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10/26/2020 MT&T: LESSON 32.


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Mechanics of Tillage and Traction 3(2+1)
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32.1. Introduction
Current course
MT&T Geographic Information System (GIS) is defined as an information system that is used to input, store, retrieve, manipulate, analyze and output geographically referenced data or geospatial data, in
Participants order to support decision making for planning and management of land use, natural resources, environment, transportation, urban facilities, and other administrative records.
Introduction to
mechanics of tillage A GIS thus consists of
MODULE 2. (a) An eaxtensive database of georraphic information involving both positional data about land features and descriptive/non-locational data about these features at different points of time and
properties of soil, (b) Sets of programmes of applications, which enable the dat to be input, assessed, manipulated, analysed and reported
MODULE 3. Design 32.2. Components of GIS
of tillage tools,
principles of s... Hardware
MODULE 4. Deign
equation, Force Software
MODULE 5. Data
Application of
dimensional People
analysis in s...
Module 6. Methods
Introduction to
traction and
mechanics, ...
(i) Hardware
Module 7. Traction Hardware is the computer on which a GIS operates. Today, GIS software runs o a wide range of hardware types, from centralized computer servers to desktop computers used in stand-alone or networked
model, traction
improvement, tr... configurations
Module 8.Soil
compaction and
(ii) Software
plant growth,
variabi... GIS software provides the functions and tools needed to store, analyze, and display geographic information. Key software components are:
Tools for the input and manipulation of geographic information
A database management system
Mechanical and
Tools that support geographic query, analysis and visualization
properties of ...
A graphical user interface (GUI) for easy access to tools
(iii) Data
GROWTH Possibly the most important component of a GIS is the data. Geographic data and related tabular data can be collected in-house or purchased from a commercial data provider. A GIS will integrate spatial data
LESSON 30. with other data resources and can even use a DBMS, used by most organizations to organize and maintain their data, to manage spatial data.
FOR (iv) People
CROP GROWTH GIS technology is of limited value without the people who manage the system and develop plans for applying it to real-world problems. GIS users range from technical specialists who design and maintain the
BY ...
system to those who use it to help them perform
LESSON 32. A successful GIS operates according to a well-designed plan and business rules, which are the models and operating practices unique to each organization.
VARIABILITY 32.3. Advantages of GIS
Courses Exploring both geographical and thematic components of data in a holistic way

Stresses geographical aspects of a research question

Large volumes of data

Integration of data from widely disparate sources

Allows a wide variety of forms of visualisation

32.4. Disadvantages of GIS

Data are expensive

Learning curve on GIS software can be long

Shows spatial relationships but does not provide absolute solutions

Origins in the Earth sciences and computer science. Solutions may not be appropriate for humanities research

32.5. Spatial variability of soil characteristics

Characterization of spatial variability of soil physical and chemical characteristics (e.g., soil texture, organic matter, salinity, water content, compaction, and nutrient content) is very important for managing
agricultural practices. The precision of statements that can be made about soil properties at any location depends largely on the amount of variation within the area sampled. As heterogeneity of soils increases,
the precision of statements about their properties, behavior, and land use performance decreases.
Spatial variability of soil variables is commonly a result of complex processes working at the same time and over long periods of time, rather than an effect of a single realization of a single factor. To explain
variation of soil variables has never been an easy task. Many soil variables vary not only horizontally but also with depth, not only continuously but also abruptly. Field observations are, on the other hand,
usually very expensive and we are often forced to build 100% complete maps by using a sample of less than or equal to 1%.
32.6. Objectives of soil spatial analysis
Spatial analysis of soils also known as neighbourhood analysis has the following objectives.
To find out the weighted average of a given soil property which varies from point to point over a given area of land for result interpretation and for carrying out simulation experiments in the field.
To work out interpolated values of a given soil property over time and space in unsampled or unvisited sites between sampled estimates for the purpose of depicting contour lines on the base maps.
To develop a rational sampling strategy for characterization of soil status to pave the way for successful implementation of field experiments.
The advent of GIS softwares has simplified the process of studying the variability with geostatistics being part of every GIS software.
32.7. Geostatistics
Geostatistics is a tool to help us to characterize spatial variability and uncertainty resulting from imperfect characterization of the variability. Geostatistics involves the theory of regionalized variables, which
dates back to the early fifties and includes concepts of random function and stationarity. Geostatistical mapping can be defined as analytical production of maps by using field observations, explanatory
information, and a computer program that calculates values at locations of interest. There are a number of spatial prediction models depending on the amount of statistics involved in the analysis.
Most geostatistical studies in soil variability studies aim at estimating soil properties at unsampled places and mapping them. Kriging is a generic name adopted by the geostatisticians for a family of
generalized least-squares regression algorithms.
32.8. Interpolation by Kriging
Kriging is a technique of making optimal, unbiased estimates of regionalized variables at unsampled locations using the structural properties of the semivariogram and the initial set of data values. A useful
feature of kriging is that an error term (estimation variance) is calculated for each estimated value providing a measure of the reliability of the interpolation. The simplest forms of kriging involve estimation of
point values (punctual kriging) or areas (block kriging) and assume that the sample data are normally distributed and stationary. Various other estimation procedures are available when sample data show
departures form these assumptions.
Soil properties often exhibit lognormal or complex probability distributions, in which case lognormal or disjunctive kriging is more appropriate. Directional differences in variation can also be taken into
account during interpolation by using the anisotropic semivariogram model to obtain the weights in the kriging system

Last modified: Wednesday, 19 March 2014, 12:05 PM

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