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Demonstration as a teaching strategy refers to the visual presentation of the action

and activities or practical work related to the fact and principles of a delivered
lesson by the teacher in the classroom, aiming to facilitate the task of teaching and

Demonstration is method of teaching by exhibition and explanation combined to

illustrate a procedure experiments.

According to Gullibert

Purpose of teaching is to help students

 Acquire certain and be able to use knowledge

 Understand, analyse, synthesize and evaluate
 Achieve skills
 Establish habits
 Develop attitudes

Uses and Importance :

Demonstration as a teaching strategy prove quite helpful in the teaching

learning of almost all subjects of school. Curriculum including work experiences,
fine arts music, dance games and other co-curricular activities.
1. The demonstration helps in cultivating genuine interest and attention
of the students in the class room activities
2. It makes the students as active participants in the teaching learning
process and provides them opportunities for the development of their
mental faculties
i. Faculty of observation
ii. Reasoning deep thinking
iii. Creative imagination
3. It helps the students acquire the desired knowledge and skills
4. Nursing teacher can demonstrate nursing procedure to develop
required skill to provide nursing care
Limitations and Defects
1. This strategy cannot be applied for the teaching of all the topics and subjects.
2. Demonstration strategy for its use requires competent teacher well acquainted
with the theoretical concepts and their related practical.
3. The success of demonstration lies in its proper observation on the part of the
4. Demonstration strategy only demonstrates the action but not provide actual
opportunities for learning by doing.
5. Demonstration if not tackled properly may also lead in the wastage of time
and energy of the students.
Guidelines for the effective use of demonstration

 The teacher should carefully plan about the demonstration work carried
out in the class
 Teacher must have the definite objectives to be achieved by him or her.
 The demonstration carried out in the class should be in prefect tune with
the topic taught.
 The teacher should always keep in mind “Principle of integration
theory” with practice.
 The teacher should try to acquaint the students with the material,
apparatus and equipments etc to be used in the demonstration work.
 The teacher must ensure that all the students of his class are able to
observe the things and events demonstrated to them in a proper way
without any interruption.
 The each and every step related with demonstration should eb made
clear to the students in reference to the basic questions what, why, how
of the ongoing activities.
 The necessary precaution to be observed into the demonstration
activities by the teacher should be made clear to the students.
 The teacher should attract the attention of his students in his
 The students should be active partner in the demonstration process
 The teacher should take all precautions and care for the successful
 The materials and apparatus etc to be used for the demonstration should
be placed in such a way that is observed by students easily.
 Demonstration strategy for better results should be supplemented by
other strategies like questioning, answering, exposition, narration,
explanation and using aid materials like charts, pictures, models, graphs
and slide etc as suited in a particular situation.
 In addition to the above, the teacher should make use of the black –
 Every demonstration should have a proper evaluation session.
Phases of Demonstration
It consists of three phases
 Planning and Preparation phase
 Performance phase
 Evaluation phase

Planning and preparation phase

The teacher prepare herself, arrange necessary articles and creates a
conducive learning environment suitable to the number of students.
The teacher has to

(a) Set well defined objectives based on the theoretical knowledge and need of
(b) Review related knowledge
(c) Based on scientific principles (or) rational basis split the demonstration into
appropriate steps so that students can easily follow the demonstration.
(d) Do rehearsal as needed for attaining the proficiency required for conducting
(e) If the demonstration involves the presence of patient plan for their safety
and comfort.
(f) Create a conducive learning environment by providing adequate facilities,
especially the facility to observe the demonstration
(g) Plan for maximum student participation

(h) Ensure adequacy and good working condition of equipments, assemble

equipments in a convenient order.
(i) Plan for return demonstration
(j) Give necessary guidance to the students for achieving the objectives of
(k) Prepare a check list regarding the articles and steps so that teacher can avoid
short comings in the performance phase.
(l) In the planning phase itself teacher should foresee the importance of
providing opportunities for students to practice the skills and make
arrangements for the same.
(m) Preparation of procedure manual at the institutional level by the faculty.

Performance Phase

1) A positive approach by telling “what to do” rather than what not to do”.
2) She should also exhibit a fine co-ordination of head, heart and hand than
simply repeating as per the procedure manual.
3) The brief narration of the whole procedure before explaining the individual
step in detail.
Steps will help you to perform demonstration

1. Based on the principle of proceeding from whole to parts, briefly narrate the
whole procedure before explaining the individual step in detail.
2. Explain the name and use of articles kept ready for performing
3. Start the demonstration slow, so that students can follow easily
4. Explain the purposes and scientific principle associated with each step.
5. Pace the steps and verbal explanations in a student friendly manner
6. Make sure that students have understood each step, repeat it if they are not
able to follow.
7. Wherever possible involve students in the performance phase.
8. In-between ask questions and encourage to seek clarifications inorder to get
a feedback from students. Complete the procedure with a summary.
9. Replace the articles, demonstrate the after care of the articles and wash
10.Show the way of recording the procedure
11.Conclude the performance phase with a discussion

Evaluation Phase

Evaluation is done mainly through return demonstration and asking thought

provoking questions.

Advantages of Demonstration

1. Through demonstration teacher illustrates the co – ordination of head, mind

and hands which is essential for the development and refining of psychomotor
2. Students are very much interested to see the application of the theory which
they have learned in the classes.
3. Amount learned and bring out the co-relation between theory and practice.
4. Amount learned and retained is directly proportional to the students interests
and sense involved so the amount learned and retained is high in
demonstration compared to other methods.
5. Accompanying explanation helps the student to understand and clarify
scientific principles involved in each step of the procedure.
6. Observational skill is important in assessing patient’s condition and
demonstration is a good means for developing the same.
7. Return demonstration helps the teacher to evaluate the knowledge and skills
required by the students. If she is not satisfied with the return demonstration,
she can redemonstrate the procedure for making it more clear to the students.
8. Gratification gained through the application of theory motivate the students to
attend demonstration classes.
9. Demonstration demands adequate preparation from the side of nurse educator
and immediate feedback from the students through return demonstration will
serve as a mean to critically evaluate her competency in handling this teaching
10.Exploring the scientific principles underlying the steps in demonstration foster
critical thinking.

Demonstration is a teacher centered small group teaching method but return

demonstration is student centered.
As a method of teaching nursing skills obviously there is no clear cut
disadvantages of demonstration.

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