What Is A Computer Virus

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What is a computer virus?

 A computer virus, much like a flu virus, is designed to spread from host to host
and has the ability to replicate itself. Similarly, in the same way that flu viruses
cannot reproduce without a host cell, computer viruses cannot reproduce and
spread without programming such as a file or document.
 In more technical terms, a computer virus is a type of malicious code or
program written to alter the way a computer operates and is designed to spread
from one computer to another. A virus operates by inserting or attaching itself
to a legitimate program or document that supports macros in order to execute
its code. In the process, a virus has the potential to cause unexpected or
damaging effects, such as harming the system software by corrupting or
destroying data.
How does a computer virus attack?
 Once a virus has successfully attached to a program, file, or document, the virus
will lie dormant until circumstances cause the computer or device to execute its
code. In order for a virus to infect your computer, you have to run the infected
program, which in turn causes the virus code to be executed.
 This means that a virus can remain dormant on your computer, without
showing major signs or symptoms. However, once the virus infects your
computer, the virus can infect other computers on the same network. Stealing
passwords or data, logging keystrokes, corrupting files, spamming your email
contacts, and even taking over your machine are just some of the devastating
and irritating things a virus can do.
 While some viruses can be playful in intent and effect, others can have profound
and damaging effects. This includes erasing data or causing permanent damage
to your hard disk. Worse yet, some viruses are designed with financial gains in
How do computer viruses spread?
 In a constantly connected world, you can contract a computer virus in many
ways, some more obvious than others. Viruses can be spread through email and
text message attachments, Internet file downloads, and social media scam links.
Your mobile devices and smart phones can become infected with mobile viruses
through shady app downloads. Viruses can hide disguised as attachments of
socially shareable content such as funny images, greeting cards, or audio and
video files.
 To avoid contact with a virus, it’s important to exercise caution when surfing the
web, downloading files, and opening links or attachments. To help stay safe,
never download text or email attachments that you’re not expecting, or files
from websites you don’t trust.
What are the signs of a computer virus?
 A computer virus attack can produce a variety of symptoms. Here are some of

Frequent pop-up windows. Pop-ups might encourage you to visit

unusual sites. Or they might prod you to download antivirus or other
software programs.
Changes to your homepage. Your usual homepage may change to
another website, for instance. Plus, you may be unable to reset it.
Mass emails being sent from your email account. A criminal may take
control of your account or send emails in your name from another
infected computer.
Frequent crashes. A virus can inflict major damage on your hard drive.
This may cause your device to freeze or crash. It may also prevent your
device from coming back on.
Unusually slow computer performance. A sudden change of processing
speed could signal that your computer has a virus.
Unknown programs that start up when you turn on your
computer. You may become aware of the unfamiliar program when you
start your computer. Or you might notice it by checking your computer’s
list of active applications.
Unusual activities like password changes. This could prevent you from
logging into your computer.

How to help protect against computer viruses?

 How can you help protect your devices against computer viruses? Here are
some of the things you can do to help keep your computer safe.
Use a trusted antivirus product, such as  Norton Antivirus Basic, and keep it
updated with the latest virus definitions. Norton Security Premium offers
additional protection for even more devices, plus backup.
Avoid clicking on any pop-up advertisements.
Always scan your email attachments before opening them.
Always scan the files that you download using file sharing programs.

What are the different types of computer viruses?

1) Boot sector virus

This type of virus can take control when you start — or boot — your
computer. One way it can spread is by plugging an infected USB drive into
your computer.

2) Web scripting virus

This type of virus exploits the code of web browsers and web pages. If you
access such a web page, the virus can infect your computer.

3) Browser hijacker

This type of virus “hijacks” certain web browser functions, and you may be
automatically directed to an unintended website.

4) Resident virus

This is a general term for any virus that inserts itself in a computer system’s
memory. A resident virus can execute anytime when an operating system

5) Direct action virus

This type of virus comes into action when you execute a file containing a
virus. Otherwise, it remains dormant.

6) Polymorphic virus

A polymorphic virus changes its code each time an infected file is executed. It
does this to evade antivirus programs.

