The Impact of Automated Teller Machines (ATMS) Service On Customer Satisfaction: A Study Based On State Banks in Sri Lanka

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The impact of automated teller machines (ATMS) service on customer

satisfaction: A study based on state banks in Sri Lanka

Article · January 2017

DOI: 10.5958/2319-1422.2017.00005.4


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2 authors:

Sudath Weerasiri Kosala Koththagoda

University of Kelaniya University of Kelaniya


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ISSN:2319-1422 Vol 6, Issue 2, March 2017 Impact Factor SJIF 2013=2.380

P ublis he d b y: S out h A s ia n A c ade m ic R es e arc h J our nals

SAARJ Journal on
Banking & Insurance
( A D o u b le B l i nd R e fe r e e d & R e v ie we d I nt e r na t io na l J o ur na l)

DOI NUMBER: 10.5958/2319-1422.2017.00005.4



Ranasinghe Arachchige Sudath Weerasiri*; Kosala Chulani Koththagoda**

*Department of Marketing Management,

Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies,
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
**Department of Marketing Management,
Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies,
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Email ids:,,
Mob: +94718271799

The aim of this paper is to understand the impact of ATM service quality towards the customer
satisfaction in Sri Lankan state banking sector. This research bridges the gap that exists in the
current body of knowledge by investigating the ATM service qualities and their impact on
customer satisfaction. It also examines the impact of demographic factors for the relationship
between ATM service quality and customer satisfaction. Given these gaps in the literature, the
research problem in this research is: The factors which influence on customer satisfaction with
relation to the ATM service. To investigate the research problem, a pilot study involving 30 state
bank customers was used to check the initial reliability and validity of the constructs in the
questionnaire. The factor analysis was employed to refine the measurement items and test for
reliability and validity. The study has used the primary data of customer satisfaction survey
(N=385). The data was collected using a structured questionnaire designed to ascertain the
satisfaction levels. Regression, ANOVA and T-test were used to identify significant factors and
frequency analysis was used to analyze customer satisfaction. The ATM service qualities have a
positive impact on the customer satisfaction and the demographic factors like age and
educational qualification moderate the relationship between ATM service quality and customer
satisfaction. This paper identified the significant factors which the banks may take care to
enhance the customer satisfaction.

South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN:2319-1422 Vol 6, Issue 2, March 2017 Impact Factor SJIF 2013=2.380

KEYWORDS: Automated Teller Machines, Customer Satisfaction, Service quality, Availability,

Technological innovations have enabled the industries to open up efficient delivery channels.
When technological innovations applies to the financial institutions it helps to gathering,
processing, analyzing, and providing information in order to meet the needs of customers and to
meet up their high expectations and allowing for delivery of banking products and services more
conveniently and effectively than ever before. Therefore the modern banking has become
customer driven and technology driven. In 1988 Sampath Bank and Bank of Ceylon start to
operate ATM for the first time in country. ATM means both travelling without money and
anytime money.Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the main transaction
platform of the Internet banking, ATM transactions, mobile banking and debit and credit card
transactions. With the use of ICT bank procedure, it has become more accurate, fast, secure and
profitable. Debit and credit cards played a vital role as it turned the banking process much easier
in customer’s perspective as well as the bankers. The time has been saved with the use of these
cards and especially when the cash can be taken from the ATM. It has been one of electronic
services proven successful in recent time. ATM is an electronic telecommunication device which
allows customers to complete basic transactions without the aid of branch representative or teller.
Basic ATM will withdraw cash and will provide report of the account information. Complex
ATM machines will accept deposits, Pay bills, Funds transfer and provide mini statement of the
account. ATM has created a win-win situation by extending greater convenience and multiple
options for customers while providing terrific cost advantage to the bank. Competition among
the banks will lead towards a better service for their customers from the latest technology they
use.Rigid competition in the banking sector in forcing the banks to become customer friendly
and customer oriented. Customer satisfaction has become more important with the increasing
competition. Banking sector has undertaken various initiatives to entice retain of their customers.
In Sri Lankan context, the total numbers of ATM are 3,252 at the end of third quarter 2014,
according to Central bank of Sri Lanka. The total volumes of financial transactions through
ATM are 44,515,000. Total value of transactions through ATM terminals are million
336,736.The improvement of the quality of the services can provide economic value to the bank
through their customers. Quality and its requirements are not easily enunciated by consumers. In
the absence of tangible evidence on which to evaluate quality consumers must depend on other
indications. The adoption of technology into service industries is becoming a strong trend as
service providers are now being urged by industry bodies to invest in technology as a way of
securing their future in the electronic age. The majority of consumers prefer for a technology-
based service delivery. This developing trend raises some important issues about the impact that
technology will have on service quality and customer satisfaction levels.


