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Assignment No.


Question No.1

How did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan manage to create cordial relation between
the Muslims and the British?


Sir Syed believed that the position of the Muslims in the subcontinent could only be
improved if relation with British were improved by the Muslim gained higher-quality education.

 The British had put the entire responsibility for the war of independence in 1857on the
Muslims. Sir Syed wanted to ensure that this false view was corrected.
 There was a deep –seated resentment of the British among many in the Muslim
community. Sir Syed wanted to ensure the benefits and advantages of British rule, in
particular in the areas of science and technology were embraced by the Muslims
community to improve the lives of the masses.
 Through his writings, he also tried to explain that Muslims were not responsible for the
revolt of 1857.
 In 1877, he laid the foundation of Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental collage at Aligarh
because he was aware of the fact that English education was crucial for upliftment of the
 He started writing in Urdu from the age of 23 and became a very proficient writer. He
was author of several books including “Monuments of the Great” and “Causes of the
Indian Revolt” and discussed the ways in which Muslims should align with the changing
scientific and political ideas.

Question No.2

Why did the Muslims of Subcontinent start a movement to support Urdu in the
18 century?


Sir Syed ‘s call for adoption of Urdu as the language of Indian Muslims won
extensive support from the Aligarh Movement and Muslim religious activists of the Deobandi
and wahabbi school .
 Muslim Religious and political leaders Mohsin-ul-Mulk and Molvi Abdul Haq
developed organizations such as the Urdu Defence Association and the Anjuman
Taraqqi-i-Urdu, committed to the perpetuation of Urdu.
 The division over the use of Hindi or Urdu wood further fuel communal conflict between
Muslim and Hindu in India.
 The all India Muslim league and the Jamaat-e-Islami projected Urdu as essential for the
political and cultural survival of Islamic society in India.

 The All India Muslim League and the Jamaat-e-Islami projected Urdu as essential for the

political and cultural survival of Islamic society in India. Muslim politicians
like Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Sir Muhammad Iqbal, and Liaquat Ali Khan emphasized
Urdu as the symbol of Muslim heritage and political identity.

 Advocates of the Pakistan movement sought to make Urdu a key argument in drawing

distinctions with India’s Hindu-majority population. Muslim religious leaders such
as Maulana Mohammad Ali, Maulana Shaukat Ali and Maulana Maududi emphasized
the knowledge of Urdu as essential for ordinary and religious Muslims.

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