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Build an Argument

Topic and sources: The Sexual Orientation Identity Expression (SOGIE) Equality Bill
Audience: LGBT Community
Appeals I will use (Logos, pathos, ethos):
Hook: Gender Equality
Claim: It is intended to prevent various economic and public accommodation-
related acts of discrimination against people based on their sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression.

Evidence Reasoned connections
 Same sex marriage  The bill extends equal rights to all
 LGBT program persons.
 Anti-Discrimination  It promotes program for LGBT’s human
 Gender Equality rights to be respected.
 It protects a LGBT person from
discrimination from diversity going
school, workplace, social services.
 Protection of every Filipino against
SOGIE-related discrimination

Handling Opposing Viewpoints

Viewpoint: Objection or Refutation:
—It will not penalize people who practice
— Discrimination against non-LGBT religious or academic freedom.
individuals —It will not dictate churches on their teachings
or hiring process.
—It will not allow a change of gender— marker
in birth certificate.
—It does not violate the rights of straight
Ideas: Legalization of same sex marriage
Memorable last sentence:
“ All people should be treated equally regardless of who they are or who they
Name: Tesha Samantha D. Candado 12-OLIC Date: November 6, 2020

Argumentative Essay

In the Philippines, there is a proposed legislation called Sexual Orientation and Gender
Identity and Expression Equality Bill or The SOGIE Bill which prohibits discrimination on
the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression (SOGIE), passed its third
reading with a unanimous vote. I agree with the sentiments of this Bill because as a
young Filipino citizen with my own gender identity and self-expression, I think it is very
important that we should not tolerate all forms of Gender Discrimination in our country
instead, we should provide support to everyone and create a society wherein every
individual is protected from hate and the denial of equal opportunities just because of
their gender and self-expression.
Since Philippines is predominantly Catholic and conservative, most of them does not
agree with this bill. However, as the society changes through time, our generation
developed tolerance and acknowledgement of the rights of LGBT Community because
of the legalization of Gender Equality around the world. The older generations still find
same sex marriage/ legalization of Gender Equality immoral because they believe that
all romantic relationships should be strictly heterosexual. This proves that the
conversation about Sexual Orientation Identity Expression (SOGIE) Bill is highly
considered by our government. It aims to protect EVERYONE, not just the LGBTQIA+,
from harassment and discrimination. If this bill would passed, it will not take away any of
your rights as a person. It will just give the same to those who have less.

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