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Chemposium is an annual research forum that discusses certain areas of engineering and research

which transpires during the ChE week celebration. This year’s Chemposium was held on
September 21, 2019 at the CEAFA bldg., 4th floor, Amphitheatre, PB Main II with the theme,
“GTECH: Conserve. Preserve. Innovate. Hurdling Millennial Challenges through Greener

Registration has officially started at 7:00am as participants arrive on the said venue. Freebies and
snacks were distributed to those who participated at the green thumb movement. They were
tasked to press their thumbs on a paper, symbolizing their support for sutainable future through
environment preservation.

The program began with an invocation and the singing of the national anthem led by ChE - FE
Harmonics. After that, first year and second year Chemical Engineering student took the floor
and perform their opening production. It was followed by an opening remarks and inspirational
message from the Department Chair, Engr. Rejie C. Magnaye.

Then, the first speaker was introduced by the Project Head and the Assistant Secretary, Virgi
Vladi Caringal. The first speaker was Engr. Albert A. Samuela, who tackled in his discussion the
principles and methods Water Treatment Mechanism. His ability to speak in public effectively
allowed him to sustain audience attention until the last bit. Students raised their questions during
the open forum. At the end of this session, a certificate of appreciation and tokens were awarded
by Engr. Rejie C. Magnaye, Mike Joshua Lejano, Lance Hernandez, and Virgi Caringal.

Performances from Kathleen Opena and Macky Magsumbol proceeded in order to entertain the
audience after the first session.
After the performances, the organizers prepared interactive games for the audience. This activity
is a crucial part for the integration of ideas and concepts in real-life scenarios. After the activity,
participants were given a one-hour break to take their lunch.

A lot has happened in the afternoon session of ChEmposium. It started through another activity
participated by students, which targets the abstract of utilizing properly Earth’s limited resources.
Another aim of the game is to boost the crowd’s energy before continuing to the next part of the

The second speaker was introduced by the Internal Vice President, Alzen Enage. She was Dr.
Marisa J. Sobremisana, an expert in the field of Solid Waste Management. Similar to the first
speaker, 30 minutes was alloted for the open forum. A certificate of appreciation and token were
awarded to her afterwards.
In-between sessions, an intermission number was led by Kathleen Opena, singing Regine
Velasquez-Alcasid’s Araw Gabi.

The last speaker was introduced by the External Vice President, Margie Pitel. Mrs. Melinda T.
Mendoza talked about Urban Agriculture and Vertical Farming. It was again followed by an
open forum, and awarding of certificate and token.

After all the sessions, the audience were allowed to contemplate the various lessons and
realizations they had for the day. The masters of ceremonies facilitated a question and answer
portion wherein winners received plantable pencils and metal straws. The audience have shown
great interest and cooperation in this part. Three lucky audience members are randomly picked
by the event’s organizer during the raffle.

GTECH Ambassador and Ambassadress were decided upon by the Chemical Engineering
Faculty. The basis for picking the advocates of event are collated answers for the G-Tech
question posted on e-registration. ChEmposium 2019’s ambassador and ambasadress are Hans
Andersen Hernandez and Renmin Andrea Valerio from ChE-1103.

As the day approach to an end, the winners of PIChE Quiz Bowl were also recognized and
awarded. Finally, the event was concluded through a closing remarks from Engr. Nico John

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