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Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance

and mental health?


Social Studies
“Child Abuse”

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how
does it affect their performance and mental health?

Candidate’s Name:
Candidate’s Number:
Centre Number:
Year of examination: 2020
Territory: Jamaica

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

Table of Contents
Page Number
Acknowledgement 3
- Rationale 4
- Methods of Investigation 4
- Procedure for Data Collection 5
- Data Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis 6-15
- Statement of Findings 16
- Recommendation 17
- Reference 18
- Appendix : 19-20

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?


Firstly, I would like to thank God for everything he has done for me and for also keeping me safe
and protected so that I was able to complete this project. I would also like to thank my parents,
social studies teacher and my grade mates for their continuous help, participation and support
throughout this project. It was a blessing having them by my side and being able to work with
each and every one of them.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?


The school where the research was conducted is a co-educational institution that is located in St.
Andrew. It has a population of 2,050 students. The investigator has been attending this institution
for 5 years. The purpose of the investigation was to find out the number of students that have
been suffering from child abuse at home.

The investigator became aware of the issue when she overheard students from lower school
conversing that they had seen bruises on a number of students in their classes.
The investigator also heard the same students mentioning that they think it might have been child
abuse happening in the house hold of the victims.

Method of Investigation:
The investigator used a questionnaire to gather data because it was an inexpensive way to gather
data. It was used also because it is an easy way to collect data from a large number of persons
quickly and easily.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?


The researcher obtained data from thirty five (35) individuals. Of these individuals 12 were
males and 23 were females. These individuals ranged from 12 to 19 years of age.

Forty five (45) questionnaires were issued by the researcher, however only thirty five (35) were
recollected. The questionnaire consists of only eleven questions, (10) closed questions and one
(1) open question arranged in a chronological order.

The questionnaires were distributed among the students in a random order. In order for the data
to be collected, the researcher distributed the questionnaires during the designated lunch times of
students over a two week period. The students were given 15 minutes to complete and return the
questionnaires to the researcher.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

Data Presentation, Interpretation & Analysis

Fig 1. Pie Chart Showing The Gender Of The


34% Females


Field Word 2019.

The pie chart above represents the gender of the respondents. From the pie chart it is evident that
the majority of the respondents were females.

Fig 2. Pie Chart Showing The Age Groups Of The


6; 17% 12 to 14
11; 31% 15 to 17
18 to 19

18; 51%

Field Work 2019.

The pie chart above represents the different age groups of the respondents. From the chart it is
evident that the majority of the respondents ranged in the age group 15-17.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

Fig 3. Pie Chart Showing The Number Of Persons

Being Abused vs. Those Who Are Not Being Abused

6% YES


Field Work 2019.

The pie chart above represents how many of the respondents were victims of child abuse or knew
someone that was. Majority of the respondents selected the response “yes” (94%) while the
remaining selected the response “no” (6%).

Fig 4. Column Graph Showing The Age Groups At Which The

Respondents Started Being Abused



5 to 10 11 to 14 15 to 16 17 to 18

Age Groups of Respondents

Field Work 2019.

The column graph above indicates that the majority of the students (20) who completed a
questionnaire began experiencing abuse at ages 11-14 or they knew someone that did. (13)
Students began experiencing abuse at ages 5-10 and the remaining (2) began experiencing abuse
at ages 15-16. None of the respondents started being abused at ages 17-18.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

In most cases child abuse never really starts at the age of 17-18 because the individual has
reached that level of maturity where they understand the difference between right and wrong and
they often times have the strength to fight back or the courage to report it. Based on the graph,
the reason why most persons started experiencing child abuse at ages 5-11 and 11-14 is because
they are young both mentally and physically and can be easily manipulated and intimidated.

Fig 5. Column Graph Showing The Individuals That Persons Are

Being Abused By
No. of Respondents

7 7

1 1 1
Siblings Mother Mother's Father School Step Aunt
Boyfriend Mates Father
Individuals That Persons Are Being Abused By

Individuals That Persons Are Being Abused By

Field Work 2019.

The column graph above represents the list of individuals that persons are being abused by. From
the graph it can be interpreted that the majority of the respondents were being abused by their
father (10) or they knew someone that was, the second highest being the siblings (8), then the
mother and school mates sharing equal number of respondents (7). Lastly, the mother’s
boyfriend, step-father and aunt both had the same number of respondents choosing that response
The graph indicates that majority of the respondents were being abused by their father or they
knew someone that was. The most likely reason for this is because males are known more as the
ones with anger issues or an out of control temper. Recent studies shows that majority of males
that abuses children were victims of child abuse themselves when they were younger and are still

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

mentally affected by their past. They were made to believe that what was happening to them was
right and it was a form of discipline for when they did something wrong.

