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QN: think of an insect you dislike and explain why. Give good reasons and support your choice.

Insects are a class [insect] of arthropods with well-defined heads, thorax and abdomen only three
pairs of legs and typically one or two pairs of wings 1. These include bugs, bees, houseflies, flees,
to mention but a few. In the variety of insects, I am specifically vexed and irritable by a housefly.
This is a suborder Cyclorrhapa which is believed to have revolved in the cenozic era, possibly in
the Middle East and has soared all over the world like world fire as a commensal of humans. It is
the most common fly species found in houses, markets, companies, and many other places.
Adults are grey to black with four dark longitudinal lines on the thorax, slightly hairy bodies and
a pair of membranous wings. They have red eyes set further apart in the slightly larger female.
There physique and countenance is the first reason why I detest houseflies as explained above.

Houseflies carry pathogens on their bodies and in their feaces, contaminate food and contribute
to the transmission of food borne illnesses and while in a multitude, can be physically
infuriating2. These include diseases like diarrhea, cholera, which are a great theft to people’s
lives, can cause financial strain and so on they are also considered pests because they alternate
between breeding and feeding in dirty places with feeding on human foods. They feed from
places like latrines, garbage cans, toilets, rubbish pits which makes them more of a nuisance to
people’s lives as a case in point were one has used his last mussel of sugar to make a cup of juice
for a dying patient in an impoverished environment only to fish out a big gaudy housefly from it
and hence one is left with no option but to discard contaminated juice just because of one

A multiplex of organisms are carried by the hairs on the housefly and these include hair, dust
particles, faeces, decayed matter tpo mention but a few. They are also carried about on the
housefly’s mouth parts, vomitus and faeces. They hence serve as vectors to over one hundred
pathogens such as those causing typhoid, cholera, salmonellosis bacillary dysentery,
tuberculosis, anthrax and pyogeniccacci, making them especially problematic in hospitals and
during outbreaks of certain diseases. In case of body injuries like open wounds, flies can be an
irritation creating an infestation even on unbroken skin and have been known to use moist soil
and non-meiotic flies are vector agents to their parasitic larvae causing a condition called

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myiasis3. Houseflies are also a threat to industries such as livestock industries worldwide, fruits
and drinks industries, bakeries and so on where they are not mitigated causing severe economic
losses hence breakdown of industries.

Their buzzing sounds while flying is another irritation in instances were one is intendning or he
is having a nap or when one is concentrating on reading, cooking, sweeping and any other
activities of one’s daily life. houseflies even go to places that they are unexpected like has
maggots in one’s body causing tracheostomy wounds because of the infestation, unclean
boardrooms, kitchens, clean floors and soon causing discomfort and economic strain on
individuals who are burdened by the need to buy housefly repellant sprays to reduce the number
of houseflies and also reduce risks of diseases caused by houseflies

Houseflies have also led to economic loss among livestock faarmes. The housefly is a
development host for habronema musae and Draschia megestoma spirurid nematodes that cause
gastric and cutaneous forms of habronemiasis in horses, they also implement/ transmit the
chicken tapeworm Choanotaenia infundibulum which reduces products yield for the farmers.
These anel more ailments contribute to the dislike I have for houseflies since they have led to
numerous deaths, worsened body injuries, caused the spread of water borne diseases, food borne
diseases, caused financial constrain on farmers, owners of industries dealing in life stock
products, fruits and so on hence conclusively portraying houseflies as a biggest threat for the
peace and health of people worldwide, if not campaigned against in different ways using
different remedies or solutions.

Hhtps:// >myiasis 14/11/19

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