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1. A standard seamless, ASME F & D head (Torispherical) is used for the following conditions:

Material of Construction =SA 515 Gr. 60

Design Pressure =250 psig
Design Temperature =580° F
Inside Crown Radius =72 inches
Minimum available Thk. =1.14 inches

Category B welds are spot radiographed

Corrosion allowance = 0.125 inches
Allowable stress at design temp.= 16400 psig

Your assessment is:

a. The head does not meet code requirements.
b. The head meets the code requirements.
c. Suitability would depend on decision of pressure vessel inspector.
d. Data are not adequate.

2. A pressure vessel is to be constructed with MDMT = +20°F, M.O.C = SA 515 Gr. 60. Impact Testing is
not performed. Required shell thickness = ¾”, Dished Head Thk.= 1 1/8" (Torisph. Head).

Determine if this material is suitable for:

a. Both shell as well as dished head

b. Suitable for head but not for shell
c. Suitable for shell only but not for head
d. Not suitable for either

3. For a certain pressure vessel with spot radiography, and all Welds are Type 1, The Vessel Diameter =
72 inch LD. The M.O. C = SA 515 Gr. 70. The Design Temperature = 600°F
and an Allowable Stress at Design Temperature = 20,000 psi. Shell Thk.= 5/8" and C. A = l/8".

The MAWP for the shell shall be:

a. 234 psi
b. 168 psi
c. 256 psi
d. None of the above

4. A pressure vessel (M.O.C. 516 Gr. 70) has external jacket spread over a 72” length of its shell. The
Jacket pressure = 180 psi and Jacket temperature = 350°F.The vessel O.D. = 36”. The Shell Thk. =
0.5” and C.A. = Nil.

Which of the following statements are correct?

a. Shell thickness is OK.

b. Shell thickness is NOT OK.
c. Data are not adequate.
d. Acceptance of shell thickness depends on opinion of vessel engineer.
5. Choose correct Hydrostatic Test Pressure from given options for a vessel with the following data:

Design Pressure = 360 psi

Design Temperature = 675°F
M.O.C = SA 537 Cl. 1
Allow stress (Ambient) = 18600 psi
Allow stress (675°F) = 16900 psi

a. 540 psig
b. 515 psig
c. 450 psig
d. None of above

6. Impact Testing requirement for the two plates is to be assessed for MDMT = O°F, to be used for Vessel
which will be hydrostatically tested and used for steady operation.

Plate A. ASTM A 537 Class 1, 2.0” thick

Plate B. ASTM A 515 Gr. 60, 0.75” thick

Your assessment is:

a. Plate (A) and plate (B) both require impact test

b. Only (A) requires, (B) is exempt.
c. Only (B) requires, (A) is exempt.
d. Both do not require impact testing.

7. For vessel shell with a Thk. = 4.0” the maximum weld mismatch shall be as follows:

a. Long seam = ¼”, Circumferential Seam = 1/2"

b. Long seam = ¼”, Circumferential Seam = 7/32"
c. Long seam = 7/32”, Circumferential Seam = ¼”
d. Long seam = 5/8", Circumferential Seam =1/2”

8. Toughness (opposite of brittleness) will be best for which of the following materials:

a. Materials represented by curve A

b. Materials represented by curve B
c. MateriaIs represented by curve C
d. Materials represented by curve D

9. In a pressure vessel one of the 2: 1 ellipsoidal dished head is removed and a new seamless dished
head of same type is installed with a single 'V' joint with backing strip and full radiography. What is the
joint category, type and efficiency of the joint now?

a. Category-B, Type-1 & E-0.9

b. Category-B, Type-2 & E-0.9
c. Category-A, Type-2 & E-1.0
d. Category-B, Type-2 & E-1.0
10. A pressure vessel of overall height 80' has its part MAWP at various parts as detailed in the sketch
below. What is the vessel MAWP (Hydrostatic Head l' = 0.433 psi)?

a. 419 psi
b. 420 psi
c. 430 psi
d. 426 psi

4 ft.
426 psi

32 ft.

440 psi

54 ft.
442. 5 psi

80 ft.
454.64 psi

1 B
2 C
3 A
4 A
5 B
6 D
7 A
8 D
9 B
10 A
Q.1 Ref.: ASME VIII, UG - 32 (e),

T = 0.885 P L + C
S E – 0.1 P

E= 1 (As head is seamless and Category B welds are spot radiographed.)

= 0.885 x 250 x 72.125 + 0.125

16400 x 1- 0.1 x 250

= 15957.6 + 0.125

= 0.974" + 0.125

= 1.0995"

Available thickness = 1.14" --- OK


Q.2 Refer Fig. UCS - 66 from ASME VIII

Material is represented by curve B

MDMT - Thickness point for 3/4" thickness is above the curve
MDMT - Thickness point 1 1/8" is below the curve

Material OK for 3/4" thickness - Shell

Material NOT OK for 1 1/8" thickness – Head


Q.3 Ref.: UG - 27 c (1)

_______ E = 0.85 from Table UW - 12

R + 0.6t

And t = 5/8" - 1/8" = 1/2" after deducting corrosion allowance

MAWP = 20,000x 0.85 x 0.5

36.125 + 0.6 x 0.5 Note: R in corroded condition = 36.125"

= 233.36 . . . . say 234 psi

Q.4 L/Do = 72/ 36 = 2.0 and Do/ t = 36/ 0.5 = 72

From Fig. G of ASME 11 - Part D, A = 0.002

From Fig. CS-2, B = 11500

Allowable External Pressure = 4B = 4x11500 = 212.9 psi > 180 psi. = OK

3(Do/t) 3 x 72


Q.5 Refer UG - 99 of ASME VIII

Hydrostatic test pressure = 1.3 x Design Pressure x Stress Ratios

= 1.3 x 360 x 18600

= 515.0 psi


Q.6 Plates 537 clause 1 is curve D and 515 Gr. 60 is curve B.

From Fig. UCS - 66, plate A, the point is above curve.

So impact testing not required for plate A.

For plate B, point is below the curve.

Now go to UG - 20 (f). Material is P No. 1 and < 1", and temperature > -20°F.
So impact testing for B is also not required.


Q.7 Refer UW - 33 Table from ASME VIII

For 4" thk for long seam - 1/16" x 4 = 1/4" or 3/8", use lower value.
So for long seam, mismatch = 1/2"

For circ seam 1/8" x 4" or 3/4", use lower value.

So for circumferential seam, mismatch = 1/2"

Q.8 Refer Fig. UCS - 66 of ASME VIII
Curve D is representing the materials which are not becoming brittle when other materials (curve A, B, C)
become brittle.


Q.9 Refer Table UW - 12 of ASME VIII

 This joint is Type 2.
 This joint is category B (Ref. UW - 3 of ASME VIII). Since the joint is between 2:1 Ellip. Head and
the shell.
 Refer (Table UW - 12 of ASME VIII), the head is seamless and joint is full radiographed. Hence,


Q.10 Vessel MAWP = Vessel Part MAWP - Static Head

Vessel MAWP will be worked out considering Part MAWPs

 For location at 4 feet from top = 426 - 0.433 x 4 = 424.268 psi

 For location at 32 feet from top = 440 - 32 x 0.433 = 426.144 psi
 For location at 54 feet from top = 442.5 - 54 x 0.433 = 419.118 psi
 For location at 80 feet from top = 454.64 - 80 x 0.433 = 420.0 psi

Vessel MAWP is lowest of all part MAWPs adjusted for hydrostatic head.

Therefore, lowest value 419.118 psi is vessel MAWP.


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