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Video Marketing

 Understanding Video Campaign

 Importance of video marketing 

 Benefits of video marketing 

 Uploading videos on video marketing websites

 Using YouTube for business

 Developing YouTube video marketing Strategy

 Bringing visitors from YouTube videos to your website

 Creating 1st Video Campaign

 Creating Video AD groups

 Targeting Options

 Understanding Bid Strategy


The definition of video marketing is not complex. In fact, it’s rather
simple: using video to promote or market your brand, product or
service. A strong marketing campaign incorporates video into the
mix. Customer testimonials, videos from live events, how-to videos,
explainer videos, corporate training videos, viral (entertainment)
videos — the list goes on.
Quite simply video marketing is incorporating videos into
your marketing campaigns whether to promote your company,
product or service. Customer testimonials along with live
event videos are becoming more and more popular as companies try
to leverage rich media content into their marketing efforts.

Importance of Video Marketing 

Video marketing has revolutionized the way businesses approach
their online marketing strategies. The mass increase in video
production has flooded the online landscape with footage about
anything and everything. Want to learn about a business? Watch
their company culture video on their website. Need help fixing your
car? Type in what you need and watch a YouTube video of someone
showing you how it’s done.
The rise in video production has been attributed to the shift from
desktop to mobile. More than ever, the average person has access to
content in the palm of their hand. Additionally, digital technology is
cheaper today than it ever has been before. This combination has
created limitless opportunities for people to engage with content .

Video marketing techniques are flooding today's social media outlets

and websites. These days almost any type of business would benefit
from the production of a short video to introduce their products and
services. Studies have shown that consumers are at least 64% more
likely to purchase a product or service that has video representation.
This makes establishing a personal connection with buyers through
the means of video marketing a key element in the future of online
Live Videos Get More Interaction
We know a good picture is worth a thousand words, but that a good
video is worth a million, right? It also appears consumers appreciate
video content more, in particular when it stems from engaging
content that spurs conversations and shares.
In fact, did you know that:
 82% of consumers surveyed for a recent study said they favor
live video over other types of social media posts
 Video content earns 12 times more shares than text and
images combined!
 Temporary video content (like Snapchat or Instagram Stories)
has narrower reach but a much greater urgency, resulting in
better engagement rates.

Benefits of Video Marketing

Video marketing accomplishes all the work that traditional marketing
does, but it amplifies the effects. Humans are visual creatures, and
we can’t help but be drawn to moving images, whether they show a
cat jumping into a box or a service that a business provides. Read on
to learn about how this visual marketing tool can help your business.

Increase Brand Awareness with Video

One of the best ways to grow your customer base is to help more
people find out about who you are and what you do. Rather than
getting lost in the crowd, you want your business to stand out among
your competitors. With videos, you quickly convey what your core
values are. You can increase exposure to potential customers by
offering entertaining, educational videos that inform them about
your company and help them remember your name.

Video Can Increase Your Online

The more places your potential customers can find out about you,
the better your chances of converting them into paying customers.
Once you have identified and established your brand, you need to
get the word out. “But I already have a spiffy website, a blog, and a
social media presence,” you may say. That’s a great start,
but continuing to spread the word makes the difference between a
business that gets noticed and a business that gets chosen over its
YouTube is the second largest search engine, and that’s just the top
dog. Numerous other sites, including many social media platforms,
make video the star. If you aren’t using video for marketing, you’re
missing out on a huge opportunity to amplify your reach and engage
your audience.

Video Reveals Personality

Some of the most effective disrupters (think Dollar Shave Club) have
reached audiences by being unique, but that doesn’t mean you have
to come up with a clever marketing tactic to be effective. Companies
that live and breathe their brand are highly successful with their
marketing. Simple videos that show who you are can be an effective
way to put a face, and personality, to your business name.
Video Will Boost Social Media
The days of Vine are in the past, but video continues to take a larger
and larger share of social media content. There’s Facebook
videos, Facebook Live, Twitter Periscope, and Instagram Live, just to
name a few. Why should you care? Because video is the most shared
content on social media.
Facebook places a higher priority on video content because they
know that’s what users want. We like to share content that will
entertain our friends and move them, and video has a better chance
of doing that. More than links, images, or plain text, video has the
best chance of getting shared by your followers. You can easily dip
your toes into marketing video through social media, by
learning how to post videos to Instagram and Facebook.

