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ESD Design Considerations for Ultra-Low Power Crystal

Oscillators in Automotive Products

Stefan Dannenberger (1), Danielle Griffith (2), Oddgeir Fikstvedt (1)

(1) Texas Instruments Norway, Pb 264 Skoyen, 0213 Oslo, Norway
tel.: +47 2336 9826, fax: +47 2336 9801, e-mail:
(2) Texas Instruments Inc., 12500 TI Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75243 USA

Abstract – Ultra-low power crystal oscillators are sensitive to resistive and capacitive loads at the input. That
imposes challenges to the design of the oscillator and its electro-static discharge (ESD) protection circuit. In this
paper, protection strategies for automotive products are described while keeping an ultra-low power profile of the
oscillator circuit.

I. Introduction design goal is to reduce the series resistance in the

integrated circuit (IC).
Power consumption is highly important for However, ESD performance is often improved by
applications where a lifetime of more than 10 years on adding series resistance and protection elements like
a coin cell battery is desired. Often, trade-offs have to diodes. This directly contradicts the performance
be made between performance and ultra-low power design guidelines and makes achieving ultra-low
consumption. A crystal oscillator circuit is used in power performance difficult. Most crystal oscillator
wireless microcontrollers (MCUs) to generate a circuit topologies involve connecting the MOSFET
reference clock for the radio’s frequency synthesizer to gate to a device pin. Therefore, in general, the
ensure data transmission and reception occurs in the oscillator input stage is more sensitive to ESD
correct frequency bands. Due to the high quality factor compared to other pins of a device.
of the crystal, usually >30,000, the oscillator’s startup
In the next section, ESD testing standards are briefly
time is relatively long; increasing the power overhead
reviewed. Section III describes test results of the first
in duty-cycled protocols commonly used in battery
revision (Rev 1) of the oscillator. Section IV discusses
powered wireless systems. Startup time can be reduced
design considerations for crystal oscillators while
by increasing the oscillator’s power consumption.
section V shows measurement results of the improved
There is intuitively an optimum bias oscillator point
ESD protection circuitry.
where the best choice for oscillator startup time and
steady state power consumption allows the total system For the measurements, the oscillator was tested as part
average power consumption to be minimized. of the device qualification. A passing test result is
However, power consumption is not the only important therefore a pass on the whole device and not limited to
parameter. The crystal oscillator’s phase noise and the oscillator circuitry.
clock stability strongly impact the radio’s frequency
synthesizer’s performance and a certain minimum II. ESD Testing Standards
performance must be achieved to meet the RF standard. Device-level testing standards for IC qualification are
The input stage of a crystal oscillator circuit is the Human Body Model (HBM) and the Charge Device
specifically sensitive to capacitive load and series Model (CDM) [1, 2]. The Automotive Electronics
resistance. To achieve the correct oscillation Council (AEC) bases their HBM and CDM device
frequency, the capacitance presented to the crystal testing standards on these joint standards (JS) for HBM
must be correct. Loading the crystal with additional and CDM.
series resistance or capacitance requires more current HBM is a 2-pin test in which handling of an IC is
to be used to maintain the oscillation. Thus, for correct tested. Testing specification of HBM in AEC and JS
frequency, the crystal must be loaded with precisely the standard are essentially the same [3]: AEC-Q100-002E
right capacitance. For lowest power consumption, the refers to JS-001 in several chapters. This means also

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that test results should not differ much between Table 1: ESD Passing Levels
industrial (JS) and automotive (AEC) ESD stress.
CDM is a discharge test in which the IC is charged
through charging plates and discharged through one pin
at a time. This simulates electro-static discharge in
production lines. For CDM, the major difference
between the automotive and the industrial standard is Test results show high leakage on the oscillator crystal
the minimum of three discharges on each pin [4]. In pins after the circuitry has been stressed with CDM
addition, as shown in Figure 1, the discharge current AEC. Emission microscopy (EMMI) shows hotspots in
during automotive (AEC) CDM stress is reported to be the oscillator input stage (Figure 2) which directly
roughly 30% higher than for industrial (JS) stress, and connect to the oscillator crystal pins.
the rise time of the discharge pulse is shorter because
of differences in the test setup [5].

