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Proper training and effective eating favorably alters the shape and composition of the human body.

It does so by imposing biological imperatives. Do this and that will happen: simple scientific cause
effect. The biological imperative is the physical expression of the Hegelian Dialectic: thesis, antithesis,
synthesis. The status quo thesis (your body as it is) is impacted by something radically different, the
antithesis (a new system of training/nutrition.) Eventually that which was once radical and different
morphs into the new status quo and becomes the synthesis. The synthesis becomes the new thesis
the process repeats itself.
If we are to keep the progress ball rolling, new modes need to be periodically rolled out. “New” is no
guarantor of better. As Krishnamurti points out in an appropriate analogy, “Just because the window
open there is no guarantee the breeze will blow in. However if the window remains shut—there is no
possibility the breeze will enter.” Recognizing stagnation is terrific, embracing change is noble, but
that in and of itself is no guarantee the changes selected will be the correct ones that will stimulate
new progress. Effort is no substitute for success.
To trigger progress, consistently and consciously examine the current status quo and assess if
progress is proceeding apace. When a radical new procedure is implemented it needs to create
dramatic contrast to the current status quo. If the contrast is sufficient the organism will undergo an
adaptive response. Slight variations in current procedures are insufficient to trigger the adaptive
response. Rearranging the contents of the box is not enough. To create contrast sufficiently contrary
to the current status quo requires stepping outside the box entirely. Radically new exercise and/or
eating procedures are needed. The antithesis needs to possess significant contrast to the thesis.
New and different stresses need to be imposed and once the new and different stresses are no
longer new and different, once the contrasting procedures are no longer innovative and shocking,
measurable physical improvement is over! The theory of the adaptive response also applies to
nutrition. We need to periodically institute radically new and different dietary procedures. Perhaps
changing the amount of food consumed, or changing the type of foods selected or changing when we
eat. Once the body becomes used to nutritional or training procedures progress peters out. The truly
attuned continually rotate in new protocols and procedures.
No One System, Mode or Method Trumps All Others
No single exercise routine or system, no single dietary approach or eating protocol, trumps all
others. There is no such thing as a single exercise or eating strategy that is so effective that it can be
used forever. Yet those who make fitness devices and market fitness products would have you
that they have invented a product or a system that beats all others and will deliver incredible results
endlessly. This is another fitness my

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