Research will concentrate on the dimensions of ATM service quality, has been identified for
develop the conceptual framework using literatures and its effect on customer satisfaction. The
study is motivated by the challengers confronting by the banks regarding their ATM machines
and the customers which are often under-reported. Service quality has become a major area of

South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN:2319-1422 Vol 6, Issue 2, March 2017 Impact Factor SJIF 2013=2.380

academic research and research in this area point out that service quality is an important
indicator of customer satisfaction. There are operating inconvenience of ATM machines and
regularly there are issues faced by customers while using the ATM machines such as not
dispensing the cash, debit transaction when cash is not dispensed, card stuck in the ATM, unable
to withdraw cash with located ATM etc. Hence it is important to identify the problems that
make a barrier between customer and ATM service. Forthat it isnecessary to identify the factors
which could motivate the customers to use ATM machines. Therefore the problem encounters
will be: “What are the importance of factors which influence on customer satisfaction with
relation to the ATM service”


Service quality has been described as a form of attitude by many researchers (Cronin& Taylor,
1992). Narteh (2013) identifies the dimensions of ATM service quality and evaluates customers’
perceptions of the relative importance of these dimensions. It provides a theoretical basis for
conceptualizing ATM service quality and he identified five dimensions of the “ATMqual”
model. These dimensions are reliability, convenience, responsiveness, ease of use and
fulfillment. Joseph and Stone (2003) found that among the customers convenientlocation, secure
services, special services for the disabled, user friendliness, and personalization were the
dimensions of ATM service quality. Al-Hawari, Hartley and Ward (2005) study that secured
places, user friendliness, convenient location and proper functioning as the key dimensions of
ATM service quality. Mobarek (2007) found speed of operations and waiting time as the
important predictors of ATM service quality. Dilijonas, Kriksciuniene, Sakalauskas and Simutis
(2009) categorized the factors that determine ATM service quality into essential resources such
as adequate number of ATM, convenient and secure locations and user friendly system,
important dimensions of operation of ATM, maximum speed, minimum errors, high uptime and
cash back and value-based aspects such as reasonable cost, offering to cover maximum needs of
customers as the major dimensions of ATM service quality.
Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1988) developed SERVQUAL instrument to assess service
quality of traditional services or non-electronic services which containing five dimensions i.e.
Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and Tangibles. According to Zeithaml (2000)
mentioned that apart from Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance/Trust and Security/Privacy
there are other important dimensions such as Access, Flexibility, and Ease of navigation,
Efficiency, Price knowledge, Site aesthetics and Customization /Personalization. Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, Malhorta (2005) developed scales to assess service quality and used Efficiency,
Fulfillment, System Availability, Privacy, Responsiveness, Compensation, and Contact as
service quality dimensions. Joseph and Stone (2003), Mobarek (2007) and Simutis, Dilijonas,
Bastina (2009) mentioned that Adequate number of ATM, Convenient and Secure location and
User-friendly system, Speed, Minimum errors, High uptime, Cash backup, Cost, and Service
coverage are essential service quality aspects of ATM service. Lovelock (2000) identified the
dimensions of ATM service quality such as Secure and Convenient location, adequate number of
ATM, User-friendly system, and Functionality of ATM. These factors include Costs involved in
the use of ATM, and efficient functioning of ATM. Researchers have divergent views about the
use and effectiveness of ATM.

