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Environmental Physical Hazards and

Human Health

Biophysics Unit
4th Stage
1- Health effects of EMF / 20-Jan-2015/
European Commotion
2- Recent research on EMF and health risk
by SSM (Scientific council on
Electromagnetic field).2015

3- Word Health Organization / Setting the

standard for a wireless word harm/ 30-Jan-
Aims: EMF = electric magnetic field

! Assess EMF technology, it risks and risk management actions

! Examine how this understanding is affected by information

! Develop guidelines for improved risk communication and educational material

Q.1/ How do we evaluate the results of
various epidemiologic studies of EMF?

Q.2/ Is there evidence that EMF exposure

increases the risk of breast cancer?
What do you know about
elektromagnetic fields?
Non ionizing Ionizing

300.000 km 300 km 300 m 30 cm 0,3 mm 0,3 µm 0,3 nm

1 Hz 1 KHz 1 MHz 1 GHz 1 THz 1 PHz 1018Hz

Static Micro- Infra- UV x-Ray,

Field waves red Gamma

Photon Energy (eV)

10-11 10-9 10-6 10-3 1,7 3,1 120
Electromagnetic fields: oscillating waves generated by electric current
flowing through an electric field

Non-ionizing: can not break chemical bonds

can generate heat

No evidence of health effects from exposure to very weak EMF

But… be sure
The issue of EMF
"Static magnetic fields
Medical imaging (MRI)

"Extremely low frequency (ELF) field.

Intermediate frequency (IF) field.

" Radio frequency ( RF) field.

Telecommunications antennae and mobile phones

"Terahertz ( THZ) field.
Cellular Tower / Access Points
Cell tower (25W, Wireless Access
Cell phone transmit max, 10W typical) Point (0.1mW, to
(0.1mw to 500mW) 100mW typical)

" #

PDA / Wireless device

(0.1mw to 100mW)

October 11, 2019 IEEE NJ COAST 9

New Opportunities in Mobile Radio Applications
The „Research Agenda“
Medium Speed (GPRS/WAP)
• Mobile Internet
• Online Banking
• Electronic Commerce
• Traffic Information
• Online Games
• Live Radio
• Music-Player and Downloads
• Video Control
High Speed (UMTS)
• Video Conferences
Low Speed • Video Consultation Hours
(Mobile Radio today) • Films on Demand
• TV live from all over the world
• E-mail Video-Mail

• Messages (SMS) Online Learning

• Stock Quotations and Entertainment for Car Drivers

News online
in Traffic Jams
• Phone Calls
(cleaning products,
pesticides, asbestos, etc.)
(repetition, lifting, awkward
(mold, insects/pests,
communicable diseases, etc.) postures, etc.)
Things that cause STRESS!

(slips, trips and falls, faulty (noise, temperature extremes,
equipment, etc.) radiation, etc.)
DNA damage


Central nervous system

Cognitive functions, sleep

Impairment of well-being
Headaches, hypersensitivity

Blood-brain barrier

Thermal Athermal
Thermal Effects of Mobile Radiation

• The specific energy absorption rate (SAR) is

measured in W/Kg

• The measurement is important when assessing

possible health effects

• Microwaves absorbed by the body are converted

to heat

• The amount of heat produced is related to the

amount of energy deposited

• In the case of a person using a cell

phone, most of the heating effect will
occur at the surface of the head,
causing its temperature to increase
by a fraction of a degree

• In this case, the level of temperature

increase is an order of magnitude
less than that obtained during the
exposure of the head to direct

• The brain's blood circulation is

capable of disposing of excess heat
by increasing local blood flow.

Thermal Effect - Possible mechanism
Radio Frequency Radiations (RFR)

Tissue activate

Normal defense Thermo receptor molecules in a cell

response may activate
Cascade of II & III messenger system,
gene expression
Up regulation of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs)

Chronic expression of HSPs

may promote
Athermal Effects of Mobile Radiation
• Absorbed at molecular level and changes in vibrational energy of the
molecules producing various molecular transformations and
alterations {[Microwaves irradiating the community, Hidden hazards,
Bantan Books Publisher, Australia, 1991}

• It also has been hypothesized that –

• Hormonal control of bodily functions may be effected
• In laboratory, low SARs effect the bio-energetic of living systems
• Chromosomal defects have arisen in a small number of mobile
phone network engineers
Pathophysiology of cell phone radiation: oxidative stress and carcinogenesis with
focus on male reproductive system


Nisarg R Desai et al, 2009

Alzheimer’s/ Parkinson's

Hearing Impairment

illness that have

potential links
to phone radiation

Genotoxic Effect Electromagnetic


Factors Influencing effect of EMF on
Human Health
1. Mass, shape and size of the body,
2. The orientation of the body with the field vectors
3. The electrical properties of both the body and the environment.
i. ambient temperature,
ii. air velocity,
iii. humidity
iv. body insulation.
4. Characteristics of the individual i.e. age, gender, activity level, muscles
5. Fat contents,
6. Bone Mineral Density,
7. Debilitation and/or other diseases would also contribute.
8. As all these factors have not been studied in a comprehensive manner and
Glioma : Type of tumor starts in the glial cells
of the brain

Acoustic neuroma : Type of tumor of myelin forming

cells (schwann cells) of 8 th cranial

Meningioma : Ty p e o f t u m o r a r i s i n g f ro m
meninges, the membranous layers
surrounding the CNS
Most laboratory studies were unable to find a direct link
between exposure to RFR and the incidence of mutation
or cancer.

