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Ergonomic Evaluation of Manufacturing

Tasks in Indian Textile Industries

Abstract: Work related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), bad body positions and
low back injuries are the most familer difficulites takes place in the textile
industries. The main objective of this reserach was to appraise the risks of work
related MSDs. In this reserach paper, the major impression of bad body positions
on MSDs was found out using postural examination experimental tools. The RULA
& REBA experimtental methods were used to find out the scores of working
posistions, bad body positions.

Keywords: Ergonomic Evaluation of manufacturing tasks, Postural analysis, RULA, REBA,



Ergonomics can be determined as the study of work.Ergonomics is the knowledge of

designing the work to fit the operator, preferably than bodily making the operator’s body to
adapted by the work. Global market contention has placed production companies down
pressure to enhance their operative domain. Manufacturing industries mainly insist upon
higher production and work rates to abide ambitious nature. As a result works today are
complex operating in inconveninent positions, uplifting awkward materials or things, repeat
the similar gesture throughout working day and working at a agile pace of job. This factor
forms natural stresses on operator’s body leading to MSDs. MSDs appear when physical
proficiency of the operator do not match the physical demands of the work. Extreme
disclosure of danger factors can be the reason for the impairment of the operator’s body
and tends to MSDs. In this reserach paper, the impression of bad body positions on MSDs
was endowed out using postural analysis experimental tools. The RULA & REBA methods
were worn to detect the scores of working postures.

1.1 RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment)

Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) is used for ergonomic analysis of workplaces
environment where work associated damage are proclaimed. RULA is a natuaral analytical
tool that give examination for the varied jobs affecting the upper limbs at workplace with an
aim on use of arms, wrists, head postions and the posture of the upper body. McAtamney
and Corlett (1993) introduced RULA, or Rapid Upper Limb Assessment. It is to advance and
abide by the workers who undergo upper limb disorders because of the muscular skeletal
charging. The RULA is most widely used without want for advanced and high-priced
equipment that’s why RULA one of the most widely and common in ergonomic inspection
tools in industriespr. It is tested that a tool which is dependable for benefit by such job
which it is to be stipulate workplace inspections.

1.2 REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment)

The RULA and REBA alike are common experimental tools for evaluating the musculoskeletal
disorders. REBA is an ergonomic appraisal tool uses an method process to estimate the
whole body postural analysis MSD and dangers related with Workplaces. Hignett and
McAtamney (2000) introduced REBA and specified that it is used to examine position for risk
of work related to musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs). REBA is a superior experimental
tool for whole parts of human body (wrist, upper arm, lower arm, neck, trunk and legs,)
REBA is user free environment and helpful for manually operating the tasks risk work
evaluation. But here are some hitchs about REBA: REBA does not give the blend assessment
and investigation about biomechanical risk aspect.

2.Literature Survey

Lynn McAanncy and E. Nigel Corlett (1993) recommended a experimental method of

ergonomic evaluation called RULA. RULA is considered to estimate worker operator who
may be bare to musculoskeletal charging. Hignett and Lynn McAtanncy (2000) also
proposed a experimental method REBA. REBA is another postural position inspection tool.
This tool is build to be understanding to the type of erratic operating position in health care
and different industries. Ira L. Janowitz (2006) assess the physical demands of work in
hospital. For this they employ Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). T. Jones and S. Kumar
(2007) assimilate ergonomic danger estimation in a repetitious high risk sawmill pursuit
Saw-filler. Kee D. and Karwowski W. (2007) made a comparability of three experiential
procedures for inspection postural oppression in industries. For this review OWAS, RULA and
REBA are taken as experiential procedures. Tan (1996) advised the dissection of tasks
convey out in an textile manufacturing factory. The ergonomic and biomechanical stake of
issue work tasks are coherant. Yeow and Sen (2003) calculated an ergonomic study that
was carried to amend the workplace for electronics tests in a printed circuit assembly (PCA)
forge. Yeow and Sen (2003) planned at reduction for the work health and safety issue faced
by the manually constituent addition workers. Subjective, object estimation and aim
statement were formed in the printed circuit assembly factory. Yeow and Sen (2004)
assessed an ergonomic betterment that was carried on the visual analysis technique of a
printed circuit assembly (PCA) factory. Three enigmawere recognised by the worker’s eye
problems, inadequate time for survey and inadequate visual checkups. Ergonomics
arbitrations were built to amend the problems. A visual inspection arrangement was intiated
to correct it. Abdullah et al. (2009) assesed to diagnosed and compute ergonomics
operating postures that uncompensated to the important development of musculoskeletal
injuries and thus examine feasible auxillary their associated causes. Rapid Entire Body
Assessment (REBA) experimental methods were used to assess the final score of working
position. Grzybowski (2001) examine new tenors in expanding and developing process of
workplace evaluation. A method for the workplace ergonomic estimation was developed.
Mirka et al. (2002) calculated to evolve and calculated engineering restraint for the
abatement of low back injury risk in operators in the furniture manufacturing industry.
Keyserling et al. (1992) advanced a one-page archive for ascertion the bearing of
ergonomic risk conferderate with awkward postures of the lower adversity, trunk and neck.
Vignais N et al. (2013) assessed a manner that patent a real-time ergonomic evaluation of
manually behaved tasks in an industrial workplace. A standard computerized RULA
ergonomic evaluation was achieved to authorize a global risk calculation of musculoskeletal
disorders in real life. Changet al. (2007) also defined a experimental method of conducting
workplace examinations in the digital work activites for the anticipation of work-related
musculoskeletal disorders and apply a automated human designing system to the workplace
virtual dynamic evaluation.