You Can Build Trust with Video

Marketing is about showing potential customers that you understand
their concerns and can solve their problems. The best way to build a
relationship is through face to face interaction, but this just isn’t
realistic for growing a business. All the time in the world is not
enough to meet every potential customer personally and earn their
trust. Thankfully, you can capture that sentiment in the form of video
content. Even better, it’s available 24/7.
Video marketing can help your small business by building long term
relationships with clients before you ever meet them. When
customers see you, your team, or your product in videos, they gain
more confidence in your brand. Trust is essential for every small
business, and video marketing can be there when you can’t.
Improve Search Engine Ranking
We’re very drawn to video and will stick around to see how it plays
out. While this is great for your engagement and conversion, it’s also
good for how search engines evaluate your site.
Google uses time on site to help determine whether you are
providing what visitors are looking for when they search for a
particular term or phrase. When they hang out on your site watching
a video, Google (correctly) interprets that as you providing the
valuable information they a visitor wants. This can help you move up
in search result rankings.

Enhance Your Mobile Marketing

Mobile continues to grow as the main method of accessing
information online. With better technology and increased
bandwidth, video is now fit for mobile marketing. Video content on a
mobile device is generally viewed full screen, so you can know that
your audience is getting the full experience. If being viewed on a
desktop, your video can still be effective because even if users aren’t
completely tuned in visually, the audio component can still deliver
your message.

Convey Information More Efficiently

When you’re trying to find out more about a product or service, you
want the details quickly, in an easy-to-process presentation. Video is
an excellent way to communicate with your potential customers. In
just a few seconds, you can grab their attention, explain what your
business is about and why they should care. Can you do that it in
writing? Sure, but you can do it faster and more memorably in a
quick video.
Excellent Return on Investment (ROI)
Video marketing isn’t just about intangible benefits. It can lead to
significant financial payoff. By adding an explainer video to your
landing page, you can increase sales (as much as 80% according to
some studies). Thanks to modern technology, producing effective
videos no longer requires a substantial line in your marketing budget.
You can make decent videos with your phone and a little bit of
planning. Customers aren’t expecting blockbuster production quality
from their online videos. In fact, they prefer simple clips that do a
solid job of explaining a product or service rather than a polished,
high-budget production that doesn’t tell them much.

Increased Ad Effectiveness with Video

It’s too easy for your audience to scroll right by your banner or
sidebar ad, and these elements tend to blend in after a while. Videos
on the other hand, grab our attention. Video ads can captivate your
audience and allow you to accomplish quite a bit in a shorter period
of time, bringing more visitors to your site and priming them for
While video marketing has been around since television was
invented, online video has now become available for small
businesses to market their business and level the playing field. Video
content continues to grow, and it shows no sign of slowing down, so
get started with your first video today!
Uploading Videos on Video
Marketing Websites
Apart from YouTube, you will be uploading videos on following list of

Video Sharing Sites list  Paid Video Websites 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Using YouTube for Business

YouTube is not just a platform for sharing videos, but it’s also one of
the most popular search engines on the web — second only to
Google. And YouTube is the third most popular website in the world,
with over a billion unique visitors each month according to the
company. Using YouTube for your business has the potential for not
only improving your search engine rankings, but also energizing your
current customers, and attracting new ones.
Using YouTube allows you to provide a personal touch to your
marketing in a way that’s easy to distribute.  
Video Length
YouTube allows you to record videos that are up to 15 minutes in
length by default. If you’d like to create longer videos, you can visit
the video upload page and click on “increase your limit.” YouTube
will prompt you to verify your account with your mobile phone.
Make sure your browser is up-to-date so you can upload larger files.
Longer videos aren’t necessarily better, however. If you’re focusing
on educational content, it may be difficult to fit all of that content
into just a few minutes; however, the most viewed videos are often
five minutes or fewer. So don’t be afraid to start your YouTube
experience with small, snappy videos rather than waiting until you
have time to create a longer one.

