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Intensive Revision Program

Physical Chemistry

By : Brijesh Jindal Sir

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Q.1 A solid has a structure in which W atoms are located at the corners of a cubic lattice, O atom at the
centre of the edges and Na atom at centre of the cubic. The formula for the compound is
(A) NaWO2 (B) NaWO3 (C) Na2WO3 (D) NaWO4

Q.2 The density of CaF2 (fluorite structure) is 3.18 g/cm3. The length of the side of the unit cell is
(A) 253 pm (B) 344 pm (C) 546 pm (D) 273 pm

Q.3 Which of the following statements is correct in the rock-salt structure of an ionic compounds?
(A) coordination number of cation is four whereas that of anion is six.
(B) coordination number of cation is six whereas that of anion is four.
(C) coordination number of each cation and anion is four.
(D) coordination number of each cation and anion is six.

Q.4 The coordination number of cation and anion in Fluorite CaF2 and CsCl are respectively
(A) 8:4 and 6:3 (B) 6:3 and 4:4 (C) 8:4 and 8:8 (D) 4:2 and 2:4

Q.5 The interstitial hole is called tetrahedral because

(A) It is formed by four spheres.
(B) Partly same and partly different.
(C) It is formed by four spheres the centres of which form a regular tetrahedron.
(D) None of the above three.

Q.6 The tetrahedral voids formed by ccp arrangement of Cl– ions in rock salt structure are
(A) Occupied by Na+ ions (B) Occupied by Cl– ions
(C) Occupied by either Na+ or Cl– ions (D) Vacant

Q.7 The number of nearest neighbours around each particle in a face-centred cubic lattice is
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 12

Q.8 If the anions (A) form hexagonal closest packing and cations (C) occupy only 2/3 octahedral voids in
it, then the general formula of the compound is
(A) CA (B) CA2 (C) C2A3 (D) C3A2

Q.9 A solid is formed and it has three types of atoms X, Y, Z. X forms a FCC lattice with Y atoms
occupying all the tetrahedral voids and Z atoms occupying half the octrahedral voids. The formula of
the solid is:
(A) X2Y4Z (B) XY2Z4 (C) X4Y2Z (D) X4YZ2

Q.10 The intermetallic compound LiAg crystallizes in cubic lattice in which both lithium and silver have
coordination number of eight. The crystal class is
(A) Simple cubic (B) Body centred cubic (C) Face centred cubic (D) None

Q.11 A compound XY crystallizes in BCC lattice with unit cell edge lenght of 480 pm. If the radius of Y– is
225 pm, then the radius of X+ is

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(A) 127.5 pm (B) 190.68 pm (C) 225 pm (D) 255 pm

Q.12 The mass of a unit cell of CsCl corresponds to

(A) 1 Cs+ and 1 Cl– (B) 1 Cs+ and 6 Cl– (C) 4 Cs+ and 4 Cl– (D) 8 Cs+ and 1 Cl–

Q.13 In the closest packing of atoms A (radius : ra), the radius of atom B that can be fitted
into tetrahedral voids is
(A) 0.155 ra (B) 0.225 ra (C) 0.414 ra (D) 0.732 ra

Q.14 Which one of the following schemes of ordering closed packed sheets of equal sized spheres do not
generate close packed lattice.

Q.15 An ionic compound AB has ZnS type structure. If the radius A+ is 22.5 pm, then the ideal radius of B–
would be
(A) 54.35 pm (B) 100 pm (C) 145.16 pm (D) none of these

Q.16 NH4Cl crystallizes in a body-centered cubic type lattice with a unit cell edge length of 387 pm. The
distance between the oppositively charged ions in the lattice is
(A) 335.1 pm (B) 83.77 pm (C) 274.46 pm (D) 137.23 pm

Q.17 In diamond, carbon atom occupy FCC lattice points as well as alternate tetrahedral voids. If edge
length of the unit cell is 356 pm, then radius of carbon atom is
(A) 77.07 pm (B) 154.14 pm (C) 251.7 pm (D) 89 pm

Q.18 Which of the following will show schottky defect

(A) CaF2 (B) ZnS (C) AgCl (D) CsCl

Q.19 Copper metal crystallizes in FCC lattice. Edge length of unit cell is 362 pm. The radius of largest atom
that can fit into the voids of copper lattice without disturbing it.
(A) 53 pm (B) 45 pm (C) 93 pm (D) 60 pm

Q.20 In FCC unit cell, what fraction of edge is not covered by atoms?
(A) 0.134 (B) 0.24 (C) 0.293 (D) None of these

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Q.1 Which gas will be adsorbed on a solid to greater extent.

