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wwe eo Design Ratodt ayo Weer Taceatl ment: Urilts = 15 “ans 1) Pipe Ganectians = 50 yen ss YY = 1 | Sesukce Reservitas (OHT ox Grand Tank)=!5 cor Ht) LshPlastion Sy stem= %0 Yeors| [Fepulatfon foxecasting Methed'= Ant} g3i0 '-Tncgease lation Frm decade fo decade { aSccrmed 4o be constant. (Po= ree ss Geometete Increase Methed'= Reucentage Increase fr populatin fem decade tp deade $3 assamed 4> be cons z Tnereamental Tnerease method! dombinotian of ee ard 4 qeometyic Increase method. fPn= Pot nx + (2H) fathexe P= Projected Population after, n decades, fo=Fepulation of last knewn decade N= No. oF decades bho Now | future, %= Average increase of pepulalion of keaon decal |= Avg: of increamental increase of knadn decades, se= Geometric mean rede of Pacrease in pepulation Fee decade. 90.= A] 9,5, 3 94 =m J GOI Manual Recommends '- |As1. Method Ps used for old cities, where gyeoith seade $3 cmstort. wi Fes Noo 4 Yuunger citi wo will ute Gf Methoct, (cy) Whenever, there % nogatte seate of Prewase, TL method % wed: Water Demand '~ W)) Domestic Wartex Demand !- 135 te 22S LPCDC tre Rex Getta fi Day) 2) Commer dia) Water Demand!~ 20to 50 LPCD fox Cinema 4 Theatres = 1SLPCD ¢ foxy Hospitets = 4 te 3980LPCD os Iindustrfa) (later Doman d !- fox fapee Tndusty (1 tonne pradaclon) = 200-JarURD fox high Endeartry City = 480 CPCD © Novina? Indus fad thy = 50 LPCD, rd a Public Use !- L0LPCD,Nanina? amount of exceeding Sp of tote Gouption oF city” ise Demand! - 1 LPCD fos a chty of Bo Lacs population. fie S Fsce Demand vihen population excoeds 50,000 then computed arn chLing’s Formula '- [= 3152 JP] [® Pe Under whétters frmula'-| ‘seeman's Formula !- [ep= 1136 [E +10] Antes Ppulationz dines | Baston's fosmula!- [= 5663 IP Q= 46 374P(1- 0+ 1-0.01SP) | al whee D= Quanttty of Outer in Line)nfin. \BY) when Population >2 Lacs Im theatands B= 54600 A/rmtnute ~HYYN YY YYVViviVvVEEwe PHY Tye eee eree | Pere Capita Demand '= 1415 annual Aver ae sxcoguived by { forson {Q= Wel Fearly wafer factoss AHecttng ex Copiita.bemand!- oookeet @||stze of Cty @ citrate @ndition 6 Qualfty of water Supply a0 Proasure fr dastefution System © Sycter of Supply. Maximum Daily Demand!- (= 1-8 x Average Baily Consompition| ra Maximum nd 6. Da mand — Hourly Vasdation Fa ctox Bai box LB2 oR = 3 "Fx Annual Average Harsly Dewand] Gancident Demand '- = Max: daily demand + ftre demand © Total Demand:- = May. of {incident demand, May. Hovely Demand§ eG fg 9 = | g ©: olf Suspended Solfds = (Zoom! L. * Tasbidtty ¢ Accepitble Inmi + ofor tarblatty ts llmg/L oR ANTU, : o Permissible ott ofox tusbidtty fs |Amg/L oR 6 NTU ede © Came for eojection %[5™MF|L_oR BNTUNephebmeler Tidy Unit) Method of Tarbidity- D Tostidty Rod @ Tackson's Totidtymelee g wi © Bays Tewbidity Meter @ nephelometor © Colous'- Colous fs measured by TINTONIETER™ { wie AL= 5 TCU § CFR=25TCOS(TW= Tue Glows Unit) (iv Taste and Odour '- Taste 4 odous axe clfectmable because of cascinogentc nature. © Taste’4 edo meaxred bey Osmoscope.* wv © GOT xeemmmends TON behoeen Land 3, Tempesocture > [AL= 10 to 20°C | CEFR = 29°C) (2) Chemica! faxcametes & ¢ © Intensity measured fn Thxerhold Odous Number (TON) & c c | Dissolwed Selfds ‘| d PH Value!- |AL=.6-5 106.5} a Alkaltattey'= Quon tty of fong that wil’ neurgcaltze H+ tons. 5 HAlsalinity % due fo COs, Hcda', of! eta @ fox Alkalinity mansusemert_¢ O.02N_H3S0y fs used In tftvatlon. 