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NIM: E1D 012 077




Setiawati has been approved on September 2016.


Supervisor I,

Wahyu Setiawati, Baharuddin, Mh Isnaeni.

English Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

University of Mataram
Mataram, Indonesia


This thesis entitled “The Analysis of Intrinsic Elements in The Little Prince; A Novel by
Antoine De Saint Exupery”. This research is aimed at analyzing and finding out the intrinsic
elements in novel The Little Prince. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The
primary data of this research are taken from the novel. Meanwhile, the secondary data are
taken from various sources such as internet sites, dictionaries, journals, and books that are
related to the primary data that would support the data. After analyzing the data of this
study, the researcher found the intrinsic elements of the novel. These intrinsic elements are
classified into several elements; theme, plot, character, characterization, setting, point of
view, tone, atmosphere, and style. In addition, the researcher also found the way those
intrinsic elements are inter-related to one another.

Key words: Intrinsic Elements, Novel, Analysis, Literature.


Wahyu Setiawati, Baharuddin, Mh Isnaeni.

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Universitas Mataram
Mataram, Indonesia


Jurnal ini berjudul “ Analisis unsur intrinsic dalam novel karya Antoine De Saint Exupery,
The Little Prince”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menemukan unsur
intrinsic dalam novel yang berjudul The Little Prince. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti
menggunakan metode descriptive qualitative. Data utama dalam pelitian ini bersumber dari
novel The Little Prince. Sedangkan data sekunder dalam penelitian ini berasal dari berbagai
sumber yaitu beberapa laman internet, kamus, jurnal, dan buku-buku yang terkait dengan
data utama. Setelah melakukan analisis terhadap data dalam penelitian ini, peneliti
menemukan unsur intrinsik dari novel tersebut. Unsur intrinsik ini diklasifikasikan kedalam
beberapa kategori antara lain ; tema, alur, karakter, penokohan, latar, sudut pandang, nada,
atmosfir, dan gaya bahasa. Peneliti juga menemukan bagaimana unsur-unsur tersebut saling
terkait satu sama lain.

Kata kunci: Unsur intrinsic, Novel, Sastra.

Background of Study
Literature is one of the objects of analysis for academic purposes. Literature is also an
art which is the imagination of the writer or interpreting the life experience. Literature is
often classified into three categories or genre: (1) poetry, (2) prose, (3) drama.
Novel is a part of literature which is categorized into prose fiction. Watson (1979)
stated that “Novel is the name of a literary kind, and there is a story to tell about how, over
the centuries, its substance has widened and its conventions changed.” There are two main
elements of a Novel, intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. Intrinsic elements of a novel
are the elements which directly build the literary work itself. The intrinsic elements of a novel
are theme, character, characterization, plot, point of view, style, atmosphere, tone and
settings. The extrinsic elements of a novel are the elements which exist outside the novel
itself and indirectly build the story.
“The Little Prince” is a best seller novel. According to the novel
was published in 1943. It has been translated into more than 190 languages and sold more
than 200 million copies.
Based on the summary and explanation above, the writer is interested in analyzing the
intrinsic elements of the novel. The writer thinks that it is necessary to observe the intrinsic
elements that are presented in the novel. Therefore, this is the reason why the writer is
interested in analyzing the intrinsic elements of the novel entitled “Little Prince”.


Novel as Literary Work
The word novel is derived from a Latin word; novellus which means new. It is said so
because novel is the newest kind of literary work beside poetry, drama, etc. Watt in The Rise
of the Novel (2001:35) suggests that the novel came into being in the early 18th century; the
genre has also been described as possessing "a continuous and comprehensive history of
about two thousand years".
Novel is a prose fiction representing a way of life or an experience. They range from
slight recollections of a small part of live an experience to the most complete and detailed
accounts imaginable they vary from the lightest to the most serious experiences and events
faced by man.
Hawthorn (2001:102) states that Novel is fictions prose narrative or table of
considerable length (now usually long enough to fill one or more volumes) in which
characters and actions representative of the real life of past or present time are portrayed in a
plot of more or less complexity.
From explanation the above, it can be concluded that novel is a fictional prose which
tells about human and other creature experiences, feelings, and thought in a complex story. It
does not bound by a specific reference in terms of quantity of writing. It has some element
which is intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements.