Types of Videos
When creating videos on YouTube, it’s important to focus specifically
on the content your clients, prospective clients or fans are looking
for. That means your videos should be oriented towards
serving their needs. When was the last time you called up a friend
and told them to tune into the Home Shopping Network? Videos that
look like infomercials are less likely to be shared. Providing tips and
information people can use right away for their business increases
the likelihood of your content being shared – Position yourself as an
expert in the industry and use YouTube as part of a long-term public
relations strategy, rather than working on just one sale.
Aside from offering quick tips and tactics, YouTube is an excellent
place to upload client testimonials. Written testimonials can be
tricky, and it’s difficult to determine if the testimonial was actually
written/stated by real people. Video, on the other hand, makes the
testimonial more convincing.
YouTube videos can be used to provide an office tour, to show a
behind-the-scenes look at an event, or even to provide video
biographies of people in your business. You can even interview
leaders in your industry, or record presentations for people who
would otherwise be unable to attend.
If you’d like people to see presentations you’ve made without your
face on the video, you can create screen shares using paid products
like Jing, Camtasia or Screenflow, and then upload the videos onto
YouTube. You can also broadcast a Google+ hangout or a live
webinar (using GoToWebinar, for example) directly to YouTube.

Using YouTube with a flip cam or even the built-in camera in your
computer is a great way to start if you have a limited budget. Make
sure to use bright, natural light shining across your face, and record
in a quiet room. Using a pair of regular headphones can help reduce
background noise.

Signing Up
To sign up for YouTube, you’ll need to sign in with an existing Gmail
account. This will integrate well with Google+ and allows you to use
Google hangouts. Get started at
When selecting your username and channel name, make sure to use
your business name or specific keywords in your industry. (You’ll
want to include the URL for your channel in your marketing
material.) Also, be sure to add a channel description and a trailer to
help people understand what your channel is all about, and what to
To optimize your YouTube profile, make sure to include your website
URL in the beginning of your video description and “About Us”
section. If you put it in the bottom of your description, less people
will see it, as they’ll need to click on “more” to read the rest of the
description. Also, make sure to use http:// in front of the URL, so that
it becomes a clickable link. Otherwise, viewers will have to cut and
paste it into their browser.
You’ll also have the opportunity to choose a specific category for
your channel.

Colours and Images

In your channel setting, under appearances, you can choose a
background image and colour. A graphic designer can help you adapt
your logo or another image central to your business, and you can
also choose a colour that matches your company colours.
In addition to selecting background images or colours, you can also
customize your layout in the “Featured” link.
The tabs section allows you to determine how your channel shows
up to others, so make sure to take a look at the different options and
select the one you prefer.

YouTube has a robust set of editing features to improve your video,
in the “Edit video” mode. Enhancements allow you to improve video
quality (via auto fix), change your video style, play with lighting, blur
faces (if they’d prefer to be anonymous) and correct shakiness with
the stabilize feature. You can use “annotations” to add links to
videos, channels and playlists, or even to prompt viewers to
subscribe to the video. In addition, you can add royalty-free music to
your video. You can also splice together clips from multiple videos in
the Video Editor section.

After Uploading Your Video

Your video title is a headline of sorts, and should be both descriptive

and compelling.
You’ll want to make sure that your description—especially the first
two sentences—is equally enticing and includes keywords that the
people you want to view the videos will actually be searching for.
Use tags (in the info and settings section) that describe the video
content—both specific ones and broad overviews. Put the most
important tags first. Ask yourself what keywords viewers would use?
Make sure to include links to your channel and playlists, and let
people know how to subscribe.

Featured Videos
Once you’ve uploaded several videos, you can select a few as
“featured” videos, and even prompt users to view future videos after
they’ve seen certain ones. Just write what video they should view
next in the description.

