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SEQUENCE 2 ME, MY PERSONALITY AND LIFE EXPERIENCES ee gg I pronounce ast PES ie PAGE 70 ne Task 1: I listen and identify the correct pronunciation ; the triphthongs represented by the letters in bold type in Sy. each word. $ \~ /ava/ or java’? i coward /ava/ — rower /ava / — power /aua/ — slower /au9/ ~ d. poe /ava/ — sower /aua / — blower /aua/ ; e. - /eta/ or /ata/? wire /aio/ — betrayer /ero/ — pliers /ato/ - trial /aro/ ~' sprayer /eia/ — prior /aio/ — greyer /e1o/ - /ota/ or /are/? ‘dialogue /ato/ — soya /o1a/ — royalty /o1e/ — quantifier /ate/— biological /ata/ — loyalty /s19/ - /e1a/ or /ata/ or /a10/? i royal /aio/ — stayer /eia/ — slayer /eio/ — fire Jato) -) lawyer /o10/— employer /a1e/ - buyer /aro/ -— loyal /oro/ 1 eee Task 3: I choose three words with three diffe thriphthongs from any list in task (1) and use each one a meaningful sentence. - Ahmed is clower tha - ‘Many’ and ‘much’ are - The employer is too s Task 4: / listen and choose the correct pronunciation of ask 4: jphthong oe aie ~ /y1a/ — /ava/ -/ava/) in each underlined word in feral = /a19" the following sentences: a. London's clock tower /aua/ is higher /ata/ than the; ver /aua/ in Pisa , nof}) Leaning T € in b. The lawyer /o10/ claimed that his client /a1a/ was always loval to his emplover /o1a/. } c. He felt tired /ata/ after changing his flat tyre /ata/. d. You won't have to wait for an hour /aua/ if you cook chips in a fryer /ata/. ; e. Fruit-growers /at 3a/ have lost money because the climate ) | __ is getting drier /a Task 7: I listen and write down in my copybook the correct pronunciation of the thriphthong (/eta/ = /ato/ - /s19/ - [a00/ -/ava/) in each underlined word. PR Not far from the Science /ata/ Museum and the Modern ‘Art Gallery there is a beautiful square, where museum and \gallery-goers /aue/ often meet at weekends. Gardeners usually come early in the morning to cut the taller blades /of grass with their lawn mowers /aua/ and tend the flowers j/ava/. Street vendors watch for potential customers or / buvers /aia/. At this hour /auo/, traffic is unusually slow for la weekend because of the royal /s1e/ procession further down the street and the crowd of summer visitors and’ Sports players /e1a/ gathered for the Olympic Games. _ 2 : ME, PERSONALITY AND LIFE EXPERIENCES ne EE ee Task 10: J listen carefully to the underlined words in following dialogue and choose the correct Pronuncig, © Tz between brackets. | H ‘Journalist: Have (/hav/) you ever dreamt ofa different caer ee Professor Nobel? i } Alfred Nobel: As a matter of fact, I have (/hzew/). When | Wag young, my dream was to become a writer. I was interested in literature and poetry, | (Journalist: Your father is an engineer, and he probabj Pe wanted you to be interested in science, like him. Has (/baz/) he Te influenced your career aspirations? w Alfred Nobel: Of course he has (/hzez/). He’s (/z/) obliged me at to become a scientist, Journalist: How do you feel about it today? Alfred Nobel: Well, it’s (/s/) been hard but I've (/v/) never {given up writing! 5 oan Biographical facts collected from:www.famousscientists.o1 : Task 14: I listen carefully to the pronunciation of the “ed” ending of each verb and identify the intruder in each list. - /d/ = completed — demanded - liberated ended — studied — folded (The intruder is studied /d/.) “i = checked ~ passed — wrapped ~ robbed ~ la rushed — matched rh) “petselue seep : (The intruder istobbed/d/.) \vti\ Tau - /d/ = lived fered Task : | add two verbs to each list in task oe Here are some examples: d/ — plan a waited — supported —| correspon = bool placed — stopped — pushed — coughed } ty _/a/ = impro cooled — warned — ordered — enjoyed? Task : I listen carefully to the pronunciation of each word in the list. Then I classify it in the table below according to the pronunciation of its “ed” _ ending. | /1d/ /t/ /d/ | resisted — reminded | watched — washed interviewed — - insisted — invaded — replaced — remembered Sheii avoided oppressed — kicked — travelled - | invented occupied — cared rr) rit [S} C2 n & ra a Pa if rr) = a [= Zz g P = =! < Zz (o) a 4 w 5 bel b> ro] Fa Tas! | practise. and my ch ones) ca Su - hap! ass Task 1:1 write the superlative form of the adjectives jy - aa brackets. whe \o ; - pain a. Writing my first poem has been the most exciting ree experience in my life. -unfe b. The dearest memory of my childhood is my first dayat is w school. c. Mrs Benmelanasri is the nicest English teacher I have Task ever had. “whe d. For many Algerian writers, French colonialism has been the « the most painful life experience. repe