The Intrinsic Elements of a Novel

Novel is an artistic composition. It is built by some elements which are interrelated
each other. Those elements are often divided into two divisions, which are the extrinsic
elements and intrinsic elements. Extrinsic elements are the elements that come from out of
the literary work and indirectly build the literary work itself. Extrinsic elements of the novel
can be the elements of psychological, politic, history, economic, and culture. Intrinsic
elements are the whole elements which build the structure of the novel itself.
The intrinsic elements are the analysis of the literature itself without looking the
relation with the external aspect (Robert, 1965: 11). Nurgiyantoro (2009:23) classified the
intrinsic elements of a novel into plot, character, theme, setting, point of view, language or
style, and etc.
Based on the explanation above, the writer is only focusing on analyzing the intrinsic
elements which are presented in the novel entitled “The Little Prince”. Those intrinsic
elements are theme, plot, character, characterization, setting, point of view, tone, atmosphere,
and style.

Research Methods
In this study, the writer used descriptive qualitative method. By using this method
writer is describing the quality of each analysis object. The object was not be measured by
statistic method because the object of this study is not the number of people or individual but
literary work. Therefore this method is appropriate to this research because the writer is able
to find out, identify and explain issues in the novel.

Method of Data Collection

Primary data of this study are taken from a novel by Antoine De Saint Exupery entitled
“The Little Prince”. In this research the writer obtained the data which are found in the
novel. The writer collected the data which describe the intrinsic elements of the novel, and
then the data are analyzed. The secondary data are taken from various internet sites,
dictionaries, journals, and books that are related to the primary data that would support the
Below are some procedures of collecting the data, they are:
1. Reading the whole script of the novel “Little Prince
2. Choosing the data that have relation to the intrinsic elements.
3. Quoting the data.
4. Bringing together the data by typing them into one file.

Data Analysis
In answering the research questions, the researcher evaluated the obtained data by
using textual-analytic technique. Textual-analytic technique is the way of making inferences
by objectively and systematically identifying specified intrinsic elements of the novel. There
are six steps in analyzing the data. They are:
1. Reading the quotations that have been collected before.
2. Identifying the intrinsic elements.
3. Classifying the intrinsic elements of the novel.
4. Explaining the intrinsic elements of the novel based on the quotations.
5. Describing the inter-relation between the intrinsic elements.
6. Drawing the conclusion based on the research result.


This chapter presents the results of analysis which are related to statement of problems
in the previous chapter, the intrinsic elements of the novel entitled The Little Prince, and the
interrelation between those elements.

After the writer read and analyzed the novel. The writer found the intrinsic elements of
this novel such as theme, plot, characters, characterization, setting, point of view, tone,
atmosphere, and style. The writer also found the way the intrinsic elements of The Little
Prince are interrelated.
This section discusses the finding of the study. The intrinsic elements of the novel are
theme, plot, character, characterization, setting, point of view, tone, atmosphere, and style.


Theme can only be defined when the reader read the whole novel. Theme of this novel
is divided into two, major theme and minor theme.
Major Theme
Truth is the major theme of the novel. The truth here means what is real. In The Little
Prince, the author highlights the important of the truth of anything in life that only can be
found with heart and mind. The essence of invisible things or the truth cannot be seen only
by the eyes. It is hidden within the shell. The author considers that the visible things are only
the shell, and the essential values are hidden inside. He claims that grown-ups never
understand this matter of consequence.
In almost all of the passages of the novel, the author mention about several adults who
cannot see the truth in their life. These adults are the king, the businessman, the geographer,
the conceited man, the tippler, the merchant, and the other grown-ups that he encounters in
his life.

Minor theme
Minor themes in The Little Prince are the obsession of man in wrong things, the need
to have faith, and the uniqueness of love.