South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN:2319-1422 Vol 6, Issue 2, March 2017 Impact Factor SJIF 2013=2.380

Kumbhar (2011) identifies that customers’ perception regarding System Availability, fulfilment
and Efficiency and Security & Responsiveness is higher than other dimensions of ATM service.
Most ATM managers judge their effectiveness by measuring ATM availability, which is
commonly defined as the percentage of time ATM can dispense cash (Asabere et al, 2012).
According to the Al-Hawari, (2005) banks should look at availability by time of day, or peak
transaction times. If the network is at 90% available, but at peak transaction times you are
operating at more than 99%, then an erroneous conclusion could be drawn that serious
performance issues need to be addressed if you look at only at overall availability (Kumbhar,
The issue of security is of paramount importance because all over the world, there is an
increasing use of ATM and so the risks of hacking turn to be a reality more than ever before.
Wang (2003) Expresses the research view that nowadays ATM with magnetic strip authenticated
only by inserting password on the ATM machine. Subha and Vanithaasri (2012) proposed ATM
access with biometric security system which is highly authenticated to the client.
Asabere, Baah and Odediyah (2012) identified in another case study of Botswana relating to
ATM service quality established Speed of operation, and Waiting time as the important
predictors of ATM service quality. The study revealed that the critical features that influenced
customers’ choice of banking products and their adoption were Convenience, Reliability,
Security, Flexibility, Time saving and Ease of use.
According to Bradley and Stewart (2003) the entry of technology and the use of electronic
banking had a great impact and revolutionized the operating style of many public sector banks by
way of introducing anywhere bankingand anytime bankingto meet the customer expectations.
ATM offer real-time service specific information when compared to the traditional banking
According to Kumbhar (2011) cost effectiveness of ATM service was positively and
significantly correlated with the customer satisfaction in ATM service. It shows that cost
effectiveness of the ATM service were core service quality dimension and significantly affecting
customer satisfaction. Banks are using technology to reduce cost and enhance the efficiency.
According to Rosmaini, Aliyu, Gafar, Abubakar, Lame and Takala (2013) cost is one of the main
concerns reported by the respondents which influence service delivery in ATM banking. When
the needs of the customers’ are not satisfied then the customers are dissatisfied due to the bank
charges (cost). The study of Rosmaini has proven that the constructs cost has a strong
evidence of customer satisfaction vie ATM banking.
Idris (2014) conducted imperative for banks’ stakeholders not to restrict their service quality
only on the ease of use and access but also to improve their service quality on security of the
ATM. He has identified the ATM services quality has a direct effect on both perceived ease of
use, perceives accessibility and perceived security. He has taken three independents variables
that measures the ATM customers perception towards satisfaction, these includes ease of use,
accessibility and security. Ease of use is an optimum convenience for customers to interact with
a given system. It is also affirmed that the factors affecting to the customer satisfaction are
determined by the ease of use of ATM. Previous research conducted on ATM service quality
revealed that ease of use directly influence on customer satisfaction level. It refers to how clear
and easy the system is in conducting banking transactions. The study of Adeniran and Junaidu
(2014) covers the major factors affecting customers’ satisfaction in Nigeria such as ease of use.
The positive impact implies that the more the improvement of the ATM services in terms of their

South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN:2319-1422 Vol 6, Issue 2, March 2017 Impact Factor SJIF 2013=2.380

ease of use, more the satisfaction of customers in the use of ATM service. Ease of use of the
ATM services will change the customer satisfaction positively.
Customer satisfaction and different demographic factors are the key elements of the retained
customer base. Afzal, Saeed and Lodhi (2013) found that customer satisfaction and
demographics are highly inter related. Afzal (2013) under their study has converted the
demographic factors into segments such as age, gender and qualification. According to them the
crucial demographic factor that has an impact on customer satisfaction level was age. The study
has a significant relation of impact of customer demographics on customer satisfaction level was
found. Customer satisfaction and different demographics are crucial elements for building
loyalty among customers of banking industry.


