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iPredator: an individual , group or nation that directly or indirectly engages within the exploitation,

victimization, coercion, harassment, theft or denigration of others using information technology and
communication [ICT].. IPredators are often of any age or gender and aren't bound by economic status,
race, religion, or national heritage. iPredator may be a global term wont to distinguish anyone who acts
criminal, compulsive, deviant, or abusive while using ICT. At the middle of the structure is that the
premise that criminals, deviants, and violently disturbed criminals of the knowledge age are new
psychopathological classifications for humanity.
Dissimilar to human hunters preceding the Information Age, iPredators depend upon the large number of
advantages offered by Information and Communications Technology [ICT]. These helps incorporate trade
of data over significant distances, rate of data traded and the apparently endless admittance to information
accessible. Malicious in plan, iPredators constantly bamboozle others utilizing ICT in the theoretical and
counterfeit electronic universe known as the internet. Accordingly, as the web normally offers all ICT
clients obscurity, on the off chance that they choose, iPredators effectively plan online profiles and
diversionary strategies to stay undetected and untraceable.

Cyberstealth, a sub-principle of iPredator, is an incognito strategy by which iPredators endeavor to set up

and support total obscurity while they participate in ICT exercises arranging their next attack, examining
creative observation advancements or investigating the social profiles of their next objective.
Simultaneous with the idea of Cyberstealth is iPredator Victim Intuition [IVI], an iPredator's IVI is their
inclination to detect an objective's ODDOR [Offline Distress Dictates Online Response], on the web and
disconnected weaknesses, mental shortcomings, innovative impediments, expanding their
accomplishment of a digital assault with negligible repercussions.

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