Plot is the series of events in a story. In the little prince, the author begins the story
with his reason why he dislikes adults. He next tells about his encounter and experience with
the little prince. The little prince shares the story about his journey to the narrator and teaches
him about the lesson he got from the fox. The little prince then leaves the narrator to his
planet. Finally the narrator misses him and writes the novel in the memory of the little prince.
The analysis of the plot of this novel leads to the division of five elements of plot; they
are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

The Type of Plot Used in The Little Prince

The type of plot used in The little Prince is Regressive plot (Flashback). Flashback is
a type of plot in which the author narrates an event that took place before the current time of
the story. The plot is flashback when the narrator started his story by telling his past when he
was a pilot and got a flight accident in Sahara Desert.
The story started in the present time, then it flashback to the six years before the time
the narrator told the story. Then several flashbacks are happened again when the little prince
recalled his experiences in visiting the other planets and the earth.

The Plot Structure of The Little Prince

Exposition is the part when the writer first introduces the characters or the setting of
the story. The exposition of the story in the novel is in the first chapter. In the first chapter the
author begins to tell the reader a little about the narrator child-hood and his dislike of grown-
ups or adults. The author in this part is introducing his views of grown-ups.
During his life he narrates that he had meets many adults and live among them. His
experience with adults does not change his opinion about them. He still sees them as persons
who are barely understand anything. This was the exposition or the introduction that the
author uses as a starting point to deliver his story. The author is introducing the situation of
the story.

Rising Action
Rising action is concerned with the series of events that build up and create tension and
suspense. The tension is a result of the basic conflict that exists and makes the story
interesting. In the second chapter, the narrator got an accident with his plane in the Sahara
The narrator than realize that he meets a special little boy than come from another
planet. It such a big mystery of how another planet looks like. The little prince told him that
his planet was so small and scarcely larger than a house. Later, the narrator then believes that
the planet from which the little prince comes from is the asteroid known as B-612.

The climax happens when the little prince tell the narrator that he is going to go back
to his planet. The narrator is very shocked to see the little prince talking with the snake. He
knows that this feetless creature is so dangerous. It can kill the little prince. Because of that
he tries to get his gun to shot the snake. However, the snake realizes the narrator existence
and then escape.
"What does this mean?" I demanded. "Why are you talking with snakes?" (26:13)
"I, too, am going back home today . . ." (26:20)
“It is much farther… It is much more difficult.” (26:22)

Still feeling shocked, he asks the little prince why he talks with the snake. The little
prince then tells the narrator that he is going to go back to his planet. The only way he can go
back is to be bitten by the snake, so the poison can carry his soul back to the planet he
belongs. This event involves the greatest emotion of both characters. This is the climax of
the novel.

Falling Action
Falling action is series of events which follows the climax. It is the part when the
character reacted over the climax. It is mentioned before that the climax happens when the
little prince tell the narrator that he is going to come back to his planet. Therefore the falling
action of the novel is concern with the reaction of narrator about the climax. The narrator
becomes so sad. It is difficult for him to let the little prince go. He knows that he will miss
him so much. It is so hard for the narrator to accept the fact that the little prince is going to
leave him. This is the falling action of the novel.

Resolution / Denouement
The resolution is the event which brings the story to close in certain manner. In this
part the main conflict is being solved. In the novel, the resolution is the part when the narrator
finally accepts the little prince decision and the little prince finally go back to his planet and
his rose.

Character is the participant that appears in a story. It is impossible for a story to be a
story if there is no character that participated there. There are fifteen characters in the novel;
they are The Little Prince, The Narrator, The Rose, The Fox, The Snake, The King, The
Conceited Man, The Tippler, The Businessman, The Lamplighter, The Geographer, The
Desert Flower, The Garden Roses, The Switchman, and The Merchant. These characters can
be categorized into several types; they are Major and Minor, Flat and Round, and Protagonist
and Antagonist.

Major and Minor Characters

Major Characters
The major or main characters are those that appear to be dominant in the story. There
are two major characters in the novel, the little prince and the narrator. The story of the novel
itself mostly talks about these characters’ life. In the novel there are two main stories. The
first one is the story about the Narrator. The second one is the story about the little Prince and
his journey.

Minor Characters
Minor characters are the characters in the story which is less prominent. However, although
they are less prominent, they are as important as the major characters. In The Little Prince the
minor characters are The Rose, The Fox, The Snake, The King, The Conceited Man, The
Tippler, The Businessman, The Lamplighter, The Geographer, The Desert Flower, The
Garden Roses, The Switchman, and The Merchant.