A survey on textile industries was performed to find out the source of MSDs appeared due
to choice of wrong postures or uplifting procedures, by operator during physical uplifting
jobs. Positions inspection procedures were used to opt out the same. First the most
troublesome and commonly used job was built out. For this it was beheld and request from
the operators, for demanding the operator to do physically uplifting jobs in his day to day
tenor. The most arduous jobs felt by operators were videotaped and photographed from
different inclinations. Photo frames were taken from these videos. Each frame of a job was
farther examined by using RULA and REBA experimental methods. The inclinations of each
body postions were found out from each photo frames. Delmia software was used in find
inclinations. The RULA score were done out by Delmia software and for obtaining REBA
score, standard REBA score sheet was used.
For RULA Score that describes the level of MSD risk is listed below:
Table 1: RULA Score
Score Level of MSD Risk
1-2 Negligible risk, no action required
3-4 Low risk, change may be needed
5-6 Medium risk, further investigation change soon
7+ Very high risk, implement change now

For REBA score that describes the level of MSD risk is listed below:
Table 2: REBA score
Score Level of MSD Risk
1 Negligible risk, no action required
2-3 Low risk, change may be needed
4-7 Medium risk, further investigation change soon
8-10 High risk, investigate and implement change
11+ Very high risk, implement change now

4.Result and Discussion

Two Textiles industries in an around Tirunelveli were observed. It was surveyed that the
physically uplifting works were the most crucial job, emanate in MSDs among operators.
These jobs were examined by using RULA and REBA experimental methods. physically
uplifting work which were conveyed for more than eight minutes were examined using RULA
& REBA experimental methods. Video of each working postures were taken. Photo frames
were conquered from these videos. For each photo frame, inclinations of whole body joints
were calculated. The RULA score is obtained out by using Delmia software. This software
compraises of human models which can be altered as per the anthropometric proportions of
operators. Using straight dynamic methods, inclination of whole body joint was modified
according to the detail position of the operator. The REBA score is calculated out by using
REBA sheet. Measuring inclinations of the body joins were put into the sheet and total REBA
score for obtaining positions were obtained.
Thus the RULA & REBA score of different positions were calculated and are examined below
Table 3: RULA and REBA scores for positions at figure 1

Table 4: RULA and REBA scores for positions at figure 2


From the above results it was completed that advance are essentialin the operators human
body postures or uplifting methods to avert the MSDs. The RULA score for the posistion of
body given in fig. . It exhibits that is essential for
body posistion; REBA score for this . Therefore the
execution of exchange is most required. Now for Fig , RULA score is .It means
. REBA score for this body position which
. Therefore the achievement of transformation is compulsory
for this body positions, . From the above score it can be completed
that the body positions are not good for the operators. These body positions if persist for a
long time period can make MSDs amongst the operators.


From the beyond discussion the examination explains that the act entertained in textile
industries may endup in high hazard and ability being sore out to the workers. Therefore the
farther examinations are mandatory to avert MSDs. The bad body positions of the operators
were discovered by pertaining RULA & REBA methods. References for change in body
positions were attained where RULA & REBA scores were higher. Thus it was complete that
the well ordered body posirions of the operator can deduced to obtained score of the action
which prompt to the safer active surroundings.

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