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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 3, Issue 24 1 January 2021

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the twenty fourth issue As my interest in gardening grew, more
of my newsletter for Volume 3. of our lawn was dug up to expand the
Newsletter back issues garden. Although I started out as a
I hope you have all had a wonderful flower gardener, I soon became interest-
Facebook Christmas. ed in veggie gardening. A few years
ago, I added standard roses and fruit
Instagram This is the first issue for 2021 and I trees, too. As the garden grew, so did
Twitter thought I would take the opportunity the demands of working in it so we
to write a special edition with a bit started hosting wwoofers (travellers
Linkedin of information about myself, the au- with working holiday visas) who stayed
thor of Anita’s Garden, and our gar- with us in exchange for some help
Pinterest den, a sprawling urban homestead around the garden.
located in Auckland, New Zealand.
In 2017, I launched Anita’s Garden. I
A bit about me started writing a gardening blog and a
Contact me
free weekly newsletter filled with lots of
I’m 40. I have no formal horticultural
 Feedback gardening advice, ideas and inspiration.
training. My background is actually
I set up a Facebook page and created an
in Law. After graduating from the
 Newsletter input Instagram account. I also ran a bou-
University of Auckland with a con-
(tips, recipes, gar- tique plant nursery from home, selling
joint BA/LLB(hons), I moved to Eu-
den photos etc) a range of veggie seedlings.
rope and spent five years working at a
 To be added to my large commercial law firm in London Personal achievements include our gar-
mailing list and Paris, where I specialised in In- den being featured in the April 2017
ternational Arbitration (the resolution edition of the New Zealand Gardener of international disputes) I started Magazine (you can read the article
gardening eight years ago after my here) and being placed Runner Up in
father passed away. I had also been the Yates Spring Veggie Growing Chal-
diagnosed with schizophrenia after lenge in 2018.
Inside this issue: experiencing a number of psychotic
episodes and was suffering from very These days, I am the admin for two lo-
bad depression at the time. I found cal gardening groups on Facebook. I
gardening to be very therapeutic. am also a brand ambassador for the
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 Anita’s Garden started with the sim- following New Zealand gardening busi-
Anita’s Garden ple act of planting an oriental lily nesses:
called Hot Spot in my father’s
memory.  Italian Seeds Pronto
Top 5 gardening tasks 2
for the week  Awapuni

 Bulbs Direct
Anita’s Garden: Our 2
I want to thank you for your continued
support and wish you a very happy New
Anita’s Garden: the year 3
Kind regards,
Anita Kundu
Hot Spot oriental lily
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 2 4

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

In this week’s column, I thought Hippeastrums Okra
I’d share our successes and fail-
ures from 2020. After years of trying unsuccessful- After a very successful season last
ly, I have finally managed to grow summer, my attempt at growing
Successes hippeastrums. I’ve discovered that okra has been a complete failure.
it helps to keep them in a shel- My seedlings look very week and
Potatoes tered area, such as a patio. unhealthy. Most died in our
I planted three varieties—1 kg of greenhouse. I don’t think I’ll be
Swift (early), 6 kg of Liseta (early) planting them out in the garden.
and 18 kg of Summer Delight Dwarf snake beans
(main crop). In all, I estimate we
harvested 200 kg of potatoes. I think I got overexcited by the
prospect of growing these for the
first time and planted them out
early, in mid-November. I ought
to have waited until at least a
month later. Most of the seedlings
died, I think from the cold.
I’ve lost many eggplants in the
Swift potatoes All of my crop got rust and the
transplanting process.
bulbs were like spring onions.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

good time to start thinking about
1. Plant more cucumbers 3. Tidy up your seed collec-
what you intend to plant in au-
It’s not too late to plant more cu- tumn and winter. Leave ordering
cumbers for cropping in late sum- If you’re like me, your seeds for the seeds for another week or so, to
mer and autumn. summer garden are everywhere in allow seed companies to reopen.
the house. It’s too late to sow
2. Keep liquid feeding 5. Keep spraying your roses
them, so put them away safely for
Continue to liquid feed your plants next year. In summer, I alternate between
every week. By showing them Yates Super Shield and Mavrick.
4. Plan the autumn and
some love, you will reap the re- If you followed a regular spraying
winter garden
wards with magnificent displays of regime in winter you may find it’s
flowers and abundant crops. While it’s a bit quieter, now is a not necessary to spray as much.

