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Exercise 1

Interviewer Sir Guy, you have spent the last sixty years
exploring the world. When did you first
become interested in travelling?
Sir Guy Well, I can tell you the exact day. I was
eleven years old and I was sitting in the
school library and I was reading a book
about South Africa. Suddenly I saw a
picture of Lake Victoria and at that moment
I decided to become an explorer.
Interviewer When did you first go to Lake Victoria?
Sir Guy Well, after I had left school at the age of 15,
I lived with my uncle for two years. He was
an old man then, but he had been a sailor
all his life. He found me a job on a ship and
at the age of 17 I arrived in Africa!
Interviewer You have travelled to the most interesting
countries in the world. Have you ever had
any frightening experiences?
Sir Guy Oh yes, lot’s of them
Interviewer Which was your most frightening?
Sir Guy Perhaps it was one night in India in 1942.
Something really frightening happened. It
was about ten o’clock and was in bed. I was
hunting all day and so I felt very tired. I had
just blown out my candle when I felt
something heavy sitting on my feet. When I
lit my candle, I could hardly believe my
eyes: a tiger was sitting on my bed!
Interviewer My goodness! Is that story really true, Sir
Sir Guy How dare you ask me that! I have never
told a lie in my life.

Exercise 2
1. I had read the book. (past perfect simple)
2. At this time tomorrow Susan will be fishing in the pond. (future progressive)
3. We are getting married on June 5 th. (present progressive)
4. While Susan was taking pictures Charlie was watching her. (past progressive)
5. They had been living here since 1940. (present perfect progressive)
6. You wrote a wonderful story. (past simple)
7. Have you ever gone to church on Sundays? (present perfect simple)
8. We aren’t lying on the beach. (present progressive)
9. John never smokes. (present simple)
10. They had been spying on us. (past perfect progressive)
11. My father would be very unhappy. (conditional 1)
12. Did you finish your model plane? (past simple)
13. How many times do you wash yourself? (present simple)
14. Are you getting prettier? (present progressive)
15. I have just found a new house. (present perfect simple)
16. We will take a beautiful one. (future simple)
17. They would have come to see us. (conditional 2)
18. It has been raining for three hours. (present perfect progressive)
19. Did you visit them last week? (past simple)
20. John was walking to school yesterday at nine. (past progressive)
21. I have been reading a book. (present perfect progressive)
22. I will be going to the doctor next Monday. (future progressive)
23. We had had an accident. (past perfect simple)
24. Jack is having a party. (present progressive)
25. John and I weren’t leaving London. (present progressive)

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