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on the occasion of
the 75th Indonesia National Electricity Day
Digital Conference on Electrical Power Industries
Ministerial Session: Human Capital and Sustainability
Jakarta, 05 November 2020, 09.15-10.45
Distinguished participants
Ladies and Gentlemen

At the outset, I would like to convey sincere

apology from H.E. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister
of Environment and Forestry Republic of
Indonesia, who has other appointment today.
The Minister also would like to congratulate
the commemoration of the 75th Indonesia
National Electrical Day on 27 October 2020 by
convening the two-day digital conference on
electrical power industries.

We are very gratefull that clean energy,

electric vehicle, co-firing and other related
topics are discussed in this Conference. This
reflects the concern of electrical community to
the issues associated with the environment
and sustainability.
Seventy-five year is long journey, as long as
the history of the Republic of Indonesia, even
longer, back to the first establishment of
s’Lands Waterkracht Bedriven (LWB) that
managed nine hydroelectric power plants in
some areas in Indonesia in 1927.

This process, I believe, has built the capacity

of the government and electrical power
industries in providing access to energy
sources to community.
Distinguished participants
Ladies and Gentlemen

Electric power industries have many

relations to the environment as there are
mostly categorised as having significant
impact to the environment.
With good and efficient management, these
industries could comply with regulation on air
pollution control, water pollution control and
hazardous substances and wastes
management. In the context current
approaches on circular economy, this waste
could be utilised as opportunities to increase
efficiency and other added values of
industrial processes.
Let me now focus on the issues of climate
change in which electricity is also profoundly
related. Power plant is one of main emitter in
energy sector, from combustion of coal, oil and
gas. To contribute to global commitment in
preventing the increase of global temperature
below 2 degree celcius and make efforts to 1.5
degree celcius, Indonesia has pledged under the
First National Determined Contribution (NDC) to
reduce GHG emission of 29% unconditionally
compared to business as usual in 2030.
Energy sector contributes 11% or 314 million
ton CO2e and 24.75% comes from power plant
with clean coal technology, the use of
renewable energy, low carbon fuel and
enhanced efficiency.

I would like to appreciate the plan to build 9

clean coal power plants by 2030 and increased
capacity of renewable energy power plants,
among others, from geothermal, hydro, wind,
rooftop, photovoltaic, and bioenergy (biomass,
biogas and waste).
The availability of clean energy will support other
mitigation actions such as in transportation sub-
sector with expanded public transportation
nationwide and in industry sub-sector.

We have high expectation for implementation of

this plan, not only to provide the mandatory energy
access but also to respond to the challenges that
currently highlighted by many parties in relation
with the target of 23% renewable energy in energy
mix in 2025.
With regard to the development of electric vehicle,
Indonesia has been identified it as one potential
source for GHG emission reduction in the future of
the NDC.

Indonesia is one of the countries that support the

initiative of e-mobility in COP 24 in Katowice, Poland.
In addition, co-firing is also included as mitigation
actions under energy sector and I appreciate those
electric power plants that have started to introduce
this activity into their operation.
As National Focal Point to the UNFCCC, I would
monitor the achievement of NDC target and will
report it every year to the public at national level.

The efforts to meet this target not only involve the

government and local government, but also private
sector. As this two-day Conference is also attended
by private sector, electrical power industries in
particular, I would like to encourage you to support
the government in reducing GHG emission in energy
sector as climate change is our common concern to
protect our life and livelihood.
These actions, however, together with actions
from other energy sub-sectors, requires huge
investment. Ministry of Finance, Financial
Services Authority and Central Bank of
Indonesia have started with policies to support
investment for measures related to climate
change. Previously, financial institution was
reluctant to provide funding for this type of
Currently, global demand on renewable
energy and low carbon fuel are increasing
and become new market opportunities.

As this Conference also invites the speakers

from financial institutions, I believe that
positive discussion is held and some
recommendation have been provided from
this session as feedback to the Government.
Distinguished participants
Ladies and Gentlemen

I would like to appreciate the Indonesian Electrical

Power Society or Masyarakat Ketenagalistrikan
Indonesia that organizes this event.
I wish the Conference is successful and bring new
ideas on how the issues of environment and
sustainability including climate change are well
addressed among electric industries.

Thank you very much.

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