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The Financial Risk Audit – This type of audit verifies that controls over acquisition and

use of resources are adequate. It also verifies that sufficient control exists over assets,
liabilities, revenues, and expenditures. They address the accounting and reporting of
financial transactions, including commitments, authorizations, and receipt and
disbursement of funds. The aim of which is to assess the reliability of the accounting
system and information of resulting financial report. Financial risk audit is composed of
the following
Types of Risk Definition Assertions and Activities

Credit Risk Risks arising from the Compliance to management

borrower’s failure to honor to policies and procedures, BSP
pay his obligations (interest and other regulatory agencies’
and/or loan principal) on due or issuances and directives,
maturity date. proper documentation and
classification and compliance
with internal control standards
and risk management system

Strategic Risk Refers to the risk of failure of Compliance to submitted

the bank to execute business business plan; strategic
plans, objectives and medium implementation, reporting,
to long-term goals monitoring and review.
Assessment and evaluation of
the marketing plan, its policies
and procedures and its
effectiveness in risk

Liquidity Risk The current and prospective Assessment and evaluation of

risk to earnings or capital the implementation of liquidity
arising from the bank’s inability
policies and procedures, risk
to meet its obligations when
they come due without management methodologies,
incurring unacceptable losses limits, structure, monitoring and
or costs. It is the inability to
management information
manage unplanned decreases
or changes in funding sources. system and compliance with
BSP issuances and rulings.

Market/ Interest It is the probability of a decline Assessment and evaluation of

Risk in the value of an asset the marketing plan, its policies
resulting from unexpected and procedures and its
fluctuations in interest rates. effectiveness in risk
The risk to earnings or capital
arising from adverse
movements in factors that
affect the market value of
instruments, products, and
transactions in an institution’s
over-all portfolio. Market risk
arises from market-making,
dealings and position-taking in
interest rate, foreign exchange,
and equity and commodities

Non-Financial Risks - events or actions, other than financial transactions, that can
negatively impact the operations or assets of a company. These include the following

Types of Risk Definition Assertions and Activities

Operational Risk The risk that may arise as a Assessment of the quality and
result of weakness in appropriateness of policies
organizational structure, poor and procedures, to analyze
oversight function of the board the organizational structures
of directors and senior such as people, equipment,
management, defective process and information
personnel recruitment/ technology systems, and to
selection criteria, weak internal evaluate the adequacy of the
control system, inadequate methods and resources, in
internal and external audit relation to the assignment.
coverage and deficient
management information

Personnel Risk Risk on the failure of bank Examining and assessing

and Succession personnel to function and bank policies, procedures,
Plan follow policies, procedures, documentation, systems, and
and violation of the code of practices with respect to an
conduct. organization’s HR functions.
The purpose of the audit is to
It is the failure of the bank to reveal the strengths and
prepare its executive and weaknesses in the human
emergency succession plan. resource system, and any
issues needing resolution.
Information Risk about hardware, Reviewing the governance
Technology Risk software, systems interfaces, (control) of information and
data system users, system communications technologies
and data criticality and (computer). To examine the
sensitivity which will affect effectiveness of their technical
management information, and procedural controls to
reporting and monitoring. minimize risks.

Legal Risk Risk arising from contracts not Identifying and assessing the
legally enforceable or non- completeness, genuineness
documented agreement. It and legality of contracts or
may also refer to failure to agreements and is
honor agreements or contract enforceability. Determines any
with other parties. breach of policies and

Security Risk Risk arising from failure to Review and identifies the
ensure the safety of its strengths and weaknesses of
employees, clients, and current security practices,
properties and the non- prioritize exposures to help
implementation of policies and focus on the greatest risk,
procedures which led to the deliver risk mitigation actions,
any losses or destruction of life consistent with the bank’s
and property of the bank. objectives and compliance
requirements and providing a
repeatable methodology to
support on-going security

Anti-Money Risks which lead to the Review and assess the banks
Laundering layering or integration into the policies on customer
banking system any funds identification, storage, and
obtain from illegal sources. It reporting systems.
is also the failure to detect or
prevent the funding of terrorist
plan and activities.

Business The risk of interruption to Review and assessment of

Continuity operation in the event of the effectiveness of the plan
Disaster Recovery natural or human-related on how the bank will deal with
Plan disaster. How the bank will the risk in case of
deal with this risk should be events/disaster that could
enumerated in a Disaster affect the continuity of
Recovery and Business business operations of the
Continuity Plan which should bank including testing
spell out the time needed for frequency and methods.
system back up, the method of
data protection, relation with
clients, the suitability, quality
and familiarity with the plan of
uninterrupted operation and
implementation of stress tests

Corporate The risk that the board will not Review and assessment on
Governance perform their mandated the performance of the board
functions and responsibilities, and senior officers of the
violates regulations, laws and Bank.
internal policies and

The risk that may arise as a

result of weakness in
organizational structure, poor
oversight function of the board
of directors and senior
management, defective
recruitment/selection criteria,
weak internal control system,
inadequate internal and
external audit coverage and
deficient management
information system. Such risk
may affect the capital and
earnings of the bank.

Compliance Risk Risk to earnings or capital to assess the quality of

arising from violations of, or appropriateness of the
non-compliance with laws, established systems, policies
rules and regulations, and procedures to ensure
prescribed practices, or ethical compliance with laws,
standards. This risk exposes regulations, policies and
the bank to fines, monetary procedures.
penalties, payment of
damages, and suspension of
authorities or violating of

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