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Project Specification Page 1



The Hotel Management System (HMS) project will automate the manual and legacy operations of M/S
CHEZ-LAURENT HOTELS & RESORTS INTERNATIONAL. The project will keep track of guest database, room
reservations, cancellations, check-ins, check-outs, room service, weekly shift scheduling of employees,
finance and reports.

Data Flow Diagram



Rooms Guests Employees

Book / Query /
Cancel Occupy

Bookings / Availability Bookings Assignments

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Database Schema

Column Name Data Type Description
Id VARCHAR(8) Unique Identification for every category of guests
Name VARCHAR(50) Whether Corporate Client or Friend or Regular Guest or Walk-In Guest or Staff Member
Remarks VARCHAR(255) Extra information you may want to store about this category of guests

Column Name Data Type Description
Id VARCHAR(8) Unique Identification for every guest
Title VARCHAR(5) Whether Dr. or Mr. or Miss or Mr. and Mrs. Or Mrs. Or Ms. or Rev. or Sir or Sister
FirstName VARCHAR(50) First name of the guest

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LastName VARCHAR(50) Last name of the guest

Address1 VARCHAR(50) Street/House Number of the guest’s residence
Address2 VARCHAR(50) Sector/Colony of the guest’s residence
Address3 VARCHAR(50) Area/Locality of the guest’s residence
Pin VARCHAR(20) PIN Code of the guest’s residence
Phone VARCHAR(20) Phone number of the guest’s residence
Email VARCHAR(50) Email id
Mobile VARCHAR(20) Mobile phone number
CarRegNo VARCHAR(20) Registration Number of the guest’s car
CompName VARCHAR(50) Company Name where the Guest is working
Nationality VARCHAR(20) Nationality of the guest
NumChildren INTEGER Number of Children who are going to stay in this hotel now
TotalChildrenAtHom INTEGER Total number of children the guest has
GuestType VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of GUESTTYPES table
Remarks VARCHAR(255 Any extra information you want to store about this guest
CreateDate DATETIME Date on which this information was fed into the database. Default is today’s date
CreatedBy VARCHAR(50) Login Id of the clerk who entered this information about the guest

Column Name Data Type Description
Id VARCHAR(8) Unique Identification for every consumable (Food Or Beverage)
Name VARCHAR(50) Name of the dish/drink viz. Idly-Sambar, Bread-Omelets, Chicken Tikka, Malt Whisky, etc.
Remarks VARCHAR(255 Any extra information you want to store about this dish/drink
UOM VARCHAR(25) Unit of Measurement of this dish/drink viz. ml, slices, numbers, etc.
PhotoPath VARCHAR(255 Full path of the picture file name, for example C:\HMS\Images\MOQVQM01.GIF
ApplyTax BIT Whether to apply Sales Tax for this dish or not
PricePerUnit NUMERIC(9,2) Price Per Dish

Column Name Data Type Description
Id VARCHAR(8) Unique Identification for Room-Type
Name VARCHAR(50) Name of the Room-Type viz. Single or Double or A/C or Non-A/C
Remarks VARCHAR(255 Comments on the Room-Type

Column Name Data Type Description
Id VARCHAR(8) Unique Identification for Tariffs
Name VARCHAR(50) Bed-n-Breakfast, Family-Winter-Special, Room-Only-per-Night, Winter-Special, Zero-Rate,
TariffAmount NUMERIC(9,2) Amount of Tariff

Table: ROOMS
Column Name Data Type Description
RoomNo VARCHAR(8) Unique identification for every Room
Description VARCHAR(255 Description for the Room
FloorNo VARCHAR(5) Floor Number viz. I, II, III, etc
RoomTypeId VARCHAR(10) Refers ID column of ROOMTYPES table
Extension INTEGER Intercom Extension number for the room
TariffCode VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of TARIFFS table
Status CHAR(1) Whether Provisional (P), Confirmed (C), Check-In (I), Checked-Out (O) or Cancelled (L)

Column Name Data Type Description
Id VARCHAR(8) Unique identification for every Department
Name VARCHAR(50) Name of the Department viz. House-Keeping, Banquets, Room Service, Restaurant, Bar,
Remarks VARCHAR(255 Comments on the Department
Column Name Data Type Description
Id VARCHAR(8) Unique identification for every Employee
FirstName VARCHAR(50) First name of the Employee
LastName VARCHAR(50) Last name of the Employee

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Sex VARCHAR(10) Gender of employee whether M or F