e. The greatest men in the history of mankind have never been the strongest, but the wisest. te % to Task 2: I write the superlative form of the underlined . adjectives and use the clues between brackets to complete 3 the sentences about myself. - a. (Title of a film) is the best film I've ever seen, ; b. (Title of a book) is the worst book I've ever read. ~ __ ¢. (Title of a song) is the most beautiful song I've ever to heard. s d. (N f a dish) is the most ¢ c i t pare o a dish) is th most delicious dish I've ever 2. e. (Name of a friend) is: sTuciauen hacia Sab gale? J choose three adjectives from the following list d write their superlative forms in three sentences about | childhood memories or life experiences (good or bad | nes): HAPPY: sad, painful, unforgettable, | @ Suggested example _ happy ~ One of th t days in my life is when | passed my primary school exam ves in | - sad ~ The saddest inemory of my childhood is the day when I had to leave n ometown and my friends, childhood memory is to have - painful ~ The most pa been beaten by my teacher. -unforgettable = One ofthe forgettable memories is when I saw the sea for the first time. Task 5: I choose the appropriate connector (“while” or “phen”) and combine the sentences (a) and (b), using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. I should avoid repetition and pay attention to the order of the sentences. 1. - J.K. Rowling had the idea for writing “Harry Potter” while she was travelling on the train from Manchester to London one day in 1990. PERSONALITY AND LIFE EXPERIENCES lined : plete - While J.K. Rowling was travelling on the train from Manchester to London’one day in 1990, she had the idea for writing “Harry Potter”. -J.K, Rowling was travelling on the train from Manchester to London one day in 1990, when she had the idea for writing “Harry Potter”. | ever Sequence 2 : ME, ever | 2. While J.K. Rolling was waiting for a reply from a Publisher after sending him the first three SIN “Harry Potter”, she got one day what she je best letter I have ever received in my life.” 3. dK. Rolling was trainin first novel in the “Harry Pott gasa teacher, When fer” series wag accented again Publication in 1997. "ihe as he ha today war @ Task 6:1 imagine the events that caused interruption h each situation and complete the sentences. ask bracl & Suggested examples: ee a. Iwas watching an inte: resting film on Friday night Whe, i Sz ‘/the light went out./] heard, 2 a b.H b. While we were teading a text by Kateb Yacine in class ¢- I'v the headmaster knocked on the door./an inspect, _ ‘2: interrupted the lesson./the bell rang. d. . e. ing the roll to make sure every al classmate Ali entered the to opened their books./a cat Tash d. I was riding my bike to school when I dro ever Pped my mobile phone./I saw an accident, /I remembered ca s (that) I didn’t bring my English book. my friend called me. big noise. c. While the teacher was call Pupil was present, my classroom./the Pupils entered the classroom. Task 8: 1 fill in the 94ps with the past Particle form of the 2 following verbs: know, reach, tell, say, recover, endure. fi _ The first answer is given, ee ee rainst (he French army. He thinks that I have just reached age age tO understand all the human misery and suffering that the wred. | think that my grandfather is still suffering j that he has never # from that terrible pe ha today and yar experience wal qask 9: 1 choose the appropriate time marker between prackets and rewrite each sentence. I pay attention to the position of the time markers that are related to the underlined verbs. a. Samir is so kind and thoughtful! He’s the best friend | have b. Have you , been disappointed with a friend? c. l'vemever thought that my best friend can cheat in the English test by copying from my paper. d. 1 can't really say we are friends. We've just met! e. My partners and I have jus every} about “the ideal friend”. We'll present it tomorrow morning finished our term project to our class. Task 10: I write three sentences using the time markers: ever, never, just. PERSONALITY AND LIFE (aati a) ea) - It's the easiest exercise I’ve ever done. - She has never gone to San Francisco. - Ann has just received an email informing her she got the first role in’a play. Sequence 2 : ME, Task 12: 1 use my dictionary and match in my copybook «ch phrasal verb with its corresponding meaning. EL JMWEB EL | | Phrasal Verb Meaning (6) ~ us 1. to go off ©. to stop working (machine) jee 2. togoin e. to enter ors 3. to go through |. to have a difficult experience: to endure: to) ©" suffer L 4. to go over a. to examine or check again ieee 