7) File infector virus

This common virus inserts malicious code into executable files — files used to
perform certain functions or operations on a system.
8) Multipartite virus

This kind of virus infects and spreads in multiple ways. It can infect both
program files and system sectors.

9) Macro virus

Macro viruses are written in the same macro language used for software
applications. Such viruses spread when you open an infected document, often
through email attachments.
How to remove computer viruses
 You can take two approaches to removing a computer virus. One is the manual
do-it-yourself approach. The other is by enlisting the help of a reputable
antivirus program.
 Want to do it yourself? There can be a lot of variables when it comes to
removing a computer virus. This process usually begins by doing a web search.
You may be asked to perform a long list of steps. You’ll need time and probably
some expertise to complete the process.
 If you prefer a simpler approach, you can usually remove a computer virus by
using an antivirus software program. For instance, Norton Antivirus Basic can
remove many infections that are on your computer. The product can also help
protect you from future threats.
 Separately, Norton also offers a free, three-step virus clean-up plan. Here’s how
it works.

1. Run a free Norton Security Scan to check for viruses and malware on your
devices. Note: It does not run on Mac OS.
2. Use Norton Power Eraser’s free virus and malware removal tool to destroy
existing viruses. Need help? A Norton tech can assist by remotely accessing
your computer to track down and eliminate most viruses.
3. Install up-to-date security software to help prevent future malware and
virus threats.