DeptNo VARCHAR(8) Department id to which the employee belongs. Refers ID column of DEPARTMENTS table
Address1 VARCHAR(50) Employee Address Line 1
Address2 VARCHAR(50) Employee Address Line 2
Address3 VARCHAR(50) Employee Address Line 3
Phone VARCHAR(25) Residence Phone

Column Name Data Type Description
Id VARCHAR(8) Unique identification for every Booking-Type
Name VARCHAR(50) Name of the Booking type
TariffId VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of TARIFFS table

Column Name Data Type Description
Id VARCHAR(8) Unique identification for every Booking-Source
Name VARCHAR(50) Name of the Booking Source viz. Phone, Internet, Booking-Agent, etc.
Remarks VARCHAR(255 Comments about the Booking Source

Column Name Data Type Description
BookingCode VARCHAR(8) Unique identification for every Booking
GuestNo VARCHAR(8) Guest number
RoomNo VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of ROOMS table
BookingType VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of BOOKINGTYPES table
BookingSource VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of BOOKINGSOURCES table
ArrivalDate DATETIME Date of the arrival of guests at this hotel
Deposit NUMERIC(9,2) Amount deposited by the guest (also called CAUTION DEPOSIT)

Column Name Data Type Description
BookingCode VARCHAR(8) Refers BOOKINGCODE column of CHECK-IN table
CheckOutDate DATETIME Date on which the guest vacated the room
Outstanding NUMERIC(9,2) Amount pending from the guest (if he is a regular customer or staff member)

Column Name Data Type Description
BillNo VARCHAR(8) Unique identification for every bill produced by the restaurant and bar
ConsumableNo VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of CONSUMABLES table
RoomNo VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of ROOMS table
BillDate DATETIME Date on which the bill was created

Column Name Data Type Description
BookingCode VARCHAR(8) Auto-generated unique identification for every booking made by customers
RoomNo VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of ROOMS table
BookieName VARCHAR(50) Name of the person who is booking the room(s)
BookDate DATETIME Date of booking
GuestName VARCHAR(50) Name of the guest (if different from BookieName)
NumberOfAdults INTEGER Number of adults who are going to stay
NumberOfChildren INTEGER Number of children who are going to stay
CheckInDate DATETIME Expected date of check-in

Table: SHIFTSCHEDULES (stores info about the shift for every employee, whether first, second, night or general)
Column Name Data Type Description
StartDate DATETIME Beginning date of the week
EndDate DATETIME Ending date of the week
EmpNo VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of EMPLOYEES table
Location VARCHAR(8) Duty place of employee for the week viz. Room No 45 to 60 or Restaurant or Banquets
ShiftNo CHAR(1) Whether first shift, second shift, night shift or general shift (store only 1, 2, N or G here)

Table: PAYDATA1 (stores info about all payments made by guests)

Column Name Data Type Description
BookingCode VARCHAR(8) Booking Code for the guest. Refers BOOKINGCODE column of CHECK-IN table
PayDate DATETIME Date of the payment. Default is today’s date
DueDate DATETIME Due date for the payment (in case the customer is staying today and paying after few

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DueAmount NUMERIC(9,2) Amount to be paid by customer/guest

PayAmount NUMERIC(9,2) Amount paid by the guest/customer
PayMode VARCHAR(10) Mode of the Payment, whether Cheque or Cash or Credit Card
PayRef VARCHAR(50) Payment Reference i.e. Cheque/Credit Card Number along with bank & branch name
Remarks VARCHAR(255 Comments about Payment

Table: CANCELLATIONS (stores info about reservations which are not promoted to check-in i.e. cancellations)
Column Name Data Type Description
BookingCode VARCHAR(8) The BC which you want to cancel. Refers BOOKINGCODE column of RESERVATIONS table
RoomNo VARCHAR(8) Refers ID column of ROOMS table
CancelDate DATETIME Date of the cancellation
Remarks VARCHAR(255 Any comments about the cancellation
FineLevied NUMERIC(9,2) Fine charged for the cancellation
FineWaived NUMERIC(9,2) Amount of fine waived by the hotel (if the guest is known to F & B manager or such cases)
FineCollected NUMERIC(9,2) Total fine amount collected from guest

Menu Hierarchy

HMS starts with a CONTROL CENTRE screen, which is nothing but a MDI form containing these menu items:

The CHECK-IN Menu Item (under BOOKING menu)

This option should present a screen which displays a grid in the centre and a couple of options on top of it.
The options are:

• An Availability Button which will open a popup. The popup will ask for Start Date and Number of
Days to Display and will display the availability status of all rooms within those particular days.

