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University of Cebu-Main Campus

College of Teacher Education

LESSON PLAN IN: Grade 7 English

Prepared by: Jam Michael L. Badelles

Specific Objectives Topic/Content/ Activities/Procedures Assessment Assignment

I. Objectives: II. Learning III. Teaching - IV. Evaluation V. Assignment
With the aid of Content: Learning Process Quiz: Choose the Search for four reading
power point Reading Styles I. Preliminaries letter of the correct material (it can be a
presentation, the 1. Topic : a) Prayer
answer: paragraph, an article, a
grade 7 students DIFFERENT b) Greetings
will: TYPES OF c) Checking of 1. The following items book and a short story)
a. identify the READING attendance and do not require fast in the internet or in a
different STYLES cleanliness of the reading except; book and used the
reading (SCAN, room a. test or exam different reading style
styles and SKIM, SPEED II. Lesson Proper directions to get information. In
its functions READING, 1.INTRODUCTION b. wattpad stories each reading material,
b. appreciate INTENSIVE Review
the READING o What was our topic
c. medicine labels write the information
importance 2. Reference : yesterday? (Verb) d. google search you gathered and
of each ENGLISH ARTS o What is a verb? encode what reading
reading style I. 2000. PP 11, 2. Searching for the style is used.
c. apply the 12, 31. 3. Motivation meaning of an
different https://www.p o Text Twist. In this unfamiliar word in the
reading h- game, the teacher dictionary is an
styles in will present a
getting /fileadmin/sub
example of?
jumbled word with
information sites/2b-engl-t- a. skimming
its definition and
to a 01/user_files/R then the learners b. scanning
paragraph. odgers/Introdu will arrange the c. intensive
ction_to_the_T jumbled words. d. extensive
glish__Modul_ 2. INTERACTION
1c_/reading_st Discussion 3. skimming
yles_01_herko Introduces the techniques include:
emmlich.htm different reading a. looking for the main
3. Materials: styles: ideas of the article
Power Point o Skimming b. looking for specific
Presentation o Scanning words, phrases,
o Intensive reading names, dates or
4. Methodology: o Extensive reading
3I’s Method
(Introduction Discusses the
c. taking time to
, Interaction, different reading understand the whole
Integration) styles: text in-depth
o Skimming d. reading longer text
 gather the most for pleasure
information or gist
 done by running
your eyes over the
texts noting the
most important
 each word is not
really important in
this technique

About COVID-19

Coronaviruses (CoV)
are a large family of
viruses that cause
illness ranging from
the common cold to
more severe diseases
such as Middle East
Syndrome (MERS-
CoV) and Severe
Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS-
CoV). A novel
coronavirus (nCoV) is
a new strain that has
not been previously
identified in humans.
Corona viruses are
zoonotic, meaning
they are transmitted
between animals and
people. Detailed
investigations found
that SARS-CoV was
transmitted from civet
cats to humans and
MERS-CoV from
dromedary camels to
humans. Several
known coronaviruses
are circulating in
animals that have not
yet infected humans.
Common signs of
infection include
respiratory symptoms,
fever, cough,
shortness of breath
and breathing
difficulties. In more
severe cases,
infection can cause
pneumonia, severe
acute respiratory
syndrome, kidney
failure and even
recommendations to
prevent infection
spread include
regular hand washing,
covering mouth and
nose when coughing
and sneezing,
thoroughly cooking
meat and eggs. Avoid
close contact with
anyone showing
symptoms of
respiratory illness
such as coughing and

How to used
Read the Title
Try to detect the
main idea
Read the first
sentence and last
Skip examples and
o Scanning
 used to find a
particular details of
 done by running
your eyes over the
texts while looking
for specific
 it is okay not to
understand some
phrases or words
encountered in the
 example: looking
for specific details
in your contact list
o Intensive
 reading shorter
texts for detailed
information with
emphasis on
 involves close
reading for specific
 each word is
 focuses on deep
reading or reading
in details and
closely analyzing
of the text by
paying attention
 it refers to quality
of reading
 Example: reading
an article

o Extensive
 used to gather
general knowledge
 reading longer texts,
often for pleasure
and for an overall
 helps a reader in
enhancing fluency
and speed in reading
 focus on general
understanding of the
book or text
 refers to quantity of
 example: reading a
short story
Differences of
Intensive and
 Intensive is
visualizing every
word while extensive
does not pay to micro
 Intensive is getting
involved with text
while extensive is
read to have a
general knowledge
We used each
reading styles so that
we can collect
information in a
paragraph, short
story or any reading
materials. In
improving the
comprehension and
towards reading text,
is each reading styles
useful or not? Why?

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