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Guitar Angelo L.

11 - Einstein
1. A PSHS scholar’s not ranting and raving his/her frustrations on social media

PSHS scholars should complain about their frustrations on social media about their
experiences as it can help by sharing their thoughts online.

2. I strongly believe that even PSHS scholars should freely express their opinion against
the government, shouldn’t they?

PSHS scholars should be able to freely express their opinions about the government
because the students have freedom of speech and expression.

3. Any PSHS scholar is not allowed to take courses in college not related to Science and
Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering.

As stated in their contract, all PSHS scholars are not allowed to take courses in college
that are not related to Science and Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering.

1. General Theme: Society
Possible Topic: War on Drugs
Thesis Statement:

War on Drugs is very detrimental to the society because it costs a lot of money to
operate, can cause many deaths, damage to the city, and long term effects on the
families that will be involved.

2. General Theme: Cybercrime

Possible Topic: Cyberbullying and Identity Theft
Thesis statement:

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic causing more online presence, cyberbullying and
Identify Theft are becoming more prevalent and these cybercrimes should be stopped
because these can negatively affect the individual being targeted.

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