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• A New Booking Button which opens a popup and accepts Arrival Date, Departure Date, Room Type,
Number of Adults and Number of Children. Based on the user’s choice of room type, all available
rooms in that category must be displayed and user must choose one room from this list. After
selecting a room, a big window like this should be displayed:

When the operator clicks on “DEPOSITS” button, a small popup window containing Mode of
Payment, Amount Paid and Date of Payment (today’s date) should be displayed. Always, the status
of a room should be “PROVISIONAL” when a guest makes reservation. Status should be changed to
“CONFIRMED” when the guest makes a deposit (usually 2 days rent).
• A Check-Out Button which requires at least one booking on the grid to be highlighted (selected).
• A View Booking button which requires at least one booking on the grid to be highlighted (selected).
This button will open a popup window which contains information about Room number, arrival date,
departure date, number of nights stayed, number of adults, number of children, tariff charged,
guest name, deposits received from guest, any payments received so far from guest, booking type,
booking source, remarks and total accommodation cost. You should also provide options to print,
make group booking and add to group.
• A Sort By Frame containing a drop-down list box with options Booking Code, Group Code, Arrival
Date, Departure Date, Room Number, Guest Name, Balance, etc.
• A Filter by Room Type Frame containing 2 radio buttons – SINGLE and DOUBLE.

The grid should contain the following information:

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You can also include a frame titled “Search For” with a set of radio buttons - “All Bookings”, “Future
Bookings”, “Arrivals”, “StayOvers”, “Departures”, “Past Bookings”, “Created Date”, “Booking
Code” and “Group Code”. Whenever a user clicks on one radio button, the grid must immediately display
the information based on the radio button selected. You can assign different colors for confirmed rooms,
checked-in rooms, checked-out rooms and cancelled rooms. Make your grid colorful. For example, the
above picture shows a sky-blue color for bookings no. 685, 686, 676 & 684, which means the rooms have
been checked-out.

The CHECK-OUT Menu Item (under BOOKING menu)

If the “CHECK-IN” window is already open, then this option must bring CHECK-IN window to the top. If not,
the CHECK-IN window must be opened with all guest info displayed in a grid (only those guests who are
currently staying in the hotel). The operator should select one row at a time and click the “CHECK-OUT”
button. This should open a new window showing the expenses incurred by the guest so far, during his stay.
That is, all restaurant bills, permit room bills, room service bills, banquet bills, telephone charges and room
rent must be displayed VERY NEATLY on this screen. Include a “CHANGE” button next to Restaurant
Charges and Banquets Charges textboxes (it is possible to give discounts on these charges if the guest is
known to the F & B Manager or some top person in the hotel). In the bottom of the charges screen, you
should display a “PAY NOW” button which will open a modal popup window and accept MODE OF PAYMENT,
AMOUNT and PAYMENT REFERENCE (usually the Credit Card Number or Cheque Number with bank &
branch name).

The RESERVATION Menu Item (under BOOKING menu)

If the “CHECK-IN” window is already open, then this option must bring CHECK-IN window to the top. If not,
the CHECK-IN window must be opened. Repeat all the procedures for NEW BOOKING button in CHECK-IN
screen. A reservation is usually done when a customer phones and requests for a room for the night. So
the status of the room he requests should be set to “PROVISIONAL” in the database.

The CANCELLATION Menu Item (under BOOKING menu)

Only a room which is already reserved can be cancelled. So this menu option should open a window
showing all currently reserved rooms, in a grid. You must also display some buttons like “VIEW GUEST
DETAILS”, “POSTPONE BOOKING”, “ROOM AVAILABILITY”, etc. in this screen. The operator should click on a
particular row and click “CANCEL NOW” button. Immediately that room status should be set to “CANCELLED”
in the db.

The PAYMENTS Menu Item (under BOOKING menu)

This option should open a big window and display the same window as shown above, in page 5. The screen
should calculate all payments due from the guest including restaurant expenses, bar expenses, room
service expenses, etc. When operator clicks “OK” in the end, all this info must be recorded in the PAYDATA1

The GUEST DATABASE Menu Item (under MARKETING menu)

This option should open a big screen with a grid. Display the Full Name, Company Name, PIN Code and
Email Id in the grid, and have some extras like CREATE GUEST button, REMOVE GUEST button, SEARCH BY
radio-button, SORT BY drop-down-list, etc. Also, please include a “ALL GUESTS” radio button somewhere !
This does not fall under the purview of this project and may please be omitted. For details contact


Reports are the most vital pieces of information for a company’s self-assessment and further development.
Always remember, all reports must have the hotel logo on the top right corner and name of report on top

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left corner. At the bottom, you should display DATE RUN: 23 October 2001, 14:30 hours on left bottom
corner, PAGE n OF n on right bottom corner. All reports should accept a FROM DATE and TO DATE in a
popup window first, and only then open the Crystal Report or Data Report (whatever it may be).