4m oF actd fe. —E ©-02N Hp son given tmgtl value of Alkalinity exprevied as cats, ce’ >I chlaxtde Content cam equivalent =| “[AL= Dome Ls cP Feemonent/ hlon favbarate Haadreti"> Chore, sulphates 4 nitrates wrong *lAL= 2somalt “€ CER = Locompit} [© cng Ania (Albuns (= oa gl CER outmgi Pe © Nitrite (NO»)'- Indicates pasty decomposed condition [AL=0 (Toxic to ache Nitrogen Centent’- © Free Amonta:- Indicates xerenh fullain AL=ous 4) niftrate (NOs):- Indicates fully oxtdtzed 6 matlee, H can alse indicate. aid pollution .fAr= 4 Smgie, cPR=4ema@le Nftsate ¢s not harmful bocatese Ft Ps fally oxfdized € can ret xeact furthur | elele' Sut foo much of wftvate fs causes Blue Raby Disease ox Methemeglobinemia, Ss Wil) Pluosides'- [AL= imgit ceR= b Smet 5 TOP! dmg iLft helps to provent dental caviHes but excess of IF CLSmyLy 5 xesults #9 dewloxattan of 4eeth] mottling of teeth > IF 75 mate, causes deformation oF Bones (Bone Flauoats) ~ Witty Setadsr— : oa ¥ wo Alinetar [AL [CPR | comments a Tscon__| o-saghe | tmgle =» Mangnese O-0Fmp/L| 0.05 mple| 2 Copper _|e-oSmpb| $. Smgplt|Laxpe qumbtty affects Aungs € sesphratry oxgens 2 Salphade| foomp | Acomge a) Zine _| Sg | wSmgl | Zine 5 called nerhont of Lhe +» Assenfc |o-olmglt|oosmgit} Causes acucle texidty 2 hemang, or Gyarfide _|0-oFmgit|oosmple| yore sends the body tneaable of canrping oxygen - Mexcusey |o-ots9 (}o-004 mpit |Naccuisey ¥3 toxfe-fo all Fowms oF fe shoud F 0-00! mp7 2 1) | Biological Paseametees 'rcat fnportont axgaritins ave pabhegens bene Yr trey ae capable of transmitting chisease¢x- Bacteria, Vis, Proferea, Helminth. 2 fattornsi: Hosess aencbic lactore Fermentets organisms. E-Coll(Eschwchi-ci)| ©, Tvtetheds of Treatment . mo locculation —» Pfitseation —- pestnfecHon —* Other meheda| —) erfing —> Aexattion —- Sedimentation — Coagulaction ore eran Y) i cexeortinn 7s dene +o geemoye the, heaviek suspended __i™ r __|Smpuserter From fhe wntor the plars, stones, animals, ete i a i) ial Hosa Om Coagse Screens '= Din of bars =26™, cpacing =20- 180mm, ploved at 36¥e vil di Fine Screens: These axe gonexably n the form of ystve mesh of size torn. Te scomove gases Like H28 and CO; : @ thods'-(h) Spraty Nozzle Method :- Most efficient meted. __e. Cascade hevator'= Efficiency fs abt 40% ee Spray Tower Mettod'- Best mephad to semere Pron, mangnee fy ay Diffused Aty Nlethed!- Lt has Aighest opeeattonal cost: o- Ww Sedimentation '= 1+ natural provers by whfch seitds with Hpherdertiy f e than the fluid fn whfch aw nded, sett kes under the action + 2 * : ccoscling fo Stoke's law: \Ve = Sodimentation Tank ?s two types: [veKineratte viscolty d= porte &) Quiescent Type:- Bententien tne 21 mn, Ceoving tnkersal @to42 hrs db Gottnuous Tepe'- {7 @ Hortrontal Plow Tanks - Rectanga las O.© Vertkal Plow Tanks - Cisceulax. Pl * [Suphoce Gre Flow Rate vo= Spe Betertbn Time = ear floo ~ ¥ Data fos design of sodtmentation Tank !~ @ fos plane sedimentation over flew site Yo= 18000-30000 L{m>/dag & For Plane sedi mentation, Benton Hime = 2to4 Haves. © bbb bt. for Sedimentatibn with coagulation , detention Hme = 2-2-5 hast. a for Sedimentation with coagulatfon, Over Flow 2a4e Yo= 30000-Hoco L 1m” Hayy Ga @ P Inidth of temk = 1o-12™, Depth of tenk Ts taken = Sx a) Sedimentatim tonk $5 designed fer maximum dail flea? (1-27). © | 44 Cleteal Flow Tank !- Volume | = 0*(0-041D +0-7O5H) \P jatton ‘~ Cong la#fon Jc pisces yn which covtain chemicals known as coagulants ase added fr the water so as 40 neu tealVce Hhe charges over the x eq cascticles so thal the pasettcls can cxrne fopethat fo frewtase effclency. . ¢ Diftexent +4p2s of coogalants Used ese@'= : * (bf Alum (At; (80u)3. 