Fig 6. Column Graph Showing The Different Types Of

Number of Person Being Abused


1 1 1
Verbal Physical Physical & Sexual Mental Verbal & Verbal &
Sexual Mental Physical
Types of Abuses

Field Work 2019.

The column graph above indicates that the majority of the respondents were victims of verbal
abuse. 12 respondents out of the 35 were victims of verbal abuse, 10 respondents out of 35 were
victims of physical abuse, 7 out of 35 were victims of sexual abuse, 3 out of 35 were victims
who experienced both verbal and physical, 1 out of 35 was a victim of both physical and sexual,
1 out of 35 was a victim of both verbal and mental and lastly 1 out of 35 was a victim of mental.
Based on the graph it can be said that verbal abuse is the most common type of abuse that the
respondents were victims of. It is very easy for a child to become a victim of verbal abuse in
today’s society. Recent studies shows that verbal abuse can affect a child more than any other
form of abuse. Harsh words cut deeper because after constantly hearing something negative
about yourself from others you start to believe it. With that being said children that are victims of
long term verbal abuse turn to suicide or self-harm as a way of coping with the mental pain.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

Fig 7. Bar Graph Showing The Reasons Why

Persons Are Being Abused
Dad Left 1
Social Status 5
Not Aware 13
Appearance 11
Academic Performance 7
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Number of Respondents

Field Work 2019.

The bar graph above represents the reasons why the respondents were experiencing the different
types of abuses. Some of the reasons were chosen more than once. Majority of the respondents
were not aware of the reason (13) while the remaining numbers varied between academic
performance (7), appearance (11), social status (5) and parent being absent from the household
(1). The response with the second highest amount of numbers was appearance. In today's society
children are not free to be themselves and they are oftentimes criticized and shunned for their
Victims never normally know the real reason as to why they are being abused they just know
how to endure it and cope with it. Child abuse sometimes start out of nowhere and the child is
left completely unaware of what they did for this to have happened to them.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

Fig 8. Pie Chart Showing The Effect That Abuse

Has On Individuals

14% Negative


Field Work 2019.

The pie chart above indicates that the majority of the respondents (86%) were negatively affected
by the abuse that they were victims of. While the remaining respondents (14%) the abuse had a
positive effect on them.
Majority of the respondents stated that child abuse has a negative effect on them. That is very
likely in most cases seeing that abuse can affect a child in many different ways, for example:
mentally, emotionally and physically etc. They start questioning life and themselves as to why
they are being mistreated and why they are treated differently from their peers. This will then
sometimes lead to self-isolation, self-harm, suicide, acting out etc.

Table 1. Table Showing The Different Ways In Which Abuse Made The Victims Feel
Feelings of the Victims Number of Respondents
Shy 0
Scared 8
Bothered 19
Unbothered 8
Field Work 2019.
The table above represents how the abuse makes the respondents or the persons they know are
being abused feel. The table indicates that the majority of the respondents (19) were bothered by
the abuse while the remaining respondents were equally unbothered (8) and scared (8). It was no
shock that the majority were bothered by the abuse because realistically when persons go

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

through any type of abuse it oftentimes affects them both mentally and emotionally and it also
causes them to sometimes isolate themselves from others.
Children are most likely going to feel bothered if they were once victims of child abuse, still are
or knows someone that is. No matter what type of abuse it is, once a child goes through it
whether it be positive or negative it is going to always affect them if they don’t seek help from a
professional. In some instances, even after seeking help some children are still bothered just by
the mere fact that they will always remember what they went through.

Fig 9. Bar Graph Showing The Ways In Which

Respondents Cope With The Abuses
Ways How They Cope

Isolating Myself 1
Suicidal 1
Keep to Myself 1
Ignore 1
Watching Funny Movies 1
Acting Out 15
Abuse of Alcohol 6
Self Harm 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Number of Respondents

Field Work 2019.

