my knowledge and skills in advanced
Network Types, Network Media, Switching programming, computer-human interaction and
Fundamentals, TCP/IP, IP Addressing and intelligent systems.
Routing, WAN Technologies, Operating and
%QPƒIWTKPI+15&GXKEGUCPF/CPCIKPI0GVYQTM I am looking forward to my life-changing years
Environments. It helped me learn Extending at University of XXX. With the right blend of
Switched Networks with VLANS, Determining expert guidance that I will get at the University
Lists, Establishing Point-to-Point connections, achieving my life’s goal.
and Establishing Frame Relay Connections.

The MS program in Computer Science at

the University of Texas, A&M is my preferred
academic course because of its expansive
curriculum with courses in programming,
algorithms and data mining. These courses
will help me to gain specialized knowledge
in Programming Languages, Generic
programming, Analysis of Algorithms,
Randomized Algorithms and Database systems
and Applications. I will also get an opportunity
to work in Parasol laboratory where research
on next generation computer languages and
data intensive applications is being carried on.

“XXX’s mission statement is “We educate particularly the expertise of the faculty and the
global leaders who create sustainable alumni.
prosperity worldwide”. As the second half of
this mission is driven by our graduates, how At XXX, I wish to corroborate my vision of an
do you foresee yourself living out this mission impartial world through the knowledge and
DIWHUJUDGXDWLQJIURP;;;"$UHWKHUHVSHFL̨F wisdom that I would gain. , I am sure that
organizations or companies that serve as an armed with the skills that I learn at XXX, I shall
example of sustainable prosperity for you? be in a better position to bring about a change
and strive for a fairer world. I aspire to set up
The world is in a constant flux and the biggest a group of budding managers from across
reason for the same is the wide disparities. the globe who would effectively create funds
Not of cultures and thoughts but in fact of the and organizations aiming at various aspects
economies. There is an ever increasing divide of sustainable growth and corporate social
between the rich and the poor. And I for one responsibility. To begin with, I would aim at
believe that until and unless the corporate setting up a global network and would start with
and the capitalists start doing their bit for the the issue of our environment.
society, we would not be able to continue with
the growth of any economy. Growing up in a typical defence family, I was
I believe that economy is effectively linked to constant transfers across the country not only
the ecology and agree that holistic development excited me, they were the best learning lessons
of the human race cannot be achieved if of my life. Soon I realized I had a knack of
we solely focus on economic development learning languages and adapting to the society
and forget about the environment at large. I was in. More importantly, it helped me retain
Tackling the problems at the macro level, I my humility and easily adapt. Furthermore, a
envision to bridge the divide by seeking a better volunteer at XXX, I worked over the weekends
cooperation between the developed nations CPFVQQMRCTVKPXCTKQWUCEVKXKVKGUCPFƒGNFVTKRU
and the developing countries and focusing on that aimed at sensitizing the people about the
creating platforms that would assist and give local flora and fauna. Our major effort went
equal opportunities to all. This is where I seek to towards organizing interactive sessions and
exploit the global ideology and resources at XXX, presentations at the local schools. It is very

important to inspire and educate the future of the ideas that were picked was to get motion
generations for I believe that they hold the detector lights installed in the washrooms to
beacon of hope. This belief has inspired me cut electricity consumption and I am proud
to be a constant patron of the Greenpeace to say that my role was commendable in the
community as well and I regularly monitor initiative. I am inclined to further increase my
and express my opinion on the petitions that level and scope of involvement at XXX. I aim to
)TGGPRGCEGƒNGU6JGGPVKTGRNCPGVKUQWTJQOG devise ways that people would be able to use
and one must learn to respect it and use the technology that can not only make their life
resources in a thoughtful manner. Wastage easier but also make the planet a better place to
and pollution are killing our planet and we can’t live.
possibly believe that we can live if the planet
dies. My respect for the endeavours of WWF and An individual with a mission, I am not walking
Greenpeace Society is immense and I wish to the road that leads to a dead end. My aspiration
forever be associated with them and do my bit. for the world is a global work place that would
simultaneously aim at achieving equilibrium. I
I also feel that my company, XXX is a pioneer believe that Mother Nature is a potent force that
in understanding the responsibility towards can effectively make or break any company.
the society and I feel that their dedication is No amount of technology can save a human
worth a mention. Constantly motivated to from the wrath of nature if he was to step on a
give back to the society, XXX has a dedicated wrong foot. Now is the time for all of us to unite
Corporate Social Responsibility engagements and undertake the responsibility of restoring
and I am an active member of the same. the equilibrium. Working collaboratively is the
Recently the Leh Flash flood motivated many only way forward for if one was only working
of my peers and colleagues from the XXX Biker singularly; he would only be erasing the past
Group to step in and help the families that mistakes and would not be left with any time
were thrown mercilessly down the river. Such to further implement corrective strategies for
combined efforts further cemented my belief of the future. We all have a moral responsibility
concentrated growth endeavours. The company towards our future generations along with a
also has a committee which deals with various bigger responsibility of teaching our generation
issues such as employee relief and ideas that and the next and helping them in ensuring that
touch almost every aspect of the company. One our mistakes are not repeated. XXX’s philosophy