Protagonist and Antagonist Characters

Protagonist Characters
A protagonist character is also known as the hero or heroine of the story. This character is
often described as a good, stronger or better than most human beings. In the novel, there are
three protagonist characters. They are the little prince, the narrator, and the fox.

Antagonist Characters
Antagonist characters are the opponent of protagonist characters. They are also known as
antihero, not because they compete against the hero, but because they are not heroic in stature
or perfection. In the novel there are some antagonist character; they are The Rose, The King,
The Conceited man, The Tippler, The Businessman, The Geographer, and The Merchant.

Flat and Round Characters

Flat Characters
Flat characters tend to stay the same throughout the story. They are often described as
only having one outstanding trait or feature. The Flat characters in the story are The Rose,
The Fox, The Snake, The King, The Conceited Man, The Tippler, The Businessman, The
Lamplighter, The Geographer, The Desert Flower, The Garden Roses, The Switchman, and
The Merchant. These characters only have one different feature.

Round Characters
Round Characters are the characters which is complex and perhaps even contradictory, and
often surprising. In the novel, the little prince and the narrator are the characters that can be
categorize as round characters.
Characterization is the way the author tells the reader about the personality or the
characteristic of the character. There are two types of characterization, direct, and indirect
method. In the novel, the author uses both of direct and indirect method of characterization.

Setting is concerned with the place and time of the story. Setting can be divided in two kinds,
setting of time and place.

Setting of Time
The author does not mention clearly about the exact time when the story happens.
However, in the novel, the narrator’s profession is as an airplane pilot. The first plane was
invented in 1903, therefore the setting of time of the novel must be in the same century or
later than that years.

Setting of place
The Planets
The little prince planet is called by the narrator as asteroid B-612. He then traveled
from planets to planets. There are six planets that he has visited excluding earth. The planets
are the neighborhood asteroids of little prince planet. They are asteroids
325,326,327,328,329, 330.
The Earth
The earth is the seventh place that he visited. When he landed on the earth, he arrived
in Sahara Desert. He then wondered around the human habitat and met the other creature.
After he learnt about love from the fox, he came back to the place where he landed in the
desert. He went there because he wanted to meet the snake which can make him go back to
his planet. On the way to the landed place, he met the narrator. At that time, the narrator
plane crashed in Desert of Sahara.

Point of View
Point of view is the angle of visions of the story. By defining point of view of the
novel, the reader can know from which side the story is being told. Therefore, she or he can
understand the story better.
The point of view in novel the little prince is limited to the first person point of view. This
can be clearly seen through the use of pronoun “I” in the novel. The narrator is the one who
deliver the story to the reader.

Tone is the narrator or character’s attitude towards the events, subject, or the other
character in a story that can be shown by the choice of the words, direct comment or other
literary devices. The tones used in the novel are serious. It is said so because the way of the
narrator tells the story is serious. The narrator mentions about several facts and directly
mention about what he means. Implicitly the serious style of the tone in the novel makes the
readers get the feel of the novel. Another tone that is also found in the novel is critical.
Critical tone is showed by the narrator’s critics to the certain subject or aspect. In the novel
the narrator criticizes the grown-ups’ behavior that is only interested in figure.

Atmosphere or sometimes called mood is the emotion that pervades the work of fiction. It is
the emotional feeling that one gets as one reads a particular work. The Little Prince has
several atmospheres. The atmospheres of the novel are varied; they are pessimistic, desolate,
barren, mysterious, exhausted, cheerful, frightening, and nostalgic.

Style refers to the author characteristic which is shown in his or her works. Style of an
author can be defined by analyzing the type of dictions that the author applied. It also can be
seen through the sentence types that the author used. The Little Prince itself is originally
written in French, and then it was translated to English by Katherine Woods. So the original
style of the author might not show. However, it is still possible to identify the style by only
analyzing of the translated version.