(A) A gas having non polar molecule
(B) A gas having highest critical temperature (Tc)
(C) A gas having lowest critical temperature.
(D) A gas having highest critical pressure.

Q.2 Which of the following factors affects the adsorption of a gas on solid?
(A) Tc(critical temp.) (B) Temperature of gas
(C) Pressure of gas (D) All of them

Q.3 The volume of gases NH3, CO2 and CH4 adsorbed by one gram of charcoal at 298 K are in
(A) CH4 > CO2 > NH3 (B) NH3 > CH4 > CO2
(C) NH3 > CO2 > CH4 (D) CO2 > NH3 > CH4

Q.4 The heat of physisorption lie in the range of

(A) 1 – 10 kJ mol–1 (B) 20 to 40 kJ mol–1
(C) 40 to 200 kJ mol–1 (D) 200 to 400 kJ mol–1

Q.5 Adsorption is multilayer in case of

(A) physical adsorption (B) chemisorption
(C) in both (D) none of the these

Q.6 Reversible adsorption is

(A) chemical adsorption (B) physical adsorption
(C) both (D) none

Q.7 Which of the following is not a gel?

(A) Cheese (B) Jellies (C) Curd (D) Milk

Q.8 An emulsion is a colloidal system of

(A) two solids (B) two liquids
(C) one gas and one solid (D) one gas and one liquid

Q.9 Which of the following is a lyophobic colloid?

(A) Gelatin (B) Sulphur (C) Starch (D) Gum

Q.10 The nature of bonding forces in adsorption

(A) purely physical such as Van Der Waal's forces
(B) purely chemical
(C) both chemical and physical always
(D) none of these

Q.11 The Tyndall effect associated with colloidal particles is due to

(A) presence of electrical charges (B) scattering of light
(C) absorption of light (D) reflection of light

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Q.12 Which one of the following is not applicable to chemisorption?
(A) Its heat of adsorption is high (B) It takes place at high temperature
(C) It is reversible (D) It forms mono-molecular layers
Q.13 In the colloidal state the particle size ranges
(A) below 1 nm (B) between 1 nm to 100 nm
(C) more than 100 nm (D) none of the above

Q.14 All colloids

(A) are suspensions of one phase in another
(B) are two-phase systems
(C) contain only water-soluble particles
(D) are true solutions

Q.15 Colloids can be purified by

(A) condensation (B) peptization (C) coagulation (D) dialysis

Q.16 Milk is an example of

(A) emulsion (B) suspension (C) foam (D) sol.

Q.17 Colloidal particles in a sol. can be coagulated by

(A) heating (B) adding an electrolyte
(C) adding oppositely charged sol (D) any of the above methods

Q.18 Emulsifier is an agent which

(A) accelerates the dispersion (B) homogenizes an emulsion
(C) stabilizes an emulsion (D) aids the flocculation of an emulsion

Q.19 Fog is a colloidal system of

(A) gas in liquid (B) liquid in gas (C) gas in gas (D) gas in solid

Q.20 Given below are a few electrolytes, indicate which one among them will bring about the coagulation of
a gold sol. quickest and in the least of molar concentration?
(A) NaCl (B) MgSO4 (C) Al2(SO4)3 (D) K4[Fe(CN)6]

Q.21 When a lyophobic colloidal solution is observed , we can see

(A) light scattered by colloidal particle
(B) size of the colloidal particle
(C) shape of the colloidal particle
(D) relative size of the colloidal particle

Q.22 Colloidal solutions are classified on the basis of

(A) molecular size (B) orgainc or inorganic
(C) surface tension value (D) pH value