The bar graph above represents how the respondents cope with the abuses. Majority of the
respondents (15) act out as a way of coping while (6) of them abuses alcohol, (9) of them self-
harm and the remaining numbers isolate themselves (1), have suicidal thoughts (1), keep to
themselves (1), watch television shows (1), and ignore persons (1).
When children act out that it sometimes their way of drawing attention to themselves. They don’t
get the attention that they want and need from home or from their peers so they feel that it as a
must that they do so otherwise.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

Fig 10. Bar Graph Showing The Number Of Respondents Who

Seek Love And Affection From Others As A Result Of Them
Being Abused

Sometimes 8

No 26

Yes 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Number of Respondents

Field Work 2019.

The bar graph above represents the responses given by the students when asked if the abuse that
they are experiencing causes them to seek love and affection elsewhere. Majority (26) of the
respondents chose the answer “no”. While (8) of them selected the option “sometimes” and the
remaining (1) respondent selected the option “yes”.
A vast majority of the respondents expressed that they would not seek love and affection from
anyone. This could be that they do not feel they can trust anyone given that those they trusted
have betrayed their trust. These individuals sometimes guard themselves and don’t let anyone get
close to them. The individuals that selected the option sometimes can be a result of them not
receiving the love and affection at home so they come out to seek it elsewhere.

Table 2. Table Showing The Persons Who The Respondents Feel Most Comfortable Sharing
Information With

Respondents Choices Number of Respondents

No One 19
Friends Parents 3
Close Friends 9
Guidance Counsellor 4
Field Work 2019.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

The table above represents the responses given by the respondents when they were asked who
they feel most comfortable sharing this information with. A greater number of them (19) selected
the option “no one”, while (9) of them selected the response “close friends”, (4) selected
“guidance counsellor”, and the remaining (3) selected “friends parents”.
The majority of the respondents chose not to reveal that they are being abused to any one
because of the fear of being accused that they caused the abuse on themselves. They also feared
that they might be victimized or criticized. The next highest number of respondents expressed
that they felt comfortable sharing with close friends. This could be as a result of the level of trust
and confidence that they have in their friends not sharing with others. Topics like these are not
easily expressed openly. As a result many suppress their emotions, become withdrawn and which
sometimes affect their performance in schools. The smaller numbers expressed that they would
share the information with their friends parents and guidance counsellors. This is often done
when the abuse becomes extreme. The abused at this point knows that it is likely that these
individuals may confront the abusers. The abused may be ready to confront the situation to have
the abuser exposed and to get out of the situation.

Table 3. Table Showing The Proposed Solutions Given By Respondents To Minimize The
Level Of Child Abuse
Proposed Solutions Given By Respondents Number of Respondents
Report it to CISOCA 18
Lock up the Abusers 10
Pray for the Abusers 3
Punish the Abusers 4
Field Work 2019.
The table above shows the solutions given by the respondents to minimize the level of child
abuse. Majority of the respondents (18) thought it was most suitable to minimize the level of
child abuse by reporting it to CISOCA, while (10) of them thought that incarcerating the abusers
would help the issue, (4) of them thought that punishing the abusers would be most suitable and
the remaining (3) respondents suggested that we pray for the abusers.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

When a case of child abuse is reported to CISOCA, especially if it is seen as a very serious case
then the child is usually removed from the home of that parent/s or guardian/s. Investigations are
done to see how long the abuse has been going on and it is also taken to court. After doing
background checks, if the child has another relative that is old enough and has a stable
environment for the child then the authorities would place the child in that person’s care.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

Statement of Findings:

Based on research conducted and the charts constructed it can therefore be stated that majority of
the respondents were either victims of abuse or they knew someone that was and they were
females who ranged in the age group 15 – 17 (Figure 2). What can also be concluded from the
research is that the most popular abuse that the respondents suffered from was verbal abuse and
the second highest number of respondents suffered from physical abuse (Figure 6). The person
that was chosen as the main one who abuses the respondents whether it be in the homes or
outside the homes was the father (Figure 5). A reason why this can be said is because fathers are
mostly seen as the disciplinarians in the household but nowadays it is observed how abuse is
always mixed up with discipline.