Figure 1: First current peak for different standards. Q100 peak is

roughly 30% higher than JEDEC current peak [5]

Both parameters lead to an increased cumulative stress

on each pin and its connected circuitry. A circuit
designed to meet the JS CDM testing standard might Figure 2: Hotspots (red and green) after emission microscopy
therefore not meet the AEC standard due to the (EMMI) analysis in the oscillator input stage of a CDM AEC
cumulative stress. stressed unit

III. Initial Results Taking a more detailed look at the damage, the red
arrows point to small holes in the gate oxide fingers at
Table 1 shows that Rev 1 of the device passes the
the gate-drain overlap of the input NMOS transistor
voltage levels which satisfy the safe manufacturing
(Figure 3).
conditions of 500V HBM [6] and 250V CDM [7] but
fails the standard automotive requirement of 500V for
CDM. This indicates that cumulative stress through
three consecutive strikes impacts the components more
than with a single strike.
Note that Table 1 shows ESD passing levels of a device
which contains Rev 1 of the oscillator IP. In the JS case,
the device was stressed up to 3.5kV HBM, in the AEC
case, the device was only stressed up to 2.5kV HBM.
The devices which were used as shuttle for Rev 1 were
not tested to fail for HBM, but they were tested to fail
for CDM. Therefore, the data in Table 1, does not
indicate that HBM stress is higher for AEC ESD stress
than for JS ESD stress.
Figure 3: Close-up on failure location at the input transistor.
Arrows point to oxide damage

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Failure analysis shows that the oscillator input stage temperature and humidity. This can be seen in the
fails the automotive stress because the drain and the following equation. The loaded oscillation frequency,
gate are connected to device package pins without fL, is given by
secondary ESD protection.
= ∙ 1+ (2)
IV. Crystal Oscillator Design where fS is the unload crystal resonance frequency, Cm
Considerations is the motional capacitance of the crystal, and CO is the
parasitic capacitance of the crystal due to the package
1. Design Requirements
and leads and other shunt capacitance from the PCB.
Figure 4 shows the Pierce crystal oscillator used in a The crystal is fabricated with fS higher than the desired
low power MCU in 65nm CMOS. The crystal is frequency such that when the CL matches the specified
connected to the SoC through two pins, labeled Q1 and value, the correct oscillation frequency is obtained. If
Q2. A current, Ibias, is mirrored through transistors M2 CO, however, is larger or smaller than expected due to
and M3 to provide the bias current to transistor M1. variations in the PCB capacitance or other
The input current Ibias and the size of transistor M2 are environmental changes such as temperature and
adjustable with switches so that the correct bias current humidity, the loaded oscillation frequency can shift.
as a function of supply voltage, temperature, and Many wireless standards require the frequency of a
process corner can be provided to M1. Transistor M4 transmission to be accurate within 20-40 parts-per-
is added in the source of M1 and the gate is connected million (ppm), so variations in CO must be small
to the output of a tieoff cell. When the oscillator is compared to the value of CL so that the frequency
disabled, M4 provides some protection against ESD remains sufficiently accurate.
events by preventing the gate-source connection of M1 The time constant of the crystal oscillator startup time
to be connected directly between the two pins Q1 and is given by
ground. Resistor Rfb is large (>100kΩ) and serves to
bias Q1 and Q2 to the same voltage. During normal = (3)
operation, approximately sine wave voltages appear on In low power duty cycled systems with short data
Q1 and Q2. Because they are approximately 180° out packets, the crystal oscillator startup time can
of phase, they can be applied to the input of a single- contribute significantly to the average power
ended to differential buffer to create CLK_OUT, a consumption. From (1), it can be seen that increasing
digital clock that is used by the rest of the SoC, the transconductance, and therefore power
including the RF synthesizer. To ensure oscillation at consumption, of the oscillator, the magnitude of Rn can
the desired frequency, a load capacitance CL must be be increased which can shorten the startup time. In low
presented by the circuit that matches the crystal power products, minimizing the power consumption is
requirement. Typical values for CL specified by crystals desired. Therefore, an amplitude control loop is
are 6pF - 9pF. To minimize the need for external implemented (not shown in Figure 3 for simplicity) that
components while still providing a flexible solution adjusts the bias current, Ibias, and mirror ratio through
that can support a variety of crystals, CL is implemented transistor M2 to optimize the negative resistance to the
with an on-chip adjustable load capacitor array shown correct value for best startup time and steady state
by C1 and C2 [8]. If C1 and C2 are significantly larger power consumption regardless of the ESR or CL of the
than the circuit parasitic capacitances, CL is crystal that is used.
approximately the series combination of C1 and C2. The ESD protection is used as a part of the pad and IO
oscillator negative resistance is given by structure to protect against device damage. However,
= (1) any capacitance or resistance added from the ESD
protection device can have negative impact on the
where gm is the transconductance of M1, f is the crystal
oscillator performance, in terms of startup time,
resonance frequency, and CL is the effective load
frequency transmission accuracy, and steady state
capacitance presented by the circuit. To maintain
power consumption. Parasitic capacitance will increase
oscillation, Rn must be higher than the equivalent series
the effective CL seen by the crystal which will shift the
resistance (ESR) of the crystal [9]. As can be seen by
frequency as described in (2). This can be compensated
(1), larger values for CL require higher current in
by reducing the capacitance from C1 and C2 switched
transistor M1. While disadvantageous for power
in by Vtrim[5:0]. However, if any series resistance were
consumption, larger CL can provide improved
added to the HBM clamps which provide ESD
immunity to environmental changes such as
protection in Figure 4, it would directly degrade the

