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Katherine Bailey Reading Assignment 3 EDN303 J.

Multiple Choice Test
Fair Use/Copyrights

1. When is a creative and original work put in the public domain?

a. When it is posted to Usenet

b. When it does not have a C in a circle:©

c. When the phrase “All Rights Reserved” is not present

d. When you have explicit permission from the author or owner

2. Fair use is

a. anything amount of length as long as the whole work is not copies

b. generally a short excerpt and attributes to the author

c. anything under 300 words

d. when you are using it for purely educational instruction purposes

3. Fair use was created to allow all of the following except:

a. parody

b. news reporting

c. commentary

d. derivative works

4. When is copyright violation a felony?

a. When the violation involved more than 10 copies and value over $2500

b. When the violation involved more than 25 copies and value over $10000

c. It is not copyright violation is considered civil charge, not criminal

d. When you charge any money, no matter the value.

5. All of the following are factors used to consider whether a use is fair or not, except:

a. The nature of the copyrighted work

Katherine Bailey Reading Assignment 3 EDN303 J. Robertson
Multiple Choice Test
Fair Use/Copyrights

b. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted

work as a whole.

c. The source of the information

d. The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted


6. What is more likely to be considered fair use?

a. an unpublished work

b. a creative work

c. a work that is still in print

d. a factual work

7. Guidelines are established to help educators to understand what, under most

circumstances they are allowed to copy. According to those guidelines what generally

acceptable to copy?

a. a single chapter from a book

b. sheet music for musical performance

c. any work without attributing it to the author

d. a television broadcast that can only be shown after 45 day from its original air


8. An article, short story or essay may be copied if:

a. it is only 10% of the work, no matter then length

b. it is 2,500 words or less

c. it is more than 1,000 words

d. as long as it is only used once, no matter the length

Katherine Bailey Reading Assignment 3 EDN303 J. Robertson
Multiple Choice Test
Fair Use/Copyrights

9. The guidelines mentioned in question 7 do not allow users to do all of the following,

except what?

a. copy the same works for more than one semester

b. copy the same work more than nine times in a single semester

c. copy a whole chapter from a book

d. use copyrighted work for commercial purposes

10. What is the best way to avoided issues with fair use?

a. Use public domain resources whenever possible

b. Do not ever copy anything

c. Do not alter works you have copied

d. Assume you are a teacher and they will not take you to court

11. What types of work can be copyrighted?

a. only literary works

b. literary, musical, and pictorial works

c. All types of “original” works

d. facts and ideas that lack originality

12. The term of copyright for an author lasts how long?

a. the life of the author

b. the life of the author plus seventy years

c. ninety-five years

d. seventy years

13. Which one of these statements is true?

a. If the work is not registered it is not protected by copyright.

Katherine Bailey Reading Assignment 3 EDN303 J. Robertson
Multiple Choice Test
Fair Use/Copyrights

b. Copyright infringement and plagiarism are the same things.

c. If a web page does not have copyright notice it is public domain.

d. Materials created by the federal government are public domain.

14. Copyright protection begins when?

a. When the original work is fixed in a tangible medium of expression

b. Immediately when the author or creator comes up with the idea

c. When it is published

d. When it is registered

15. If a work is commission by a company or individual the original creator

a. Has rights to the work under any circumstance.

b. Retains ownership of the work unless another agreement has been made.

c. Once sold had no rights to the work.

d. Retains ownership of the preliminary work (i.e. rough draft, sketches, etc.) but not

the final finished work.

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