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1.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................4
1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT...............................................................................................4
1.2 METHODOLOGY: DATA COLLECTION....................................................................4
1.3 LIMITATIONS.................................................................................................................5
2.0 NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT................................................................................6
2.1 DEFINITION....................................................................................................................6
2.2 CLASSIFICATION OF NPD...........................................................................................7
2.2.1 ADDITION OF EXISTING LINE............................................................................7
2.2.3 COST REDUCTIONS...............................................................................................8
2.2.4 REPOSITIONING.....................................................................................................8
2.3 NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS.............................................................9
2.3.1 IDEA GENERATION...............................................................................................9
2.3.2 IDEA SCREENING................................................................................................10
2.3.3 MARKET SURVEY...............................................................................................11
2.4 CONSUMER TRENDS CANVAS................................................................................15
2.5 PRODUCT DESIGN/FEATURES.................................................................................19
2.5.1 EXTENDABLE TABLE.........................................................................................19
2.5.2 ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT........................................................................................19
2.5.3 MENU SLOT...........................................................................................................20
2.5.4 BUZZER..................................................................................................................20
2.6 CONCEPT TESTING.....................................................................................................22
2.7 PROTOTYPE..................................................................................................................22
2.8 TEST MARKETING......................................................................................................23
3.0 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................24
4.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................25
5.0 APPENDIX........................................................................................................................26


Figure 2. 1: New Product Development Process.............................................................................6

Figure 2. 2: R&D Process................................................................................................................9
Figure 2. 3: Age Range of Respondent..........................................................................................12
Figure 2. 4: Gender of respondent.................................................................................................12
Figure 2. 5: Frequency of eating outside UiTM............................................................................13
Figure 2. 6: Number of people joined while eating.......................................................................13
Figure 2. 7: Reason to eat at the restaurant....................................................................................14
Figure 2. 8: Problem faced at the restaurant..................................................................................14
Figure 2. 9: Extendable Table........................................................................................................19
Figure 2. 10: Adjustable Height.....................................................................................................20
Figure 2. 11: Menu Slot.................................................................................................................20
Figure 2. 12: Buzzer Switch..........................................................................................................21
Figure 2. 13: Prototype of Multipurpose table...............................................................................23
Figure 2. 14: Price of customer willing to pay..............................................................................24
Figure 2. 15: Favourite features on the table.................................................................................24
Figure 2. 16: Likely to buy the product.........................................................................................25
Figure 2. 17: Possibility of increasing the profit by buying the table............................................25


The problem that we focus on is more to lifestyle issues. After we had conducted our
preliminary interview with Mr. Fadhil Ramlan, who is the owner of Dhill’s Restaurant, it is
found that based on the interview, he stated that it is become a major problem when the table
cannot occupy a large crowd of customer that came to his restaurant every day. Then, we
conducted another interview to understand their overall business process and flow of the
restaurant by also interviewing some of the staff in the restaurant.

Based on the interview, we found that they encounter a few problems especially in terms
of working environment which the table for serving the customer is relatively small to serve a lot
of customer. However, buying the big table will surely affecting the worker during the closing
which they need to arrange the table inside the restaurant after the business hour ended. Then, as
the interview takes place we focus on our main objective to understand the details process of the
business as well as the solution that is being proposed when the staff is serving a lot of customer
at the same time.. At the end of the interview, we propose some idea to overcome the problem
that their encountered in the pharmacy department which is Multi-Purpose table. This report will
include Consumer Trend Canvas (CTC) that helps us to understand trends of consumers then
moving to New Product Development Process which contain 5 stages that will be explain details
through this report. Last but least, before we commercialize the product, the new developed
product will be introduced to a representative sample of population to assess the market’s
reaction by distributing survey to our target audience.


Based from our preliminary interview with Mr Fadhil the owner of Dhill’s
Restaurant, he highlight that is very hard to fulfill the customers need when the small
table have to occupy the large number of people and need to be arrange first which is
very inconvenience for the customer as well as the worker. However having too big table
is not very suitable due to much consumed of space when there is a small number of
people used it as well as it is very heavy and hard to be stored during the closing. Hence,
a new solution for the problem need to be establish to increase the efficiency of the
working as well as fulfill the needs of the customer.