Most in vitro studies DNA or chromosomal

damage due to RFR

Several in vivo studies Direct effect of

Acoustic neuromas
Particular interest • Location
• Short induction period

• Doubling of the relative risk estimate after 10 years of

regular mobile phone use compared to subjects who
never used mobile phone in Denmark and Sweden
(Christe nsen et al 2004, Lonn et al 2004)

• Six of thirteen components of Interphone study were

pooled for joint analysis
No over all association was seen in all long term users
Data suggested (Schremaker 2005)
There may be increased risk when the preferred side of
the head used is considered in analysis.
Limitation in exposure assessment
Cancer ……
Childhood leukemia

• Meta analysis of 12 studies using a time-weighted

average of exposure greater than 3 mg

68% increased risk of childhood leukemia

• International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC)

EMF (> 1.4 mG) Possible human carcinogen or

group 2b carcinogen

(Greenland; 2000)
Cancer ……
Swiss agency for
Environment, Forest
and Landscape (1999)

EMF/RFR fields

“Possible carcinogen”

Childhood Brain Tumors

Meta analysis reported increased risk for
childhood brain tumors in EMF/RFR exposed
(Wartenberg et al; 1998)
Lennart Hardell Group – Studies
Investigation confirmed an association between mobile phone
use and malignant brain tumors (2010).

Use of mobile phones and cordless phones is associated with

increased risk for glioma and acorestic neuroma (2012-13).

No conclusive evidence of an association between use of mobile

and cordless phones and menignioma was found. An
indication of increased risk was seen in the group with highest
cumulative use (2013).
Effects on the Nervous system…
• Acoustic neuroma
• Brain tumors
• Tumors of the salivary gland
• Impairment to short terms memory
• Headaches
• Sleep disturbance
• Depression & tiredness
• Increase agitation in combination with
nervous exhaustion
(Ozturan et al, 2002; A rai et al, 2003; Parrzzini et al, 2005)
Effects on the Nervous system…
• Fatigue
• Muscle weakness
• Reduced intellectual activities
• Absent mindedness
• Inability to concentrate
• Increase sensitivity to external factors such as noise, bright
light etc.
• Attacks of giddiness/dizziness
• Unstable gait
• Cold hands and legs
• Heart problems such as palpitation, fast & slow heart beat
• Breathing problems
• Overactive thyroids
• Irregular menstrual cycle (Back et al, 2003; Uloziene et al, 2005)
Effects on immune
Some evidence of immune system response
similar to those resulting from thermal stress are
triggered by non-thermal exposure to RF-fields.

Adverse effects on the immune system can

indirectly predispose to infection and caner.

Individual variation in response to RFR.

Effect of RFR on Reproduction
" Reduction in male fertility in rates (Kowalczuk, 1983)
30 min exposure
" Did not observe same effect (Beechey et al, 1986;
Dasdasi et al, 1999)
" Reduction in seminiferous tubal diameter (Dasdog et al, 1999)
and $ in rectal temperature
" Lower sperm count in military personal (Danulescu et al, 1996;
associated with potential RFR exposure weyandt et al, 1996
Schrader et al, 1998)
" A cluster of six cases of testicular
cancer among traffic policemen
using microwave generators (Davies & Mastofic, 1993)
" Excess risk of testicular cancer in
Military personal exposed to
Microwaves & radio wave (Hayes et al, 1990)
" 30% % in sperm count in heavy
users of cell phone (Fejes et al, 2004)
Hungarian Study
221 men for 13 months
Heavy use
Vs Non users
of mobile

Sperm Count

30% drop in sperm count in mobile users

Suggested further studies to confirm

It did not take into account various factors

a) Stress level of user

b) Age of user
c) Coital frequency
d) Amount of radiations the man had been
exposed to
e) Criteria’s of heavy user
American Society for Reproductive Medicines
(Annual Meeting)

Dr. Ashok Agarwal – Cleveland Clinic Foundation US

Cleveland – Mumbai (Sept. 04 – Oct. 05)

- 1 Normal men - 86 million/ml

- Cell phone (< 2 hrs./day) - 76 million/ml
- 2 to 4 hrs./day - 71/ million/ml

- > 4 hrs./day - 66/million/ml

In Vitro Human Study
The effect of pulsed 900-MHz GSM mobile phone radiation on the acrosome
reaction, head morphometry and zona binding of human spermatozoa .

