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Lesson Plan

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Identify the 3 laws of motion by Isaac Newton.
2. Analyze the motion and how it works.
3. Apply the 3 laws of motion in our daily lives.
I. Subject Matter:
Topic: Newton 3 Laws of Motion
References: Science Grade 8 Module (DepEd)
Materials Needed: Book, PPT, Projector
II. A. Procedure:
Teachers Activity Students Activity
1. Prayer
Before we start, who wants to lead the prayer? “Our Father…..Amen”
2. Greetings
Good morning class! “Good morning teacher!”
Class, please arrange your chairs and pick all “Thank you teacher”
the trash and seat properly.
3. Checking the Attendance
Class who’s absent today? Ms. Secretary? “Class secretary reports”

B. Recall
Class, What are the previous discussion last meeting? “Teacher, its about force and motion.”
Is there anyone has an idea?

C. Motivation

“Okay class, before we proceed to our new lesson for today.

Let’s have some energizer. We will going to play a game called “

The Jumble words” There are groups of words that you need to identify.

I will be posting a jumbled letters on the board and you need to identify

what words are those, I will be giving you some clues.

(clue: it is Isaac’s law of motion. it will remain at
rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant
speed unless it is acted upon by a force.)

Law of Acceleration
(clue: it is Isaac’s law of motion it to accelerate according to the formula net
force = mass x acceleration.)

Law of Interaction
(clue: it is Isaac’s law of motion states that each interaction between
two objects produces a pair of equal forces)

Class, Isaac Newton founded 3 laws of motion.

The Law of Inertia, Law of Acc eleration and

Law of Interaction………..
Law of Inertia – if a body is at rest or moving at a
Constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at
rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant
speed unless it is acted upon by a force.
Law of Acceleration – a force upon an object causes
it to accelerate according to the formula net
force = mass x acceleration. So the acceleration of
the object is directly proportional to the force and
inversely proportional to the mass.
Law of Interaction – states that each interaction between
two objects produces a pair of equal forces. As object A
exerts force on object B, object B reacts by exerting an
equal and opposite force an object A. This pair of forces
is sometimes called an action – reaction.

D. Lesson Proper:

E. Generalization:
“Okay class, now we summarize the topic for today. “They have 3 laws of motion that invented
So class what did we learn today?” Isaac Newton first is the law of Inertia
and the second Law of acceleration
and the third law of interaction.”

“Very Good Class”

F. Application:
“Class, let’s have a short activity.” (Class participate.)
(The class will divide into 3 groups. Each group
will show in a front of the class.)

The first group will show the law of acceleration

The second group will show the law of interaction and;
The last group will show the law of inertia

G. Evaluation:
“This should be a quiz (5 items only)”
1. Who is invented the 3 laws of motion?
2. It is a object at rest will stay at rest?
3-5. Enumerate the types of laws of motion?

H. Assignment:
“Class, you have assignment and it will
be submitted next meeting.”
1. What is photosynthesis?
2. What is the stages of photosynthesis?
3. How it works? Explain.

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