WHO Mr Fadhil Ramlan, Owner of Dhill's Restaurant

Dhill's Restaurant, Seksyen 16, Shah Alam near

WHERE to the UiTM Shah Alam, IRDKL Mall, Padang
Jawa and Alam Avenue 2

29 October 2018

interview session with the owner as well as

HOW observing the problem happened at the

Main objective for our group to conduct the interview is to understand their
business process and their management for Dhill’s Restaurant and then focusing more
towards the restaurant to understand their business flow and the process of handling the
customer. As the interview prolonged, our group finds out they have several problems.
For example, the main problem is the table need to be combined in order to occupy the
large number of people.

The method that will be used in the data collection is by using an interview session
with the Mr Fadhil Ramlan, the owner of the restaurant. There are other staff such as the
waiters that are being interviewed in order to obtained more information regarding the
working process and flow. The interview was held on Monday, 29 th October 2018 at the
restaurant. Duration of the interview is about two hours which takes from 8 pm to 10 pm. The
time is picked during that hour as it is the peak time for the restaurant as customers are
coming continuously so that we can observe the working place while having conducting the
interview. The interview questions were distributed one day earlier from the interview
schedule to Mr Fadhil to help him prepare and understand the question given. That consists
of questions regarding to our project and fulfillment for our data collection that start off with
asking the general process then focuses more to the problem of the restaurant.


Our limitation for conducting the interview mainly comes from the difficulties to
find the most suitable date for our interview sessions. This is because, Mr Fadhil is a very
busy man as he has to manage the restaurant as well as the financing of his shop by his
own. It takes around 1 weeks of delay from the original date before our interview
sessions is finally been done at his restaurant.


The new product that we plan to develop will be follow based on the New Product
Development Process. We plan to propose our product which is the multipurpose table.

research and
product design concept testing

commercialization test marketing build prototype

Figure 2. 1: New Product Development Process

There are five main stages in the new product development (NPD) process[1]
which are the first thing research and development (R&D) stage. In this phase, some
research need to be done first on the ideas before proceed to the next stages. This is
because the new product is often characterized by very high rate of the product can
failure. This may due to the insufficient data or knowledge to build the product.
Therefore, the R&D is the most critical step in new product development process in order
to introduce the new product to the market and help to response in the market changes.

The second step in the NPD process is product design. The product design refers
to the conceptual translation of the new product idea or concept. It includes all the feature
of the new product design from its architecture or physical design and artistic design and
also the details of the product such as the width and height of the product to satisfy the
market need. When designing the product, the basic product performance criteria need to
take as consideration such as reliability, safety of the product and their special features or

The next stage is concept testing. The concept testing can be defining as the initial
test for the new product that had been design using quantitative and qualitative method to
evaluate the customer response for the initial product introduction to the market. There
are several purpose of doing concept testing one of that is to get an initial notion of the
commercial prospects of the product concept. If the strong acceptance for the new
product is found, the next step will be the preparation to build the product prototype.

After the product is strongly accepted by the customer, the next stage is to build
the product prototype. A prototype can be defined as the first physical depiction model of
the new product. One of the objectives of having the prototype is to perform the usability
testing on the product. From the testing, an active comment and suggestion from the users
can be takes as consideration to produce a better product.

Last stage before proceed with the product commercialization is doing the test
marketing. In test marketing usually the new product development will be introduced to
the target audiences to access the market reaction.



An addition to existing line is when a company creates a new product in

the same product line an existing brand[2]. It is a strategy for an addition that
could be a different in color or size, and it may have different ingredients or come
in different flavors. For example, a consumer wanted to eat chocolate chip
cookies like chips more but after checking the calories intake the consumer had to

forget her wish. What if the chips more calories intake is half, she will put that
package right to her cart? Making a light version of chocolate chip cookies
creating a mint flavor, providing a simple snack version are types of addition to
existing line.

Adding an existing line has a fairly low risk because the company already
have a successful brand but the company need to be reminded so that they won’t
go overboard by overexpose their brand to the point where consumers are
confused about what types of products the company offer.


It is when these products offer improved quality, feature or performance of

an existing product[2]. They might also act as a replacement of existing products
or current products made better. Examples like P&G’s Ivory Soap and Tide power
laundry detergent have been revised numerous times throughout their history.


Cost reductions[2] refer to new products that simply replace existing

products in the line, offering the customer a similar performance but at a lower
cost. In short, it may be referring to more of a “new products” in terms of design
or productions than marketing and they usually represent significant change.


