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Project: Online Shopping Store

Course: OOSE
Submitted To: Obaid Ahmed
Submitted By:
Name Roll No
Khansa Munir F-101019
Laiba Tahir F-101020
Wardah Saleem F-101032
Maryam Farooq F-101040
Sara Najam F-101046
Date of submission: 13-12-2020
Q1. Draw class diagram of your proposed projects?

The purpose of this diagram is to show the static view of the application
(online shopping store ). It shows some common classes and the
relationships between them.
Each customer has unique id and is linked to exactly one account. Account
owns shopping cart and orders. Customer could register as a web user to be
able to buy items online. Customer is not required to be a web user because
purchases could also be made by phone or by ordering from catalogues.
Web user has login name which also serves as unique id. Web user could be
in several states - new, active, temporary blocked, or banned, and be linked
to a shopping cart. Shopping cart belongs to account.
Account owns customer orders. Customer may have no orders. Customer
orders are sorted and unique. Each order could refer to several payments,
possibly none. Every payment has unique id and is related to exactly one
Each order has current order status. Both order and shopping cart
have line items linked to a specific product. Each line item is related to
exactly one product. A product could be associated to many line items or no
item at all.
Q2. Draw sequence diagrams of complex use cases of your project?

A model describing how groups of objects collaborate in some behavior over
time. The diagram also captures the behavior of a single use case.
In order to develop sequence diagram we need the use case;

Use case: Buy Product Online

Primary path:
1.Customer login to the account.
2. Customer then browses through Product catalog and selects items to buy.
2. Customer add the item to the cart.
3. Customer fills out shipping information.
4. Customer fills the credit card information and pay for the product to buy.

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