20 Common Types of Viruses Affecting Your Computer

 When we talk about computer security, the virus is the leading threat. It can
destroy a single program or the whole computer system instead. The very first
virus was created in the 1970s and was called the Creeper virus, affecting
computers on the ARPANET. In 1981, the first hacker-made virus came into
existence and spread through Apple floppy drives.
 According to Information-Technology Promotion Agency, the numbers of
viruses ballooned to 52,151 in 2004. However, due to certain programs that
completely eliminates viruses, their numbers decreased to about 14,000 in
 57% of the threats affecting your computer security is viruses. Other threats
include Trojans, adware, worms, and malware, among others. Now, viruses are
still widespread, affecting PC performance. Viruses are also tools of hackers to
gain unauthorized access to your system and steal private information. It is
important that you are aware of the different types of viruses that are affecting
your computers.
Resident Virus
 Resident viruses live in your RAM memory. It can interfere with normal system
operation which can lead to the corruption of files and programs. The most
popular examples of resident viruses are CMJ, Meve, MrKlunky, and Randex.
Multipartite Virus
 This type of virus can easily spread in your computer system. It is very
infectious, performing unauthorized actions in your operating system, in
folders, and other programs on the computer. They have the ability to infect
both the executable files and the boots sector.
Direct Action Virus
 Direct action viruses attack certain types of files, typically .exe and .com files.
The main purpose of this virus is to replicate and infect files in folders. On the
lighter note, they do not typically delete files or affect PC performance and
speed. It can be easily removed by antivirus programs.
Browser Hijacker
 This type of virus infects your web browser in which it will bring you to
different websites. Typically, if you key in a domain name in the internet
address bar, the browser hijacker will open multiple fake websites that may
harm your computer. On the other hand, most trusted browsers have built-in
features to block them ahead.
Overwrite Virus
 From the name itself, this virus overwrites the content of a file, losing the
original content. It infects folders, files, and even programs. To delete this virus,
you also need to get rid of your file. Thus, it is important to back up your data.
Web Scripting Virus
 This virus lives in certain links, ads, image placement, videos, and layout of a
website. These may carry malicious codes in which when you click, the viruses
will be automatically downloaded or will direct you to malicious websites.
Boot Sector Virus
 Boot sector viruses affect floppy disks. They came to existence when floppy
disks are important in booting a computer. Although they are not very common
today, it is still causing other computer units, especially the outdated ones. Some
examples include Polyboot.B and AntiEXE.
Macro Virus
 Macro viruses target applications and software that contain macros. These
viruses can carry out series of operations affecting the performance of the
program or software. Some examples of macro viruses are O97M/Y2K, Bablas,
Melissa.A, and Relax.
Directory Virus
 Directory viruses change file paths. When you run programs and software that
are infected with directory viruses, the virus program also runs in the
background. Further, it may be difficult for you to locate the original app or
software once infected with directory viruses.
Polymorphic Virus
 Polymorphic viruses use a special method of encoding or encryption every time
they infect a system. With this, antivirus software finds it hard to locate then
using signature searches. They are also capable of replicating easily.
Polymorphic viruses include Satan Bug, Elkern, Tuareg, and Marburg.
File Infector Virus
 This virus also infects executable files or programs. When you run these
programs, the file infector virus is activated as well which can slow down the
program and produce other damaging effects. A large block of existing viruses
belongs to this category.
Encrypted Virus
 This type of virus uses encrypted malicious codes which make antivirus
software hard to detect them. They can only be detected when they decrypt
themselves during replication. Although they don’t delete files or folders, they
can badly affect PC performance.
Companion Virus
 This is a type of virus that doesn’t survive without accompanying an existing file
or folder. In order to carry out damages, the file or folder being accompanied by
companion viruses should be opened or run. Some examples of companion
viruses include Terrax.1069, Stator, and Asimov.1539.
Network Virus
 Basically, this type of virus spreads out through Local Network Area (LAN) and
through the internet. These viruses replicate through shared resources,
including drives and folders. When network viruses enter a computer, they look
for their potential prey. Dangerous network viruses include Nimda and
Nonresident Virus
 Nonresident viruses replicate through modules. When the module is executed, it
will select one or more files to infect.
Stealth Virus
 Stealth viruses trick antivirus software by appearing like they are real files or
programs and by intercepting its requests to the OS. Some antivirus software
cannot detect them. Sometimes, it temporarily removes itself from the system
without deletion.
Sparse Infector
 Sparse infectors use different techniques to minimize its detection. They are
viruses that infect “occasionally”. For example, they may only want to infect a
program every tenth execution. Because they are occasional infectors, antivirus
software has a hard time detecting them.
Space filler Virus
 Also known as “cavity” viruses, space fillers attach themselves to the file and can
alter the start of the program or change the encrypted code. They also
implement stealth techniques so that users cannot determine the increase the
file code. The most popular Space filler is the Lehigh virus.
FAT Virus
 Basically, this type of virus ruins files allocation system where the information
about files, including the location, exists.
 Other threats are not technically called as “virus”, but they also have the same
damaging effects as viruses. This includes worms, adware, malware, Trojan, and