Repositioning[2] are products that are retargeted for a new use or

application. These are existing products targeted to new markets, which are aimed
towards a new market segment such as Aspirin was re-positioned as blood thinner
although it was also used to relieve headaches.

We focus in only to one categories which is improving and revisions of

existing products. This is because the product that we suggest already exists at the
market. From the product itself we improve the products by offering new features

which are adding a buzzer to notify the waiter when the customer wants to make
an order.


The R&D process done for the ideation stage


Idea screening

Market survey

Figure 2. 2: R&D Process


The idea generation[3] is the initial step to the development of the new product, it
is necessary to have some ideas for the new product. One of those idea will
become the new product development. There are many ideas that can derive a
new idea of product development.

One of those ideas comes from the company employees of company

product. The ideas for the new product can be quite easily to derive from the
public that had experience using the product through the employees. This is
because the product may obsolete in the term of technology or the features in the
product that cannot cope with the new technology. In order to gather the idea in
this type of condition usually from the public who then mention about necessary
to improve or have any complaints to the current products.

Next, the idea generation can be from the market research. Doing the
market research is another good source of idea for the new product and to identify
the market which the new product is addressed. This is because, by doing the
intensive research, we can come out with the good idea for the new product
whether wanted to come out with the fresh idea of the product or enhance the
existing product in the market by adding some additional new feature or
functionality to keep up to date with the upcoming generation. In other words, the
enterprises that develop their products based on market orientation, develop tools
to study the market and elaborate development strategies to constantly satisfy the
needs and desires of the customers. Besides, the idea to generate the new product
development can be deriving from the competitors. By attending to the
technological expo or shows may be a very good source for the creation of ideas.
This is because, through this event the competitors may exposed their product
innovation or technological advances. This can become a big opportunity to make
an improvement to the product.


The purpose of idea screening[3] is to comprise of an initial analysis to
determine which ideas are relevant and worthy more detailed study. During the
idea generation, there are many ways to generate the idea for the product and one
of the idea generations is by conducting research or study about the market.
Feasibility study is one of the most important steps in the product development.
By having this product, it will be easier to the customers’ daily life especially for
those that facing with chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes. This is
because, the new product comes with the latest technology that follows what the
market needs especially for those that suffer from the chronic diseases.
Furthermore, the new product comes with the latest technology that follows what
the market needs.

Then, another study for the new product that will develop can be
competed in the market with the competitors and with the product that already
exist in the market. From the study that we conducted there are some reason

failures of the new products. One of the reasons is underestimated of competitor
potential. As the result, the new product cannot compete in the market and will
lead to product failure.


In market survey, we are using google form to analyze the current trending
for the health. Using the google forms as the platform of the online questionnaire,
it is easier for us to reach the target audience or respondent to answer the given
question by aiding us with statistical result.

In market survey, we went to the restaurant to analyze the current situation at the
restaurant. By went at the restaurant ourselves, it is easier for us to reach the
customer or respondent to answer the given question by aiding us with statistical

The goal of conducted the market survey is to identify the potential new
customers. It is in order to know their basic information such as how old are our
customer, are they male or female and to know who will use our product and
services. Besides, the purpose is to develop new and effective strategies regarding
the product. This is because, the result from the market research may inform if
you should develop a new product. The result also may help in term of decision
regarding the pricing for the new product.

Other than that, market survey or research will lead to identify the new business
opportunities. The result from the survey will give you the result of their behavior
when come to the crowded restaurant. From that situation, we are preparing the
suitable product to overcome this problem.

The question of our survey will be provided in the Appendix. Based on our
findings through our questionnaires, there are a few significant result that we

68 responses
below 20
above 30

Figure 2. 3: Age Range of Respondent

Our target audience is the student of UiTM’s Shah Alam thus by knowing
their age helps us to classify the highest group age that eat at the restaurant.. From
the pie chart above, it shows that a total of 54 percent who is at the age range of
20 to 24 and another 27 percent at the range of 25 to 29 while only 13 percent that
is above the age of 30 and 6 percent from the age below 20.

68 responses

31% female


Figure 2. 4: Gender of respondent

Moreover, gender plays an important role in our market survey that helps
us to plan our strategy. Majority of the respondent is male with the percentage of
69 percent while another 31 percent respondent is from the male.

68 responses

7% 18% once a month
twice a week
once a month

Figure 2. 5: Frequency of eating at a restaurant

This question helps us to identify the frequency of responded who eat at a

restaurant and it can be seen that majority of them eat a more than once a month. It
can be concluded that people often use restaurant to eat.


