IDB - Style - Guide - Bibliographical References

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Rules of Style

The structure of the publications will vary according to type and content. However, they
will follow homogeneous rules of style as described in this annex. In topics not covered
here the authors and editors should refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, Chicago,
University of Chicago Press.

Bibliographical References

In IDB publications, references are made using the name-year system, which consists of
the author’s last name and the year the work was published. For example:

(Mendez, 1989); (Rosas and Gonzalez, 1990)

Or, “Mendez (1989) maintains that…”; “Rosas and Gonzalez (1990) concluded…”

When a work has three authors, all three are included in the first citation: (Wong, Gates
and Nood, 1988). If it is quoted again, it may be abbreviated: (Wong et al., 1988). When
a work has four or more authors, it should be cited as “Sanches et al.” However, when a
work of four or more authors is mentioned in the list of references, you should write the
first and last names of the first three and then add the expression et al.
When works published by the author(s) in the same year are mentioned, they should be
differentiated by adding a letter to the year; (Juarez, 1989a); (Juarez 1987b).



Each bibliographical reference and recommended reading should include at least the
following information:

First and last name of the author(s). As mentioned, if there are more than three
authors, the first three should be mentioned and then et al added (see following
examples). If the authorship is that of an organization or institution, the full name
should be written, not only the abbreviation or acronym.
Title of the reference in question: in Italics if it is a complete publication; in quotation
marks if it is a document, report, presentation etc, that has not been published. When
the reference is to a chapter or article, it should include the title of the publication in
which it appears and the name of the author(s)/editor(s).
Other valuable information for references includes the name of the publishing
company, and the year and place of publication. If you are quoting a journal
article, please include the author’s name, date of publication and title of the

IDBDOCS# 2056665
article, the name of the journal (in italics), and the volume number and pages the
article covers.

Following are some examples of how bibliographical information should be presented,

according to the nature of the publication or the quoted work.

When it is a book:

Bardon, A., Carrasco, C. y Vial, A. 1985. A Decade of Economic Change: the Chilean
Experience, 1983-1984. Santiago, Chile: Editorial Andres Bello.

When quoting an article published in a scientific journal:

Tenn Raa, T., Chakraborty, D. and Small, J. 1984. “An Alternative Treatment of
Secondary Products in Input-Output Analysis”. Review of Economics and Estatics. 66
(1): 88-97.

D’Estaing, O.G. 1989. “Formacion de directivos de empresa”. Politica exterior. III (12):

When quoting a chapter from a book with several authors:

Nun J. 1987. “La teoria politica y la transicion democratica”. In: J. Nun and J. Portaneiro,
editors. Ensayos sobre la transcion democratica en la Argentina. Buenos Aires,
Argentina: Editiorial Planeta.

When quoting a book containing chapters by different authors:

Londero, E., editor. 1992. Precios de cuenta: principios, metodologias y estudios de

caso. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank.

When quoting a reference with the same author or editor as the previous one:

----. 1987. Beneficios y beneficiarios: una introducción a la estimacion de los efectos

distributivos en el analisis costo-beneficio. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-
American Development Bank.

When the work cited is authored by an organization (the following two examples also
show how two or more references with the same author and year of publication should be

World Bank. 1991a. Informe sobre el desarrollo mundial 1991. Washington, DC, United
States: World Bank

IDBDOCS# 2056665 11
---. 1991b. World Debt Tables 1991. Baltimore, Maryland, United States: Johns Hopkins
University Press.

When quoting unpublished works from conferences, seminars, etc.:

Dominguez, R. and Salinas, P. 1992. “Las ventajas del libre comercio”. Paper presented
at the Second International Conference on Commercial Exchange. Atlanta, Georgia:
United States.

When the document is unedited:

Meller, P. and Solimano, A. 1984. “Inestabilidad financiera, burbujas especulativas y

tasas de interes”. Santiago, Chile. Mimeographed document.

When the publication has no author or editor:

The Chicago Manual of Style. 1982. 13a. ed. Chicago, United States: University of
Chicago Press.

Other variants:

Organización Panamericana de la Salud. 1990. Las condiciones de salud en las Americas,

Edición 1990. Washington, DC, United States: OPS. Scientific publication No.557.

Perez, L.A. and Perez Aceves, J. 1978. “Analysis microeconomico de las caracteristicas
del cambio tecnologico y del proceso de innovaciones: el caso de Furfural y Derivados,
S.A.” Working paper No. 20. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American
Development Bank/ Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean/ United
Nations Program for Development.

Burgess, J. “Global Connections: Linking up on Satellite Networks.” The Washington

Post. Washington, DC, United States, March 8, 1993.

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