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Experiment No. 3
Formation of Rust in Materials in Different Conditions


The importance of corrosion can be seen in daily life. Corrosion causes accidents in industry, on
highways, and in homes. It is wasteful financially, costing industrialized nations 4-5% of their
gross domestic products annually. A little knowledge of electrochemistry, material science, and
corrosion could save nations some 25% of this loss.

Corrosion engineering is the application of science and art to prevent or control corrosion
damage in a safe and economical manner. To perform this function properly, the corrosion
engineer must rely on experimental research. This is because the major aspects of corrosion
engineering are largely empirical in nature. A body of theory exists that can be very helpful in
solving corrosion problems, but in the final analysis, most decisions are based on the results of
empirical tests.

Corrosion tests are conducted for a number of reasons including:

1. Establishing corrosion mechanisms.

2. Defining corrosion resistance of materials and how to develop new corrosion-resistant


3. Estimating service life of the equipment.

4. Developing corrosion protection processes.

5. Defining the critical potential values for materials in various environments.

Rusting is one of the downsides of utilizing metal for different purposes. It decreases the
physical and chemical properties of a metal which greatly reduces its functionality and
effectivity. Rusting normally happens whenever iron or other metal comes in contact strictly with
both oxygen and moisture. Once oxygen is encountered by a piece of metal, the iron present in
the surface of the metal exchange atoms with oxygen in the air and produces a new substance,
the reddish-brown ferric oxide; known as rust.

Rates of corrosion can be affected by many factors, including the environment, stress, oxygen
availability, and many others. When different metals are in electrical contact, the most active
metal corrodes. Steel corrosion produces a variety of iron oxides, depending on conditions.

The students will be able to:

A. Explain the process of corrosion and the underlying concept of corrosion rate;
B. Determine the differences in corrosion rates as a function of both the presence of
oxygen, moisture, and other chemicals in the (analyte) solution; and
C. Compare the effects of corrosion to the materials when subjected to different
environmental conditions.

Materials and Needed Reagents


● Plastic bottles with cap

● Steel/Iron nails


● distilled water
● cooking oil
● Sprite/7-Up or any clear carbonated drinks
● vinegar
● calamansi juice
● table salt


1. Prepare and set up all the materials required for the experiment. Make sure that
plastic bottles to be used are clean and dry before filling each with various
2. Label each container as A, B, C, D, E, and F.
3. Fill container A with water about three quarters (3/4) in height, and containers B
and C with about half of the container’s height. Fill each of the remaining three
(3) containers (D, E, F) with a carbonated drink, vinegar, and calamansi juice to
about one-quarter of the container’s height (or as long as the nails are
4. In container B, add about 30 – 60 grams (3 – 4 tablespoon) of table salt then
shake to dissolve.
5. In container C, gently pour 20 – 40 mL of cooking oil into the container in order to
form a layer of oil on top of the water.
6. Introduce one (1) nail in each of the containers by submerging it into the liquid.
Cover each container.
7. Observe the nail’s condition for the next three days
Observations and Data

Data Collection Table

Parameters Day/Date/ Sample Container



Presence of
rust in the

of the
intact ratio

Note: Indicate the date and time when the samples are assessed.
Discussion of Results:


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