68 responses

6% alone
24% 2-4 person
31% 5-7 person
8 and above


Figure 2. 6: Number of people joined while eating

There is only a total 6 percent who went to restaurant alone while 23

percent people went to restaurant with 8 and more people. 31 percent people went
to restaurant with 2 and 4 person joined them. The rest of 40 percent people went
to restaurant with 5 to 7 person.

68 responses

delicious food
7% meet friend
31% cheaper
does not have time to
37% cook


Figure 2. 7: Reason to eat at the restaurant

It can be seen that 37 percent people choose to eat at a restaurant because of the
reasonable price and 31 percent people eat at a restaurant because of the food that
the restaurant serving. Another 24 percent choose a restaurant as their platform to
meet their friend. Lastly, 8 percent for other reason.


68 responses
size of the t...

poor customer ser...

long wai...

crowded and small s...

Figure 2. 8: Problem faced at the restaurant

From the figure above, the biggest problem faced by customer at the restaurant
which is 41.18% is crowded and too small space. Next, 30.88% customer
complains about the size of dining table. Too small dining table make
unconformable situation for the customer to enjoy their meal.16.18% customer
complain about the long time that they need to wait before they get the meal.
Lastly, only 11.76% of customer complains about the poor customer service.









Consumer trends are an essential part to uncover the innovation opportunities
whereby it helps us to understand the trends of consumer starting from analyzing section
until the applying part. The analyze part consists of 4 sub-categories which includes
Basic Needs, Drivers of Change, Emerging Consumer Expectation and Inspiration while
analyze section only consists of two sub-categories which are Innovation Potential and
Who (Stakeholders).

a) Simplicity

Multipurpose table was design with a medium capability size. This is because, it will
easier for the users to use it depending on the user need and how many he or she
wants the table to occupy the number of person. Besides, due to small in size, the
table can be stored easily without consume much space.

b) social interactive

Multipurpose table provides a buzzer in order to alert or alarm the waiter or the staff
when they are taking the orders. Hence, there will be no loud shout in order to call the
waiter to make an order.

c) Creativity

Multipurpose table is being designed with the multifunctional tools. It can be compact
and big in side according to the user needs. The leg of the table can be adjusted
according to the height that is wanted by the user as well as it have small drawer that
keep the menu inside of it.


a) Shift

Innovation will surely attract more customers to come by and try it by themselves.
Hence, this will give more profit to the restaurant as a little bit of change produce a
great income on their sales and profit.

b) Triggers

The function of the table will give a lot of benefit and advantages towards the
customer as well as the workers due to much more convenience that is provided by a
single will help to occupy small or large number as well as making the job
easier for the workers that do not need to combine and arrange the number for the


a) Improve the productivity of the waiter and staff

When a task is a lot easier than usual with a little help of innovation, it will increase
the productivity of the members as they are less fatigue and tired due to hard work.
Hence, absents can be avoided and this will surely will increase the productivity of
the restaurant when the staff can commit and coming to work every day.

b) Attract more customers due to modern and up to date facilities

As the table is equipping with so much tools, it surely will attract the customer. For
example, the buzzer on the side of the table can be used to call for the waiter as
usually restaurant with a pack of customer is very busy and the waiter might not
noticed when the customer is calling out for them.


a) Market research
The idea of developing this project is based on observation that has been done when
having a meal at the restaurant. It can be easily seen that most of the customers that
come in a large group, will eventually need more space and table in order to sit on the
same place. Hence, it will affect the workers as well as the space at the place.
b) Competitors
Some other competitors just design a table that can be extended. Hence, we increase
the innovation on the table by putting the buzzer and the menu slot.

c) Company employees
We had conducted the interview with the staff of Dhill’s Restaurant and we had the
inspiration to continue with the idea to develop this project. It is because they are
strongly agreed by having this product it will help other customers as well as reducing
the burden of their work.

a) Saving a lot of space and energy
Multipurpose table will surely increase the efficiency of the working place and
environment. As it small in size, it will save a lot of space and eventually will save up
a lot of energy of the worker when storing the table.
b) Making the work environment conducive and nice
With the help of multipurpose table, the working environment will be a lot more
conducive and nice as everybody will be enjoying the efficient facilities that are
provided by the restaurant.

