Non-Buddhist Ascetics Towards The Follower of Buddha

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Sambahulabhikkhu Vatthu (Verses 315)

The Story of Many Bhikkhus
Like a well-guarded frontier for, with defences within and without, so let a man guard himself.
Not a moment should esape, for they who allow the right moment to pass, suffer pain when they
are in hell.

Titthiyasavaka Vatthu (Verses 318 and 319)
The Story of the Disciples of Non-Buddhist Ascetics
(Making Notes)
Main Characters
1. The Buddha
2. Follower of the Buddha
3. Non- Buddhists ascetics
4. Titthi boys
5. Buddhist boy
6. The parents of Titthi boys
7. Non-Buddhist ascetics towards the follower of Buddha


The Story of the Disciples of Non-Buddhist Ascetics

Some disciples of the Titthis did not want their children playing
with the children of the followers of the Buddha. One day as they
were playing with the the Buddhist boy they felt very thirsty. So
the young Buddhist boywent to pay obeisance to the Buddha after
he had had a drink of water and told Buddha about his friends who
were forbidden by their parents to enter Buddhiast monastery. The
Buddha told the boy to tell the non-Buddhist boys to come and
then the Buddha gave them a discourse to suit their various
dispositions, they became his followers. On hearing about this the
parents of the boys, being ignorant, cried and they have been
ruined but they were wonround by the believing parents, came to
the Buddha and also became his followers.

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