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Name: LIU XU

Class: Tuesday
ID No.: 014201900253

Oil industry of Kazakhstan

Introduction to Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is a land locked country located in Central Asia and the largest inland
country in the world. Kazakhstan's land area is about 2.72 million square kilometers, which is
the ninth largest country in the world. Kazakhstan has a population of about 18 million, with a
small population density and a large area and few people.
Kazakhstan's oil industry
Kazakhstan is one of the largest oil producing and exporting countries in the world, and
its energy sector has become the core industry in the country. Kazakhstan has been
independent of the former Soviet Union for more than 20 years. Thanks to its rich oil reserves,
Kazakhstan's continuous income from roommates has led to the rapid development of the
country's economy. At present, Kazakhstan has become the most powerful and rich country in
Central Asia. According to the current exploration data, Kazakhstan has about 30 billion
barrels of oil, which ensures that the oil sector can still bring huge wealth to the country and
maintain its position as an important industry in the future. In terms of commodity structure,
mineral products account for 75% of the main export commodities (including petroleum and
petroleum products)
The influence of culture on petroleum industry
The Kazakh nationality was originally a nomadic people with strong folk customs.
Kazak means "free and unrestrained", which fully reflects the national character of Kazakh
people -- to pursue and enjoy freedom. As the descendants of nomadic people, Kazakh people
retain the unique basic spirit and value orientation of grassland culture, such as the spirit of
heroic optimism, the spirit of freedom and openness, and the spirit of respecting
righteousness.This makes Kazakstan people dare to develop business internationally in the oil
industry. But at the same time, the aggressive and domineering style may also be too focused
on the oil industry, so that the development of the whole national economy will not be
Kazakh people have a strong sense of family. Their children visit their parents regularly
and all the family members get together during the main holidays. The total population of
Kazakh is small, and people pay more attention to making friends and contacts with each
other, and often in proportion to their brothers and sisters.Kazakh people have a strong sense
of family. Their children visit their parents regularly and all the family members get together
during the main holidays. The total population of Kazakh is small, and people pay more
attention to making friends and contacts with each other, and often in proportion to their
brothers and sisters. This culture makes Kazakstan attach importance to the development of
interpersonal relationship in foreign trade and business, and can treat people sincerely,
especially in favor of oil export.


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