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One of the most annoying Wifi issues I’ve had to face is needing to adjust certain settings but

finding myself unable to do so for lack of the proper router login details.

“Why not just look them up in the router manual?” you may ask.

Well, sure, if it were available that would certainly help, but as a digital nomad, I find myself in
Airbnb’s and rented rooms all across the world, working with a ton of different makes and models
of router, and usually the packaging and whatever information that came along with it has long
since been discarded or in another language entirely.

I’m sure that many others share my woes, so I’ve compiled this comprehensive list of default
router login information (usernames and passwords) for router models manufactured by a (very)
long list of the most popular brands, like Linksys and Netgear - along with some of the more
obscure names out there that you’re bound to run into at one point or another.

Where do I find my default router username and password?

Of course, this information will be provided in the manual that came with the router, although
chances are you misplaced it, or are using a router that you didn’t purchase to being with.

Rest easy: I’ve got you covered. To find the default router username and password for the make
and model that you are working with, simply search in the box below, and all the information that
you need to log in and change your settings will pop right up.

How do I log into my router?

Locate your model’s username and password through searching our table below.

Open your web browser of choice.

Enter your router’s default IP address

Type in the username and password that you located through our list below.

That’ll do it.

How do I change or reset my router password?

It might be a good idea to reset your router password and change it in order to prevent the
scenario of forgetting it once again. The first thing you must do is reset the router to its original
factory settings, thereby clearing out all changes that have been made to the router since it was
removed from the packaging.

Typically, this means pressing down and holding down the reset button on your router for ten
seconds. Afterwards it will be accessible by the default username and password provided below.

Once you login with the steps detailed above, you are will be able to alter the username and
password as you see fit. Don’t forget to write a note or take a picture.

Default Router Usernames and Passwords

Here is the comprehensive list of router usernames, passwords, and IPs. Odds are, you’ll find the
ones you’re looking for by searching this table.




Router IP Address Username Password

Eltel F452 IP Address: Username:admin Password:admin

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