Sharing Your Video

Make sure to post your video on all of your social media channels.
This will help your content get seen and shared. There’s a share
button below your video that will allow you to post it on social media
or send the link out in your email newsletter.
To upload the video onto your website, just click on “share file,”
highlight the HTML code provided, and copy it into the HTML editor
on your website. You can also change the actual dimensions of the
video so they will fit on your site.
Don’t forget to remind your viewers to share your video! As you
build up your subscriber base, this will happen more naturally, but
until then, asking key influencers in your industry to share your video
as well can be helpful.

Privacy Settings
For the most part, you’ll want to make your videos public so that
anyone can view them. However, you can make a video private if
you’re still editing or deciding whether or not to use it. If you would
like to show a video only to people who have the link, you can create
an ‘unlisted’ video.
In the “tabs” section of your profile, you can choose which activity
you wish to share. For example, you can make your comments on
other videos public or private.

Analytics and Reports

YouTube has reports you can download to measure how your
content is performing. Clicking on “analytics” next to the Video
Manager tab in your channel’s homepage will allow you to see
specific stats and information on your viewers.
It also allows you to see the top 10 watched videos, as well as
demographics and playback locations.
You can also see statistics below each video by clicking on the
“statistics” link. This allows you to see the age and gender of
audience members, where the views are coming from, and more.
Using these analytics, along with other metrics (such as social media
shares, direct responses from your email newsletter, number of
people who visited your website directly from specific YouTube
videos, new subscribers to your YouTube channel, and so forth) will
help you create even better videos over time, and can be an integral
part of a dynamic marketing strategy.
With just a small investment of time and tools you can create fun
and engaging videos to host on your own YouTube channel. Sharing
your videos on social media, your website and in emails can help
bring new customers to your business, and keep the current ones as
your biggest fans, so give it a try it today!

Developing YouTube Video

Marketing Strategy


First, here are the things you will need:
 YouTube Channel
 Adwords account
 The ability to make videos and display ad creatives (either DIY
or hire someone to do it)
Now let’s get into the exact 5-step process that you will have to go


If you don’t have an Adwords account already, set one up here.
Then link your YouTube channel to your Adwords account and you
are good to go!
Once you have all the basic setups worked out, you can there for
However, keep in mind that you will be basically building a list of
people who have done any of the following actions on your
YouTube videos:
 Watched any of your channel videos
 Liked, shared or commented on any of your videos
 Viewed your TrueView ads
 Visited or subscribed to your YouTube channel
Once you start building these lists, you can start retargeting any of
these segments separately.
At this point, you should decide if you are going to only target
organic traffic (people who watch the videos on your channel), only
target TrueView ads…or you are going to do both. This will
determine the type of video content you will create.
We will get back to Adwords after this…


Next, do some research on what kind of videos will appeal to your
potential app users. Maybe you know what that is already, or maybe
you don’t.
Either way, research what seems to be working in your market. Also
step outside of your niche and get ideas from other niches.
But remember that at the end of the day, it is YOUR brand strategy.
So own it and make it unique.
A little creativity can go a long way, especially in niches that are
pretty straightforward. Business apps is one example that comes to
If you need some ideas from the biggest YouTube publishers in the
world, read this post. To get more ideas, you can also read about
the 5 different styles of YouTube videos or visit the YouTube Creators


Now it’s time to start making some videos. If you are only going to
create TrueView in-stream video ads, then your options are
somewhat limited. Just remember that you need to “front-load” your
video and put the exciting stuff in the beginning, so people keep
If you are going to create videos for your channel, then your video
creation strategy will be different. First of all, if you are wondering
what the ideal length of a video is, here is what the data says.
But again, you should try different things, it’s not one-size-fits all.
If you need to record app footage, be sure to read our post on how
to record your iPhone/iPad screen. To record an Android screen you
can either go through this whole process or use one of these screen
recording apps.
Once you are ready to publish your video, be sure to do some


Advertising on YouTube with TrueView ads can get expensive. But if
you want to reduce your advertising spend, you can use the list you
built on YouTube and retarget them with the Adwords Display
Estimates will vary of course, but the general consensus is that
Adwords has the ability to reach about 90% of the internet.
That’s pretty crazy, if you think about it.
In this specific case, this means that when someone does any of the
actions we listed in the first section of this post, chances are very
high that they will visit another website that runs Adwords ads and
you can show them a display ad.
Since display ads generally cost less than video ads and you can
target people outside of YouTube, it’s really a no-brainer to at least
test this strategy.


