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Analysis of the problem

Upazila parishad (UZP) and Union parishad (UP) are two of the local government institutions
among those that are functioning in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh [ CITATION Ish17 \l 1033 ].
The main purposes of the Upazila parishad is to provide welfare facilities in the locality, keeping
the order of the authority, constructing of roads, irrigation schemes, creating jobs, developing 5
year plans and overall decreasing the overall poverty [ CITATION Ish17 \l 1033 ]. On the other hand,
the Union parishad is responsible to provide various services to the citizens and caters toward the
overall local rural development. Although decentralization makes the governance closer to the
people and its importance cannot be denied. But there might be some problems. As
decentralization in the Upazilla and Union Parishad gives the power to the local authorities to
take decisions based on their own set agenda, sometimes it leads to conflicts among the peers
which might eventually effect on the quality of the service. The steady institutional progress is
rather seen much less [ CITATION Ish17 \l 1033 ]. The country is still lacking responsible and
efficient local governments whose sole interest is to help the locals with their wants and concerns
(Fox and Menon, 2008). Political leadership of different parties is another problem to this
system. Sometimes it is seen that they initiate changes to the structure in the name of
decentralization [ CITATION Pra11 \l 1033 ]. The problem arises because the local governments in
Bangladesh is typically dominated by central bureaucrats and politicians who lead from the
centre and they have the ultimate power or control over decision making, which leads to
autonomy [ CITATION Rah19 \l 1033 ]. Another problem is the lacking of the financial resources,
low rates of local government’s revenues and the interference of the member of the parliament
regarding the usage of resources seems to be a serious problem. [ CITATION Rah19 \l 1033 ]. Social
barrier seems to be another problem, women participation in the local government seems to
increase comparatively than before but the quality is questioned in the field level. And not due to
their incapability rather it’s because of the societal fixated belief [ CITATION Rah19 \l 1033 ].

Jahan, I. (2017). An analysis of fiscal decentralization of Upazilla Parishad in Bangladesh.
Pranab Kumar Pandey. (2011). Local Government System in Bangladesh: How far is it
Decentralised? Lex Localis, 205-230.
Rahman, A. (2019). Issues and Prospects of local Government. New age, dhaka.

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