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The ARRIVALS REPORT should display Booking Code, Room Name, Number of Nights, Guest Name, No. of
Adults, No. of Children and Current Room Status between those dates.

The DEPARTURES REPORT should display Booking Code, Room Name, Number of Nights, Guest Name, No. of
Adults, No. of Children and Balance between those dates.

The BOOKING TOTALS REPORT should display Total Number of Bookings, Total Accommodation Cost, Total
Extras Cost, Total Bookings Cost and Total Balance between those dates.

The CONSUMABLES DISBURSEMENT REPORT should display Consumable Name, Quantity Disbursed and Total
Cost FOR EVERY ROOM between those dates given. So you must produce a grouped report.

The HOUSE-KEEPING ACTIVITIES REPORT doesn’t fall under the purview of this project. So please omit this.

The CANCELLED BOOKINGS REPORT should display Booking Code, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Guest
Name, Cancellation Reason, Cancelled By, Total Cost, Deposits, Payments and Current Balance. Print totals
for all numeric values. See the screen shot below for guidance.

The DEPOSITS RECEIVED REPORT should display Booking Code, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Guest Name,
Payment Method and Deposit Amount between those dates. Print totals for all numeric values.

The OCCUPANCY REPORT should be grouped by ROOMTYPE i.e. Occupation Date, Vacated Date, Number of
Adults and Number of Children should be displayed for every room, categorized by room-type (Single
Room, Double Room, Deluxe Room, etc) between those dates.

The PAYMENTS RECEIVED REPORT should display Booking Code, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Guest Name,
Payment Method and Amount of Payment between those dates. Print totals for TOTAL NUMBER OF ENTRIES

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The FINANCIAL BY ARRIVAL and FINANCIAL BY DEPARTURES REPORTS should display the following info:


Only the WEEKLY SHIFT SCHEDULE option must be enabled. All other options must be disabled. The WEEKLY
SHIFT SCHEDULE screen should look like this:

The LICENSING Menu Item (under SETTINGS menu)

This option should open a window and display the License Number, Hotel Name, Hotel Address, Telephone
Numbers, Email Addresses, etc.

The ACCESS CONTROL Menu Item (under SETTINGS menu)

This option should display a window with one list box and three buttons (ADD, EDIT and REMOVE). The list
box should contain all user names currently available. When the operator selects one username and clicks
EDIT, a small window should popup. It should contain four text boxes: USERNAME (disabled), OLD PASSWORD,
NEW PASSWORD and CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD along with Ok and Cancel button.

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The TARIFF SETTINGS Menu Item (under SETTINGS menu)

See screen shot below for guidance.

The ROOM SETTINGS Menu Item (under SETTINGS menu)

This option should display a window with one list box and three buttons (ADD, EDIT and REMOVE). The list
box should contain all user names currently available. When the operator selects one username and clicks


This option should display an ADD-MOD-DEL screen for guests. Just display the guest names and their
company names in a grid and include some option to ADD, MODIFY, DELETE and SEARCH FOR information. Put
some radio buttons to search by First Name, Company Name, Phone Number, Guest Type, Nationality, etc.
Also include options to print customer standings, send email to a particular customer or a group of
customers together.

The PAYMENT MODES Menu Item (under SETTINGS menu)

This is an ADD-MOD-DEL screen for the different paymodes like Cash, Bank Transfer, Cheque, Credit Card,
Debit Card, etc.

The SYSTEM SETTINGS Menu Item (under SETTINGS menu)

This option should open-up a screen containing three tab pages – Module Access, Database Store and
Color Schemes. The first tab page should display a frame with caption “Login Required For” containing
five checkboxes - “Booking”, “Marketing”, “Reports”, “Maintenance” and “Settings”. If the operator
ticks an option, then HMS should demand a password (in a popup window) every time the operator
chooses an item from that particular menu. The second tab page “Database Store” should allow operator
to change the database store. This screen should contain two radio buttons reading “Microsoft Access”
and “ODBC”. If operator chooses “MS Access” then a textbox should appear and allow him to browse for
the MDB file. If he chooses the “ODBC” option, then a drop-down list box containing the options “Oracle -
ODBC”, “Oracle – OLE-DB” and “SQL Server – OLE-DB” should appear. Next to this drop-down, there
must be a text box where user can type the connection string. This option is used in case the hotel wants
to change to Oracle or SQL Server or Sybase or Ingres or Informix database (or vice versa) midway

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