Once you have run a few ads, it’s now time to review your results.
Since you setup conversion tracking in Step 4 above, you can see
exactly how well your display ads are doing. If you aren’t getting
clicks, here are a few tips for improving.
If the issue is that people are not watching your videos or video ads,
you will have to revisit Step 2 and try another approach. With any
type of marketing, there can be a lot of testing involved, so don’t
get discouraged if your first try doesn’t work out.

Bringing visitors from YouTube

videos to your website

YouTube is one of the greatest websites out there. There are millions
of people who visit YouTube every day. Having all those people in
one spot makes it a gold mine for internet marketers.
For bloggers, it can be a great source of free website traffic.
We’ve talked about making a video show for your blog, and out of all
the free video hosting sites, YouTube is my favourite.
Because YouTube is now owned by Google, having quality, high
ranking YouTube videos is a great way to get targeted visitors to
check out your site. You’ve probably seen at least one or two
YouTube videos pop up on your Google search for a particularly
competitive keyword.
An official YouTube channel for your blog is kind of like a video page
for your site. Not only can you customize it according to the look and
feel of your site, but you drive insane amounts of traffic from a global
1. Spread your videos to as many websites as possible. An easy way
to do this is when you are done publishing a video on YouTube,
create a blog post and embed the video on your website. Simple,
2. Like a normal blog post, it’s important that your YouTube video
also gets social signals. Share and submit your videos to popular
social media and bookmarking sites like Twitter, Google Plus,
Facebook, Digg, etc. You can also share your videos on fan pages,
and ask users to comment on and like your videos.
3. Creating a video is not enough. You also need to make it look
good. You should use video editing tools or hire a video editor to
add some professional touches to your videos.
4. A video without good audio is as useless as a chocolate teapot.
Ensure the audio quality is good. Depending upon the kind of video
you creating, use quality audio equipment. Most of the pro users
who make videos from home use something like a Blue Yeti Mic or
some other podcasting mic. Here’s a good rule of thumb: The audio
is the most important part of a video.
5. Keep the content funny, engaging, and informative so viewers will
watch it from beginning to end.
6. Try to keep the videos you create “clean” without too much (or
any) controversial material; but if your niche deals with controversy
(eg politics, celebrity gossip, etc.), then it’s better to be very
7. Embed your logo and website URL into the video somehow. You
can do this with text at the end or beginning, or by including
your logo and URL throughout the entire video.
8. Have goals for your videos, but remember that there are
thousands of videos on YouTube. Some have millions of hits while
others only have a couple hundred. Set realistic goals.
9. Make sure you have a good camera and good editing equipment.
If you don’t want to sink the money into these things, consider hiring
a professional. But if you keep hiring people, it’ll probably end up
costing more than just buying the equipment in the first place.
10. Keep the resolution of the video as high as possible.
11. Think about overall colour schemes. Some videos may record in
a yellow or red hue. This can subliminally affect a viewer’s opinions.
Pay attention to the final color scheme.
12. Be yourself. Do not lose sight of the purpose and mission of the
video. Loosen up when speaking. Be relaxed, confident, and genuine.
Viewers trust people who can be authentic.
13. Remember that nothing is perfect in online videos even if you
have a professional editor. Just have fun and keep your goal in mind.
14. Practice before posting the final video. Do a few dry runs before
taping and publishing.
15. Create a series of ongoing videos or stories so users will be
hooked and want to learn more.
16. Do more than just talk. People don’t want to sit and watch a
person just talking to the camera. Make it exciting, interesting, and
17. Try to limit the video to a couple of minutes (if possible). After
about two and a half minutes, users generally tend to lose interest
and move onto something else.
18. Stick to a schedule if you record a series, otherwise people will
just give up on the videos. Be sure to release the next videos in the
series on schedule.
19. Have a sign off that people will remember, and stick to it. This
creates a further sense of branding.
20. Ask for feedback from your viewers. Some people will not
comment unless you ask them to.