19H20]:~ Dow of Alum vasles from 10 ~ somplt. a ell When Ifme 95 added, acidity fs not fnduced bat hasdness ¥s Induced. ‘ © || When Seda ash 95 added, acitHy 15 Induced but hardness fs net Pnduced. rh Z eee le % ))| Coppeseas [FeSOu.F Hr 6] ~ This process also adds hardness fo water, Dose= Jo-somph 3 *|| Copperas Ts never used For-twan tment of coloured wales astt esis cazcinogenie "Rn Gil] CMovinated Coppesas [Fe2(S0u)s-FeCls]™ Et ts formed by chlorination of coppakas. Sedium Aluminate (Mar Aly 04) '= This process wemove, both tenperoy 4 pormarent-« 7 Lime. r Tlfflocculatton'- tn Flocculation, eurbvalzed, susperced pascicles ave provided _~ toith sufficient contact time so as to combine § grees in Size and get i finally sxemoved £n the sedimentatim pwecess Fréteat1on '— fritvattion semove the flocs 4 finer unsedimereid pestis thaough beds of Qearnulas medertas § abso wemeves suseonded orgemfe meter, micxvoxgontsins amd dissolved minecals from the water. Greavitey felts. Gb Prosmxe Fler 1 Sloo Sond Ffltez'-Rate = 2400-8600 i}mzJaayy, Efficencey =40-49 7. 2 ds=0 2-0 LO Raptd Sand ftitex'-[Bepth=ac- asm, dons P-loont dozens oem | ‘ec tfon:- The rs a) mferoos-gantsms ether by phoysfcal | process oy chenfcal proces’, Physica) - Boiling, UV treatment etc. Chemical ~ ChlevinaP ton, Freatment by Brontine , Iodine , Ozene ef. Chloseinatfon:- pH of water during chlorination Sheuld be ble? €te % Qe = Is Se a ah LeEcecceewer ec yelele| .; At PH CS, chlorine does net seonct with water and xemain a8 Free lime oe fosms fn which chlorine fs added axe! 2 @) Faee lime (B) Bleaching Powder (Ca0CL) © chloremi nes © chlorine dioxide (102) : 2 Effective In disinfectim'— ClO: > HOCI> chlowaminey > OOl” 4 © || Tapes of Chlosinatfon- ibe OPlane chloeinatfon © Pre chlexinatton Super chin seination 9» . "Testing of chlorine Residue™ © staxch todide Ta Ochoa ® Oxthetolfdene Test @) DPD Test (Oi Ethyt Raxaphenglene Dfamene) Water Dfstfbutton Sgctem := j Gyavitasttona system © Famping Syhem © Combined system Sqstem of Water Supply = © Cantinucus Sepply ® Intemnitient Supple Layout of D&shibutton System i= vee : old towns where howe ate $n unplanned way. @ Tt 9s easy fo design and fchoap 4 Simple. Leal es Uv ey aya i=) | Ged Taxon System!- One main pipe suns thrnugh cee and _©== branches and lateral seem $n géefd gatteen which ave fotet comected. Co TF ¥s also known a3 Retiewlae fs suited for glanned ety, ES Ring System! This fs also known as cfreulas, system, a 2 Lk consists of @ main pipe all aseund the aKea. oe Radiat System'- A yore laseqe acon $3 divided nto tevora) Zones apd at the centyo of each zene, 0 distrfbulfon seoseeviow, ft kept ra Fl Tetnts fn Fipelines ‘- ou Awl s f= Used to conn fr oni : = YA) Clase Joint: Used for joining RCC pipes and asbestos pipes —-— EU Cxpanslon Jolnt'- Provided fn metal pipe at suitable fnterva) 4o take _ bate account the chamge in pipe length due to fompeea ture vasiation. = NOfE:- conteaction Soints axe of provided fev wafer supply Lines. & |IPy, 1 es !— US} Slutce ValvefG.ate Valve! Provided la of w pipe ond axe esrontfal to divide the mains nto several sections. ow 123) Relie? Valve '- Provided at summit {0 xelease pressure. o BSF check /Re ton- Referning Valve s- These ase edi that pornfits the Plow in one dixeetion only. e Butterfly Valve !- top the Plow? fh Jase: foe). Ts] || Decaf / Scaring / Bleu off Valve '- It xemaves sand, efit ete. the picgling. By te) w Ball /all Ploat Vales’ Ured to maintain o constant law inan 2VBied _e sarse Rebief | Safety Valve '- lhen the pressuse of water suddenly Sncresaty, exceeds the pernfistible pressure, } xesults fry water hammer, _-” [The valve oper. nufornatically to COSS Prog ure Lstankeneeusly. FT Watee Posxne Dfseases'— & % fa!- These axe tiny, single celled asegerfisms Lhe got nutscients gq from thets environments. 13 Vfseus - Ther ave even sm ba, The 9+ pyen les es simply gonittie maferiapcpnh OURND) packaged inside ofa patton coating. Z0a'- These WS, Ike bacteria, but -phey ati i bigges than bacterta and contain a nucleus other cell shucties. ve te

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