Language Use
The novel uses the language which is easy to be understood. It also uses simple
language which make the novel can be read by both children and adults. From some
narratives in the novel, the writer also uses romantic and poetic language.
The Use of Figurative language and Symbol
The novel contains figurative language inside it. Figurative language is used to add the
aesthetic of the novel. The novel uses simile and personification.
The novel also contains symbol inside it. Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or
colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. The novel uses the symbol of the stars,
and the desert. The stars in the novel symbolize the loneliness of the narrator’s life. In the end
of the story the narrator states that then likes to stare at stars at night.
The desert in the novel symbolizes the narrator’s mind. The narrator is disheartened by
the grown-ups. His mind was as barren as the desert because he lives among the grown-ups
who are only interested in figures. He finally meets someone that truly understands him,
unlike the grown-up.


Plot, Character, and Setting
Plot, character, and setting are three elements which are closely related to one another.
The plot of the novel is determined by the characters and the setting of the story. It is
impossible for the author to create plot without the existence of the characters which act or
participate in the story, because plot greatly concerned with character. The same fact is also
happens for the setting, the plot is always needs the setting of the story, whether the setting of
time or place. Since plot is a series of events in the story, it will be always questioned by the
readers about who is acting in that event, and where or when the event is happening. In The
Little prince, every elements of plot always involved with the character and the setting. The
major character who is the narrator and the little prince always involved in every plot
structure. Beside that mostly the setting of the plot is in the Sahara Desert. Therefore these
elements cannot be separated.

Theme and other elements

Theme is usually defined as the central idea, the thesis, or even the message of the
story. The theme of the story is often summarized by the action of the character. Theme is
always related to the character’s life in the story. All other elements usually develop based on
the theme. So theme is interrelated to other elements and cannot be separated from them.

Character and Setting

Character is the person or the creature that act in the story. Meanwhile setting is
concerned with the time and the place of the story. Logically, to be completely exists; a
character needs a certain time and place to show his or her actions. The narrator had the
accident in the desert. There the narrator experiences the all his togetherness with the little
prince. The setting of the place which is in the desert makes the character of the narrator and
the little prince experience the thirst and the journey. Thus, the elements cannot be separated.
The discussions above show that these all elements are combined together to make the
story understandable and unique. The story becomes unique because the themes, characters
and the setting are rarely found in the other novel. These elements established such a strong
story throughout the storyline.

E. Conclusion And Suggestion

The result of analysis that the writer has conducted in chapter four shows the intrinsic
elements of The Little Prince novel such as theme, plot, character, characterization, setting,
point of view, tone, atmosphere, and style. The setting of places in the novel is in the Desert
of Sahara and in the other planets. The novel use flashback type of plot. This plot is directed
in order to lead the reader to understand the theme of the novel. The major theme of the novel
is the importance of finding the beauty by looking at the whole truth. The major characters,
the little prince, a little boy with golden hair which comes from the star, and the narrator, the
aviator whose plane is crashed in the desert, finally understand that the essential things in life
are often something invisible. The novel uses the first person point of view. The tone of the
novel is serious, careful and critical. This tone is corresponds with the style used, and it
affected the atmosphere which changes form pessimistic, desolate, mysterious, exhausted,
cheerful, frightening, to nostalgic atmosphere.
After found these elements, the writer is able to understand and get the messages of the
novel. The novel is about the narrator who meets an extraordinary little boy who teaches him
about the essential things in life. The author uses the methods of characterization that make
the characters alive in the novel. As the characters play their own role in the flashback plot
that the author use in certain setting, the reader can see the theme, the tone, and point of view
of the novel. The combination of the setting and the style of the author makes the readers can
feel the atmosphere of the novel. That is how all the intrinsic elements in the novel are
interrelated to each other. The theme directs all other elements to elaborate each other and
create the harmony so that the readers are able understand the novel.
In conclusion, the intrinsic elements of the novel involved each other to ease the
interpretation of the story.
The writer suggest the other students who are going to do the analysis of intrinsic
elements to read the novel that they want to analyze over and over again so they will grasp
the novel better and it will ease them in doing the analysis.
The writer also suggests the use of the novel entitled The Little Prince in language
teaching and learning. The novel uses a simple language which is suitable for learners from
all level. Besides that the novel also contains some illustration that makes it easier to
comprehend the novel. Teacher may use this novel in the classroom with some considerations
and adaptations.
Finally the writer hopes that the results of this analysis will be beneficial for all people
and especially for learners which are going to do the analysis of intrinsic elements.


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