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The military forces of the Philippines are called the Armed Forces of the Philippines. It consists
of three main services branches: the Philippine Army, Navy, and the Air Force. Long before it
was officially established, it has been active in defense, encounters, and wars for the
maintenance of peace and order for the greater good of the people as well as the country. Along
with its role and purpose, assigned function were constituted.

The dominance and power of a country is strengthened by the presence of AFP. It is through
AFP that a country has a full and independent authority. It abides the policies that our
government has implemented. Additionally, defending the country’s territory is one of its critical
priority. It aims to guard and secure the safety of the country. The AFP pour its power to fight
invaders, foreign or domestic. Another function of AFP is it helps the country to achieve its
objectives. To address this function, the AFP formulates strategy that could enable the
government to foster its national aims, goals, interest, and policies. In addition to the function of
AFP, they are also responsible for planning and assigning citizen reserved forces which provides
the base for the expansion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in events like war, calamities,
and other operations. Apart from this, AFP often plays a crucial developmental role in the
nation-building. Nation-building relative to the AFP composes of any program or activity
undertaken by the AFP in ensuring the survival and development of the Filipino nation-state.
Lastly, AFP act in accordance with the law and the order by higher authorities.

All in all, these functions are the core process that are carried out by the AFP. These enable the
AFP to create strategies and ideas to lead operations for the country.

The Philippine Air Force is one of the three branches of AFP that focuses on defending airspace
and conducts air patrols and aerial operations throughout the Philippines. In its more than half a
century of existence, it operates in a complex and unpredictable environment.

Philippine Air Force functions include appropriate provisions in furnishing forces and services to
sustain its aerial surveillance flights. These flights provide defense and prevents enemy
reinforcements to inflict any harm within the Philippine airspace. Moreover, PAF is also
responsible in training air processes like conducting, air attacks, operations and transporting
through air using aircrafts unilaterally or joint operations with other tactical operations groups.
Air operations are vital to PAF since their main duty involves flying and fighting to win their
missions. In line with this, another function of PAF is to articulate strategies or methods of
accomplishing their desired aims in the airspace for the role it plays in National Defense. Also,
included in PAF’s function is to mentor all reserved air force units to undergo in different
trainings to be qualified in administering air force duties. This involves situations like
humanitarian assistance and disaster response in calamities that occurs within the country.
Lastly, PAF abides to the command given by the higher authorities. PAF works under these
authorities that directs and controls the action that needs to be conducted during air military

Given these points, this proves how important the functions of PAF to our country by fulfilling
its role in security, territorial defense, and the assistance for the fellow Filipino citizens and most
of all for the betterment of the country. We may not see them do their duties as their working
environment is up in the air but the peace and order that are being savored by us is because of

The Philippine Navy is that naval warfare branch of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. It takes
part in the protection of the national sovereignty over the Philippine waters. Its task is to protect
and defend the country’s maritime areas within each respective area of responsibility. They have
the skills for operating territorial defense missions and such other activities to support naval

Philippine Navy organizes, trains, deploys and maintains forces for the prompt and sustained
naval and maritime operations. Naval operations share the responsibility of patrolling the
maritime borders, conducting sea control missions like protecting sea lanes, inhibit piracy and
fighting with other enemy navies. In the same way, PN prepares platforms, sea lifts, and other
necessary operational equipment for the conduct of navy duties pertaining to security, defense or
disaster response, and developmental assistance. Moreover, PN ‘s function is to plan related
concepts of maritime strategy, concerns the overall strategy for achieving the victory at sea.
Naval tactics include execution of plans and maneuvering equipment in battle or naval
operations. Since PN’s operations usually takes place in waters, it carries out the set rules or
orders dealing with details or procedures regarding in the safety of life at sea. Lastly, PN is
responsible for the unit training requirements of the naval reserved units. They prepare naval
reserved units to be equipped and become highly trained teams that are capable of conducting
special sea operations.

In conclusion, the operation of Philippine Navy is highly needed since our country, which is the
Philippines is surrounded by lots of different and large bodies of water. PN’s operations is very
essential in ensuring the safety and security of coastal areas. Their work is considered as one of
the most risky and is covered by a wide range of operations in Philippine waters.

The Philippine Army is the center out of the three branches of AFP. Also, it has been standing
for a long time compared to Air Force and Navy. It is the largest unit of the AFP which is in
charge for the ground warfare of the Philippines.

Philippine Army organizes, trains, and equips its forces to fight and win the nation’s war or
different operations in land and achieve directed national objectives. Fighting and winning the
nation’s wars is the foundation of army. In line with this, PA strategizes their troop to be fully
equipped so that the implementation of national defense will be sure-enough. Also, to dispose
such units in responding promptly to different crisis that might occur like natural disasters,
conflicts, and other situations. In addition, one of PA’s function is to formulate tactics and
techniques for employing military forces and operational equipment to conduct a developmental
stability operation. Another function of PA is it instructs and directs army reserve units to
become well-trained, superbly led, and well-equipped soldiers for the nation in order to use the
military power effectively across the full spectrum of operations in war, conflict, and peace. PA
trains army reserve units to be ready to perform tasks that generates the credible land power that
deters enemy actions. Lastly, PA obeys to the given orders by the higher authorities and follows
to any applicable functions provided by law. PAF works under these authorities that directs and
controls their action to meet the needs or the requirements of war or national emergencies

Ultimately, Philippine Army is the most known defenders of our country. Throughout the
nation’s battle history, PA forces have demonstrated that the army remains the nation’s strategic
land combat force, a service with diverse capabilities needed to conduct full operations--
anytime, anywhere.

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