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negative resistance, and increase the current required to of M1. It can be seen that -Rn for the oscillator with
sustain an oscillation HBM ESD protection is nearly the same as when a split
_ = + (4) HBM+CDM protection scheme is used. On the other
hand, negative resistance is significantly degraded if a
For example, a crystal with an ESR of 50Ω requires Rn
combined ESD protection structure is used in the
of -150Ω to -250Ω for reliable startup and correct pad/IO.
oscillation. If it is desired that the amplitude control To illustrate the impact of device performance, assume
loop adjusts gm such that Rn=-150Ω during steady state the crystal has an ESR of 30Ω. The negative resistance
operation, and a series resistance in the ESD protection
should then be ~100 Ω for steady state operation. For
of 150Ω is added, the transconductance must be an HBM+CDM ESD structure combined in the pad/IO
increased until the actual Rn=-300Ω causing a cell, this requires a bias current in the oscillator of
significant and undesired increase in power >500μA. On the other hand, if the split HBM+CDM
consumption. structure is used, the same ESD protection can be
achieved while using less than 200μA bias current.
Both the steady state power consumption and startup
time are impacted by this ESD choice, so it has a
significant impact on the battery lifetime of SoC.

Figure 4: Pierce crystal oscillator with adjustable on-chip load

capacitors, amplitude control, and ESD protection.

2. Split ESD Protection

The negative impact on oscillator performance from
adding ESD protection can be avoided if a split ESD
protection implementation is chosen. Figure 5 shows
the negative resistance vs. oscillator bias current from Figure 5: Impact of protection circuit placement on negative
an AC simulation performed using Cadence’s Spectre resistance and current consumption. Scheme “only HBM” and
simulator for a 48MHz crystal oscillator, including “split HBM+CDM” have clearly same good negative resistance.
parasitic components extracted from the IC layout. The
different curves are for three different ESD The implementation of the split ESD protection scheme
implementations. The first implementation labeled is shown in Figure 6. The following ESD protection
“only HBM” corresponds to the circuit in Figure 3. circuitry has been added compared to Figure 3:
The second, “combined HBM+CDM” is a commonly • The diode size of the primary ESD protection on
used configuration in SoCs where the HBM clamp in Q1 and Q2 was doubled. This adds a little extra
Figure 3 is expanded to also include a series resistor of capacitance, which can be compensated by
100Ω and rail clamps, all directly on nodes Q1 and Q2. reducing the default value of Vtrim[5:0].
This is the architecture often used with the ESD • A CDM clamp close to the gate of M1 was added
structure combined in the IO cell. The third consisting of a 100Ω resistor and dual diodes with
implementation, labeled “split HBM+CDM”, is shown diode perimeter of 40μm.
in Figure 5 and corresponds to a custom design. Here,
the series resistor Resd and rail clamps that make up the • Transistor M1 was put in an isolated PWELL
CDM protection have moved to the other side of switch (Deep N-well was available). This will make the
and capacitor C1, and now connect directly to the gate source voltage of M1 to follow the gate of M1