According to the charts it can be said that most of the victims are not aware on why they are
being abused but the abuse does has a negative effect on them (Figure 7 & 8). From the charts, it
shows that majority of the respondents are bothered by the abuse especially when around other
persons (Table 1) and how they often times cope with the abuse is by acting out (Figure 9).
Persons who are being abused tend to sometimes seek love and affection elsewhere since it is
obviously not present in the homes but these respondents selected the option “no” when they
came upon that specific question (Figure 10). It can probably be said that the abuse makes them
isolate themselves from others. Most children who are victims of abuse are either troubled
mentally and they have a hard time focusing which can have a negative impact on their lives.
The respondents felt most comfortable sharing the information with no one maybe because the
topic makes them uncomfortable, they feel scared or they have been threatened (Table 2). Lastly,
the open question from the questionnaire which was basically asking for a solution to help
mitigate the issue obtained a lot of responses. The answers were observed, analyzed carefully
and then they were averaged where the four most suggested responses were chosen. A greater
number of the respondents said that the matter should be reported to CISOCA, the second
highest number said that the abusers should be locked up and the remaining numbers suggested
that the abusers should be prayed for and punished (Table 3).

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?


Child abuse is a problem that cannot be solved but reduced. Child abuse has been a decade old
problem that has been plaguing the world over. This has festered as victims have been reluctant
to speak out about this due to the fear of punishment, victimization, being killed, threatened,
intimidation and rejection among other reasons.

To compound the issue in years gone by, persons had no support system to aid in speaking out
and getting help and fight abuse. Persons to whom victims would seek help are abusers/molesters
themselves making it even more difficult.

My recommendation is to have serious campaigns on the issue and when abusers are caught,
tried and found guilty they are given harsh punishments. This could include imprisonment for a
maximum of ten years. When sentence is served these abusers are to be re-entered into their
communities or societies with everyone knowing who they are.

I also recommend a system where children can anonymously call in, email, text or write to seek
help. These individuals should be trained counsellors or psychologists. Children in general
should be sensitized that this system or facility exists where they can feel free to make contact
without others knowing or them revealing their identity until they are comfortable to do so. This
is in a bid to help children have someone other than persons in their household to reach out to. It
is known that some children prefer to talk to someone other than their closest contact due to fear
of doubt or disbelief.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?


 Carol Myers and Maureen Rowe-Campbell. Simply Social Studies Pocket Book 1 |
Revised and Reprinted 2015. Printsource International Limited.
 CARIBBEAN: Jamaica reports increase in child abuse cases. From Retrieved on 14 March 2020.
 Child Abuse in the Caribbean | Dominica & St. Vincent – Child Fund International. From Retrieved on 14 March 2020.
 Child Abuse | Loop News – Loop Jamaica. From
Retrieved on 13 March 2020.
 Confronting child abuse – Jamaica Observer. From
Retrieved on 13 March 2020.
 Violence against children in Latin America & Caribbean countries. From Retrieved on 13 March 2020.

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

Sample Questionnaire

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect
their performance and mental health?
Attention: The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather data on the chosen topic child abuse for
my Social Studies School Based Assessment.
Instructions: Please answer all questions on this questionnaire. Place a tick (✔) in the box that
best suits your answer. (Your name is not required)
𛲠female 𛲠male
󠁙12-14 𛲠15-17 𛲠18-19
1. Are you a victim of child abuse or know anyone that is?
𛲠yes 𛲠no
2. If yes, at what age did the abuse begin?
𛲠5-10 11-14 𛲠15-16 𛲠17-18
3. Who is the person that you/they are being abused by?
𛲠mother father 𛲠siblings 𛲠school mates 𛲠other _________________________
4. What type of abuse are you/they familiar with or have experienced?
𛲠verbal physical 𛲠mental 𛲠sexual 𛲠other _______________
5. What is the cause of the abuse that you/they are witnessing or experiencing?
𛲠academic performance 𛲠appearance 𛲠not aware 𛲠social status
𛲠other __________________
6. What type of effect does this type of abuse have on you/them?
𛲠negative 𛲠positive
7. How does the abuse make you/them feel or act around your friends?
𛲠shy scared 𛲠bothered 𛲠It doesn’t bother me
8. How do you/they cope with these abuses?
𛲠self-harm 𛲠abuse of alcohol 𛲠acting out 𛲠other

Research Question: Are children at my school suffering from child abuse and how does it affect their performance
and mental health?

9. Does being abused at home or school cause you/them to seek love and affection from other
𛲠yes no 𛲠sometimes
10. Who do you/they feel most comfortable sharing this information with?
𛲠guidance counsellor 𛲠close friends 𛲠friends parents 𛲠no one 𛲠other
11. Being a victim of child abuse or knowing someone that is being abused, share your views on
child abuse and what you think might be the best solution for this problem.


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