21. Assemble a cast of characters. Use other people in the videos
besides yourself. Recruit friends, co-workers, and family members to
be actors.
22. Do not use music on your video that you do not have the rights
to. This can lead to all kinds of problems. Either use your own or get
23. Do not forget that the title of the video is just as important as the
24. Grab viewers by integrating important keywords into the title.
This also helps boost the search engine results.
25. Use tags in addition to the keywords, as this also grabs attention.
26. If people put negative comments on your video, ignore them. By
“feeding the trolls” you are encouraging their bad behaviour and you
might say something you regret later on. Enable comment
moderation for uploaded videos, and accept genuine
and meaningful comments to maintain the comment quality on your
YouTube channels.
27. Utilize as many places as you can to embed your video… like your
blog, Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Digg, etc. Promote
these videos like a proper article.
28. Let your email subscribers and customers know when a new
video is posted.
29. Add your video to various communities and subject areas of
YouTube for more exposure.
30. Be sure to thank people who post positive comments.
31. Be aware that not all videos you create will be a hit. Making
videos is a hit and miss venture. Be patient and practice making good
32. Write the script in advance. While impromptu videos are fun, it’s
really easy to mess up the vision when you improvise.
33. Use analytic tools like YouTube’s Insight to track your sources and
34. Actually use the word “video” in your title. This will get you a lot
more results in search engines.
35. Do not make your video an ad. In other words, get a point across,
but do it without trying to sell something.
36. Choose your thumbnail wisely. YouTube actually lets users
choose their thumbnails, so do it carefully and thoughtfully.
37. You can delete comments, so do not hesitate to get rid of
negative or rude comments underneath your video.
38. You can release more than one video at once. If you have several
videos ready to go, don’t be afraid to let them go all at the same
39. Be real, and do not try to fake out your viewers. Most people can
spot a fake video or something that isn’t sincere.
40. Create something that people will want to share and forward to
others. Find out what your audience needs and give that to them.
41. Aside from your logo and website, include a way for people to
contact you via email.
42. Watch others and learn. By viewing other videos that are related
to your business, you can get a feel for what other people are doing,
and what others are saying about them.
43. Stick to your target audience. Don’t try to branch out too far from
your purpose, or you could easily lose loyal followers.
44. Upload live webcam videos. Have a webcam located at your
office, or wherever, and then upload these videos onto your
YouTube channel. It’s a fun way to get others involved in the day to
day operations of what you are doing.
45. Make a channel and user profile. This gives viewers a home base
to look at your videos and check for any new ones.
46. Do not use cuss words or inappropriate language and behaviour.
47. Use props, costumes, and other “organic” things in your video.
Remember: Fancy editing does not always make for the best viewing.
48. Try to open each video with a small montage, a song, or your
logo. Make it so that people easily recognize your brand.
49. Utilize Vimeo, Google Plus, and other sites to get your video
exposed to other audiences.
50. Specify your channel type, and have a clear sense of what you’re
offering on the channel’s main page.

Understanding Video
Video campaigns let you show video ads on their own or within other
streaming video content on YouTube and across the Google Display
How it works
Available video ad formats include TrueView in-stream ads, TrueView
video discovery ads, and bumper ads. TrueView video discovery ads
can only appear on YouTube. 
TrueView in-stream ads run before, during, or after other videos on
YouTube or across Display Network sites, games, or apps. These ads
may also run on YouTube videos that are embedded on other sites.
After 5 seconds, the viewer has an option to skip the ad.
TrueView video discovery ads only appear on YouTube and reach
people in places where they’re discovering content. The
appearance will vary, depending on the ad sizes and ad formats that
content publishers support. When a viewer clicks the thumbnail for
your ad, the video will play on its YouTube watch or channel page. 
Bumper ads are a short video ad format, designed to allow you reach
customers broadly and increase awareness about your brand by
using a short, memorable message. Bumper ads are just 6 seconds or
less, and viewers can’t skip the ad.

