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Gustave Le Bon
I'm really proud that my study "The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind" led to the development
of group psychology. I'm celebrating it today!
2. Wilfred Trotter
For those who didn't know I am an English Nuerosurgeon but I am fond with what nature brings
and animals do which makes my studies about this known in social psychology. I have this
concept called herd instinct. Gregariousness was an instinct, and I studied beehives, flocks of
sheep and wolf packs then i published my work Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War which
absolutely became famous, you know this is an early concept of crowd psychology. Did you get
my concept? how about yours?
3. Kurt Lewin
Hello Facebook friends and followers...As a social psychologist I tend to work extensively
covering studies about l​ eadership styles and their effects, work on group decision-making, the
development of force field theory, the unfreeze/change/refreeze change management model,
the action research approach to research, and the group dynamics approach to training,
especially in the form of T-Groups. I then develop a theory called "Force Field Theory" this
views people's activity as affected by forces in their surrounding environment, or field. The field
is the totality of coexisting facts which are conceived of as mutually interdependent. What'ya
4. William Schutz
A group may also devolve to an earlier stage if unable to resolve outstanding issues in a
particular stage, these group dynamics as “the interpersonal underworld” because they dealt
with group processes that were largely unseen, as opposed to “content” issues, which were
nominally the agenda of group meetings. what do you say?
5. Wilfred Bion
Are you having trouble in a group?or with your group? Hi I'm a psychoanalyst and I became the
president of the British Psychoanalytical Society from 1962 to 1965. I believe that in every group
two groups are actually present: the work group, and the basic assumption group. The basic
assumption group describes the tacit underlying assumptions on which the behaviour of the
group is based. The three basic assumptions are dependency, fight-flight, and pairing. The
three basic-assumption groups seem each in turn to be aggregates of individuals sharing out
between them the characteristics of one character in the Oedipal situation. Learn more about
the three basic and you'll surely be successful with your goal.
6. Bruce Tuckman
Hey guy's! I'm proposing my four stage model called Tuckman's Stages For A Group. The ideal
for group decision-making process should occur in four stages these are Forming, Storming,
Norming and Performing. My model refers to the overall pattern of the group, but of course
individuals within a group work in different ways. Try to use this for questions leave a comment
7. M. Scott Peck
Similar to Tuckman's stages of group development I also have mine these are the stages of a
community Pseudo-community, second is Chaos, next is Emptiness and lastly True Community.
Communities may be distinguished from other types of groups by the need for members to
eliminate barriers to communication in order to be able to form true community. How about you,
how is your community doing?
8. Edward Bernays
As the nephew of the famous Sigmund Freud I was also able to influence the masses
leveraging my theories. I understood the power of desire, I started drawing on the insights of my
uncle Sigmund and forged a new theory called “the engineering of consent” which enabled to
control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it. But it
acquired a bad connotation so I changed the new term for it called "public relations". Themes
must appeal to the motives of the public. Motivation is the activation of both conscious and
subconscious pressure created by the force of desires. My theory is based on the concept of the
desire and not in need but It is also criticised for my works thinking that it is use to manipulate
the masses, But what you think?
9. Donelson Forsyth
You know what? group dynamics or group process deals with the attitudes and behavioural
patterns of a group. It is concerned with how groups are formed, structure and the different
processes involved in their functioning. It is concerned with the interactions and forces operating
between groups. Be educated and read some of my articles just leave a comment :)
10. William McDougall
Hey Fellas! I'm an author of a book "An Introduction To Social Psychology" I developed a
Darwinian theory of human behaviour based on the assumption of inherited instinct, or
tendency, to note particular stimuli and to respond to them for the purpose of attaining some
goal. Buy my book, pm me, socialize and have a great day ya'll…
11. Sigmund Freud
You know I really agree with the theories of Le Bon, i really agree with his assertion that that the
group causes the individual to express his innermost desires without any inhibitions. Le Bon
does not explore much into the issue of leadership within the group that's why I went on with my
Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist Propaganda but I'm impressed by Le Bons
description of the leader having a hypnotic grip on the masses. Anyways, believe that equality of
love is key in maintaining cohesiveness in the group. Oh yes it's Love after all…
12. Jacob L. Moreno
Are you interested in theater plays? We'll I do guys infact it gave me the idea and lead me
develop my psychodrama technique. In a psychodrama scene, participants act out their
emotions by reacting to others. I'm emphasizing here spontaneity and feedback within a
psychodrama scene because I believed that spontaneity and creativity propelled human
progress forward, love and mutuality are key elements of life in a group and that trust in one's
group members play a seminal role in cultural life. A community that embraced principles of
spontaneity and creativity was possible and a goal worth working toward. Do you agree with
13. Richard Hackman
A leader who get a team established on a good trajectory, and then to make small adjustments
along the way to help members succeed is better than the “I can do it all” team leader. Having
trouble with your teams? I have a book which you can refer “Leading Teams: Setting the Stage
for Great Performances” I'm an expert here Hahaha
14. Emile Durkheim
Society is a sui generis reality, or a reality unique to itself and irreducible to its composing parts.
It is created when individual consciences interact and fuse together to create a synthetic reality
that is completely new and greater than the sum of its parts, and so I developed a new
methodology, which focuses on what I call “social facts,” or elements of collective life that exist
independently of and are able to exert an influence on the individual. Such a good method
15. Wilhelm Wundt
I am the Father of Psychology as you see I'm the one who first started the modern psychology
for I opened an Institute for Experimental Psychology in Leipzig Germany in the 1879, I
separated psychology from philosophy by analyzing the works of the mind in a more structured
way with the emphasis being on objective measurement and control. I believe in reductionism,
consciousness could be broken down (or reduced) to its basic elements without sacrificing any
of the properties of the whole. What you think so?

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