5. togoaway |g. to go on holiday a. a 6. to go down |b. to fall fo the ground it 7. to go up d. to rise w: Ar A c. Task 13: Ifill in each gap with the correct form (past sees th future simple or present perfect) of the appropriate Stas a.B verb from task (12). I pay attention to the underlined time a is markers in the text. Tail departure On. 00, Captain Jim Hartley left the busy hall a eee sor Lendon, and walked ie E boarding gate towards the London-Singapore — a The door leading to the cockpit was open, so he ( a in, said hello to his co-pilot Andrew Boyle, and togel “ es they (2) went over the usual, routine safety instructions an checked everything. A few minutes later, the giant Airbus (3) went up into the air and the passengers started to relax. The flights attendants were busy serving dinner when the four engines of the plane suddenly (4) went off. The huge Airbus (5) went down in a matter of seconds. It was the deadliest, but also the most miraculous crash in aviation history. All _ 350 passengers died, except Brenda Chow Lin, a 5-year-old girl, who was flying back home to Singapore after a holiday in London with her dad and mum. Today, Bi She keeps repeating to the journalists who still every year that she has never atten the | is the most horrific experience I’ve eve | won't go away (7) on holiday ona pl ple, isal ime ent ,./'ve ever gone through, = eel = g (proud h. have ever gone a] w on poliday.-- yon’t go away on holiday ...= | --= Twill not go awa v task 15: | choose the correct word in brackets. "ke the 350 passengers whi adj a. val Lin has earch ayellee Shot rt ate ., Hartley was the pilot of the Ai A eT si ice rd ee @ Airbus A380, whereas ¢ All the passengers were adults, unlike Brenda who was the only child on board 4, Brenda’s mother also died in the crash like her father. ¢. All the passengers relaxed, whereas the flight attendants were busy serving dinner. Task 16:1 use my dictionary and match the adjectives that ersonality with their corresponding definitions. describe p Adjectives Definitions 1. loyal g. someone who isnot changingin their friendship 2. neat h. someone who is tidy, organised 3. caring b. someone who is kind and shows concern for others a. someone ‘d. someone who is nasty . someone who thinks onl accepts opinions who is impolite, bad-mannered or not generous y about themselves different from Ms tolerant | f. someone who their own c. someone who is irritable, bad-tem| » -im, -il, -ir) to each adjective in My i 5 , ee Is someone who shouldn't be unkind, immature. disieocl unhelpful, irresponsible, intolerant, Aes she hae ; Val, insincere, undisciplined, or dishonest. Meas Obey the law and not do anything illegal, ly ideal friend should also be an unselfish person who thinks about what is good for others, not just about his or her own advantage and profits. Task 18: I use my dictionary and form adjectives in the table below by adding the suffixes (ful, -Iess) to the following nouns: beauty, care, fear, harm, success, hope, pain, peace. (Sometimes, I can add both suffixes to the same word). Adjectives with '-ful’ Adjectives with '-less' beautiful Hil careful careless fearful fearless harmful harmless successful Mit hopeful hopeless painful Painless peaceful _ peaceless* Tas classmate short con je use compara ad) {jective ca Sugg Anisse personal Linda is about he studies, the bes 19; | work with my partner. We cho 199% ates who have different personalities and wri 1 a ad comparative paragraph (3 or 4 sentences) pee am yse the words (“like”/“unlike”/“whereas"), the a mativelsuperlative of superiority and some » its sject#oe8 we have learnt in tasks (16, 17, 18). ose two of our r st. Tog suggested paragraph: Anissa and Linda are my classmates. They have different personalities. Anissa: is endly and matur hereas Linda is and me ke Linda who just cares aout herself, Anissa always shows concern for others. As for a 5 Linda at French but Linda is 1e PERSONALITY AND Wiss asta ea reels. (ea ae be, Ireag a BF e Task 1: I read text (1) and complete the bibliography, notes in my copybook. - FA AS Sere) : Bibliographical Notes = =| < rd 5 7) = wi a re b= NN z = 4 r.) Somehow so that we will understand w/ children, undergo. EL JAWEB EL Wh \ - * Who or what do the words in bold type in the tegh_ pind 4 refer to? to th * Paragraph 1 ik -yo ~ ‘who’ didn’t have enough...= dead Palestinian Children 7 ia ~ ‘who’ suffer during... people - irr ~ ‘They’ wanted to fight ...