When to choose it
 You want to advertise videos on YouTube and across the
Google Display Network.
 Recommended for all AdWords advertisers, from first-timers to
more-experienced pros.

Showing video ads may seem pretty sophisticated, but that's the
beauty behind these campaigns: They're simple to set up and
manage. You can use videos from your own YouTube account, and
similar to other AdWords campaigns, you can see video ad
performance, and tweak video targeting.

You just opened a restaurant, and want to get the message out to
potential customers.
A "Video" campaign lets you reach people visiting food-related
websites, such as blogs about specific cuisines or websites that
provide restaurant reviews. You can also reach people who are
viewing YouTube videos about the kind of food that your
restaurant serves.
Creating 1st Video Campaign
TrueView video ads are an exciting way to reach and engage your
audience on YouTube and across the web. You can create and
manage your TrueView campaigns in Adwords, using the “Video”
campaign type.
Here are some things to keep in mind before you create TrueView
campaigns and ads:
 TrueView ads and ad groups are created with the "Video"
campaign type. Within this campaign type, TrueView video ad
formats, CPV, and Target CPA bidding strategies are supported.
 TrueView video campaigns cannot include text, images, or
other video ad formats.
 To create a TrueView video ad, your videos must be hosted on
 Reporting for TrueView campaigns and ad groups include
metrics specific to video ads, including views, view rate, and
earned actions, that aren't available in all Adwords campaign
management tools.
 Ad groups will each be assigned a format (either in-stream or
video discovery), and can contain only ads of that same format.
For example, an in-stream ad group can contain only in-stream
video ads and their associated targeting criteria and bids.
Likewise, a video discovery ad group can contain only video
discovery ads and their associated targeting criteria and bids.
 If you want to run both in-stream and video discovery formats
in the same TrueView video campaign, you will need to create
multiple ad groups.
To create a TrueView video campaign with only one ad format,
follow the first set of instructions below. To create a TrueView
campaign with both ad formats, continue to the second set of
instructions below to create an additional ad group.

 Each ad group can contain only one TrueView ad format, either
in-stream or video discovery. To create bumper video ads,
you’ll need to create a separate campaign. 
 You can't use a portfolio bid strategy with a video campaign.

How to create a TrueView video


1. Sign in to your AdWords account.

2. Click the Campaigns tab.
3. Click +CAMPAIGN, and then click Video.
4. Enter a campaign name.
5. Choose a campaign subtype:
6. For "Standard" campaigns, do the following:
7. Next to “Video ad formats” select In-stream or video discovery
8. Enter a budget.
9. Choose the networks you want the video campaign to run on.
10. Choose the locations where you want to target (or
exclude) your campaign.
11. Choose the language of your customers.
12. (Optional) Choose the devices you want to show your ads
on. You can target particular operating systems, device models,
and carriers. By default, your ads will show on all eligible
13. (Optional) Edit your campaign’s advanced settings.
14. Click Save and continue.
15. Enter an ad group name.
16. Next to “Your YouTube video,” choose a YouTube video.
17. Next to “Video ad format” choose either In-stream
ad or Video discovery ad. Enter the required information.
18. Set a bid amount.
19. Edit the targeting methods you want to use for your ads.
By default, your ads will show to all viewers.
20. Click Save ad group.

How to create an ad group

1. Sign in to your Adwords account.
2. Click the Campaigns tab to select the campaign to which you
want to add a new ad group.
3. Note: Your video campaigns are located with your other
campaign types (if any) from the "All campaigns" drop-down
menu. You can also use this drop-down menu to view only
video campaigns by selecting Video campaigns.
4. Click the Ad groups tab, and then click the +AD GROUP button.
5. Enter an ad group name.
6. Next to “Your YouTube video,” choose a YouTube video.
7. Next to “Video ad format” choose either In-stream ad or Video
discovery ad.
8. Note: An ad group can contain only one ad format.
9. Enter the required information to create your ad. Note: You can
always save your ad group without creating an ad.
10. Set a bid amount.
11. Edit the targeting methods you want to use for your ads.
By default, your ads will show to all viewers.
12. Click Save ad group.