gels perfectly well with my ideology and I believe
that such a stance is the only way forward.
The thought and idea of organizations working
in tandem, of true globalization not merely for
on a whole is what growth is all about. And I
stand tall for I believe that I am already part of
that moment and wish to continue this journey
with my peers at XXX and make it a success for
many to follow.

In short, XXX would provide me with the right

amount of knowledge and skill sets with a
unique pool of resources in which I can tap and
bring about the amalgamation of individual
endeavours on economic and environmental
front. By working towards unifying the two,
I would be able to bring about the requisite
sustainable development. I believe that I stand
only as an individual at present, but once I
graduate from XXX, I would be part of a huge
group, and in that unity is the answer to the
future problems.


Seeking admission to an international university often requires a whole lot of paperwork and
documentation. While students do their research for their admission essays or statement of
purpose, they often forget that the document that holds if not equal but a substantial impact
on your admission is also your Resume. And no, the resume is not the standard resume you
would provide for your job application. Learning to make the right resume is essential in order


HOW TO MAKE AN IMPRESSIVE ACADEMIC Divide your resume into separate relevant
The most important part of developing an Internships, Seminars, Publications,
effective and impressive resume is to realize Workshops, Presentations, Achievements,
and understand the purpose of creating this Technical Skills, Extra-Curricular Activities,
document. You need to understand that it is *QPQTCT[5GTXKEG5RQTVU2CTVKEKRCVKQPGVE
not an autobiography, instead it is a summary
and achievements. An undergraduate aspirant your Work Experience into Professional and
must focus on their academic credentials and Entrepreneurial Venture, if applicable
extra-curricular activities; an MS applicant
must emphasize on their research interests Focus on prioritization of content based on
and breakthroughs; and an MBA aspirant must [QWTCECFGOKEQTRTQHGUUKQPCNRTQƒNG(QT
endeavour to showcase their professional and GZCORNGCP[SWCPVKƒCDNGCEJKGXGOGPVYJKEJ
NGCFGTUJKRCDKNKVKGU*GTGCTGCHGYRQKPVGTUVQ has added value to the organization must be
create an effective resume: mentioned before a general contribution

Use action verbs to describe your role in Mention dates/duration as much
the project/internship/job, etc., but use as possible and that too, in reverse
varied verbs to break the monotony of the chronological order. Editing and proof
document reading holds immense importance in your
resume. The admission committee, at any
Use bullets to provide a clean and organized cost, should not come across any misspelt
look to your resume word or mistake in grammar. Usually a
resume is limited to two pages unless
Mentioning your complete contact URGEKƒGF
information in your resume is an important
aspect of developing the document. Ensure Remember:
to include your full name, complete address This is not your work resume so avoid
including the street number, city, state, cluttering it with Synopsis and Objectives. Your
postal code, hand phone number and email essays are doing the same.

Format your resume extremely carefully

as that is what decides how readable
your resume is going to be. The length
of the CV must not exceed two pages
under any circumstances. Placement of
information should be such that all the
necessary and relevant information is
readily visible to the Committee member
going through the CV.

Formatting the resume also holds immense

importance in making it presentable. Do not
clutter information in the CV and keep them
separated using bullets




A recommendation letter is a document that provides the Admission Committee a

comprehensive insight to your suitable candidature for admission into the concerned
University. The letter aims at enabling the Admission Committee gain a clearer and favorable
picture of your experience, achievements, contributions and skills communicated by the
recommender through the recommendation letter.

