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@mMs Sequence One. Me, Universal Landmarks And Outstanding Figures In History , Literature And Arts LESSON.O1;, = The three forms + pronunciation Present Simple LESS! The three forms + pronounciation Past Simple Presenting the first term project LESSON.03 “Getting information about landmarks + itinirary ante tt) 14-12-14 ( task: 19-20) 115 / page : 16 / page: 17 ( task : 34-35-36) 18 ( task : 37-38-39) / page :19 / page :21( task :54) 23: (task : 60) / page : 24 LESSON.04; ~ Getting information about outstanding figures listen and do (2) | page:13/ page:17(task:31-32) / page: 18( task: 40)/ page: 20/ page ; 21(task :52) / page ; 22 / page : 25 LESSON 0: Comparative form LESSON 06: Adjectives The passive voice ue Discourse markers 4) LESSON.09: Discourse markers (2) LESS! Consonant clusters LES Pronunciation LESSON 1 Reading LESSON. 13. Writting = Of equality : ( -Of inferiority : ( not page:36 Reviewing qualifiers - using strong adjectives Page:37 ( task: 9-10) page: 38{ task: 11-12-13) Past simple tense page:37( task: 5-6-7) 1- Chronology / describ an itinirary and indentify its component page:38( task: 15) 2- Cause and effect page: 39 ( task ; 18) 1+ Initial cansonant clusters ( Pr .8r .Tr 0 -2- Final consonant clusters (nt. nd .ft. kt) page :20( task: 12-13-14-15-16-17) -Diphthongs page: 29 / page: 30( task: 89-10-11) about an outstanding figure / about an Algerian landmark page : 40-41-51-52 Post a report of a trip on a fb page / Narrating using a biographical in formation page : 43-44-45-64-47-49 Sequence Two: Me, My Personality And Life Experience Presenting the second term project LESSON 9: “Talking about memories I Listen and do Rosemary /Dewi- page: 55-56-57-58 J.K.Rowiing page: 59-60-61 Kateb Yacin page: 62-63-64-65-66 -With long adjectives “ The most + adjective) With short adjectives “ The + adjective + est ) Superlative form * Regular + irregular adjectives page: 76( task:1-2-3-4) LESSON 9: ful - less ( to form adjectives ) Suffixes page:79 ( task: 18) - The past simple and the past continuous in a narrative When / While page: 76 (task: 5) page:44( task: 6) LESSON 05; Prefixing adjectives to get negative meaning (dis -un-in-il-ir- ind Prefixes page : 79( task : 16-17) LESSON = The three forms = using the time markers (ever , never , just) Present perfect | page 77 ( task: 8-9-1011) Pronunciation LESSON 08: Phrasal verbs. LESSON.O9 Like / Unlike Pronounciation Strong and weak forms of “ have - has” page: 77 ( task :10) Page 78 ( task : 12) Comparison and contrast markers (like - unlike - whereas ) page :78( task: 15) / page: 79 ( task: 19) Triphthongs page: 70 / page:71( task ; 7-8-9) + about a childs dream / about a memory of a freedom fighter page : 80-81-82-83-84-93 a web article / a letter page : 86-87-88 Sequence Three: Me, My Community And Citizenship LESSON 01; Future Simple {listen and do LESSON.O4: Woes ( type 1) Pronunciation LESSON.O! Reading The imperative form Time sequencers Presenting the third term project The three forms +1 Milada Horakova ‘s letter to her daughter page : 97-98-99-100-101-102-103 2+ Mes Zahra Drif page : 104-105-106-107 ; Advice » recommondation + instruction page 2114 ( task : 1-26) ‘imperative form ( instruction)+ time sequencers pages: 114 ( task: 1-2-6) ( write a recipe ) Conditional type 1 { present simple + future simple } (present simple + imperative ) page 115 ( task : 8-9-10-11) Expressing likes and dislikes : enjoy ; prefer ; like / dislike ; love hate +v (ing) page 117 ( task : 22) Silent letters *k.w.l.b.n* page : 110 ( task: 1-3-4-7) -an argumentative text / about an Algerian charity group (page : 118 - 49-120-121-129) = an open letter about the pros and cons of cultural globalization / an article about the importance of charity work page : 123-124-125

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