The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction has received considerable
attention. Many researches have operationalized customer satisfaction by using multiple item
scale. Service quality and customer satisfaction are ultimate goals of service providers. Customer
satisfaction with the services is based on the encounters of the customers. According to
Sureshchandar, Rajendran and Anantharaman (2002) as cited in Scheuing (1995) customer
satisfaction is considered a prerequisite for customer retention and loyalty and helps in realizing
marker share, return on investment, profitability etc.
According to Singh and Komal (2009) examines the customer satisfaction level in banks with
special reference to problems faced, responses about the fee charged and post purchase behavior
of the consumers after using ATM. It also examines the relationship between various ATM
facilities, factors affecting the choice of ATM and its interplay with customer satisfaction. The
customer satisfaction level has been analyzed in two terms by Singh & Komal (2009). Material
customer satisfaction (MCS) level and abstract customer satisfaction (ACS) level are those
customer satisfaction levels. Customer satisfaction in material sense denotes the aggregate
position of the banks in terms of fee charged, frequency with which problems are faced and post
purchase behavior of the customers. In abstract sense, customer satisfaction level denotes the
position of the banks in terms of post purchase behavior, the efficiency of facilities provided and
the example of others using the ATM of the same bank.

There are five ATM service qualities identified through the literature review that will effect on
the customer satisfaction. This will also identify the demographic factors such as age, gender and
education level of the customers‟ affection of customer satisfaction. Conceptual framework is
the structure that can hold or support the theory of the research study. This connects the existing
knowledge guided by relevant theories that are given a basis for the hypotheses. Conceptual
framework provides an outline of the research. Through the research theories that explain
relationships between ATM service quality and customer satisfaction a comprehensive
understanding of the research issue can be achieved through conceptual framework.

South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN:2319-1422 Vol 6, Issue 2, March 2017 Impact Factor SJIF 2013=2.380

FIGURE 3.1: Conceptual Framework

H1 : There is a relationship between ATM service quality and Customer Satisfaction
H1a : There is a relationship between availability of ATM and Customer Satisfaction
H1b : There is a relationship between Security of ATM and Customer Satisfaction
H1c : There is a relationship between times taken for ATM transaction and Customer
H1d : There is a relationship between cost of ATM transaction and Customer Satisfaction
H1e : There is a relationship between ease of use of ATM and Customer Satisfaction
H2: Demographic factors moderate the relationship between ATM service quality and customer


The statistical population of the study was all the ATM users of the three state banks in Sri
Lanka. Due to the large sample size, lack of access to all members of statistical population,
being costly and time-consuming, convenience sampling technique was used to obtain a
representative and homogenous sample. Since the population size was unspecified, Cochran’s
formula was used and to calculate sample size is 385. The statistical tools employed in this study
are frequency analysis, factor analysis, regression, and ANOVA (analysis of variance). IBM
SPSS statistics 20 was used to perform statistical analysis.

For each of the item scales, factor analysis was used to reduce the total number of items to a
smaller number of underlying factors. Principal components analysis was used to extract factors.
Varimax rotation was used to facilitate the interpretation of the factor matrix. The Bartlett’s Test
of Sphericity and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy were used to validate
the use of factor analysis. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted on the all constructs. The
convergent and discriminant validity of the constructs were tested by principal components
analysis. The KMO index for all the analyses was found to be greater than 0.70, which indicates
the presence of sufficient intercorrelations in the data matrix and the appropriateness of factor

South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN:2319-1422 Vol 6, Issue 2, March 2017 Impact Factor SJIF 2013=2.380

Reliability of the factors was calculated using the Cronbach’s alpha. A Cronbach’s alpha value
of greater than or equal to 0.7 is considered acceptable for the factor to be reliable. In the
research all the factors had satisfactory value of Cronbach’s alpha. The Cronbach’s alpha value
for customer satisfaction is 0.777 which is acceptable (Table 4.1). Hence the factors are reliable.


Variable Cronbach’s alpha of the Number of items for
sample measuring the construct
Availability 0.717 04
5. Security 0.771 04
Time 0.737 04
Cost 0.708 04
Ease of Use 0.730 03
Satisfaction 0.715 03
An assessment of the normality of data is a prerequisite for many statistical tests since normal
data is an underlying hypothesis in parametric testing. Both Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) and the
Shapiro-Wilk (S-W) tests can be used to test the null hypothesis that the data come from a
normally-distributed population. The sample size is 385 in this study we only consider the values
of Shapiro Wilk test. Shapiro-Wilk test are below 0.1 and significant values are above 0.05 in both
cases. Hence null hypothesis is accepted and data are assumed to be normally distributed.