~ These kids -ne > «that they made us refugees. those who stole our lang destroyed our houses and killed our families and friends. a the * Paragraph 2 She ~ ‘these children’ = Palestinian children chil * Paragraph 3 ipsa. -“me’ = the author, Yara Jouda e author, 9.Wi * Paragraph 4 Wh - ‘our’ + all Palestinian children including the author Yara Th douda ices 5. Match each word from the text (1, 2, 3) with its 10:1 Synonym or equivalent phrase (a, b, c). 7 i id ibe (1 2. maybe (§1) Bacifentves (8) 4. jind inthe text the words that are “to the following: _ young ($1) + old _jmmature ($1) # mature _jrresponsibility ($2) # responsible, _ never ($3) = always Yara use the Past Si g. Why does ’ ie ‘imple tense the Palestinian children in Paragraph Poe tees She uses the Past Simple tense to talk about the Palestinian children in paragraph (1) because these children are dead now. They were killed by enemy forces 9, What was the dream job of those Palestinian children? Why did they choose it? They dreamt of being doctors because they wanted to treat people who suffer during military offensives. 10. In Paragraph (1) Yara mentions the wrongs and injustices done by the occupiers to the Palestinian people. List all the wrongs and injustices. - The occupiers killed Palestinian children. - They left them no chance to enjoy life. ; - They left them no chance to fulfil their dream: being doctors. i ; -They cause suffering topeople during military offensives. - They stole their (= the Palestinians) land. - They destroyed their houses: ~ ~ They killed their families and friends. - They made them refugees. Srouence 2 : ME, PERSONALITY AND LIFE EXPERIENCES 11. In Paragraph (2) Yara talks about her own dream 45. job. What is it? Find the reason why she ha, - (3) ® chosen a dream job like this one. The Her dream job is to travel around the world not to enjoy relig) or have fun but to deliver the message of the Palestinian Oc children. 16- hil She has chosen this job because she feels that it is en her duty to'speak and write on their behalf so that the os world will not forget the suffering and hardships they go Wh through. ene 12, Which of these names best illustrates Yara’s dream 17. Wk job? ste a. A traveller? a. b. An ambassador? c. for her people? 1¥1 c. A world messenger for her peop! ier 13. Yara’s message in Paragraph (2) is also the message thi of all the Palestinian children. Copy out the two an L sentences that express this message. Gi i | - ‘I believe that every person in the world should protect a } these children,’ TI - Thope those who are reading this message — Muslims, gi Christians, Jewish and everyone else — have enough humanity to do something about it, to take some responsibility,’ Task ___ 14. Who is the recipient of Yara’s 2 - dient The recipient of Yara’s = * uslims, Christians, Jewish and EL mE EL Kary joy an he go odoes the pronoun “you” refer toi 5 yaad (4)? moe es pronoun “you” refers to the a8 2 eos teaders, whatever on is a painful experience for Palestinian occupati What was Yara’s dream when she was a children- child? when Yara was a child she always wanted to fi ; enemy (the: occupying forces). Pea 16: ich one of these words describes Yara’s political tus or condition in the text? b. A refugee? M1 47.Wh sta a. A free citizen? c. An immigrant? e “reached your heart”? Do you “hastakensomeresponsibility” g” about the situation in ith your class. 18, Has Yara’s messag thinkthattheworld and “has done somethin: Gaza? Discuss these points w Class discussion The pupils discuss the and give their opinion. points raised in question 18 Task 3: 1 read the introductory paragraph oy Po Partner reads the rest of the text. We wot fe find information about Yara’s 3° nonon oo on current residence, original homeo bbies, dream job, childhood dream The answers are given in Task 4. issing information in each other’s answen, | —__Biske4:16rk with my poner Netemmere on eee tL work wij di ormteie ie pa ith my partner. We compare our fin ings cs and write Yara’s bio card in our copybook. ask te = hal n Yara's Bio Card po ‘Age: 15 Me ‘Nationality: Palestinian a ‘Political Status: refugee * I ( Current Residence: Alnusierat camp in the Gaza strip | )Original Hometown: Ashdod { b Occupation: high school student ‘ oa h ‘Hobbies: writing, reading novels, listening to music, dancing, i {riding a bike {Dream Job: a world messenger for her people ‘Childhood Dream: fight the enemy SS Task 5: I read text (2) and complete the bibliographical l notes in my copybook. Bibliographical Notes © Title: “Inside the Battle of Algiers: Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter” © Author: Zohra Drif © Source: Just World Books, USA — * Date of publication: 20175 ve! swede noktearaial ber (Mogae © Type of document:

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