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Nama : Novaldo Guchi

NIM : 0705192038
Class : Physics 3 Stb 2019

Answer the following question by referring to the reading

1. What are elementary particles?
Answer : Elementary particles is particle that cannot be broken down into any other

2. Have elementary particles been studied recently? How long?

Answer : Yes, 100 years

3. What did Greek philosophers believe?

Answer : Aristotle and other acient Greek philosophers believed that all things were
composed of four elementary materials : fire, water, air and earth.

4. What was noticeable in 1800s?

Answer : In the 1800s British physics John Dalton was so sure he had indentified the
most basic objects that he called them atoms (Greek for “indivisible”).

5. Do scientists now fully understand particles? What will they have to do?
Answer : yes their theory, known as the standard model of the particle physics, has
greatly aodvanced understanding of the fundamental particles and larces in the universe.

6. How to read these formulas in English?

A. 7000 : 60 x 25 + 578 – 129 = 3623,7
( Seven thousand divided by sixty multiplied by twenty five plus five hundred seventy eight
minus one hundred twenty nine equals three thousand and six hundred twenty-three point
seven )
B. 99 x 78 + 23 + 45 – 10998 = – 3208
( ninety-nine multiplied by seventy-eight plus twenty three plus forty-five minus ten thousand
nine hundred ninety eight equals minus three thousans two hundred and eight )
C. 𝑥 + 𝑦 = a/(a-b)
( X plus Y equals a divided by a minus b )
D. 𝑣 = 𝑢 + 𝑎𝑡
( V equals U plus At )
E. 𝐸 = 𝑇 + 𝑃 − c + e
( E equals T plus P minus C plus E )

7. Finish these sentences by adding a taq questions with the correct form of the verb
and the subject pronoun.
A. You aren’t going to school tomorrow, are you?
B. Gary signed the petition, didn’t he?
C. Ben will be attending the university in September, won’t he?

8. Write your own sentences using Relative pronoun ! (3 sentences)

A. The man whom i wanted to see was away on holiday.
B. He should stay in chair, shouldn’t he?
C. That cake which I bought yesterday is very delicious. 

9. Translate the following text into good Indonesian!

Perubahan fisik adalah perubahan dalam hal yang tidak melibatkan reaksi kimia.
Sewaktu suatu zat mengalami perubahan fisik, komposisi molekul-molekulnya tidak berubah,
dan zat itu tidak kehilangan identitas kimianya. Mencair, menguap, dan membeku adalah tiga
jenis perubahan fisik. Misalnya, air (H2O) adalah cairan yang membeku untuk membentuk es
padat, yang dapat kembali dilelehkan ke dalam air. Karena molekul air dan es terdiri dari
unsur-unsur kimia yang sama dalam proporsi yang sama, perubahan dari air menjadi es
adalah perubahan fisik. Perubahan fisik mencakup perubahan apa pun dalam bentuk dan
ukuran suatu zat. Perubahan fisik lainnya adalah sublimasi, perubahan dari padat ke gas.

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