Highly motile human spermatozoa

exposed for 1 h to 900-MHz, mobile
phone radiation. SAR 2.0 W/kg.

Sperm-zona binding Morphometric parameters

was assessed,using were assessed using
the hemizona assay acrosome reaction computer-assisted sperm
was evaluated using analysis
flow cytometry

• This study concludes that although RF-EMF exposure did not adversely affect
the acrosome reaction,
• It had a significant effect on sperm morphometry.
• Significant decrease in sperm binding to the hemizona was observed.
• These results could indicate a significant effect of RF-EMF on sperm
fertilization potential
Falzone et al. (2010)
Effect of early pregnancy electromagnetic field exposure on embryo growth
Analysis was conduced based on the interview of 138 embryo growth
ceasing cases and the matched control using multi factor conditional
logistic regression analysis.
• Proportion of watching TV
• Using mobile phone, Microwave Oven, electromagnetic equipments,
near residence and work place
• High voltage lines: < or = 100 m
• Cell phone towers: < or = 500 m
• Embryo growth ceasing was significantly higher in the cases than the control in single
factor analysis.
• By multi factor analysis only watching TV and using mobile telephone during the first
term of pregnancy were associated with risk of embryo growth ceasing.

Watching TV and using mobile telephone during the first term of pregnancy
may increase the risk of embryo growth ceasing significantly

Suggestion: Pregnant women should not use the appliances for a long time
or do the safety protection when using the appliances e.g. distance
Han J et al. 2010
Risk assessment and risk management

With advancing technology and growing electricity demand, people’s

exposure to EMF is increasing
People’s understanding of EMF technology is poor
There is (some) public concern about the potential danger of exposure to
Communication on EMF technology and risks (e.g. scientific results and
governmental policy) often fails to address knowledge gaps and may
unintentionally enhance concerns
1. What information is available to the general public?
2. What are the most important knowledge gaps and typical non-expert beliefs?
3. How can we reduce important knowledge gaps and address non-expert beliefs?
Literature Review
Cells (plant & animal) exposed to EMF show
“distinct growth changes … alteration in cellular
Human & animal cells demonstrated “modulation of
gene-expression, changes in transcription pattern &
protein synthesis.”
◦ DNA effects
◦ Hawaii Med J 1991
Study design:
1. Descriptive study:
◦ Construction expert model: based on literature search and interviews with
◦ Media-analysis: analysis of the available information (coverage on EMF and
health in newspapers and TV over the last two years and the internet)
◦ Construction lay model: based on interviews and online survey of the general
2. Experimental study:
– Testing effects of different information formats on knowledge and beliefs
3. Development of guidelines for communication
Results: media analyses
The media did not reflect the current state of science (nor the government
standpoint) but rather followed a laymen’s perspective on risk
◦ did not discuss technical aspects, exposure and regulation policy
◦ suggested hazards without discussing specifics
◦ featured local issues
-Little knowledge on EMF technology:
“It is a mystery to me. You don’t see it …. Waves through the air?”
-EMF is perceived as a potential danger:
“I’ve read somewhere that some people have sleeping problems, there are even
people who say it can cause cancer.”
-But most people have no serious concerns:
“When I read about it, I sometimes think “gee” but yes, I usually forget it very quick”
-Little knowledge of and trust in risk management:
“If they (i.e. the government) are doing anything than perhaps it is just on paper,
they should enforce the rules but I wonder if that is the case”
Exposure to EMF
Do you think you can reduce exposure?
In which situation is the total exposure to EMF for the portrayed figure
person highest?
Things you can do to reduce the adverse

Children should only use cell phones next to their heads for emergencies

While talking on your cell phone, try to keep the cell phone away from
your body as much as possible

Avoid using your cell phone when the signal is weak

Avoid carrying your cell phone on your body at all times

If you must carry your cell phone on you, make sure that the keypad is
positioned toward your body
• Only use your cell phone to establish contact or
for conversations lasting a few minutes

• Switch sides regularly

• Communicate via text messaging rather than

making a call

• Avoid using your cell phone in places like a bus

• Choose a device with the lowest SAR possible

Why bother?
The Recommendation calls on the Commission to
1.Work towards the establishment of European standards including methods of
calculation and measure health and safety requirements regarding the exposure
of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields).
2.Encourage research into long and short-term effects of
exposure to electromagnetic fields at all relevant frequencies
in the implementation of the research framework
3. Continue to participate in the work of international organisations
competent in this field and promote the establishment
of an international consensus in guidelines and advice
on protective and preventive measures
4. Keep the matters covered by this recommendation
under review, with a view to its revision and updating,
taking into account also possible effects, which are
currently the object of research, including relevant
aspects of precaution and to prepare a report, within
five years, taking into account the reports of the
Member States and the latest scientific data and advice
The Future
What do you say to the children of the community living
in proximity to the new tower who develop cancer?
Questions and comments

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