Targeting Options
Video ads run on YouTube and across the web through the Google
Display Network. With more than 1 billion users, YouTube is available
in 70+ countries and 60+ languages, and offers rich content from all
over the world. The Display Network reaches over 90% of Internet
users worldwide through 2 million sites and apps (source: comScore).
By targeting your video ads on YouTube and the Display Network,
you can advertise to consumers at moments that matter. With a
wide variety of targeting methods available to you, such as
demographic groups, interests, placements, and remarketing lists,
you can reach specific or niche audiences based on who they are,
what they're interested in, and what content they're viewing.

Available targeting methods for video

Here are the methods you can use for targeting your video ads.
These targeting methods are added at the ad group level. It's
important to know that with each targeting method you add you
narrow, not widen, your targeting.
Audience targeting methods let you define who you want to reach.
These include:
 Demographic groups: Choose the age, gender, parental status,
or household income of the audience you want to reach.
 Interests: Pick from available audience categories to reach
people interested in certain topics, even when they may be
visiting pages about other topics. Learn more about audiences.
 Affinity audiences: Raise brand awareness and drive
consideration with your video ads by reaching people who
already have a strong interest in relevant topics.
 Custom affinity audiences: With custom affinity
audiences, you can create audiences that are more
tailored to your brands, compared to our broad, TV-like
affinity audiences. For example, rather than reaching
Sports Fans, a running shoe company may want to reach
Avid Marathon Runners instead.
 Life events: Reach potential customers on YouTube and
Gmail when purchase behaviour shifts and brand
preferences change during life milestones like moving,
graduating from college, or getting married.
 In-market audiences: Select from these audiences to find
customers who are researching products and actively
considering buying a service or product like those you
 Video remarketing: Reach viewers based on their past
interactions with your videos, TrueView ads or YouTube
channel. If you've linked your Google account to your Adwords
account already, we'll create custom lists for you automatically.
Learn more about remarketing lists for YouTube viewers.
Content targeting methods let you define where you want your ads
to show. These include:
 Placements: Target channels, videos, apps, websites,
or placements within websites. For example, you can target an
entire high traffic blog or just the homepage of a popular news
site. Placements can include:
 YouTube channels
 YouTube videos
 Websites on the Display Network
 Apps on the Display Network
When you add Display Network placements, your ad may still run in
all eligible locations on YouTube. And when you add YouTube
placements, your ad may still run in all eligible locations across the
Display Network.
Keep in mind: If you have “Video partners on the Display Network”
selected under “Networks” and you add Display Network placements
only, your ads may still show on YouTube.
 Topics: Target your video ads to specific topics on YouTube and
the Display Network. Topic targeting lets you reach a broad
range of videos, channels, and websites related to the topics
you select. For example, you target to the "Automotive" topic,
then your ad will show on YouTube to people watching videos
about cars.
 Keywords: Depending on your video ad format, you can show
your video ads based on words or phrases (keywords) related
to a YouTube video, YouTube channel, or type of website that
your audience is interested in.
For video ad groups using placement targeting only: If you’re
targeting placements solely on YouTube or the Display network, your
ads will now be eligible to run on both.
Existing ad groups without targeting will be automatically paused as
a one-time exception to ensure they don't run ads you don't intend
to show. Going forward, manually pause ad groups that aren’t ready
to show ads.

Understanding Bid Strategy

In Google Adwords Video Marketing, there are two bidding
strategies as per the ad types:

Instream ads: CPV (Cost per View) – You will pay per video view to
Google. However, you will only pay if your video ad is seen by the
user for 30 seconds or if they click on the URL displayed in video,
whichever occurs first.
Bumper ads: CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions) – Bumper ads are 6
seconds non skippable ads which a person has to see before
watching the video. If you run these ads, then you pay for per 1000
video views.

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