The respondents were taken equally as male and female. The results in age indicated that the
major respondents were located in a range from 21 to 30 years. It had the highest response rate
(38.2%), followed by the age group of 41 above (20%), below 20 (23%) and the age group of 31
to 40 years (18.8%). In educational qualification secondary education level was dominant which
had the highest response rate (45.8%), followed by a degree level (25.5%), master degree level
(18.5%) and primary level (10.3%).


The output of the ANOVA analysis generate whether it has statistically significant difference
between group means. The significance levelsare0.005 (p = .005) and 0.000 (p = 0.000023),
respectively for the demographic factors of age and educational qualification,which are below
0.05,therefore statistically significant difference in the mean of customer satisfaction of ATM
service quality between the different age groups and different educational qualification. Levene’s
Test is a test that determines if the two conditions have about the same or different amounts of
variability between scores. The Sig. value is p<0.05.Scientifically, it means that the variability in

South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN:2319-1422 Vol 6, Issue 2, March 2017 Impact Factor SJIF 2013=2.380

the two conditions is significantly different. According to Sig.(2-tailed) there is no statistically

significant difference between male and female.


Multiple regressions were used to study the effect of the independent variables to dependent
variable. Table 5.1 shows the analysis of multiple regressions. The value of R was (.762), the
value of R square was (.581) and the standard error of the estimate was (4.52031). The model
summary and the data are shown in Table 5.2. The results of the multiple regression models
indicate that Availability, Security, Time, Cost, Use explain the variance in customer satisfaction
with significant effect.



The correlation between the independent variables to dependent variable is described with a
strength and direction of 0.762. The proportion of variance in the dependent variable
(satisfaction) which can be explained by the independent variables (Availability, Security, Time
Cost and Ease of use) is 0.581. The adjustment of the R-squared (0.579) is that penalizes the
addition of extraneous predictors to the model. Std. Error of the Estimate (4.52)referred to as the
root mean squared error. It is the standard deviation of the error term and the square root of the
Mean Square for the Residuals in the ANOVA table (Table 5.3).


South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN:2319-1422 Vol 6, Issue 2, March 2017 Impact Factor SJIF 2013=2.380

Based on the F value and the significance level the model is statistically significant at 99%
confidence level. F value is 454.045 at the .000 level of significance and indicates that the
regression model is significant at .000 level. The regression coefficients for the factors of service
quality on customer satisfaction indicate that of the five factors Availability (β = 0.251), Security
(β = 0.346), Time (β = 0.464), Cost (β = 0.364) and Ease of use (β = 0.240) have a greater
influence on the satisfaction of customer. It can thus be said that the customer satisfaction is
influenced by the Availability, Security, Time, Cost and Ease of use.



The research problem has been identified as “The importance of factors which influence on
customer satisfaction with relation to the ATM service”. In general the study found that the
proposed model has been supported by the results. The results indicates that of the five
dimensions of service quality reliability, security, time, cost and ease of use are found to be
positively and significantly related to the customer satisfaction, thus satisfying the hypotheses
H1. This is line with the previous studies. Further, with regard the influence of the demographic
factors on the customer satisfaction with the ATM service quality dimensions it is found that
proposed hypotheses H2 were supported, indicating that age of the respondents and their
educational qualification influence the satisfaction levels of the customer towards the ATM
services.The present study can help managers to launch different schemes for different age
groups and for different educational level groups which will further build trust and loyalty and
will enhance customer satisfaction. It is clearly established from the studies that reliability,

South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN:2319-1422 Vol 6, Issue 2, March 2017 Impact Factor SJIF 2013=2.380

security, time, cost and ease of use are important determinants of customer satisfaction. The bank
must focus on improve these service quality in order to retain their customer base.


There is an opportunity for further investigating the customer satisfaction model using type of
ownership as a control variable and further other variables can be explored to strengthen, the
predictability of customer satisfaction model. In future it is further suggested to test customer
satisfaction as a mediating variable on bank performance. Therefore, reciprocal effects could be
investigated in further research. ATM service quality needed further research to measure
customer satisfaction using different methodology to check the consistency of the results across
different research designs. This research is focused on the banking services sector. Taking the
same process of developing the current banking automated model in other services sectors'
automated services for example, travel agencies, recruitment agencies, and insurance companies
should be tried. Such as study can increase the generalizability of the model if the evidence is

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