Provided that almost every application strict no-no as it does not offer much value to
necessitates submission of 2-3 recommendation your candidature for the program you are
letters, you must have your recommenders applying to.
identified and agreed to prepare your letter well in
time. Also, don’t underrate the importance You must always remember that the Admission
of an LOR as it is almost as important as your Committee scurries through thousands of
essays, statements of purpose, resume or any applications and yours is one of them. Now, in
other document for that matter. While targeting order to stand it out, focus on including your
your recommenders, you must remember a qualities and accomplishments reinforced by real
few key pointers following which you will end up instances. Another important point here is to
submitting outstanding LOR’s to the Admission endeavour to make all your LORs unique and that
Committee. can be achieved only if you include unique
instances in all the LORs.
An important point to be kept in mind is that an
LOR is not a repetition of an SOP. An ideal LOR is
supposed to demonstrate aspects/perspectives
of your personality not mentioned either in your
SOP or resume. Thus, an ideal recommender is
the one who knows you well, has personally
witnessed the quality of work delivered by you and
readily agreed to provide specific instance of your
valued contribution and excellence. A generic LOR
is a


ACADEMIC LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION his interest in the manufacturing and creative

(LOR FROM A FACULTY/ PROFESSOR) sector. As a person who is always ready to take
up responsibility, he carries out his duties with
I am writing this reference letter in support of immense dedication.
ABC who is applying to the Master in Science I have the deepest personal and professional
program at your esteemed University. I have respect for him, and sincerely believe ABC will
known ABC in my capacity as his Professor bring his unique energy, optimism, passion, and
for over three years now during which, I taught tireless creativity to your class and University as
JKOVJGEQWTUGU6JGTOQF[PCOKEU*GCV a whole. Thus, he has my highest endorsement
Mass Transfer, Renewable Sources of Energy for admission into his desired course at your
CPF#FXCPEGF+%'PIKPGUKPVJGƒTUVHQWTVJ University. If you have any questions about this
ƒHVJCPFUKZVJUGOGUVGTUTGURGEVKXGN[6JTQWIJ recommendation, please do not hesitate to
my observation, I would like to say that he is contact me for I will gladly try to help.
attentive and studious and always possesses a
positive attitude towards academics. Sincerely,
Throughout his course of study, ABC has shown Designation, Department
great interest towards practical aided learning College, City
techniques. We engaged in several course Contact
and research related discussions in which, he Email
higher education. For his project, he chose
Besides this, he has also gained experience
innumerous simple concepts, which are highly
valuable for the future generation.
Besides the academic record, ABC’s
participation in MIRAGE’14, state level project
competition for Mechanical Engineering
students held in our college, clearly displays


PROFESSIONAL LETTER OF more than 100 thousand records and also

RECOMMENDATION (LOR FROM A helped in enhancing the performance of the
SUPERVISOR) record management team. I have received many
positive and noteworthy feedbacks from clients
It gives me immense pleasure in writing this who were impressed by his helpful nature and
letter of recommendation for ABC, an apt professional approach of working.
prospective research students, who should ABC has the innate ability of handling pressure
undoubtedly be given a chance to prove their YGNN*GXQNWPVCTKN[YQTMUQXGTVKOGCPFTCTGN[
ABC for over two years, during which he was a as the Best Performer of the Quarter within three
vital part of my team at Tribal Fusion Pvt Ltd., month of his joining. Based on our interaction, I
Noida where he had been my subordinate for am certain that he will prove to be an invaluable
various projects. asset to any organization/institution he joins,
ABC is a professional software developer and thus, I highly recommend him for admission
of the highest calibre, whose meticulous into graduate studies at your University.
implementation of projects has earned him
highest praises from all his team mates as well Sincerely,
and programming skills. During his tenure, Designation, Department
he developed projects like X, Y and Z for College, City
knowledge in analysis, design and development
in Java, J2EE technologies as well as backend
algorithm developments in MS SQL Server and
ABC single-handedly implemented various
We would love to hear from you.
reports and data fetching algorithms, which
Write to us at
effectively generated automated reports for


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