ransom ware.
 To prevent these viruses from affecting your computer, it is important that you
install the best and the most competitive antivirus software that can detect,
blocks, and eliminates all types of computer viruses.
What is a Computer Virus and What Does It Do?   
What is a computer virus?
 Think of a biological virus – the kind that makes you sick. It’s persistently nasty,
keeps you from functioning normally, and often requires something powerful to
get rid of it. A computer virus is very similar. Designed to replicate relentlessly,
computer viruses infect your programs and files, alter the way your computer
operates or stop it from working altogether.
 In 2013, the botnet virus Game over ZueS was discovered to use peer-to-peer
downloading sites to distribute ransom ware and commit banking fraud. While
tens of thousands of computer viruses still roam the internet, they have
diversified their methods and are now joined by a number of malware variants
like worms, Trojans, and ransom ware.
How does a computer virus find me?
 Even if you’re careful, you can pick up computer viruses through normal Web
activities like:  
Sharing music, files, or photos with other users
Visiting an infected website
Opening spam email or an email attachment
Downloading free games, toolbars, media players and other system
Installing mainstream software applications without thoroughly
reading license agreements
What does a computer virus do?
 Some computer viruses are programmed to harm your computer by damaging
programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard drive. Others simply replicate
themselves or flood a network with traffic, making it impossible to perform any
internet activity. Even less harmful computer viruses can significantly disrupt
your system’s performance, sapping computer memory and causing frequent
computer crashes.  
What are the symptoms of a computer virus?
 Your computer may be infected if you recognize any of these  malware symptoms:  
Slow computer performance
Erratic computer behavior
Unexplained data loss
Frequent computer crashes
How to protect against computer viruses
 When you arm yourself with information and resources, you’re wiser about
computer security threats and less vulnerable to threat tactics. Take these steps
to safeguard your PC with the best computer virus protection:  
Use antivirus protection and a firewall
Get antispyware software
Always keep your antivirus protection and antispyware software up-
Update your operating system regularly
Increase your browser security settings
Avoid questionable Web sites
Only download software from sites you trust.
Carefully evaluate free software and file-sharing applications before
downloading them.  
Don't open messages from unknown senders
Immediately delete messages you suspect to be spam
 An unprotected computer is like an open door for computer viruses. Firewalls
monitor Internet traffic in and out of your computer and hide your PC from
online scammers looking for easy targets. Products like  Webroot Internet Security
Complete and Web root provide complete protection from the two most
dangerous threats on the Internet – spyware and computer viruses. They thwart
threats before they can enter your computer, stand guard at every possible
entrance of your computer and fend off any computer virus that tries to open,
even the most damaging and devious strains.  
 While free antivirus downloads are available, they just can't offer the computer
virus help you need to keep up with the continuous onslaught of new strains.
Previously undetected forms of polymorphic malware can often do the most
damage, so it’s critical to have up-to-the-minute, guaranteed antivirus
How to Take Care of Your Computer?
 Almost all households in the world have their desktop computers. In the
modern world, computers are very important – education, business, research,
and other functions. In the United States, 85.1% of the American households
have personal computer, according to 2016 statistics. Of course, as computer
users, we should take care of our computers. In this article, we will discuss the
basic care and maintenance of your computers.
Keep your software up-to-date
 Your computer will prompt you if there are software updates. It is important
that you keep your software up-to-date, including your operating system to fix
bugs, glitches, and vulnerabilities of the previous version. They also strengthen
the security of your computer. Some computers perform automatic updates.
Install antivirus software
 A computer virus is a primary threat to computer health. They damage not just
certain programs and software in your computer, but your system as a whole. It
is important that you keep these viruses from entering your computer. Install
antivirus software that will detect, block, and eliminate all types of viruses.
There are dozens of competitive antivirus software available on the internet.
Secure a backup of your files
 Sometimes, computer problems and issues come unexpectedly. This may be due
to cyber attack or power outage. It is best to be secure your files and documents
in advance. There are two ways in backing up your data. First, you can use cloud
storage in which you can upload copies of your files and documents through the
internet. The second one is through external storage devices. Make sure to have
multiple backups.
Defragment your hard drive
 Part of computer maintenance is by defragmenting your hard drive. Usually,
computers are equipped with disk defragmenters. You just need to go to the
system tools and run the disk defragmenter. In cases you do not have this, there
are dozens of disk defragmenting programs and software that can be
Get rid of unused programs
 Make it a habit to declutter your PC. Get rid of old files and programs that you do
not need anymore. This will lessen the burden of your PC from running them in
the background. The best way to do this is to install and run a disk cleanup
program that deletes temporary files and clean your registry.
Activate the Firewall
 Viruses can penetrate your computer systems through the internet. It is
important to activate your firewall. A firewall acts as a gate or barrier that filters
data from gaining unauthorized access to the computer system. Typically,
computers have a built-in firewall. But if you want to strengthen security, install