Anita’s Garden: Our oasis

Both mum and I work very hard in To the left, there is passionfruit
the garden and also in the kitchen, vine, which is bordered by fruit
transforming our homegrown pro- trees in containers.
duce into delicious dishes. Howev-
We also have another relaxation
er, we make a point of making
spot in our garden underneath our
time to relax and enjoy our garden,
banana tree. We placed a couple of
too. A couple of years ago, we cre-
plastic chairs underneath the can-
ated a sanctuary on a piece of con-
opy for enjoying a cold drink. If I
crete outside our living room (see
have time, I place a picnic rug un- Our cat Ginger lounging in
picture on the right). We put some
derneath the canopy and have a our sanctuary
outdoor furniture to relax on.
little lie down.
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 2 4 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Anita’s Garden: the year ahead

Normally my article on page 3 of Expanding the cut flower gar- Next summer, I hope to expand my
my newsletter includes lots of gar- den selection of dahlias. I am very
dening tips. As this week’s issue is fond of dinner plate varieties, so I
a special edition to help you get to Every week, I like to give my want to add to the existing ones we
know me a bit better, I thought I Aunty Joan (who lives across the have. I’d also like to add some ball
would share some of my plans for road from us) a bouquet of flowers and pom pom varieties to the gar-
the garden for the coming year. from the garden. Recently, I have den, too. Dahlias make great cut
started giving some to her sister, flowers and have the potential to
Extending our level of self- my Aunty Betty and her daughters produce many, many flowers.
sufficiency Jonelle and Sharee, I would like to
continue to do this in 2021. Both The rose garden
I’m still working towards the Aunty Joan and Aunty Betty have
dream of being completely self- I lost a few roses last year, so I’m
supported me tremendously with
sufficient. To increase our supply gradually replacing them with va-
the garden and I am very grateful
of fruit and veggies, I am going to: rieties I really like. On my shop-
to them. At some times of the
ping list for this winter is the Da-
year, there is nothing for picking
 Plant more seed potatoes. I vid Austin variety the Lady Gar-
and I’d like to fill the lacuna. One
will buy a 25 kg sack of dener which I have on back order.
of the ways of achieving this is to
Summer Delight, our fa-
expand the variety of flowers I Bedding begonias
vourite variety, from Mitre
grow (the other way is to stagger
10. Summer Delight stores
sowing and planting times). Last I’d like to try growing bedding be-
very well, so I hope our crop
September, I sowed an extra-early gonias from seed. Previously I
will see us through winter.
sunflower variety called Vincent’s dismissed propagating them from
I also intend to plant 6 kg of
Choice, which I obtained from the seed as they’re a little tricky.
our favourite early variety,
Egmont Seeds Commercial Cata- However recently I’ve been finding
logue. It was flowering by mid- them difficult to obtain in garden
 Plant more pumpkins and November. I have never had sun- centres. My favourite one is the
squash. They store well, flowers this early. This year, I’m bronze leaf, in pink and white.
giving us food for winter. growing giant asters for the first
time. I sowed seeds on my heat Activities
This summer, the spaghetti
squash variety Vermicelli is pad in mid- In 2021, I want to
doing very well. It is a com- December and will continue writing
pact variety and the plant transplant them in “At some stage, I’d like to my blog and free
looks more like a zucchini the garden later take a holiday as my last weekly gardening
than a sprawling squash. this summer. Their one was in February last newsletter, which
This is perfect for our pota- long stems make year!” I hope will help
ger. them perfect for inspire and in-
picking. If this goes form other gardeners. I also in
 Grow lots of mini brassicas! well, I hope to include stock and intend to continue to be active on
I planted the cabbage Ran- snapdragons in the garden in the Facebook and Instagram, to show-
furly Mini from Egmont future. For winter, I intend to case the progress of the garden.
Seeds last autumn, with plant peony tulips after a success- Subject to their agreement, I’d love
excellent results. This year, ful trial last season. to continue with the existing col-
I’m expanding the selection laborations I have with the gar-
to include mini red cabbage, dening businesses I have built re-
broccoli and cauliflower. lationships with over the years,
They take up less space and and promote their products via my
can be planted much closer blog, newsletter and social media
together, yielding higher channels.
crops. They’re also perfect
for small families, such as Have a break from the garden
At some stage, I’d like to take a
 I want to track down the holiday as my last one was in Feb-
avocado variety Pinkerton, ruary last year!
so we have another pollina-
tor for our Cleopatra tree. Happy New Year!
Vincent’s Choice Sunflower (DMR)
Happy gardening!

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