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Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria


Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996
Ground Floor, 595 Collins Street Melbourne
GPO Box 4332 Melbourne 3001
Application enquiries:
General enquiries: 1300 369 367
If you require access to a translation or interpreter service to complete this form, please contact the
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 and ask them to contact the Registry of
Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria (the Registry) on 1300 369 367.
Registry records are confidential and certificates can only be issued to persons who are entitled under the
Registry’s Access Policy as listed further down this form.
If a person is not entitled to apply for a certificate, this Authority Form needs to be completed and signed by a
person who is entitled to apply, authorising the release of the certificate.

Check the ‘Access policy’ list (below) to see if you are eligible to give
I, (full name of person giving authority):      
of (residential address):      
hereby give permission for (full name of the person applying for the certificate – the applicant)
of (applicant’s residential address):      
to apply for a certificate of:
Change of Name
Single Status
Domestic Relationship
Relating to (person(s) named in certificate):      
(1) Signature of the person giving authority:      
Relationship of the person giving authority to the person/s named in the requested certificate:
Telephone number of the person giving authority (business hours):      
Email address of the person giving authority:      
(2) Signature of the applicant:      
Privacy and disclosure of information
In line with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, the Registry is collecting information in this form to
determine your eligibility to obtain the requested certificate and to prevent fraud. A copy of the Registry’s
Privacy Policy is available at
If you do not provide all of the information requested, particularly that relating to the reason the document is
required and your relationship to the registered person, then you may not be provided with a certified copy of
the certificate.
The information collected in this form and held in the Register may be used for law enforcement and other
uses provided by law. Access for approved purposes may be granted to certain government and authorised
non-government agencies.
Further information about privacy, disclosure of data and how to access or correct a record is available at
Access policy
The following persons are allowed access to information in the Birth, Death or Marriage Registers. If you are
allowed access, you are eligible to give authority.
If a person is not entitled to apply for a certificate:
• This Third Party Authority Form must also be completed and signed by a person who is entitled to apply.
• Proof of identity documents must be produced by the:
o Person giving authority, and
o Person applying for the certificate
1) The registered person.
2) Any other person – If the registered person is:
a) aged less than 18 years:
o Parent (must appear on birth registration of the child)
o Guardian (must produce evidence demonstrating parental responsibility for the registered
o Grandparent or other relative (must produce written authority from the registered person’s
parent or guardian.)
b) aged 18 years or over:
o Any person that has an Enduring Power of Attorney or guardianship over the registered
person’s affairs
c) deceased:
o The Executor, Administrator or Trustee can apply on behalf of the deceased (must provide a
certified copy of the will, if available).
1) One of the parties to the marriage or registered relationship.
2) If party to the marriage or registered relationship is deceased, Executor, Administrator or Trustee can
apply on behalf of the deceased:
o must provide a certified copy of the will (if available).
3) In deceased estate matters, a legal practitioner can apply on behalf of the deceased:
o must be acting for the person who is entitled to the marriage or registered relationship certificate.
1) Informant, next of kin, and family members (including spouse, domestic partner, child or parent of the
o must provide evidence of relationship to the deceased.
2) Guardian:
o must produce evidence such as a Court Order which confirms and names the person(s) who is
granted parental responsibility for the deceased registered child.
3) Other relatives, including ex-partner or ex-spouse.
o must produce written authority of the next of kin
4) Executor, Administrator or Trustee:
o must provide a certified copy of the will (if available).
5) Legal practitioner:
o must be acting for the deceased registered person as executor or a person who has authority to
apply on behalf of the deceased registered person.
1) The person to whom this search relates.
2) Any other person:
o must produce written authority and from the person to whom this search relates.
Proof of identity
You must provide either:
• 2 documents from List 1
• Any 3 listed documents with no more than 1 from each list.
If you submit printed online bank, superannuation or utility statements they must contain an official company
letterhead or be stamped and approved by the bank, superannuation fund or utility company.
All documents must be current (not expired).
LIST 1: Government-issued identification (with photograph)
Australian driver licence (or learner permit)
Australian passport

LIST 2: Evidence of your identity in the community (with photograph)

Australian firearm licence
Foreign passport
Security guard/crowd control licence
Tertiary education institution identity card (with photograph)
Working with Children Check card

LIST 3: Government issued identification (no photograph)

Australian birth certificate
Australian change of name certificate
Australian citizenship certificate
Australian marriage certificate
Medicare card
Visa verification

LIST 4: Evidence of your identity in the community (no photograph)

Bank statement (including passbook, credit, savings or cheque accounts) (issued within last 12 months)
Centrelink concession card (Pension Concession Card, Health Care Card or Commonwealth Seniors
Health Card)
Credit card or debit card
Department of Veterans’ Affairs card
Utility account (including gas, water, electricity, mobile or home phone) (issued within last 12 months)
Lease agreement (issued within last 12 months)
Rates notice (issued within last 12 months)
Superannuation fund statement (issued within last 12 months)
Certifying and submitting your documents
How to certify your identity documents

1. Make a photocopy of each identity document

2. Take your original documents and the photocopies to a police station and ask either a sworn member of
police or a Justice of the Peace located in the station to certify them.

Submitting in person?
If you are attending the Registry Service Centre, or if you are submitting your application at a selected
Justice Service Centre (JSC), bring both the original documents and photocopies of the original documents
so that they can be certified. To find your nearest JSC, visit
Submitting by mail?
You must mail certified photocopies of each identity document.
• Do not send original identity documents by mail. These can only be used if you submit your identity
documents in person
• The Registry does not accept identity documents sent via fax or email
• The Registry does not accept photocopies of identity documents that are expired, uncertified or certified
• Failure to correctly submit your proof of identity documents will delay your application.
Applying from outside Victoria?
If you are applying from other Australian states or territories you may have photocopies of your identity
documents certified by a sworn member of police or a Justice of the Peace.
Applying from outside Australia?
If you live outside Australia, you can provide overseas equivalents to Australian identity documents, such as
a foreign driver licence.
You may have photocopies of your identity documents certified by an Australian consulate or embassy
official, a Notary Public or a local member of police.
If any identity documents are not written in English, you must also provide a certified translation. The
Registry will only accept translations by an accredited translator.

If you are unable to meet these requirements please contact the Registry via

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