6. WHO
a) Customer
Basically our project is focusing at SME which is restaurant. So, it will focus on the
customers that are coming to have a meal on the restaurant.
b) Workers
Apart from that, the project is focusing on the workers in order to help them having a
safe and healthy working environment. Carrying big table will surely affecting the
ergonomics aspect such as the back pain of the staff. Hence, small table with lighter
weight is proposed.


The major design of the table is it extendable surface. The table can be
extended on the left and the right side of the table. When the table is not being
extend yet, it can occupy about 4-5 person and when being extend the quantity
can be rise up to 7-8 person per each table. By using the mechanism of rail to pull
the length of the table, it is very easy and cheap as well as it can sustain a heavy
load after being locked at the end of the table. The figure is shown as below.

Figure 2. 9: Extendable Table


The table has another function of adjustable height on leg of the table.
This function is to reduce the space that is being consumed by the table during the
keeping and closing of the restaurant. The height of the table can be lowered and
another table can be put on top of it in order to reduce the space as well as making
the job easier when lifting the table on top of the other one. The figure of
adjustable height is shown as below.

Figure 2. 10: Adjustable Height


Usually, most of the restaurant cannot provide the menu for the customer
and always being shared with another table. Hence, making the slot for the menu
is easier for the restaurant in order to keep it inside of the table and can be reached
easily by the customer. The menu slot is shown as below.

Figure 2. 11: Menu Slot

2.5.4 BUZZER

The buzzer is being used in order to notify the waiter when the customer
wants to make an order. The buzzer will alarm the waiter on which table has
pressed it and this will surely can provide a good environment for the other
customer when eating as they are not being disturbed by loud shout or call when
the customer is calling out for the waiter. The figure of the buzzer is shown as


Figure 2. 12: Buzzer Switch

For our concept testing, we will be using a combination of verbal and also
visualization approach to market our products. Verbal approach will be more to catch the
customer attention by using various verbal techniques which include eye contact, body
language and so on while visualization approach focus on advertising from ads in social
media and distributing pamphlet to the potential customer.

We will be using video pitching for our verbal approach to reduce the time taken
of meeting bystander like the old days and aim to hit the market by providing a short
pitching video of our product that is easy and understandable for our potential customer
to watch by following the latest trend so that our objective can be presented fully from
our pitching video. Not only that it reduces the time taken but also increases our viewer
as in our potential customer by sharing our pitching video across social media and other
resources found that may be useful to market our product.

Besides that, our focus in visualizing approach will be in advertising ads

throughout social media. This is because currently aiming for paperless technology is the
newest trend and at the same time helps us to reduce our cost consumption while aiding
us to increase our probability to reach out for any potential customer that is interested
with our products. In addition, we will also provide several billboards at all popular
places to increase our chances to gain potential customer after conducted a few analyses.


The prototype of the table is created by using cardboard and other materials such
as stick and hot glue gun which cost about RM18.00 in total in order to create the
prototype. Each of the details for the design has been implemented on the prototype to
show the exact function of the table towards the interested buyer.The figure of the
prototype is shown as below.

Before being extend After being extended

Figure 2. 13: Prototype of Multipurpose table


In test marketing, the new developed product will be introduced to a
representative sample of population to assess the market’s reaction. We distribute a
survey regarding the product feature and an example of product prototype to the target
audiences which is the restaurant owner. The purpose of conducting this survey is to
identify whether our audiences can accept our propose product by listing a few features
that may be installed to our propose product and at the same time help us to predict sales
and profit from a major product launch.

The method that we are using in distributing the questionnaire is by using the
Google forms. This is because, it helps to analyze the data that we obtained much more
systematically and efficient by providing us with various percentage of charts and graphs

From the questionnaire that has been distributed among the owner and staff of
restaurant, we found a few significant findings that are essential for our product. Based
on the answered that we received from our respondent, the design of our prototype will
be shown at the next section according to the result we obtained from our survey.

Price Of Customer Willing To Pay
5% 10%


Figure 2. 14: Price of customer willing to pay

The question helps us to identify the price range of the most likely the consumer willing
to buy with has the highest percentage of 50 percent that prefer to buy the product at the
range of RM250-RM299 . The lowest customer willing to pay is at the range of RM300-
RM350 with 5% .It can be concluding that our product is most likely to be bought when
the range of RM250-RM299.