Q.23 The electrical charge on a colloidal particle is indicated by

(A) Brownian movement (B) electrophoresis

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(C) ultra microscope (D) molecular sieves

Q.24 The minimum concentration of an electrolyte required to cause coagulation of a sol is called
(A) flocculation value (B) gold number
(C) protective value (D) none of these

Q.25 Smoke precipitator works on the principle of

(A) distribution law (B) neutralization of charge on colloids
(C) Le-Chaterlier's principle (D) addition of electrolytes
Q.26 Which one of following statements is not correct in respect of lyophilic sols?
(A) There is a considerable interaction between the dispersed phase and dispersion medium
(B) These are quite stable and are not easily coagulated
(C) They need stabilizing agent
(D) The particle are hydrated

Q.27 As2S3 sol is

(A) positive colloid (B) negative colloid
(C) neutral colloid (D) none of the above

Q.28 At the critical micelle concentration (CMC) the surfactant molecules

(A) decompose (B) dissociate
(C) associate (D) become completely soluble

Q.29 Alums purify muddy water by

(A) dialysis (B) absorption
(C) coagulation (D) forming true solution

Q.30 Solute dispersed in ethanol is called

(A) emulsion (B) micelle (C) hydrophilic sol. (D) alcosols

Q.31 Which one of the following is lyophillic colloid?

(A) Milk (B) Gum (C) Fog (D) Blood

Q.32 Small liquid droplets dispersed in another liquid is called

(A) suspension (B) emulsion (C) gel (D) true solution

Q.33 The process which is catalysed by one of the product is called

(A) acid-base catalysis (B) autocatalysis
(C) negative catalysis (D) homogeneous catalysis

Q.34 Tyndall effect would be observed in a

(A) solution (B) solvent (C) precipitate (D) colloidal sol.

Q.35 A liquid is found to scatter a beam of light but leaves no residue when passed through the filter paper.
The liquid can be described as
(A) a suspension (B) oil (C) a colloidal sol. (D) a true solution

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Q.36 The ability of an ion to bring about coagulation of a given colloid depends upon
(A) its charge (B) the sign of the charge alone
(C) the magnitude of the charge (D) both magnitude and sign of charge

Q.37 An arsenious sulphide sol. carries a negative charge. The maximum precipitating power of this sol. is
possessed by
(A) K2SO4 (B) CaCl2 (C) Na3PO4 (D) AlCl3

Q.38 Which of the following is an example of associated colloid?

(A) Protein + water (B) Soap + water
(C) Rubber + benzene (D) As2O3 + Fe(OH)3

Q.39 Adsorption of gases on solid surface is generally exothermic because

(A) enthalpy is positive (B) entropy decreases
(C) entropy increases (D) free energy increases

Q.40 Among the following, the surfactant that will from micelles in aqueous solution at the lowest molar
concentration at ambient conditions is
(A) CH3(CH2)15N+(CH3)3Br¯ (B) CH3(CH2)11OSO3¯Na+
(C) CH3(CH2)6COO¯Na+ (D) CH3(CH2)11N+(CH3)3Br¯

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Q.1 B Q.2 C Q.3 D Q.4 C Q.5 C Q.6 D Q.7 D

Q.8 C Q.9 A Q.10 B Q.11 B Q.12 A Q.13 B Q.14 C

Q.15 B Q.16 A Q.17 A Q.18 D Q.19 A Q.20 C


Q.1 B Q.2 D Q.3 C Q.4 B Q.5 A Q.6 B Q.7 D

Q.8 B Q.9 B Q.10 D Q.11 B Q.12 C Q.13 B Q.14 B

Q.15 D Q.16 A Q.17 D Q.18 C Q.19 B Q.20 C Q.21 A

Q.22 A Q.23 B Q.24 A Q.25 B Q.26 C Q.27 B Q.28 C

Q.29 C Q.30 D Q.31 B Q.32 B Q.33 B Q.34 D Q.35 C

Q.36 D Q.37 D Q.38 B Q.39 B Q.40 A

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