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during an ESD event, reducing the stress-voltage V. Measurement Results
over the gate oxide of M1.
Rev 1 implemented the “only HBM” scheme shown in
• CDM clamps were added to the clock buffer with
Figure 4 while the updated revision (Rev 2)
a 200Ω series resistance. The clock buffer is a
implements the “split HBM+CDM” scheme shown in
high gain differential-to-single-ended amplifier
Figure 6. Rev 2 of the oscillator is ESD tested and the
with high input impedance, so the addition of a
results are shown in Table 2 together with the results
200Ω series resistance does not impact the phase from Rev 1. Again, HBM is not tested to fail while
noise of the CLK_OUT signal. CDM was tested to fail.
The JS results essentially do not differ between the
HBM clamps, 2x VDD revisions. The maximum stress voltage levels differ
VDD between the two revisions, but both revisions pass their
Q2 CDM clamp M2 M3 maximum tested voltage.
Rfb For automotive (AEC) ESD testing, HBM levels are
not impacted by the changed protection scheme and
Vtrim[5:0] Ibias they are similar to the industrial numbers.
Resd M1
The device passes now up to 700V CDM which is
Q1 Vtrim[5:0] C2[5:0] double ESD robustness compared to Rev 1. The results
satisfy now the 500V CDM standard level with good
M4 margin. The oscillator input stage withstands even
higher voltage levels because the failing pins at 700V
VDD are not related to the crystal oscillator.
Table 2: ESD Measurement Results


CDM clamps 65nm CMOS

Figure 6: Crystal oscillator with ESD protection split so that it

The oscillator circuitry still satisfies its ultra-low power
does not significantly impact negative resistance. consumption requirements with the improved ESD
protection scheme.
If the capacitance on the gate of M1 is small compared
to the capacitance on node Q1, which consists of C1, Conclusion
PCB and pad capacitance, and parasitics from the ESD The objective of this work is to show differences in
diodes, the impact of adding Resd on the negative ESD testing standards and their impact on integrated
resistance and required oscillator power consumption circuits. It is possible to improve the ESD robustness
is limited [10]. To help to minimize the capacitance on of critical oscillator circuits in wireless MCUs by
the gate of M1, the inputs to the clock buffer, its splitting ESD protection circuits and placing protection
associated CDM clamps, and other amplitude sensing elements carefully in the design rather than using
circuitry (not shown) are taken from nodes Q1 and Q2 standard HBM+CDM protection devices combined
rather than the gate of M1. Also, the diodes connected together in the IO cell. Then, an ultra-low power profile
the gate of M1 are sized carefully so as to not add can be maintained and automotive ESD robustness
significant capacitance. With these precautions, the requirements can be achieved without significant
addition of Resd and protection diodes has a negligible changes to the oscillator circuit design.
impact on negative resistance (shown in Figure 4),
power consumption, and oscillator startup time. In this Acknowledgements
instance, designing a custom ESD structure, rather than
using a standard combined HBM+CDM in the IO cell, We would like to thank Texas Instruments’ Advanced
allows improved ESD performance without an increase Technology Development team for their valuable
in oscillator, and therefore SoC, power consumption. support in the design process as well as the test and
reliability teams for their lab support.

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