Favourite Features on the Table

12% extendable
1% buzzer for calling
adjustable height
menu slot


Figure 2. 15: Favourite features on the table

From this statistic above, among all the features listed above, feature of
extendable is the most voted with the percentage of 80 percent. Moreover, the second
highest is adjustable height features with the percentage of 12 percent. On the other hand,

the least favorable features are buzzer for calling which is only 1percent. This concludes
that the consumer much prefers the product extendibility in order to fit a lot of customer
in the same table.

Likely To Buy The Product

10% 6% 1
28% 4

Figure 2. 16: Likely to buy the product

The pie chart above indicates that the customer likely to buy the product which 5
is the most rating meanwhile 1 indicates of the least. The customer do favor in buying the
product which 54% vote rate of 5 to buy the product meanwhile there are some customers
who do not prefer to buy the product which consist of 6% of them.

Possibility Of Increasing The Profit By

Buying The Table


Figure 2. 17: Possibility of increasing the profit by buying the table

Figure above showing the data that the possibility of the customer thinks that the
multipurpose table will help to increase the growth income of the restaurant. 94% believe

that by having the table, their business will attract more people meanwhile 6% do not
believe in that.


As a conclusion, the new product development has gone through 5 stages which are
Research & Development, Product Design, Concept Testing, Build Prototype, Test Marketing,
and lastly Commercialization. For Research and Development stages, it consists of another 3
stages which are Idea Generation, Idea Screening, and Market Survey. Generally, Idea
Generation has 3 ideas such as obtaining idea from the competitors, then conducting market
research to analyze the current in the market. Lastly the last idea comes from the company
employee itself where usually the public user of the company product will make a complaint
about the current products or to suggest any necessary improvement to the product. The purpose
of idea screening is to comprise of an initial analysis to determine which ideas are relevant and
worthy more detailed study.

Feasibility study is one of the most important steps in the product development. By having
this product, it will be easier to the customers’ daily life especially for those that facing with
chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes. Another feasibility encounter is that we
underestimated of our competitor potential. As the result, the new product cannot compete in the
market and will lead to product failure.

Lastly, in the last process of Research & Development process is conducting a market survey
whereby it helps us to identify the trend of our propose product by understanding who is our
target audience and some basic information of our consumer.


[1] R. G. Cooper, “The drivers of success in new-product development,” Ind. Mark. Manag.,
no. July, pp. 1–12, 2018.
[2] S. Chand, “6 Stages of Classifications of New Product Development by a Company,”
Your Artic. Libr., no. 1982, pp. 6–9, 2016.
[3] M. Claessens, “The New Product Development Process,” pp. 1–7, 2018.


We are students of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from the Faculty of Mechanical

Engineering, UiTM Shah Alam. We are carrying out a survey on Restaurant Service as part of
the requirements for our Technology Entrepreneur course. We would be grateful if you could
spend some time to complete this short questionnaire. Your answers will be kept confidential.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Please mark “√” in the appropriate box that represent your answer or write your response
in the space provided.


1. Gender : Male Female
2. Age : 18-21 22-25 26-29


1. How often do you eat at a restaurant:
 Everyday
 Twice a week
 Once a week
 Once a month

2. If you eat at a restaurant, how many people usually joined you:

 Alone
 2-4 person
 5-7 person
 8 and above

3. In general, what is the main reason for you to eat at a restaurant:

 Delicious food
 Cheap price
 Meet friend
 Other

4. What is the common problem do you faced at a restaurant? (You can (√) more than one
 The customer service is poor
 The size of the table is too small

 The restaurant space is small and too crowded
 Must wait for a long time before getting a meal
 Others, please specify ___________________________


Multipurpose table is being designed to fulfill the requirement of the customer to occupy a large
number of crowd with some features of it can be extendable, adjustable height, has buzzer for
calling the waiter and a menu slot. If you are a business owner or staff in a restaurant, please fill
in the questions below.
1. Do you willing to buy this product:
 Yes
 No

Rate the likely to buy the product below with ‘5’- the most and ‘1’- the least.

5 4 3 2 1
Likely to buy the product

2. How much do you willing to pay for this product?

 RM150-199
 RM200-249
 RM250-299
 RM300-350

3. In your personal opinion, do you think this table can help restaurant to gain more
customer and profit
 Yes
 No

4. What is the features in this product do you like the most? (You can (√) more than one
 Extendable
 Buzzer for calling
 Adjustable height
 Menu slot

Thank you
For spending your time to participate in our survey. We truly value the information you have


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