a third-party firewall that provides maximum internet protection.
Safely remove devices
 Most of you are guilty of this one – not safely removing external devices. It is a
must that you eject devices, drives, and other media in a safe mode. This
prevents corruption of data both in the computer and on the external drive.
Consider reformatting
 If your computer is really full of viruses and loads, affecting PC performance,
consider reformatting. Of course, to do this, make sure you back up your files.
Reformatting will bring back your computer the way it is before. However, we
recommend that you let PC technicians do this for you.
Clean your computer screens
 When we tend to overuse the computer, we forget cleaning the computer
externally, especially the screens. Like any other appliances, computers need
regular cleaning. We advise that you use a soft cloth or special wipes in cleaning
your computer screens and some other external parts of your computer. Get rid
of dust, smudge, dirt, etc.
Invest in cooling pads
 Another factor that affects PC performance is overheating. When you use your
computers for a longer period of time, consider buying cooling pads. Cooling
pads are external devices that prevent computers from overheating. Apart from
cooling pads, you can use fans. But if you want it to be easy, avoid using your
computers in an environment with extreme temperatures.
Take care of your battery
 Laptop batteries do not last a lifetime. But you can extend its lifespan by taking
good care of your battery. Avoid overcharging your battery. If it reaches 100%,
make sure to unplug it. If you are not using your laptop, it is also recommended
to remove the battery pack.
Use a surge protector
 Surge protectors are special appliances or devices that protect appliances,
including the computer from voltage spikes. They limit the voltage supply, by
blocking or shorting, to avoid the power from exceeding a safe threshold. It is a
safe practice for your laptop or computer, especially when they are plugged into
the power supply.
Protect your desktop
 When we say “protect”, we meant literal protection. Buy cases or bags where
you can safely store your laptops especially when traveling. Moreover, cover
your desktop computer with a cloth. This can keep your computer away from
Avoid eating near computers
 This is a must! Avoid eating near your computers, or better, do not eat while
using your computer. Food crumbs or pieces may get into your keyboard and
other parts of your computer which will attract ants, termites, and other insects.
If this happens, the insects might destroy some internal parts on your computer.
Consult a PC expert
 Lastly, always ask a PC technician about your computer health. If you want to be
100% sure that your computer is doing okay, bring your unit to your favorite PC
technician. Let them do the rebooting or reformatting, defragmentation,
troubleshooting, and complete computer maintenance. If you are an owner of a
website, make sure you consult an IT expert to make sure that your websites are
safe and secure.
 Basic care and maintenance for your computer are very important. It prevents
certain factors and issues from arising, affecting the PC performance. If you take
good care of your computer, you can get rid of viruses, malware, and other
threats in advance. Invest in software that protects your PC from viruses, cleans
up drives, and performs overall PC maintenance.
The Advantages of an Antivirus
 Having a good anti-virus program can be the difference between the life and
death of your computer. With so many computer viruses in existence, protecting
your computer's security should be one of your top priorities. Aside from just
stopping viruses, most anti-virus programs have other features, such as
firewalls, that will ensure the well-rounded safety and security of your valued
Protection from Viruses
 The greatest and most obvious advantage to installing anti-virus software on
your computer is that it will prevent you from getting viruses such as Trojans,
malware and spyware. Viruses range in severity from the harmless to the
downright system crippling. Not only can a virus destroy all of the valued data
on your computer, it can make the computer utterly worthless by infecting and
destroying processes vital to your computer's performance.
Protecting Personal Information
 Hackers and viruses go hand in hand. A good anti-virus program will protect
you while you surf the Internet, preventing hackers from gaining access to
personal things such as credit card information and bank account access. The
firewall feature included with most anti-virus software will block any
unauthorized incoming connections to your network or computer, preventing
hackers from digging their hooks into your life and your computer.
Cost Savings
 Though some anti-virus programs are quite pricey, there are some very good
options for those wanting something relatively cheap or even free. Many free
anti-virus programs are available that will protect your system just as well as a
subscription-based anti-virus program. Even if you choose to go with a program
you have to pay for, the cost of the program and subscription to their service
will almost certainly extend the life of your computer, meaning you'll have to
purchase new computers less frequently than those who choose not to use anti-
virus software.
 Though you may find it inconvenient to have to run virus scans and worry about
the security of your computer, you'd have more to worry about without proper
anti-virus protection. A computer left open for viruses and hackers will often
start to show premature signs of wear and a significant slowdown will be
noticeable, making normal computing tasks take much longer and causing much
more hassle. Let's assume your system does get infected with a virus. Without
protection you'd be at the mercy of the virus and you'd have to waste time
trying to find it, delete it and restore any damage it has caused and it will still
probably be there, even after deletion. Yet with proper real-time anti-virus
software working you will simply get a notification that a virus has been
detected and be asked if you would like to delete it. These notifications usually
come as soon as the virus is detected, leaving it without enough time to do its

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